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Classwork #2


Name __________________________
Group _________________
Date ______________________
I. Comple these sentences with either present simple or the present
continuous form of the verbs in parenthesis.
1. David never ________ (clean) up after this mess.
2. Deborah ________ (prepare) dinner at the moment.
3. I ________ (talk) with my friend now.
4. We _________ (have) a briefing every Monday morning.
5. __________ (he/ play) basketball now?
6. Look! Our cat ________ (sleep).
7. _________ (you/ come) to the party?
8. What time ________ (the bank/ open)?
9. __________ (you/ kid) me now?
10. Everyone ________ (work) on the project now.

II. Complete the dialogue with the present simple and present progressive
form of the verb in parenthesis.
This is Mrs. White. She _______ (be) a primary school teacher. She ________
(teach) English, Math and Geography. At the moment, she ________ (live) in
London and _________ (be) married to George, who is French. They ______
(have) three children. They all ________ (love) animals, but they __________ (not/
have) any pets because they _________ (live) in an apartment. Mrs. White
_______ (speak) French as well as English but she _________ (not/ teach) it.

III. Make sentences in Present simple and Present continuous with the
verbs given.
1. Play/ everyday/ right now.
a. My brother plays soccer everyday.
b. He is playing video games right now.
2. Watch/ often/ at the moment.
3. Travel/ sometimes/ this week.
4. Do/ always/ these days.
5. Use/ Once a month/ Now.

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