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8.2 Group Properties & Trends

Question Paper

Course CIE IGCSE Chemistry

Section 8. The Periodic Table
Topic 8.2 Group Properties & Trends
Difficulty Hard

Time allowed: 10

Score: /5

Percentage: /100

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Question 1
Bromine and rubidium react together to form the compound rubidium bromide. Which row correctly describes the formula
and colour of rubidium bromide?

formula colour
A RbBr dark grey
B RbBr2 dark grey
C RbBr white
D RbBr2 white

[1 mark]

Question 2
The reactivity of the alkali metals increases moving down the group. Which statement explains this observation?
A. Decreasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the metals to lose their valence electrons.
B. Increasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it harder for the metals to lose their valence electrons.
C. Increasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the metals to lose their valence electrons.
D. Decreasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the metals to lose their valence electrons.
[1 mark]

Question 3
Properties of four alkali metals labelled are shown in the table. Which one is placed lowest in the group?

melting point / oC density / g cm-3

A 39 1.50
B 28.5 1.93
C 98 0.98
D 63.5 0.86

[1 mark]

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Question 4
Element Q is a halogen which reacts with aqueous potassium bromide, as shown in the reaction below:
Q2 + 2 KBr → 2 KQ + Br2
Which row describes element Q?

More reactive than bromine Greater Ar than bromine

A ✓ ✓
B ✓ ×
C × ✓
D × ×

[1 mark]

Question 5
A solution of a lithium halide and a halogen are mixed together. A reaction occurs and the mixture darkens in colour.
What is the mixture?
A. Bromine and lithium chloride
B. Bromine and lithium fluoride
C. Chlorine and lithium iodide
D. Chlorine and lithium fluoride
[1 mark]

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