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Nicolas: Good afternoon, everyone.

Today, Anxo and I are thrilled to share our homeschooling

journey through Italy, France, Germany, and the Netherlands, where we will immerse ourselves in
diverse educational experiences. Each country offers a unique opportunity to learn and explore.

Anxo: In Italy, we will delve into history, studying the Roman Empire and its impact on the modern
world. We will visit ancient ruins, historical sites, and museums to enhance our understanding of
Italy's rich past.

Nicolas: Moving on to France, we will focus on art and culture. We will visit renowned museums
like the Louvre, explore Parisian neighborhoods known for their artistic history, and engage in
cultural activities to broaden our artistic knowledge.

Anxo: Germany will be our next stop, where we will study technological advancements and
historical events that have shaped the country. From exploring Berlin's historical sites to learning
about Germany's contributions to science and technology, we will gain a comprehensive
understanding of this fascinating country.

Nicolas: Finally, in the Netherlands, we will continue our homeschooling journey by immersing
ourselves in Dutch culture and history. From visiting iconic landmarks to learning about Dutch
traditions, we will appreciate the unique aspects of this vibrant country.

Anxo: Through our homeschooling adventure, we seek to gain a deeper appreciation for the world
around us, learning from different cultures, histories, and traditions that will leave a lasting impact
on our educational journey. Thank you for joining us on this enriching experience.

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