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Name : Rahul Patil


Client: RL (Canada and North America)


1.Decision scientist(DS) talks with Client for brief and requirement

2.DS will send brief to Data Engineering (DE) team
3.DE works on initital count
4.DE team will send it to DS
5.DS will send it to client and do review on strateg
6.We send initial count email to client
Before running final count promo code will be assigned by project manager
6.1.if client is happy with it then we get go ahead for final count
2.if clinet is not happy with it then will revisit stage 1

We will get mandatory CA brief from client every week

brief will have requirements and description of client requirements

important in CA brief contains

we can not modify the brief
we compare current brief and last brief
campaign name
camapaign deployment date
client requirements
offer information
for canada PMG file N

group ids (sell code and what it refers to)

group id 8 character first 4 character provided by client, 5th char default
(provided by client), 6th char elasticity, last two offer

Model lookup(elasticity and lifestyle)

output file format

initial count
after running initial count sql script we fill initial count file

Canada Campaign:
1.We only have Champion
2.Split Data by language French and English
3.For Canada post matrix is not used

NA Campaign:
we will get brief as 1.Heavy 2.Medium 3.Light
Split into 1.Champion 2.Challenger (accordint to split be provided by client)

2 matrix
1.Pre-Matrix:= made before running initial count
2.Post-Matrix:= made after running final count

important points:
temperory tables are used in this project which are dropped after sql session
pivot tables are important

suppose we have file name as

final count
2452 - fiscal year 24 week 52

according to CA brief we made changes in sql script

process for pre matrix prematrix excel file
2.go to offers file ALT+D+P
1.selecct multiple consolidation option then pivot table then i will create the
page field rows from champion press add, challenger press add, ChampPct press add on 1
4.field one select rows that added then enter their as per table name in offers
sheet click on next sheet1 is created double click on grand total value and then new sheet2 is
5.copy rows from new sheet2 and past it in converted reverse pivot file
6.then copy value and page 1 and paste it in insert template file then insert
template generated
7.copy generated insert template and paste it in copy insert template file

then we use insert statements in sql script

How to Identify customer

PPDM - Champion

PPDL - Challenger

PPD0 - Enquirer, Bulk Buyers, Clean, Control Groups

customers are identify using cell codes

first four positions PPD0 is same
sixth position if E - Enquirer
if 5th position is o - old and if N - New

2.Bulk Buyers
6th position B then Bulk Buyers

1.sixth position c
1. if 5th position 0 then not likely to churn
2. if 5th position L then likely to churn

4.Control Groups
5th position Has C then control group

How to identify Clean Customer

all customers from retainOffer table who has offer = 0% is a clean customer.
Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where customerid in (select
mstr_customer_id from #RetainOffer where offer = '0%');
How to identify Bulk Buyer
Bulk Buyer is identified by the customerType = 'Bulk buyer'
Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where customertype = 'Bulk
How to identify Inquirer
Inquirer is identified by the customertype = 'Inquirer'
Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where customertype = 'Inquirer';
How to identify Clean Customers - Likely to Churn and Not likely to churn
Clean Customers Likely to Churn is a clean customer with churnScore = 1
Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where ChurnScore = 1 and
customerid in (select mstr_customer_id from #RetainOffer where offer = '0%');

Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where customertype = 'Inquirer'

and groupid = 'PPD00E__ ';

for new enquirer

Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where customertype = 'Inquirer'
and groupid = 'PPD0NE__ ';

Clean LTC
Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where ChurnScore = 1 and
customerid in (select mstr_customer_id from #RetainOffer where offer = '0%') and
groupid like 'PPDOOC__';

clean NLTC
Select customerid into #Group from #WithGroupsWork where ChurnScore = 0 and
customerid in (select mstr_customer_id from #RetainOffer where offer = '0%') and
groupid like 'PPDOLC__';

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