Topic 10 Hpme5023

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Explain the change process;

Describe how to bring about change initiated by the leader and

change as a collaborative process between all parties, leaders
and subordinates;

Organise the school to have a strategic advantage to achieve the

school objectives;

Manage knowledge effectively;

Establish the school as a learning organisation.

Leadership of nations and organisations takes on a different form
other than what is normal.
The followers cannot be fooled into obeying the leader without
questioning him.

They must be satisfied with the decision of the leader, use rational,
logic and reason as the guiding principle in all actions.
As the result of this change, leadership takes a different shape.
Participative leadership, empowerment of followers and collective
decision making are the norm.

Leaders of the future should be shaped to fulfil the requirements

and specifications of the present era and the future.

Leaders should be educated, trained and exposed to the changes

that are happening in society and be adaptable to future changes.

A rigid leader will either make way for an adaptable leader or has
to shape himself to fit the requirements of the present and the

Inflexible leaders have no place in our fast changing world.

Understanding change
The process for initiating top-down transformation

Process for Initiating Bottom-up Transformation


A culture of change consists of great rapidity and nonlinearity on

the one hand and equally great potential for creative
breakthroughs on the other.

The paradox is that transformation would not be possible without

accompanying messiness.

In Malaysian Education - change of the medium of instruction.

Understanding change and the after effects of the process would

be a good asset for leaders

As a leader in a school, the principal plays an important role to lead the

teachers, students and the parents towards the path of change.

The principal needs to have knowledge about the change process and
the right attitude towards the need for change.

A change might not achieve its target if the people who are to be involved
in the change process do not give their cooperation.

They need to be convinced and the task of the leader becomes heavier
and he needs other skills, such as communication skills, human relation
skills and resilience.
The process for initiating top-down
transformation - 8 step process -
Kotter (1991)
Establishing a sense of urgency
Creating a guiding coalition
Developing a vision & strategy
Communicating the change vision
Empowering broad-based action
Generating short-term wins
Consolidating gains & producing more change
Anchoring new approaches in the culture
Process for Initiating Bottom-up
Mobilize commitment to change through joint diagnosis with people
in the organisation of business problems.
Develop a shared vision – organize & manage for competitiveness.
Foster concerns for the new vision, competence to enact it, and
cohesion to move it along.
Spend revitalisation to all departments without pushing it from the
Institutionalise revitalisation through formal policies, systems, and
Monitor and adjust strategies in response to problems in the
revitalisation process.

Many nations around the world are capable of producing and

offering goods and services to consumers worldwide, but not all
will be equally successful. The success of every endeavour is
dependent on a number of aspects that can be characterised
as strategic advantage planning.

Discuss the FIVE factors that contribute to strategic advantage


( Total / Jumlah: 20 )
Strategic advantage planning

Strategic advantage planning is the process of creating a

competitive advantage over other organizations.

In the case of education institutions, strategic advantage

planning can help them to attract more students, retain them,
and provide them with a better educational experience.

Here are five factors that contribute to strategic advantage

planning with examples in education institutions:
Strong Leadership

Strong leadership is an essential factor that contributes to

strategic advantage planning.

In the context of education institutions, the leadership should be

able to provide a clear vision, communicate effectively, and make
sound decisions.

For example, the president of a university may set a goal to

increase enrollment by 10% over the next five years. The president
then communicates this goal to the faculty and staff, who work
together to develop strategies to achieve this goal.
Innovative Curriculum
Offering an innovative curriculum is another important factor that
contributes to strategic advantage planning in education institutions.

An innovative curriculum can help an institution to differentiate itself from

competitors and attract more students.

For example, a business school might offer courses on emerging

technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine
learning, which are in high demand among students and employers.

For example, a school with a strong emphasis on project-based learning

may be able to engage students in hands-on, collaborative projects that
build critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Having access to sufficient resources, such as funding, facilities,

and technology, can help a school to provide high-quality
education and support services.

For example, a school with a well-equipped computer lab may

be able to offer more advanced computer courses and attract
students who are interested in technology.

The quality and expertise of a school's staff can greatly influence

its success. A school with highly qualified and motivated
teachers and administrators may be better able to provide
effective instruction, mentorship, and support to students.

For example, a school with experienced and enthusiastic science

teachers may be able to offer advanced science courses and
attract students who are interested in STEM fields.
Technology Integration

Technology integration is an important factor that can help

education institutions to provide a better educational experience
to students.

For example, a university might use a learning management

system to provide students with access to course materials,
assignments, and discussion forums. The university might also
use virtual reality to simulate real-world situations for students in
fields such as engineering and healthcare.
Student Support

Providing strong student support services can also contribute to

strategic advantage planning in education institutions.

For example, an institution might offer tutoring services, career

counseling, and mental health services to help students succeed
academically and professionally.
Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborating with other institutions, businesses, and organizations

can also contribute to strategic advantage planning in education

For example, a university might partner with a local hospital to

provide clinical experience for nursing students. The university might
also collaborate with local businesses to provide internships and job
opportunities for students.

For example, a school that partners with a local museum may be

able to offer field trips, internships, and guest lectures that enhance
its curriculum and expose students to real-world experiences.

The values, norms, and expectations that shape a school's

culture can greatly influence its ability to attract and retain
students, staff, and community support.

For example, a school with a strong culture of inclusivity and

diversity may be able to create a welcoming and supportive
environment for all students, regardless of their backgrounds
or identities.
Manpower planning should consider recruiting the right people for
the right posts to ensure that the best suited person holds the post
to best meet the planned objectives within the targeted period.

Skilful and educated workforce is an advantage for the successful

implementation of any development programme or change.

Positive attitude and work ethics of the workforce.

The existing demographic/geographical/policy advantage.

The leader should be strong in the sense that he gets the support of
the majority of the people.

This strong support helps in achieving the objectives of the

development and change programs.

All this characteristics could be established if the leaders and

society are willing to change.

Multi- Information
tasking and

Jack of all trades and master of all.

Strategic leadership
- Ability to inspire others to voluntarily
- make long term forecasts & strategies to ensure
the survival
- Ability to translate the strategic plans into short-
term activities
The principal can draw a schedule for the utilisation of the Internet
by the students outside school hours as part of the co-curriculum
activities including seeking information for their assignments.

The school can appoint senior students who are knowledgeable

about the use of the Internet as mentors to other students.

Classes for learning to use the softwares provided by computer

companies can be held for the students so that they can master the
skills of using the computer.
Competitions can be held for the students such as designing web
pages to create interest and awareness among the school
population regarding the usefulness of the computer.

The school can develop an informative web site for others to

communicate with the school.

The school can develop relationships with other schools across the
globe through their web sites.

Information and knowledge exchange between the schools across

the globe will be beneficial to all parties.

The students can become “ambassadors” for Malaysia to foster

goodwill among the students around the globe.
Leaders should be able to visualise the future for these visions

Provide precise guides to action and allow reasonable

discrepancies in need of attention to be detected in the school so
that actions can be taken to rectify these discrepancies.

These visions should be widely shared so that they will become

points for discussions and shared collective decisions.

The ability to inspire others to voluntarily make day-to-day

decisions to enhance the company’s long term viability.

The ability to make long term forecasts and strategies to ensure the
survival as well as the healthy existence of the organisation.

The ability to translate the strategic plans into short-term activities

that lead into financial ability and profit.
Principal who develops a vision for the school to achieve and at the
same time he becomes an inspiration to the teachers, students and
parents to achieve the objective of the vision by ensuring the
achievement of the objectives of the short-term development

The most difficult part of this strategic leadership is the ability to

continuously inspire one’s followers

He has to devise means to inspire the followers such as laying out

one mission after another to be accomplished.

After every successful accomplishment they should celebrate to

mark every success.
Visionary leadership Managerial Leaders

Are most comfortable handling day-

Is future-orientated and concerned to-day events, and focus on the short-
with taking risks. term goals rather than long-term

Visionary leaders are not dependent

on their organisations for a sense of Although sometimes applied as a
self, and organisational control is remedy for many organisations in a
maintained through a set of fast changing environment
commonly held values.

Visionary leaders are not readily embraced and unless they have managerial
leaders to support them.
Strategic leadership presumes that managerial and visionary
leadership can co-exist, and that strategic leadership is a
synergistic combination of the two.

A strategic leader has the ability of the visionary leader as well as

the managerial leader.

The development of a strategic leadership is important for long-

term school improvement.

Our Malaysian schools need leaders who can strategise the vision
of the schools and at the same time create keen interest among the
teachers and students to achieve the short-term goals
Knowledge management is very critical for the survival of a nation
because it is a critical element of any business strategy.

Knowledge of the business strategy will allow the organisation to

accelerate the rate at which it handles new market challenges and
opportunities, and it does so by leveraging its most precious
resource, collective know-how, talent and experience.

Knowledge management tells us that we should take stock in our

greatest, most precious organisational asset; intellectual capital.
An individual learning component which focuses on developing
human intellectual capital by enhancing the knowledge of
individuals through formal class work, e-learning and mentoring.

An organisational development component which utilised adaptive

learning to create social capital through such devices as the use of
teamwork, partnerships and strategic alliances with other
An intellectual property management component that deals with
knowledge that has already been converted into explicit form such
as patents, research reports and trademarks, with the objective of
generating greater revenues through licensing, brand extensions
and the creation of new products.

An innovation component which focuses on generative learning to

create new products and processes through creative thinking and
which manifests itself in forms such as “idea fairs”, and small grants
for exploring new ideas.
A knowledge management component which focuses on the
explication of the tacit knowledge that exists in the minds of
organisational participants and that knowledge which is embedded
and in the process and relationships of the organisation. Once it
has been made explicit, it can be stored and communicated
throughout the organisation.

An information system infrastructure which enables the

components to operate and to be integrated into an overall
supporting structure for the effective knowledge organisation.

A learning organisation is considered as an important factor

that will ensure the organisation to survive in turbulent times for
it is able to continuously learn from the information available
and to adapt and adopt new technologies to ensure the
organisation is at the cutting edge of new knowledge and

Learning organisation is an organisation where every member of

the organisation has to continuously learn and relearn because to
be relevant at all times one has to update one’s knowledge, skills
and attitudes. It is a process of lifelong learning.
This process of lifelong learning is also a cooperative process
among members where adaptation and improvement is
There is no such thing as “the best” product or service because a
new idea and product will become obsolete and needed to replace
Knowledge Management and Learning
Organisation in the School System
Learning organisation and knowledge management needs to be implemented in
our schools.

Our future citizens need to be inculcated with the belief that changes occur
continuously and we have to adapt and improve in order to be up-to-date in

Knowledge must be managed wisely through creative, innovative and critical

thinking processes so that new ideas of doing things can lead to new inventions
and innovations.

The culture of the learning organisation should be developed in all schools where
students would seek knowledge wherever and which can lead to creativity and
the creation of new knowledge.

This topic has investigated the link between strategic leadership and
leading change. It is important that leaders must understand change and
how it affects their schools.
To handle change effectively, leaders have to understand the process of
initiating top-down transformation and bottom-up transformation.
Change inevitably needs strategic leadership and it is necessary for
leaders to know the enactment of strategic leadership for change in their
In the 21st century with the advancement of technology and in a digital
world, leaders need to understand how to lead in organisations where
work ethics and organisational structures are different from the 20th
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T7 : Factor
Contribute to Politics T4 : Leadership
T1 : Nature of Machiavellian &Motivation T10 : 5 Factor that
Contribute to
leadership Organisational
Tendencies Causes of
disagreement Theories Change Strategic Advantage
Behaviour planning
Management Traits Modification
vs Power
8 Steps in
Leadership (4) Role Initiating
T2 & T3 : Organisation

Leadership Theory Transformation

Obstacles Promote
Theory Contemporary
Theory Educational T8 : Problem
Ethical/ Leadership Solving
Creativity &
Traits Moral Instructional Creative
Transactional & Problem
Behavioural Transformational Solving
Contingency Approaches
Situational Being CreativityT6 :
T5 School Empowering
T9 : Leader
Reasons For
Making Social
Key Element
Communication Theory Y
System Value Assumption Team Ingredients Inclination
work Commitment Education
Incremental Conflict Supportive of senior Obstacles
Model management
Classical Characteristics
Model Mix Scanning Conflict Cross-Cultural
of effective
Administrative Model Management Respond team
Model Style
T7 : Faktor
Penyumbang Politik T4 : Kepimpinan
& Motivasi
T10 : 5 Faktor
T1 : Kepimpinan Struktur Machiavellian
Penyumbang kepada
Perubahan Perancangan
Organisasi Tendencies dalam
Pengurusan Tingkah Laku Strategik
Tret/Sifat Organisasi
vs Kuasa
Kepimpinan(4) 8 Langkah untuk
T2 & T3 : Teori Pembelajara

Kepimpinan Transformasi

Halangan Galakan

Teori Teori
Tradisional Semasa
T8 : Penyelesaian
Pendidikan Masalah
Kreativiti &
Tret/Sifat Moral Instruksional Inovasi Penyelesaian
Transaksional & Pendekatan Masalah
Tingkahlaku Kreatif
Transformasional Organisasi Untuk
Menjadi Kreatif T6 :
Situasi Pemerkasaan/
T5 Sekolah Pengupayaan Punca
T9 : Kominikasi Pemimpin Kegagalan
Membuat Elemen Utama
Keputusan Sistem Kecenderungan
Sosial Nilai Andaian Pasukan Teori Y
Kerja Komitmen Ramuan
Model Konflik Pengurusan Pendidikan
Berinspirasi Menyokong Halangan
Peningkatan Senior
Model Ciri-ciri
Klasik Model Gaya Merentas
Budaya Pasukan
Model Imbasan Pengurusan Respon Yang Berkesan
Pentadbiran Pelbagai Konflik

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