Article Critique

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Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Module: Research Methods EDU5014

Assignment 2 – Article Critique

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Science in Workforce
Training and Education

Submitted: October 16, 2023

Article Review Assignment 2

C. Introduction

The article was published by the European Journal of Teacher Education, during the

beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, where many countries including Germany was forced to

advance their adaption of online modalities of teaching. The article introduction justified the

research problem and outlined the context that forms the aim of the study. The researchers aimed

to report on a survey of early career teachers who have entered the teaching profession within the

past two years, using the following research questions;

‘To what extent do early career teachers maintain social contact with students and parents in

addition to mastering the core challenges of teaching (providing online lessons, introducing new

learning content, providing task differentiation, providing feedback, conducting online

assessments) through online environments?’ and

‘How do school computer technology (e.g., ICT tools available), teachers’ professional

competence (e.g., technological pedagogical knowledge, TPK), and opportunities for developing

digital competence to which the teachers were exposed during training affect their successful

mastery of such challenges’?

The research questions are extensive and aim at collection data outside of the research aim.

Whilst the data being collected is deemed important for understanding the linkages between

online learning and teacher competencies during the covid-19 pandemic, the research questions

are not specific to research aim. The researchers used a pedagogical theory to hypothesize the

linkages between online teaching, ICT transformation process in educational systems and teacher

competencies. Pedagogical theories provide Educators with an awareness of how to prepare

themselves before putting into practice teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials

and instructional strategies. Therefore, theoretically the researchers had the right framework to
Article Review Assignment 3

operate from, however, the research could benefit from a S.M.A.R.T. revision of the research


The article introduction mentioned that, ‘few empirical studies have specifically examined

the use of learning opportunities and provided insights into the status quo of the implementation

process’. This is a clear limitation to the research as the sources to strengthen the researchers’

arguments will be provided by data outside of the country of study.

 Was the research problem clearly identified?

 Why was the research important? Is the problem significant enough to warrant the study
that was conducted, that is, is there a clear rationale for the research?
 Did the authors present a theoretical rationale for the study?
 Is the conceptual framework of the study appropriate in light of the research problem?
 Do the author’s hypotheses and/or research questions seem logical in light of the
conceptual framework and research problem?

 Is there a clear statement about the limitations of the research?

 Are hypotheses and research questions clearly stated? Are they directional?

 What are the authors trying to find out?

D. Method

The article targeted One Hundred and Sixty-five (165) early career Teachers, of which

Eighty-nine (89) responded to the survey issued. These Teachers worked across all categories

educational institutions in a concentrated area. Of the Eighty-nine (89) respondents, Sixty-one

were female and Twenty-eight (28) males. Additionally, the average of the respondents was

Thirty-two (32) years of age. For a research of this magnitude, an acceptance response rate of

Fifty-four percent (54%) is not adequate, especially when the data collected is skewed by one

gender. Morton et al (2012), agrees as a low response rate does not automatically mean the study

results have low validity, however, it is an indication of a potentially greater risk. Therefore,
Article Review Assignment 4

whilst the sample size and target group was clearly described, the validity and reliability of the

study is being questioned.

The article used the mixed method approach to collecting data. A survey was issued at the

close of the Summer school term as well as a test to assess Teacher competencies. The data

collection instruments were segmented into the three (3) focus areas of the research and included

a Likert-scale, closed and open ended questions. According to Malina et al (2011), the used of

mixed methodology provides the best opportunity for addressing research questions with

multiple variables. The researchers then would have chosen the best means of gathering the data

needed for their research. The mixture of qualitative and quantitative data enhanced the analysis

of the information, and provides the credibility needed for future research.

The data collection instruments were adequately described by the researchers and from the

sample shown (figure 1 and 2), it appears that the collation of the data is chronologically ordered

by each research question. Overall, the data collection instrument, methodology, target group and

data collection period are considered adequate for a research of this nature, however, the

accepted response rate is a limitation to the research.

 Is the sample clearly described, in terms of size, relevant characteristics, selection and
assignment procedures, and whether any inducements were used to solicit subjects?
 Do the instruments described seem appropriate as measures of the variables under study?
 Have the authors included sufficient information about the reliability and validity of the
 Are the materials used in conducting the study or in collecting data clearly described?
 Are the study’s scientific procedures thoroughly described in chronological order?
 Is the design of the study identified (or made evident)?
 Do the design and procedures seem appropriate in light of the research problem,
conceptual framework, and research questions/hypotheses?
 Overall, does the method section provide sufficient information to replicate the study?

 Are any advantages or disadvantages of the design acknowledged by the researchers?

 Is the approach to data analysis appropriate to the type of data collected?

Article Review Assignment 5

E. References

The article cited research between 1987 and 2020. The article appears to be in

accordance with the 7th edition APA publication manual. This is seen in the basic rules

for citing and listing arguments used in the research. The reference listing was provided

at the end of the document, it contained the cited authors names in alphabetical order,

included publication dates and the titles and publishers of the work cited. However, the

reference listing was not double spaced as required by the APA 7 th guidelines and

contained sources more than a decade old. Consequently, some of the research cited is

not relevant to the time period in which the article is being published for.

 Is the reference list sufficiently current?

 Are bibliographic citations used appropriately in the text?

F. General Impressions

 Is there anything controversial about the study – are there ethical issues, is it an emotive
area, does the study use controversial techniques?
 Is the article well written and organized?
 What are the most important things you learned from this article?
 What do you see as the most compelling strengths of this study?
 How might this study be improved?

Morton S., Bandara D., Robinson E., and Atatoa-Carr P. (2012). In the 21st Century, what is

an acceptable response rate?. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health. 36. 106-8.

Article Review Assignment 6

Malina, M.A., Nørreklit, H.S.O. and Selto, F.H. (2011), "Lessons learned: advantages and

disadvantages of mixed method research", Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management,

Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 59-71.

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