Roles of Modern Communication Tools in The Development of Secretariat Profession New

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Chapter One

1. 0 Background to the Study

The early years of the secretarial profession was limited to typing, writing and transcribing of

shorthand only. Nowadays, the practice has gone far beyond these, it now involved functions as

sorting and retrieving of information, passing on information and so on with the help of manual

electronic equipment. Majorly, the secretary handles more office jobs, makes and takes decision

on behalf of his/her organization, some of these duties require extensive use of the technological

facilities. The continuous emergence of new information and communication technology raises

inevitable challenges and controversies about the future of the office secretaries in information

and communication technology era. This enhanced greater connectivity in the work place and

has significant enhancement of employment opportunity in the area of office automation

(Onwukwe & Aliche, 2012). The key feature of modern technology is its ability to deal with

information in one form or the other. Emergence of ICT in the Business Organization The world

of modern office automation technology is changing rapidly growing as a result of technological

development. This is a very wide departure from the traditional business enterprises to the

evolution of international and multinational organizations in economy (Adedoyin, 2010). Some

of the national establishments have acquired and installed modern office automation in the public

sectors. Technology changes in our environment coupled with competition within a particular

industry or in the society account for the reason why secretaries should engage in training and

development to meet up with the challenges (Akpomi, 2003). This is as a result of the need to

match changes in structure, policies, technology, processes and producers with the needed

performance, attitude and behaviors (Otobo & Makeri-Yahaya, 2002).

In today’s organizations one of the things that make organizations unique is the use of modern

technological gadgets. Both internal and external forces such as market competition, consumer

behaviour, technology and quality management are the drivers of organizational change In

today’s business world, every office requires facts and accurate information for quick decision

making (Akpomi and Ordu, 2009). In Modern Office Technology the role of the secretary is

crucial in the life or progress of an organization hence, needs some technological and human

backing from the work place. The effective performance of the Professional Secretary depends

upon the office equipment, knowledge and skills, of Professional Secretary. The skill level and

functioning of the traditional secretary involve greater physical and mental ability. The

introduction of modern technologies and programmes has lessened the onerous tasks for the

modern secretary. These range from production, reproduction, storage and retrieval among

others. With this advancement of technology, the use of the computer and software programmes

facilitates the work of the professional secretary. These include the use of machines such as

printer, fax, pen drive, cell phones, photo copier, telex and internet. These requisite knowledge

and skills make the position of the secretary rather challenging. With the improvement in

technology and recent development in office, it is envisaged that the work of the secretary will

be easier. However, these new developments brought by technological challenges require even

more knowledge and skills beyond being a professional secretary. For the secretary to be abreast

with the changing times, face the challenges and overcome the old ways of doing things she or

he needs training requirements in recent times to help meet organizational objectives.

Information technology has affected many professions in recent times. The roles of secretarial

professionals have been turned around by technology. It has provided the tools that shift the role

of secretaries from that of information recorders to business strategists (Adedoyin, 2010; Appah

and Emeh, 2011 and Jaiyeola, 2007). Several other authors are of the view that the secretary has

to be well equipped to meet the present challenges of a modern office. There are conclusions by

experts in the secretarial profession that there need to be changes that will reshape the office

(Boladele, 2002; Onifade, 2009; Igbinedion, 2010).

1. 2 Statement of the Problem

The secretariat profession plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient administrative processes and

effective communication within educational institutions like The Polytechnic, Ibadan. As the

demands on secretarial staff continue to evolve, the integration of modern communication tools

has become indispensable to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing technological landscape.

The traditional communication methods employed within The Polytechnic, Ibadan's offices may

hinder smooth information flow and decision-making processes. Lack of adoption of modern

communication tools, such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, might result in

delays, miscommunication, and reduced productivity.

Reliance on manual paper-based systems or outdated software might lead to difficulties in

organizing and retrieving important documents and data. This inefficiency can impact the

responsiveness of the secretariat and hinder its ability to support various academic and

administrative units effectively. Without adequate modern communication tools, the secretariat

staff may face challenges in collaborating with other departments and stakeholders within the

institution. This lack of coordination can impede cross-functional teamwork, project

management, and timely completion of tasks.

The successful integration of modern communication tools relies on the proficiency of the

secretariat staff in utilizing these technologies effectively. The absence of adequate training and

skill development opportunities may hinder their ability to leverage these tools optimally,

limiting their potential to contribute to the institution's development.

As modern communication tools involve the exchange of sensitive and confidential information,

the lack of robust security measures might expose the secretariat and the institution to potential

data breaches and privacy infringements.

In conclusion, resistance from secretariat staff and management towards embracing new

communication technologies could obstruct the seamless incorporation of these tools into the

daily workflow. Resistance might arise due to fear of job displacement, perceived complexities,

or skepticism about the benefits of modernizing communication practices.

1. 3 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this Study is to establish the roles of modern communication tools in the

development of secretariat profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan. The specific objectives are:

1. To investigate the current extent to which modern communication tools are being used

within the secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan. It involves identifying the

specific tools and technologies being employed, such as email, instant messaging, virtual

meeting platforms, and collaboration software, and understanding how frequently and

effectively they are utilized in daily secretarial tasks.

2. To evaluate the effects of incorporating modern communication tools into the secretariat

profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan. It involves measuring the extent to which these

tools have improved efficiency and productivity in tasks like data management, document

handling, appointment scheduling, information dissemination, and communication with

stakeholders. This analysis may also include feedback from secretariat staff and other

relevant stakeholders.

3. To identify the barriers and challenges that may hinder the full integration and effective

use of modern communication tools within the secretariat profession at The Polytechnic,

Ibadan. It also seeks to explore potential opportunities for enhancing the adoption and

implementation of these tools, such as providing training and support for staff, addressing

technological infrastructure gaps, and developing policies or guidelines to promote their

proper usage.

1. 4 Research Questions

1. What is the current extent to which modern communication tools are being used within the

secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

2. What are the effects of incorporating modern communication tools into the secretariat

profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

3. What are the barriers and challenges that may hinder the full integration and effective use

of modern communication tools within the secretariat profession at The Polytechnic,


1. 5 Research Hypotheses

H0i: Modern communication tools play no role in the development of secretariat profession in

The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

H0ii: Modern communication tools has no effect in the development of secretariat profession in

The Polytechnic, Ibadan

1. 7 Significance of the Study

The study would of great importance to the following stakeholders: Secretaries, Management of

The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Researchers in the field of Office Technology and Management and

Students of Office Technology and Management.

It will useful to the Secretaries by exposing them to the contemporary modern communication

tools for their job effectiveness and efficiency, Management of The Polytechnic, Ibadan will able

to know the required equipment to purchase to enable the serenity and competitiveness of their

office with what is happening in the developed world.

The researchers in the field Office Technology and Management will also benefit from it as it

will serves as basis of literatures to be reviewed with empirical backup.

The students of Office Technology and Management will as well benefit from this study because

it will avail them the required skills that they must possessed to be complete and competent

secretaries out there.

The Experts in Office Technology and Management will as well benefit from this study as it will

be a basis of reviewing outdated curriculum of some ICT related course to enable it capture the

contemporary information communication gadgets and applications such as Online meeting,

Query language for Database, Vscodes for Website designing and application development,

Google Scheduler, Search Engine Optimization etc.

1. 4 Delimitation of the Study

The study would establish the roles of modern communication tools in the development of

secretariat profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan, communication tools such as email, instant

messaging, virtual meeting platforms, and collaboration software of workplace and development

of secretarial profession would be exhaustively x-rayed.

1. 7 Definition of Operational Terms

Modern: Modern" can be used to describe the prevailing characteristics, attitudes, and values of

the contemporary world, often contrasting with older or more traditional ways of thinking or


Communication Tools: Communication tools refer to various technologies, applications, and

methods that facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, and messages between individuals,

groups, or organizations.

Development: Development refers to the process of positive change and improvement in various

aspects of human life, society, or systems over time

Secretarial Profession: The Secretarial Profession refers to a specialized field of work that

involves providing administrative support and assistance to individuals, organizations, or


Chapter Two

Review of Related Literatures

2. 1 Conceptual Review

2.1.1 Development of Secretarial Profession

The origins of the secretarial profession can be traced back to the ancient civilizations, where

scribes and record-keepers played vital roles in administrative tasks (Jones, 2008). However, it

was during the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries that the modern concept of

secretaries began to take shape. Secretaries were primarily responsible for handling

correspondence, maintaining records, and organizing appointments for their employers (Smith,

1995). The Emergence of Professional Associations

As businesses expanded and the need for skilled secretarial support grew, professional

associations for secretaries emerged. The establishment of organizations such as the National

Secretaries Association (NSA) in 1942 (Thompson, 2005) aimed to promote the professional

development of secretaries and standardize their roles and responsibilities. These associations

played a crucial role in advocating for the recognition of secretarial work as a respectable

profession. Technological Advancements and Changing Role

The advent of technology in the late 20th century brought significant changes to the secretarial

profession. The introduction of word processing software, email, and digital communication

revolutionized the way secretaries operated (Jones & Lee, 2010). Secretaries adapted to new

technologies and expanded their skill sets to include computer literacy, communication through

virtual channels, and office automation. Johnson et al., (2018) submitted that 21st century

brought about a digital revolution, completely transforming the way businesses operate.

Administrative professionals had to adapt to a tech-savvy environment, incorporating digital

skills like email management, data analysis, and using specialized software. Secretaries became

crucial in handling information technology and played an essential role in maintaining cyber-

security measures within organizations.

Rae (2021) stated that the nature of work continues to change, with such things as distance

working and automation increasingly a commonplace. The manpower needs of many businesses

as well as the functions are also affected as machines now perform complex tasks with greater

speed and accuracy than human beings. Future secretaries are expected to demonstrate

technological competencies in their use of laptops, and smart devices to perform secretarial or

word processing tasks on daily basis. Their ability to use modern office equipment in the course

of receiving and sending out information in the most appropriate, fastest and reliable form is

germane in the future Nigerian office. The use of these technologies is expected to improve the

job performance of OTM graduates in areas of record keeping, memo writing, collaboration,

image making, data sourcing, information dissemination, timely decision making process, e-

mailing, data-gathering and so on. The 21st century skills are a set of abilities that students need

to develop in order to succeed in the information age as office administrators. Like a force of

nature, the digital age cannot be denied or stopped. According to Olaopa (2015), digital era has

four very powerful qualities that will result in its ultimate triumph: decentralizing, globalizing,

harmonizing, and empowering. The new and powerful tools that digitisation is giving rise to is

trending towards greater freedom, and a diminishing attachment to fixed structures which

increasingly calls for ability to think entrepreneurially, combine things well and, in particular,

manage oneself. The first step in developing skills is for secretaries to understand the digital

skills that are most applicable to them and their business because this skill will give secretaries’

career staying power the moment they get a job; it reduces risk of automation. As the reliance on

digital communication grows, secretaries must keep up with the skill demand. It is also

imperative to note that with the ever-evolving digital landscape, the skills requirements will only

continue to change. It is significantly relevant for secretaries to arm themselves with the basic

digital skills and continuously upskill themselves to keep pace with the latest developments.

Odusanya A. A. (202) submitted that there is no doubt that the secretary remains the life-wire of

any organization. Contributions and effectiveness of a secretary depends on how he/she can cope

with the modern technologies. However, with the development of new technology, secretarial

profession is becoming increasingly challenging and more sophisticated that the common

traditional roles of a secretary are gradually being faced out. Secretaries are responsible for a

variety of administration and clerical duties necessary to run an organization effectively. They

serve as information charring house for an office, schedules an appointment, provide information

to caller, organize and maintain paper and electronic file, manage project, and provide

correspondent. Secretaries are aided in these tasks by a variety of office equipment such as

computer, photocopier, and telephone systems. In addition, secretaries increasingly use personal

computer to run spreadsheet, word processing, database management, desktop publisher, and

graphic programs. Tasks previously handled by managers. Hence, this study has been designed

to bring to light the veracity of ICT and the challenges and how a secretary could meet up with

these challenges. From Secretaries to Administrative Assistants

In recent decades, the role of secretaries has evolved to reflect the broader scope of their

responsibilities. The traditional term "secretary" has been replaced with "administrative

assistant" to encompass the multifaceted nature of the job (Brown, 2017). Administrative

assistants are now seen as key contributors to decision-making processes, project management,

and overall organizational efficiency. Miller (1995) also corroborated that during the latter half

of the 20th century, the title of "secretary" gradually evolved into "administrative assistant" to

better reflect the expanded scope of their responsibilities. Administrative assistants were no

longer limited to support roles but actively participated in decision-making processes and

managed crucial administrative functions. This shift in nomenclature represented recognition of

the profession's growing importance and influence within organizations.

The term “secretary” is another term that has a wide meaning and it is important to appreciate the

various meanings associated it. According to Whitehead (1994), the secretary is usually thought

to be a person who takes dictation from a manager or other senior members of staff and turns the

notes into typed correspondence. The term means all sorts of things for many people and

certainly many of those who work in offices choose to be under the secretarial umbrella (Harding

1994). As noted by (Edwin, 2008), the roles of secretaries in contemporary times have changed

tremendously from the traditional roles. They have access to modern office technology such as

the internet, intercom and fax. These technologies make work much easier. Dulek and Fielden

(1999) also noted that it is easier to send messages using telex, electronic mails, fax and

telephones. He noted that the era of computers and information technology helps users to write

and edit and send memos, letters and reports. According to Duniya (2011) , modern day offices

are equipped with technologically sophisticated gadgets that informs accuracy and efficiency of

work output. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is concerned with managing

and processing information. This is made possible through the use of electronic computers and

computer software to manage information (Okute, 2001). According to Atakpa (2010),

secretarial functions the world over have undergone tremendous technical transformations. He

noted further that secretarial functions which were previously done manually have been

mechanized. On the other hand, Okwuanaso and Obayi (2003) have noted that ICT has posed

several challenges to secretaries in the execution of their duties. Supporting this claim, Eze

(2000) asserted that any office staff of today that is lacking in Information Communication

Technology would find work boring and uninteresting. According to Nwaokwa and Okoli

(2012), the introduction of ICT has changed the roles of secretaries. They opined that ICT has

influenced the performance of secretaries in delivery of information, accuracy and effectiveness

at the work place. Nonye (2013) researching into the need for capacity building of secretaries in

modern office technology concluded that secretaries should be abreast of the use of modern

office technology and recommended the need for periodic training programmes to be organized

for secretaries to update their knowledge on modern office skills. With modern office skills,

words, sentences and paragraphs are manipulated. This is made possible using word processor.

This makes possible all range of editing options applicable. This makes possibilities for deleting

and inserting sentences before they are printed. Designing of documents, filling of forms,

retrieving information and finally printing have become simplified tasks with the use of word

processors (Agomuo, 2005; Azuka, 2007 and Nwosu, 2002). Examining the effects of

information and communication technology on the performance of public sector secretaries,

Buseni (2013) asserted that the quality of a secretary is a function of reliable and reporting

framework. The study revealed that the use of computer, telecommunication and video

techniques positively and significantly affected productivity of public sector secretaries.

12 Office Technology and Management in Tertiary Institutions

The Office Technology and Management (OTM) Programme in Nigeria tertiary institutions was

designed to impart the youths with practical and employable skills. Office Technology and

Management is an integral component of business education programme that is offered in

Colleges of Education, Polytechnics, and the Universities primarily to educate and train students

to become competent office managers as well as business educators (Okoli, 2019). The business

and administrative components of OTM programme according to National Board for Technical

Education (NBTE) (2004) is designed for students whose goals include business management,

human resource management, self-employment, entrepreneurial ventures, or a variety of

different careers. This implies that a qualified secretary should possess basic office technology

skills, have sufficient business acumen, be versatile in office information and communication

technology and have sufficient knowledge of the operations of all departments within the

organization where he/she works. This portends that OTM education is work-focused, skill-

based, result-oriented, and technology-based. Office Technology and Management programme is

a practical oriented programme designed to equip students with professional foundation, general

education courses, vocational and interpersonal skills in OTM for effective work competencies

in various organisations. OTM Education is a specialized phase of technical and vocational

education (TVE) that prepares learners to enter into teaching and office occupation as capable

and intelligent member of the work-force, making recipients to acquire skills to understand the

ability of participating actively in business transactions/activities whether as producers or users

of goods and services.

Secretarial education is known as Office Technology and Management (OTM). It is one of the

specialized programmes offered in the Department of Vocational and Technical, Business

Education or School of Business Studies in Nigerian tertiary institutions that lays emphasis on

the possession of practical skills necessary to operate office machines and serves as supporting

staff to the management in an organisation. Aina (2018) asserted that vocational skills are

empirical skills that individuals acquire in a specific area of interest which are more practical

than theoretical skills. Individuals learn vocational skills from hands-on experience. The training

takes place outside the traditional classroom setting where students are exposed to hands-on

activities through first-hand experience and as well acquire classroom knowledge. One of the

objectives of Office Technology and Management education programme according to Oyinloye

and Asonibare (2019) is to equip students with the appropriate skills to engage in a life of work

in the office as well as self-employment. The implication of the objectives and components of

the OTM curriculum in the views of Nnaji and Okoro Nigerian (2019), is that its recipients are

expected to be equipped with skills to use computer and its application software. This explains

why a secretary should possess basic office technology skills, have business acumen and

versatile in office ICT skills with sufficient knowledge of the operations of all departments

within the institution or organization where he/she works. A secretary is an important office staff

in an organisation whose roles are pivotal to the growth and increased performance of an

organization. Many higher echelons of management have a secretary who acts as a gatekeeper as

well as a care-taker of complex but time-consuming tasks, that freeing the boss up. The

International Association of Administrative Professional (IAAP) in Nnaji and Okoro (2019)

described a secretary as an executive assistant who has mastery of office skills, demonstrates the

ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision, exercises initiative, judgment and

makes decisions within the scope of assigned authority. This definition has explained in detail,

the type of skill, knowledge and ability that could be required of the secretary in the future

office. The secretary’s possession of mastery of office skills, knowledge and personal qualities

require continual retraining in technology to keep abreast of new emerging and fast-growing

office technologies and responsibilities. Umoru (2020) asserted that secretaries are marked from

other staff because of ICT and office skills such as digital skill which they possess.

2.1.2 Modern Communication Tools

In today’s organizations one of the things that make organizations unique is the use of modern

technological gadgets. Both internal and external forces such as market competition, consumer

behaviour, technology and quality management are the drivers of organizational change In

today’s business world, every office requires facts and accurate information for quick decision

making (Akpomi and Ordu, 2009). In Modern Office Technology the role of the secretary is

crucial in the life or progress of an organization hence, needs some technological and human

backing from the work place. The effective performance of the Professional Secretary depends

upon the office equipment, knowledge and skills, of Professional Secretary. The skill level and

functioning of the traditional secretary involve greater physical and mental ability. The

introduction of modern technologies and programmes has lessened the onerous tasks for the

modern secretary. These range from production, reproduction, storage and retrieval among

others. With this advancement of technology, the use of the computer and software programmes

facilitates the work of the professional secretary. These include the use of machines such as

printer, fax, pen drive, cell phones, photo copier, telex and internet. These requisite knowledge

and skills make the position of the secretary rather challenging. With the improvement in

technology and recent development in office, it is envisaged that the work of the secretary will

be easier. However, these new developments brought by technological challenges require even

more knowledge and skills beyond being a professional secretary. For the secretary to be abreast

with the changing times, face the challenges and overcome the old ways of doing things she or

he needs training requirements in recent times to help meet organizational objectives.

Information technology has affected many professions in recent times. The roles of secretarial

professionals have been turned around by technology. It has provided the tools that shift the role

of secretaries from that of information recorders to business strategists (Adedoyin, 2010; Appah

and Emeh, 2011 and Jaiyeola, 2007). Several other authors are of the view that the secretary has

to be well equipped to meet the present challenges of a modern office. There are conclusions by

experts in the secretarial profession that there need to be changes that will reshape the office

(Boladele, 2002; Onifade, 2009; Igbinedion, 2010). The objectives of the study are to establish

the level of availability of modern office gadgets. It also measures the Information and

Knowledge Management knowledge and usage of office equipment and their impact on


Many aspect of officer work has been automated to a greater extent. Office Automation means

the configuration of all-electronic office machines and equipment needed for effective running of

an office. A good secretary is expected to have the basic skills needed to operate those machines

and equipment. Automation in any form is always aimed at high productivity which gives room

for systematic changes and structural adjustments that new innovation has brought about. The

end products of office automation include: Word processing,

Telex services, Faxing, Email services, Telephone, Networking, Video conferencing, Intranet

etc. it is expected that modern secretarial must be able to close up this technological gap created

by improvement on office automation.

Electronic Mail Service: This is a system in which messages are communicated by electronic

means rather than by paper-based communication. It can also be referred to as an instant

electronic message transfer facility that uses terminals such as personal computers telex

terminals etc.

Telex Service and Delivery: Telex is a short form for telegraphic exchange. It is used to send

and receive urgent messages in code form over a telegraph or telephone line.

The advert of IT has given a large boost to telex communications systems. As a result, the

current telex equipment resembles a desktop PC rather than the outsize, heavy typewriter

appearance of teleprinter. Today the telex machine, can store and recall keyed in text and

messages, it can edit a text, send or receive messages.

Networking: When micro computers (PCs) are linked by cables you will have what is referred to

as network. That is, one of the PCs will be used as a central unit and is usually called the PCs.

Internet: the internet is essentially a large number of connected computers. A computer on the

internet can be located anywhere in the world. This means that you can communicate with

someone who is connected over the internet no matter where that person lives. The internet

contains several different type of information including e-mail, news-group and the World Wide

Web. The computers are connected internationally to the internet via independent service

providers (ISP). The service provider used by a business center can be called info web” with its

location in various points and the server at the main office of the business center or organization.

The World Wide Web (WWW): this is a graphic interface based on a multimedia framework

that makes it possible to have text, pictures, video and sound on the page to be accessed from the


Intranet: This is a small version of the net that is used within an office. It is an ideal system for

distributing information such as phone products listing and job openings.

Other ICT Network services include Electronic banking and investing: This service allows

customers to access banking and investment services via a terminal or personal computer from

the comfort of their offices or homes.

Electronic shopping: To use this service, you dial into a network such as prodigy or

CompuServe and select the electronic shopping category. A many of major categories of items

available is presented and selected one.

Record Keeping and Management: Record keeping and management are integral part of the

office activities because the major function of the office will be incomplete when data received

are processed and disseminated without adequate safe keeping and easy retrieval. Record

keeping and management have evolved from their manual process to electronic process because

of information Technology (IT) innovation. Information Technology (IT) has also made possible

a completely new approach to the management of records and information system.

Management Information System (MIS): According to Nick (2003) MIS can be defined as a

system used to convert data dorm internal and external sources into formation on the basis of

management needs. Because information remains an effective management tool in decision

making, it should be managed appropriately. However, every organization does develop its own

MIS as it is applicable to its day to day operations. Management information system is an

advanced level of information technology, which is vital to the growth and existence of any

organization. Modern Communication Applications and Tools

Choosing the correct tools that align with your needs and workspace culture is an important

decision to make. They should help you boost productivity, save time, and engage employees

without burning a hole in your pocket or overlapping with each other.

Communication and Collaboration

Working remotely comes with the challenge of maintaining effective communication across the

team. With team collaboration becoming essential with more and more of the workforce being

distributed through remote work and flexible work hours, internal communication apps like

Slack and Microsoft Teams ensure that information does not get lost while you try to

communicate and collaborate across cities or even continents.

Fig 1

You can organize your work and team within channels, leverage their message search capability,

share files, integrate with a variety of third-party apps to improve productivity, and even have

video and voice calls. This ensures that your business runs smoothly and without any

communication gaps.

Internal issue resolution

There is no dearth of questions asked by employees to your IT, HR, and Operation support teams

on a daily basis. But having to refer to a wiki or knowledge base and search through it, even for

repetitive and simple questions, is time-consuming and does not guarantee a correct answer.

Fig 2

Tools such as Happyfox’s Assist AI leverage technology such as AI, ML, and NLP to bring

conversational ticketing to the comfort of Slack and Microsoft Teams — platforms your team is

already comfortable with. Your employees can self-serve, reduce the workload of your support

staff by deflecting repetitive tickets, and increase agent productivity and employee engagement.

It also offers ML-powered analytics capabilities to help you learn from the data collected on

frequent questions and requests, helping you improve your knowledge sources.

Project Management

Any company, irrespective of what they deal in, requires work to be carried out on time, by the

correct people, and in an efficient manner. This puts us in need of project management software

that is easy to use even for a team that is spread across different locations.

Fig 3
Notion is one such tool with a simple, easy-to-comprehend interface that can help you define

deliverables, assign tasks, and track outcomes. It is a versatile solution equipped with templates

for roadmaps, calendars, Kanban boards, and task tracking that can be used across multiple

teams, increasing productivity. Its customizable case and project management tools can be used

by any department across your company.


A major shift in every workspace has been the steep increase in the adoption of video

conferencing tools to communicate. Tools like Zoom or Meet from the Google Workspace Suite

help us achieve a satisfactory level of human interaction even if we are physically in different

places. You can schedule meetings, record calls, carry out whiteboard activities, collaborate

more seamlessly, and facilitate virtual events on these platforms.

Fig 4

HR management

Ensuring a good employee experience is of utmost importance. This can be carried out with HR

software like Bamboo HR, which organizes and collects all information that surfaces throughout

the employee life cycle. It eases everyday tasks by providing insights on important activities like

onboarding, hiring, compensation reviews, and even building culture. With such intuitive

software, your HR team would no longer need to manually input data into spreadsheets, giving

them the opportunity to focus on other vital tasks.

Fig 6


Managing staff compensation and insurance is an important and repetitive task that every

business goes through. By leveraging software like Gusto, a cloud payroll provider, which

utilizes smart technology, you can provide an all-in-one solution to conduct payroll runs, state

tax registrations, health and financial benefits, tax calculations, and direct deposits. Save time,

effort, and money while you ensure seamless payment operations. You can also make use of

their automated time tools to ease the management of your employee hours, PTO, and holidays.

Fig 7

Knowledge management

Knowledge is power. Having a clearly crafted, regularly updated, and well-managed knowledge

base is of utmost importance. Guru is a wiki that claims to cut through the noise of

communication tools to create a culture of knowledge sharing within your organization by

organizing data and letting to surface it whenever you need it. They make accurate, up-to-date

information available for your team at any time and place. It is also equipped with a browser

extension and knowledge alerts to keep everyone on the same page.

Fig 8

Office Suite:

Microsoft Office 365: A comprehensive productivity suite that includes applications like Word,

Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more. It allows cloud-based collaboration and synchronization

across devices (Microsoft, n.d.).

Microsoft Office 365 (now known as Microsoft 365) is a comprehensive cloud-based

productivity suite developed by Microsoft. It is designed to empower individuals, businesses,

and organizations with a range of powerful applications and services that enhance productivity,

collaboration, and communication. As of my last update in September 2021, here is detailed

information about Microsoft 365:


Microsoft 365 includes a collection of popular desktop and web-based applications that cover

various aspects of office productivity:

Microsoft Word:

A word processing application used for creating, editing, and formatting documents.

Microsoft Excel:

A spreadsheet application used for data analysis, calculations, and visualization.

Microsoft PowerPoint:

A presentation software used to create slide-based presentations.

Microsoft Outlook:

An email client and personal information manager used for managing emails, calendars, tasks,

and contacts.

Microsoft OneNote:

A digital note-taking application that allows users to create and organize notes, drawings, and

multimedia content.

Microsoft Publisher (for Windows only):

A desktop publishing application for creating brochures, newsletters, and other publications.

Microsoft Access (for Windows only):

A database management application for creating and managing databases.

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite):

A set of cloud-based productivity tools from Google, including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides,

Gmail, and more, for collaborative work (Google Workspace, n.d.).

Cloud Storage and File Sharing:


A cloud storage service that allows users to store and share files across devices and collaborate

with others through shared folders (Dropbox, n.d.).

Google Drive:

A cloud-based file storage and synchronization service by Google, integrated with Google

Workspace apps (Google Drive, n.d.).

Exchange Online:

A cloud-based email and calendaring service that synchronizes emails, calendars, and contacts

across devices.

Microsoft OneDrive:

The personal cloud storage service offered by Microsoft, integrated with Microsoft 365


Microsoft Forms:

A survey and questionnaire tool that helps creates and analyze surveys and feedback forms.

Microsoft Planner:

A task management tool that enables teams to organize and track tasks, assignments, and


Microsoft Stream:

A video-sharing service for internal communication, training, and knowledge-sharing within


Microsoft Power Automate (formerly Flow):

A workflow automation tool that allows users to create automated processes between different

applications and services.

Microsoft Power Apps:

A low-code development platform to build custom business applications without extensive

coding knowledge.

2.2 Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Diffusion of Innovations Theory:

The Diffusion of Innovations theory, proposed by Everett Rogers, focuses on how new ideas,

technologies, or innovations spread and are adopted within a social system. In this case, you can

use this theory to understand how modern communication tools have been introduced and

integrated into the secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan. It helps to identify factors

influencing the adoption and implementation of these tools, such as the perceived relative

advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability of the communication

technologies. Additionally, it can be used to analyze the stages of adoption, from innovators to

early adopters, and further to the majority and laggards within the secretarial staff.

The Diffusion of Innovations theory, developed by Everett Rogers, can be linked to the topic of

"the roles of modern communication tools in the development of secretariat profession in The

Polytechnic, Ibadan" in the following ways:

Introduction of Modern Communication Tools: The theory explains how innovations (in this

case, modern communication tools) are adopted and spread within a social system. In the context

of the secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, the adoption and integration of modern

communication tools, such as email, instant messaging, collaborative software, and digital

document management systems, can be analyzed using Rogers' diffusion model.

Innovation Adoption Categories: Rogers categorized adopters of innovations into five groups:

innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. In the context of the

secretariat profession, some individuals and departments may be quick to adopt modern

communication tools (innovators and early adopters), while others may be more hesitant (late

majority and laggards). Understanding these adoption patterns can help in developing effective

strategies to encourage widespread adoption.

Communication Channels: The theory emphasizes the role of communication channels in

spreading innovation. The introduction and dissemination of modern communication tools within

the secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, can be analyzed through the

communication channels used to share information about these tools, their benefits, and how

they can enhance work efficiency and productivity.

Innovation-Decision Process: The diffusion theory outlines a five-step innovation-decision

process, which includes knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. The

use of modern communication tools in the secretariat profession will involve this decision-

making process at various levels within the institution.

Factors Influencing Adoption: The theory identifies several factors that influence the adoption

of innovations. These factors include relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability,

and observability. Applying these factors to the context of modern communication tools in the

secretariat profession can shed light on why some tools are more readily adopted than others.

Social System Analysis: Rogers' theory focuses on the interconnectedness of individuals within a

social system and how their relationships influence the adoption of innovations. The secretariat

profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, is a social system with its own norms, values, and

communication patterns that can affect the acceptance and integration of modern communication


2.2.2 Organizational Development Theory

Organizational Development Theory: Organizational development theory examines how

organizations evolve and improve over time. When applied to the secretarial profession, this

theory can be used to measure how the integration of secretarial functions and the utilization of

modern communication tools and technologies have contributed to organizational efficiency and


Assessing Organizational Readiness: OD theory emphasizes the importance of assessing an

organization's readiness for change. In this context, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, needs to evaluate

its current communication infrastructure, the skills of its secretarial staff, and the organization's

overall culture towards embracing modern communication tools. This assessment will help

identify potential barriers to adoption and determine the organization's readiness to integrate

these tools effectively.

Introducing Innovation: OD theory focuses on implementing innovative practices to improve

organizational effectiveness. The introduction of modern communication tools (e.g.,

collaboration software, digital document management systems) can enhance communication,

information sharing, and coordination among secretarial staff and other departments. By

strategically integrating these tools, the secretariat profession can become more efficient and

responsive to the institution's needs.

Training and Skill Development: OD theory emphasizes the importance of investing in

employee training and skill development. In the case of modern communication tools, The

Polytechnic, Ibadan, needs to provide adequate training to secretarial staff to ensure they are

proficient in using the new tools effectively. This may involve workshops, seminars, or online

courses tailored to the specific needs of the secretariat profession.

Change Management: OD theory recognizes that change can be disruptive, and managing it

effectively is crucial for success. When implementing modern communication tools, the

organization must have a well-defined change management plan. This plan should include clear

communication about the purpose and benefits of the tools, addressing potential resistance from

employees, and providing ongoing support during the transition period.

Organizational Culture: OD theory highlights the significance of organizational culture in

shaping behavior and attitudes. The organization needs to foster a culture that values open

communication and collaboration. By promoting a culture of innovation and continuous

improvement, employees will be more receptive to adopting modern communication tools and

embracing change.

Monitoring and Evaluation: OD theory emphasizes the importance of monitoring and

evaluating the impact of organizational interventions. In this context, The Polytechnic, Ibadan,

should track the usage and effectiveness of modern communication tools in the secretariat

profession. This assessment will help identify areas of success and areas that require further


Feedback and Participation: OD theory encourages participative decision-making and

feedback mechanisms. In the context of implementing modern communication tools, involving

secretarial staff in the decision-making process and seeking their feedback on the usability and

functionality of the tools will increase their ownership and commitment to the changes.

Organizational Learning: OD theory recognizes the importance of learning from both

successes and failures. As the secretariat profession adopts modern communication tools, the

organization should promote a learning culture that encourages continuous improvement and

adapts the use of these tools based on feedback and outcomes.

2.3 Historical Background of The Polytechnic, Ibadan

The Polytechnic, Ibadan was established on 7th August 1970 as a successor to the erstwhile

Technical College, Ibadan under the provisions of a Principal Edit 1970. This Edict has

undergone several amendments in order to make The Polytechnic relevant to the present day

needs of Oyo State, the proprietor in particular, Nigeria, and the World at large.

The primary function of The Polytechnic is to provide for students training and development of

techniques in Applied Science, Engineering, Environmental, Studies and Commerce. The

Polytechnic has been producing mainly middle-level manpower that has been making valuable

contributions to the Social and Economic development of the country. Over the years, The

Polytechnic has also produced high-level manpower in some areas such as Urban and Regional

planning, Mass communication etc.

The primary focus of The Polytechnic is training that is practical oriented. The institution has

been performing this function creditably in the last fifty years. The graduates of The Polytechnic,

Ibadan are found in almost all areas of endeavour all over the country and even outside the

country. Some of them have become captains of industries and commerce. By the amendment to

the principal Edict of The Polytechnic which came into force on 17th March, 1987, four Satellite

Campuses of The Polytechnic were created. They took off during 1981/82 session and were sited

at Eruwa, Saki, Iree and Esa-Oke. Each of the campuses was headed by a Director who was

responsible to the Rector for the administration and discipline of the campus.

However, with the creation of Osun State, the campuses at Iree and Esa- Oke have become the

property of Osun State Government and are today known as Osun State Polytechnic Iree and

Osun State College of Technology Esa-Oke. Equally, the campuses in Saki and Eruwa are now

fully fledged Polytechnics. Saki campus is now known as Oke-Ogun Polytechnic, while Eruwa

Campus is now known as Adeseun Ogundoyin Polytechnic. It is important to point out that the

then Technical College was situated at the South Campus while the then University of ife (now

Obafemi Awolowo University) took off at the North campus.

The Polytechnic also offer a wide range of specialized short courses not only for the purpose of

improving the vocational competence of technical and commercial workers, but also to provide

an opportunity for presenting the most recent advances in knowledge and in techniques to

specialist groups. It also provides opportunities for creative development and research related to

the needs of teaching and industry and the business community, particularly in its service area.


Chapter Three

This chapter presents the methodology used in this study. It includes the research design

strategies employed, population, sample, Reliability, Validity, data collection and operation of


3.1 Research Design

This Study adopts Descriptive and Survey Research Design. Descriptive Research is used

because Descriptive research aims to provide a detailed and accurate description of a

phenomenon, population, or group. While On the other hand, survey research is used to gather

data from a sample of individuals to describe their attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or


3.2 Population

The population of the study comprises of 40 secretaries in The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The sample size of this study is thirty-six (36) made up of secretaries in The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

The sample size was obtained using Taro Yamane’s formula to determine a workable sample for

the study at 95% confidence level and 0.05 margin of error.

Using; n = N

1 + N (e)2


n = sample size

N = population size

e = level of significance

I = unity

1 + 40(0.05)2

1+40 (0.0025)


= 36

Simple random sampling is employed in this study due to the population's homogeneity, and it

also strengthens the ability to generalize the study's findings. This technique ensures that each

member of the population has an equal chance of being selected, thereby promoting fairness in

the selection process.

3.4 Description of Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire is the instrument used to collect data from the respondents because it

would be simple to assess the structured questions and responses to meet the study's purpose.

The Likert scale design was used in this study, allowing the researchers to present choices from

which respondents might select.

Section A: This section was developed by the researcher to collect demographic information of

respondents and these contains Bio – data of Respondents measured through five factors;

Gender, Age, Educational Qualification, Years of Experience.

Section B: Development of Secretarial Profession and Roles of modern communication tools

comprise of twenty (20) items scale which Indicates the level performance of secretarial staff and

level of development of modern communication tool in The Polytechnic, Ibadan, which are

measured through 4 research questions, the scale is of four (4) point which are: 4 = Strongly

Agree; 3 = Agree; 2 = Disagree; 1 = Strongly Disagree. The research instrument will be divided

into various sections which will be designed to elicit responses on the topic under review in order

to answer the research questions afore formulated. The research instrument was adapted

3.5 Validity of the Studies

Validity is the extent to which a measuring instrument on application performs the function for

which it is designed. To ascertain the validity of the instrument, content validity was adopted.

3.6 Reliability of the Research Instrument

Reliability is the tendency toward consistency found in repeated measurements. The reliability of

the instrument was ascertained using the internal consistency method. The questionnaires were

given to the respondents at The Polytechnic, Ibadan for pilot study.

3.7 Distribution of Research Instrument

Researcher distribute questionnaire to the respondents in their various offices, convince and

persuade them to fill and retrieve same instantly.

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

Research Questions i, ii and iii were analyzed with the aid of descriptive statistics while the

hypothesis i and ii were tested with One-Sample Statistics T-test with the aid of statistical packages

for social sciences version 23.0

Chapter Four

4.0 Introduction

4.2 Demographic Data Analysis

Variable Category Frequency Percentage

Gender Male 10 27.8

Female 26 72.2

Age 25-35 years 4 11.1

36-45 years 20 31.7

46-55 years 7 6.3

56 years and above 1 2.7

Qualification OND 10 27.8

HND/ B.Sc. 26 72.2

MSc. or related - -

Ph.D - -

Work experience 1-10 years 5 7.9

11-20 years 15 41.7

21years and above 16 44.4

Table 1.1

Source: Field Survey Results (2023)

This section consists of background and respondents information that describes basic

characteristics such as gender, age, qualification and work experience. To this effect, the results

are presented in Table 1.1 above

Table 1.1 presents the demographic and personal profile of respondents used for this study.

Profile of gender indicated that 10 respondents representing 27.8% were male, while, 26

respondents representing 72.2% were female, indicating that most of the respondents were

female. Also, 4 respondents representing 11.1% were between 25-35 years, 20 respondents

representing 31.7% were 31-40 years, 7 respondents representing 6.3% were 41-50 years, and 1

respondents representing 2.7% were 51 years and above, which means majority of the secretaries

in The Polytechnic, Ibadan are between aged 36-45. Meanwhile, 10 respondents representing

27.8% had OND, 26 respondents representing 72.2% had HND/B.Sc., none had MSc or related

or PhD, hence, most staff of The Polytechnic, Ibadan either have HND/BSc. Furthermore, 5

respondents representing 7.9% had 1-10years working experience, 15 respondents representing

41.7% had 11-20 years, and 16 respondents representing 44.4% had 21years and above, hence

majority of the administrative staff of The Polytechnic, Ibadan have used between 1-20years .

4.2 Answering of Research Questions and Testing of Research Hypotheses

Research Question One: What is the current extent to which modern communication tools
are being used within the secretarial profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

Modern Communication Tools SA A D SD Mean

Are modern communication tools 15 15 6 0 3.3

considered essential for efficient and 60 45 12 0
effective communication within the
secretarial profession at The Polytechnic,

Do you feel adequately trained and 5 3 15 13 2.0

proficient in using modern communication 20 9 30 13
tools in your role at The Polytechnic,

Modern communication tools are 3 2 20 11 1.9

extensively used within the secretarial
12 6 40 11
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

Are modern communication tools readily 11 10 9 6 2.7
available and accessible within the 44 30 18 6
secretariat profession at The Polytechnic,

Total 34 30 50 30
136 90 100 30

Positive Responses 64 Negative Responses 80

positive responses 45% 55%

proportion of positive responses .45 .55

Table 1.2

From the table above, it is inferred that Modern communication tools are not fully deployed at
The Polytechnic, Ibadan

Research Question Two: What are the effects of incorporating modern communication
tools into the secretarial profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

Modern Communication Tools and SA A D SD Mean

Secretarial Profession

Do you believe that incorporating modern 20 16 0 0 3.6

communication tools into the secretarial 80 48 0 0
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, will
enhance overall efficiency and productivity
Are you confident that the integration of 10 16 7 3 2.9
modern communication tools will lead to 40 48 14 1
better decision-making processes within the
secretarial profession at The Polytechnic,
Do you believe that incorporating modern 30 6 0 0 3.8
communication tools will enhance the 120 18 0 0
accessibility and availability of information
for secretarial staff at The Polytechnic,
Do you think that the adoption of modern 31 5 0 0 3.9
communication tools will positively impact 124 15 0 0
the level of service provided by the
secretarial profession at The Polytechnic,
Total 91 43 0 0
364 129 0 0

Positive Responses 134 Negative Responses 0

positive responses 100% 0%

proportion of positive responses . .

Table 1.3

From the table above, it is inferred that incorporating modern communication tools at The
Polytechnic, Ibadan will immensely boost their productivity

Research Question Three: What are the barriers and challenges that may hinder the full
integration and effective use of modern communication tools within the secretarial
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

Barriers and Challenges of Modern SA A D SD Mean

Communication Tools

Do you believe that a lack of adequate 10 26 0 0 3.0

training and understanding of modern 40 69 0 0
communication tools is a barrier to their
effective use within the secretarial
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
Is the limited availability of modern 30 4 1 1 3.8
communication infrastructure and resources 120 12 2 1
a hindrance to the full integration of these
tools within the secretarial profession at The
Polytechnic, Ibadan?
Do you perceive resistance to change and a 9 26 1 0 3.3
preference for traditional communication 36 78 2 0
methods as obstacles to the successful
implementation of modern communication
tools within the secretariat profession at The
Polytechnic, Ibadan?
Do you believe that the complexity and 10 10 11 5 2.7
usability issues of some modern 40 30 22 5
communication tools pose challenges to
their effective adoption within the
secretarial profession at The Polytechnic,
Total 59 66 14 6
236 189 26 6

Positive Responses 125 Negative Responses 20

positive responses 86% 14%

proportion of positive responses .86 .14

Table 1.4

From the table above, it is inferred that barrier that hinder full deployment of Modern
communication tools in The Polytechnic, Ibadan includes, lack of constant training, non
availability of these tools, lack of investment on modern communication tools, resistant to

4.2.2 Testing of Research Hypotheses

Hypothesis I: Modern communication tools play no role in the development of secretarial

profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

One-Sample Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean


4 36.25 30.620 15.310

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

TOOLS 2.368 3 .099 36.250 -12.47 84.97

Table 1.5

Determination of critical region

In the table above, the p-value (level of significance) is 0.004. This implies that our level of

significance is less than 0.005 and the t-value is 2.368. Since the t-value is greater than the p-

value, we accept the alternative and reject the null hypothesis. Hence, Modern communication

tools play a critical role in the development of secretarial profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

Hypothesis II: Modern communication tools has no effect in the development of secretarial

profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan

One-Sample Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean


4 33.50 43.363 21.681

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

T Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

1.545 3 .220 33.500 -35.50 102.50

Table 1.6

Determination of critical region

In the table above, the p-value (level of significance) is 0.004. This implies that our level of

significance is less than 0.005 and the t-value is 1.545. Since the t-value is greater than the p-

value, we accept the alternative and reject the null hypothesis. Hence, Modern communication

tools have great effect in the development of secretarial profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

4.3 Discussion of Findings

Hypothesis one results of inferential analysis for the roles of modern communication tools in the

development of secretarial profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan which states that Modern

communication tools play no role in the development of secretarial profession in The

Polytechnic, Ibadan. The findings of hypothesis one reveal that Modern communication tools

play major role in the development of secretarial profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan. The

findings of hypothesis one found support in prior empirical studies. For example; The study of

Phyllis Asorh Oteng and Peter Awini Seidu (2016) which was specifically to find out the

availability of modern office technology/equipment, the secretary’s knowledge and the usage of

the technological equipment and its contributions to productivity and the secretary’s

performance. Simple random technique was used to draw a sample of 60 respondents for the

study. Questionnaires and interview were used for collecting data. The questionnaire was made

up of open-ended and closed ended questions. For the close ended, the researcher used category

and rating questions using the Likert-style rating scale. The researcher used Statistical Package

for Social Sciences (version 21) to analyze the empirical data. A narrative approach and

frequency tables and percentages were used to arrange and present the data. The study revealed

that organizations had modern equipment which aided the performance of the secretary’s tasks;

the secretary’s operational knowledge enhances the usage of the modern equipment which goes

to improve their productivity and performance. It was recommended that for organizations to

survive and to increase productivity, they should provide their secretaries with adequate modern

technology/equipment and training in order to enhance their skills and competencies and fit them

into the current trend of technological advancement.

Hypothesis two results of inferential analysis for the roles of modern communication tools in the

development of secretarial profession which states that Modern communication tools has no

effect in the development of secretarial profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan. The findings of

hypothesis two reveal that Modern communication tools have great effect in the development of

secretarial profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan. The findings of hypothesis one found support

in prior empirical studies. For example; Iredia (2002), technology has greatly affected secretarial

profession not only in Nigeria but the world - over. Looking at the contribution of technology to

the profession in present time, one begins to imagine what would have become of the profession

if technology had not come to its rescue. Technology has completely enveloped secretarial

profession such that it is now safe for one to say that without technology there is no secretarial

profession. Some of the ways technology has affected secretarial profession include: (a) The use

of modern word processing machines starting from electronic typewriter through memory writer

to computer, have brought relief to the secretary, enhances secretarial efficiency and makes

secretarial functions pleasurable and attractive. (b) The speed and accuracy with which

documents are produced are unraveled in the history of human skills. (c) Technology has

eliminated wastage of secretary's time by saving him of the time he spends on routine job such as

creation of files, storage and retrieval of such files, which are now done by the computer. (d)

Technology has enriched secretarial job and this enrichment has resulted in job satisfaction for

secretaries. A secretary now feels happy and satisfied when he poses behind a computer, which

is also found on the tables of top executives and important officials in important offices. In fact,

the computer has become a status symbol and has turned everybody in the world into secretarial

professional. (e) Technology has broadened the scope of secretarial profession. It has severed the

secretary from the derogatory appendage status to an independent member of the organization,

information manager and a custodian of organization information reservoir. (f) Technology has

brought the whole world to the secretary's table; he takes organization to the world and brings

the world to the organization. For this reason, every member of the organization including his

boss respects him. (g) Technology is gradually revising the general misconception and poor

perception of secretaries in Nigerian society. Instead of their downgrading, they are now being

interested. Instead of their being looked down on as in the previous cases they are now being

looked up to. (h) Technology has increased in secretary's productivity. A secretary while

attending to a visitor may as well set a computer in motion to be printing out copies of needed

documents while at the same time answering a telephone call. (i) Technology has increased the

secretary's job opportunities and expands his areas of specialization. In addition, a secretary can

now be engaged as an information officer, information manager, computer operator or chief

executive's personal aid.

Chapter Five

5.1 Summary of Findings

The study explores the impact of modern communication tools on the development of the

secretarial profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan. The findings indicate that these tools are not

fully integrated within the institution. A table analysis further demonstrates that the incorporation

of modern communication tools has the potential to significantly enhance productivity within the

secretarial profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan.

Several barriers to the complete deployment of modern communication tools within the

institution are identified. These barriers include:

Lack of Constant Training: The study reveals that a deficiency in consistent training programs

for staff regarding the use of modern communication tools hampers their effective integration.

Non-Availability of Tools: The absence of necessary modern communication tools within the

institution obstructs the full utilization of these tools by the secretarial profession.

Lack of Investment: A dearth of financial investment in acquiring and maintaining modern

communication tools serves as a barrier to their widespread use.

Resistance to Challenges: The reluctance of staff to adapt to new tools due to perceived

challenges or complexities is highlighted as a hindrance to their adoption.

Based on the hypotheses tested, the following results are obtained:

Effect on Secretarial Profession Development: The study confirms that modern communication

tools have a significant positive effect on the development of the secretarial profession at The

Polytechnic, Ibadan.

Role in Secretarial Profession Development: The findings demonstrate that modern

communication tools play a pivotal role in the advancement of the secretarial profession within

the institution.

The study emphasizes the potential benefits of integrating modern communication tools within

the secretarial profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan. The findings highlight the need for

consistent training, investment in tools, addressing challenges, and overcoming resistance to

achieve full deployment. The study establishes the vital role of these tools in enhancing

productivity and contributing to the overall development of the secretarial profession at the


5.2 Conclusion

In conclusion, the role of modern communication tools in the development of the secretarial

profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, is undeniable. The analysis indicates that the full

deployment of these tools has yet to be realized, presenting a significant opportunity for

improvement. The findings suggest that incorporating modern communication tools would

undoubtedly enhance productivity within the institution. However, certain barriers such as

inadequate training, tool availability, limited investment, and resistance to change need to be

addressed to unlock the full potential of these tools. The results of the study affirm the

hypothesis that modern communication tools wield a considerable influence on the advancement

of the secretarial profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan. Thus, recognizing the pivotal role these

tools play and overcoming associated challenges could lead to transformative growth in the

secretarial field within the institution.

5.3. Recommendations

After the finding of this study, following are recommended;

i. The curriculum of Office Technology and Management Department should be reviewed

to capture some of the modern communication tools mention earlier

ii. Secretaries to engage in intensive constant training on new modern communication tools

to avoid redundancy

iii. Students of Office Technology and Management should make extra efforts to explore

what is happening in the work environment beyond the four wall of their lecture room

iv. The management of The Polytechnic, Ibadan next to upgrade the communication gadgets

most especially the computer system used by secretaries so that it can accommodate the

modern sophisticated communication and office applications.

5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies

This study on the roles of modern communication tools in the development of secretarial

profession in The Polytechnic, Ibadan deviated from the existing studies that focus centrally on

physical communication tools such computer system, scanners, etc to software and applications

as discussed in the literature, indeed it is worthwhile deviation. Further studies can focus on

combination of both extensively or the scope can expanded to all tertiary institutions in Oyo

State. Therefore topic like: Impact of Modern Communication gadgets and contemporary

applications on Job Dexterity of Confidential Secretaries in Tertiary Institutions in Oyo


5.6 Limitation of the Studies

There is triumph without trials, this study encountered some difficulties which lightly affected its

timely completion:

i. Financial challenges which prevented researcher to explore more books on modern

communication tools

ii. Reluctancy in the side of the respondent to fill the questionnaires until after

exhaustive persuasion

iii. Lack of electricity to do more research online


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The Polytechnic, Ibadan
Department Office Technology and Management,
Dear Respondent

I am an undergraduate student of the above-named institution. I am gathering data for my Higher

National Diploma (HND) degree research titled “Workplace Culture and Employees
Performance of Nigeria Higher Institution of Learning” The questionnaire is strictly meant for
academic purpose. Kindly respond honestly to the questions as this will assist the researcher a
great deal. All information provided therein shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Section A: Demographic Details

Instruction: Please, tick (√) the appropriate answers to the questions asked below:

1. Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

2. Age: 20–30 years ( ), 31–40 years ( ), 461– 50, 51 years and above ( )

3. Current Educational Level: ND ( ) HND/B.Sc. ( ) M.Sc. ( ) MBA ( ) PhD ( )

Others ________

4. Work Experience: 1–10 years ( ), 11– 20years ( ), 21 years and above ( S )

Section B: Job performance of Secretaries in the Health Institutions in Lagos State

The questions in this section concern the existing workplace culture in University of Ibadan.
Using the 4-point Likert-type scale provided, please indicate the extent to which you agree or
disagree with your level of your performance, each statement in relation to your institution.
(Answer by selecting one of the alternatives 4, 3, 2, 1)

4 = Strongly Agree; 3 = Agree; 2 = Disagree; 1 = Strongly Disagree

I What is the current extent to which modern SA A D SD
communication tools are being used within the
secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

1 Are modern communication tools considered

essential for efficient and effective communication

within the secretarial profession at The Polytechnic,

2 Do you feel adequately trained and proficient in

using modern communication tools in your role at
The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

3 Modern communication tools are extensively used

within the secretarial profession at The Polytechnic,
4 Are modern communication tools readily available
and accessible within the secretariat profession at The
Polytechnic, Ibadan?

5 Do you believe that the use of modern

communication tools has positively impacted
productivity and workflow within the secretarial
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
II What are the effects of incorporating modern SA A D SD
communication tools into the secretariat
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

1 Do you believe that incorporating modern

communication tools into the secretariat profession at
The Polytechnic, Ibadan, will enhance overall
efficiency and productivity
2 Are you confident that the integration of modern
communication tools will lead to better decision-
making processes within the secretariat profession at
The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
3 Do you believe that incorporating modern
communication tools will enhance the accessibility
and availability of information for secretariat staff at
The Polytechnic, Ibadan
4 Do you think that the adoption of modern
communication tools will positively impact the level
of customer service provided by the secretariat
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
5 Do you think that modern communication tools will
improve communication and collaboration among
secretariat staff at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
III What are the barriers and challenges that may SA A D SD
hinder the full integration and effective use of

modern communication tools within the
secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?

1 Do you believe that a lack of adequate training and

understanding of modern communication tools is a
barrier to their effective use within the secretariat
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
2 Is the limited availability of modern communication
infrastructure and resources a hindrance to the full
integration of these tools within the secretariat
profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
3 Do you perceive resistance to change and a
preference for traditional communication methods as
obstacles to the successful implementation of modern
communication tools within the secretariat profession
at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
4 Do you believe that the complexity and usability
issues of some modern communication tools pose
challenges to their effective adoption within the
secretariat profession at The Polytechnic, Ibadan?
5 Are you of the opinion that inadequate support and
resources from the institution towards the integration
of modern communication tools hinder their effective
use within the secretariat profession at The
Polytechnic, Ibadan?
Extracted from: Boladele, Y. (2002) and Akpomi, M. and Ordu, P. (2009)


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