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Nalional Highways Authority of ndia FNHHA

(Minusty of Roai Transpot and Hiyways. GUVernnietof india)

0-5 Ud 6 A10, 21, iei -110 075 4G-5 &6. Seckor-10. Dwarka New Deihi-1 10075
q ANone. 91-11-250/41U0 250/4200
NHAI/Policy Guidelines/ IT /2022
Policy Circular No, 6.33/2022 dated 18th October, 2022
{Decision taken on E-Office File No. 13057/02/2021/|T (Comp. No. 117184)}

Sub.: Payment Processing Module on Datalake for submission of bills and processing
of alltypes of payments related to NHAIproject (except LA)- reg.
Ref: 1) Policy Circular No. 6.23/2020 dated 15.09.2020
2) OM No 13057/01/2021/1T dated 13.04,2022
3) OM No 13057/01/2021/|T dated 24.05.2022
4) OM No 13057/01/2021/|T dated 01.09.2022 (read with clarification dated
02.09.2022). Copies enclosed

NHAI has mandated compulsory submission and processing of all bills through Data Lake
to ensure projcct based accounting at AFMS. To bring transparency and traceability' of bils
submitted on Dalalake and assurc full adherence to prescribed policy guidelines, the existing
payment module has been upgraded with additional functionalities as well as checks at each
stage based on inputs from HQ, PIUs, FEA units. It has also enabled with authentication througth
digital signatures by the users covering the entire payment work flow viz the claimant (i.e.
Contractors/ Concessionaire, Consultants), Engineers, PDs and F&A Unit officials to faciiitate
handling the bills processingonly on Data Lake and not through e-office.
2 The beta version of the above upgraded system was made live w.e.f. 15th April 2022
vide reference 2 above after first round of training from 4th - 7th April 2022. Subsequently,
refresher training was also conducted from 26" - 31 May 2022 and 2nd 8th September 2022 for
the concerned users.

3. Now, in supersession of all previous Policy circular(s) on the subject and to ensure
transparency and timely release of eligible payments to all types of claimants except LA, the
following directions shall be strictly adhered to by all concerned involved in payment process:
i. Entire processing of payments starting from invoice submission to actual 'release
including any to-and-fro movcment for seeking clarifications etc. shall be only on Data
Lake and not through e-office. Accordingly, for proccssing of any project
payments (excluding LA), no officer shall use e-office platform for recommending
payment and FtAunit shall not entertain payment recommendations on e-office. Only
for seeking administrative approvals / fund sanctions etc. before recommendations of
payments, e-office shall be used and a copy of such approvals shall be attached while
sending recommendation to FA unit for payment release on Data Lake.
ii In addition to routine monthly payments, to facilitate those claimants, who do not
regular access to Data Lake e.g. proof /safety consultant / agencies such as advertising
agencies, legal professionals, toll operators, utility shifting authorities, miscellaneous
servicers providers / petty suppliers, etc or those contractors / consultants who are
demobilized as on date, however need to claim any outstanding amount, a facility for
online submission of such bills exists in the Data Lake home page (Claim
Payment). P!U to make sucbh claimants aware of this facility and process suchOutstanding
under concerned project UPC along with its recommendation to FaA unit after payments.
approvals." rcquisite

iii. In compliance Lo Ministry of Financc,
[.1/1/2021-PPD Department of Expenditure (Gol) Circular No.
datcd 29.10.202 1: (copy enclosed) (Clause
payment to the Conractor) foliowing instruction are 12.1 regarding Delay in
Ad-hoc payments of not iess than 75% of eligible running
pay1nent, shall be inade within 10 working days from billaccount bill/ due stage
submission date. This
period 10 days is for completion of all ad- hoc
prima facie scrutiny by all concerned in payment chain. The procesSes including
processing such payments shall be as follows: timelíne for

Sr. User Days from submission by

preceding User
AEAE Concerned 4
2 PD Concened 2
b The remaining payment is also to be made within 28 working days of
of original bill by the contracior after final submission
checking of the bill as per the
prescritbed procedure.
C. In case of delay in release in ad-hoc payment, writ ten
subm1tted by concerned officia! along with reason of delay inexplanation
shalt be
to his next higher authority within 3days of payment
d. In case of unwarranted d1scrctionary in delay of
paymnents, responsibility shall
be fixed on the concerned officers by the Authority.
e. The final bill should also be paid to the
contractor within three months after
completion of the work as per contract.
f. Any violation / non-compliance to stipulated
responsibility. procedure shall attract personal
iv. Detailed SoP to facilítate all Data Lake Users along with FaQ
Helpdesk Menu for ready refercnce and guidance. In addition, isData
available in Data Lake
Lake helpdesk may
also be contacted on 011-25074100/200 Ext 3026 / 3028 / 3037.

4. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Encl: As above

(Lt Col Chandan Vatsa,

To: Chief General Manager (Coord.)

AllOfficers of NHAI HQ/ ROs/ PIUs/ CMUs/ Site

Copy to:
1. Hindi Officer for translation in Hindi.
.2. Library. for. hosting the circular on
3. Web Admin for library site.

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