The Tale of Two Best Friends.. (Short Story)

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Jolo National High School

Jolo, Sulu

Project in English

Elements of Prose

Submitted by:

Auril-Anne L. Abubakar

Fatima Ayesha A. Sakandal

Grade 9 - D

Submitted to:

Ms. Elena S. Tusit

I gazed up at the clouds to see two clouds meet, and sighed as I

pondered. Where Is the girl I am supposed to meet? She is out there

somewhere I'll find her one day. But my thoughts were interrupted when

suddenly; 'BODYSLAM! ' My lungs explode with laughter as my friend Sam

jumps on top of me. I quickly recover and launch a padimellon in her direction.

She dodged and the next thing I know I have a face full of sand. So we run

down to the river to wash off.. 'you know, you can really fight dirty sometimes

Sam.' I said. In which she replied with; ' at least I don't fight like a girl, jordy'

the laughter carried on till dusk we climbed many trees and explored many

caves. Then we laid on the beach and watched the sun set on the horizon.

'beautiful, isn't it? ' I asked. 'you can be such a girl sometimes' she replied as
she punched me in the arm. We laughed and I gazed into her eyes and was


I never realized how green they are. How bright they are, and how

Beautiful they are. I never looked at my friend in this way but I looked away as

to not make it awkward. I smiled to myself silently and then walked her home,

thinking back to all the great memories we have made over the years.


I wake up to a knocking at my door. I quickly get up and put on a shirt,

'who is it?! ' I called out, with no reply. I race to the door to see my best friend

in tears. 'will you walk with me?.' she asked, 'of course' I said sincerely. We

walk to our favorite park as she explained that her father had lost the battle

with cancer. We sat on the bench and I held her as she wept. It began to rain

and I stroked her long blonde hair out of her face. Watching the tears run

down her cheeks. I felt the warm tingles run through my arms and the

butterfly's go round my stomach. I leaned down to her ear and whispered ' I

love you...' she was shocked.

And she looked up into my eyes without saying a word and hugged me.

This wasn't a normal hug; it was a REAL hug. Warm, soft, special. Nothing

like our other hugs. We held each other and the rain began to clear. I walked

her home silently. And we got to her door. She began to tear up and I told her

'I would never leave you.' and a rainbow appeared she smiled and closed her
eyes; we leaned in and our lips touched. We kissed. And a rainbow appeared,

it felt like it was always like this, like it was meant to be. We... We're meant to

be, together~~~

By: Jordan Moore

Characters: Sam and Jordy

Plot: The plot revolves around the evolving friendship between the narrator and Sam. It begins

with light-hearted moments of playful interaction, such as wrestling and joking around,

highlighting their strong bond and shared sense of humor. As the story progresses, it delves into

deeper emotional territory when Sam seeks comfort from the narrator after her father's death.

This leads to a moment of emotional intimacy between them, where the narrator expresses their

love for Sam, culminating in a heartfelt kiss and the realization of their romantic feelings for

each other.

Setting: The story takes place in a suburban neighborhood and a nearby park, where the

narrator and Sam spend time together engaging in various activities. The setting transitions

from playful and carefree moments of laughter and adventure to a more somber atmosphere as

they confront the emotional challenges of Sam's father's illness and passing. The park serves as a

significant location for their interactions, providing a quiet and intimate space for them to share

their feelings and experiences. Additionally, the rain and the appearance of a rainbow at the end

of the story add to the emotional atmosphere and symbolism of hope and love.

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