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1. To start, would you please tell me a little about your experience selling on Amazon? How long
have you been listing on Amazon?
2. Besides Amazon, do you sell your products on your own website or other online platforms?
Which platforms do you use? Could you briefly describe your experience with these other
platforms? Which platform do you find the easiest to list on?
3. Who handles the process of creating and uploading product listings for your business?
4. Could you describe the scale of your product catalog in terms of SKUs? How does this change
throughout the year?
5. How do you currently store and organize your product information internally before listing items
on Amazon?
6. What are the relevant product attributes you track internally (e.g., product title, description,
images, SKUs, price, size, color, specifications)?
7. On average, how much time does it take to create a new product listing from start to finish?
How long does the same process take on other platforms that you list on?
8. Are the definitions of all the attributes included in Amazon’s template clear to you? Do you get
confused about the meaning or required format of some of the template attributes?
9. When you encounter errors during the listing process, how do you usually resolve them?
10. Could you describe the process of converting your product data to match Amazon's template
requirements? What are the most common challenges you encounter in this process?
11. Have you ever encountered difficulties deciding the most appropriate Amazon product category
for your items? If so, please provide an example.
12. Overall, how would you compare the ease of the listing process on Amazon versus other
platforms you use? (Scale: Much easier on Amazon / Slightly easier on Amazon / About the same
/ Easier on other platforms)
13. Which size system do you primarily use for your products? (Numeric/ Alpha/ Alpha numeric)
Does this size system change across different product types? If yes, could you please provide
examples of such cases?
14. Do you know about the feature to see size chart corresponding to a particular brand size on
Amazon? Do you upload the size chart for your own products? How easy or difficult do you find
the process?
15. How often do you update your size chart for existing products? (Only when there's an issue,
regular intervals, etc.)
16. Do you encounter cases of size chart varying within the same product type for different fit
types? For example, slim fit or regular fit products?
17. Do you include size charts as images within the product image gallery for your apparel or
footwear listings on Amazon? If yes, how useful do you find this approach for helping customers
find the correct size?
18. What changes or improvements would make the size chart upload and management process
easier for you on Amazon?
19. How easy or difficult do you find the process of uploading the size charts on other platforms that
you list on?
20. Right now, you have an option to upload the size chart according to the product type and
category and sub category level. Would you find the option to upload the same at a lower
granularity (for example, the fit type) useful? Are there are other such variations like fit type
according to which the size specifications can change for the same category and sub category

Sometimes there is a size chart option visible even though there are no twisters and it’s a free size
CDPMO data:

What is CDPMO data

How is it calculated

What all are the parameters

Pilot on high CDPMO ASINs, what was that, size chart defects and problems identified

In general analysis of CDPMO data and details derived from it regarding size chart defects


Concessions DPMO

DPMO=(1,000,000 X Number of defects)/(Number of units X Number of defects opportunities per unit)

Same brand not uploading certain optional measurements in our size charts even though they have
those and are uploading on other websites’ size charts. Aurelia

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