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Friends Through Time: Analyzing the Changing Importance of Friendship in Victorian

and Contemporary Culture

Friendship is a universal concept that has been explored throughout literature and history, but the
significance of friendship has evolved over time. In the Victorian era, the importance of
friendship was shaped by the social expectations and conventions of the time. Adeline Sergeant's
novel, "A True Friend", provides a glimpse into the world of friendship in the 19th century,
highlighting the loyalty, sacrifice, and moral responsibility that were expected of friends.

The value of friendship has shifted dramatically in modern society. The ways in which
individuals meet and interact with one another have been revolutionized by the rise of social
media and digital technologies. While these changes have opened up new avenues for friendship,
they have also pushed the boundaries of what it means to be a friend in the conventional sense.

This article aims to analyze the changing importance of friendship in Victorian and
contemporary culture, using "A True Friend" as a lens through which to explore the themes of
loyalty, sacrifice, and moral responsibility. Through a comparative study of these two time
periods, we can gain a deeper understanding of the evolving role of friendship in society.

From Duty to Delight: Examining the Shift in Attitudes Towards Friendship in Victorian
and Contemporary Society

In "A True Friend", Adeline Sergeant portrays friendship as a duty that is grounded in moral
responsibility and sacrifice. The novel's protagonist, Lilian, feels a deep sense of obligation
towards her friend, Rachel, and is willing to make significant sacrifices to ensure her friend's
well-being. For example, Lilian takes on the responsibility of caring for Rachel's child, even
though it is a significant burden on her time and resources. This attitude towards friendship as a
duty was typical of the Victorian era, where social conventions and expectations placed a high
value on loyalty and selflessness. However, in contemporary society, the attitude towards
friendship has shifted towards a more individualistic and pleasure-seeking approach. People now
expect their friendships to bring them happiness and enjoyment, rather than viewing them as a
moral obligation. This shift in attitudes towards friendship is evident in the way that people use
social media to connect and maintain relationships. Rather than emphasizing the responsibilities
and duties of friendship, social media platforms allow people to curate their social networks
based on their personal preferences and desires. As a result, friendships are increasingly viewed
as a means of personal fulfillment and enjoyment, rather than a duty to be fulfilled.

The dramatic shift in value placed on friendship since the time of "A Real Friend" is made clear
by comparing the two eras' respective depictions of the bond. Friendship has evolved from a
Victorian-era necessity to a modern-day source of joy and contentment.
The Gender Divide: Analyzing the Representation of Female Friendship in "A True
Friend" and Contemporary Culture

In "A True Friend", Adeline Sergeant explores the complexities of female friendship in the
Victorian era. The novel's two main characters, Lilian and Rachel, are portrayed as devoted
friends who are willing to make sacrifices for one another. However, the relationship between the
two women is also complicated by societal expectations of gender roles and the limitations
placed on women's autonomy.

For example, Lilian is expected to put the needs of her friend and her friend's child above her
own desires and aspirations. She is forced to make significant sacrifices in her own life in order
to fulfill her duties as a friend. Meanwhile, Rachel's own desires and ambitions are constrained
by her role as a single mother in a society that places little value on women's independence. This
representation of female friendship in "A True Friend" reflects the limitations and challenges
faced by women in the Victorian era. However, contemporary culture has also struggled with
representing female friendship in a nuanced and authentic way. While there are certainly more
opportunities for women to connect and form meaningful relationships with one another, popular
media has often reduced female friendships to shallow, superficial connections based on gossip
and competition. However, there are also positive examples of female friendship in
contemporary culture, such as the strong bonds between the characters in the TV show "Broad
City" or the supportive relationships between the women in the movie "Bridesmaids". These
representations demonstrate the potential for female friendship to be depicted in a way that is
authentic, complex, and empowering.

Both "A Real Friend" and modern cultural depictions of female friendship accurately portray the
difficulties and rewards that women confront while attempting to build and sustain close bonds
with one another. It's true that society norms and constraints have evolved over time, but one
thing that hasn't changed is the value of a good female companion.

Social Media and the Changing Landscape of Friendship

Social media has had a profound impact on the way that people connect and form relationships
with one another. In contemporary culture, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter have become a dominant force in shaping the way that people interact with their friends
and acquaintances. In "A True Friend", Adeline Sergeant portrays a world where social
connections are built through face-to-face interactions and personal communication. The novel's
characters rely on letters and in-person visits to maintain their friendships, and the bonds
between them are strengthened by shared experiences and mutual support.
However, in contemporary culture, social media has transformed the way that people maintain
and cultivate their friendships. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow people to stay
connected with their friends and acquaintances, even if they are geographically distant. This has
made it easier to maintain relationships over long periods of time, but has also changed the
nature of those relationships. Social media has also changed the way that people present
themselves to others, creating opportunities for self-promotion and identity creation that were not
possible in the Victorian era. While Lilian and Rachel's friendship in "A True Friend" is based on
a deep sense of moral responsibility and selflessness, contemporary friendships are often shaped
by more individualistic motives, such as the desire to showcase one's achievements and

The effects of social media on friendship are indicative of the broader shifts in the nature of
human interaction and communication that have come to characterise our modern world. The
development of new technologies and communication methods has changed the way individuals
make and keep friendships, but the underlying concepts of friendship have remained the same.


In conclusion, examining the shift in attitudes towards friendship in Victorian and contemporary
society reveals the profound impact that social and cultural changes have had on the nature of
social connection and interpersonal relationships. As demonstrated in Adeline Sergeant's "A True
Friend", friendship in the Victorian era was often viewed as a moral duty, a selfless obligation to
support and care for one's friends. Contemporary culture has seen a shift towards a more
individualistic and self-promotional approach to friendship, in which social media and other
communication technologies have transformed the way that people connect and maintain
relationships. The representation of female friendship in "A True Friend" highlights the
limitations and challenges faced by women in forming meaningful relationships, while also
demonstrating the potential for authentic and empowering representations of female friendship in
contemporary culture. Ultimately, the changing landscape of friendship reflects the broader
social and cultural shifts that have taken place over time. While the basic principles of friendship
remain constant, the way that people connect, communicate, and form relationships has been
profoundly transformed by the forces of technology, globalization, and social change.
Understanding these shifts and their impact on the nature of social connection is essential to
navigating the complexities of contemporary social life and building strong and meaningful
relationships with others.

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