Salvager f1

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Salvager Name:



In 2122 thousands of wrecked ships clog up the space ways. So
enterprising individuals have taken to clearing the dangerous
task of salvaging these derelicts. They will grow rich or die

Test:Whenever a test is made roll one red die for the player and
one white die roll for the opponent or obstacle. Add in any Consumables:
modifiers and the side with the highest result wins. Ties go-to

To create a character: roll 2d10 add the results together. That

is the number of character points to create your character. Split Name:
them between the abilities below.
Fight: The ability to fight off aggressive monsters or robots. Athletics:
Charm: The ability to talk your way past people Mechanics:
Athletics: The ability to perform athletic feats Security
Mechanics: the ability to fix things
Security: the ability to circumvent security systems Health:
Health: your characters physical health
Energy: your character’s energy to do things
Each failed test will lose either Health or Energy Once either
reached 0 the character dies.
Ship to be salvages size is based on the number of hexes each
way. Roll 1d10 to determine the size. If a ship has a reactor,
bridge, and engineering room it is considered a complete ship
and is worth 3 times the rolled salvage result.
1-3 2x2

4-6 3x3

7-10 4x4
Roll 1000 cr + Retirement
Choose what hex to enter first and roll on the type of room Runaway: a salvager can leave a wrecked ship at any time but they 1 You lose all your money and get caught cheating in a
must pay a 500cr fine and they can not come back to the same ship. poker tournament. The operators of the game send you out
Roll Room/Description Salvage If a salvager ever drops to 0 cr then they are forced to retire and roll the airlock with no spacesuit.
on the 0 retirement chart
2 You quickly run out of cash and fall in with a smuggling
1 Bridge : security bot went berserk and killed 700 ring. But you are quickly caught and spend the rest of your
the crew. Fight (H) +1 life in prison.
Roll 0 cr + Retirement
2 Recreation deck: athletic and entertainment 400 3 you invest your gains in the newest food delivery service
equipment bar the way. Athletics +1 (E) 1 you take a job at a food plant to pay off your debts. One
and become mega-rich overnight.
day you fall into one of the vats and are ground into
3 Armory: Sentry guns make life hard 750 4 you embark on a fantastic journey only to be lost in the
sometimes. Security +2 (H) wilderness on an unknown planet. But the first settlement
2 while working in a landfill you come across a large amount
4 cargo hold: Who keeps Centuri Dragons as 1200 on the planet is named after you.
of cash hidden in an old mattress. You are able to live
gard dogs? Fight +2 (H) 5 you start a small spaceship repair business. It becomes
comfortable of the hidden treasure for the rest of your life.
5 Reactor: Radiation leaks can cause the worst 300 well known for its quality and workmanship. You are
3 while working in the space stations sanitation department
sunburns. Mechanics +2 (E) proud to pass it on to your grandchildren.
you get stuck in a recycling pipe and are never seen again.
6 Crew quarters: Somebody thought the robot 350 6 you retire to a small backwater planet and become a
4 to make ends meet your work in medical testing one day
dog was a good idea. Security +1 (E) political kingpin.
you trn into a monster and eat everybody on the space
7 Galley: The grease covers everything! 400 station. 7 after witnessing a crime you spend your life running from
Athletics +1 (E) the criminals.
5 while singing on the street for change a music producer
8 Hydroponics: I have herd of man eating plants 800 finds you and gives you 15 minutes of fame. You ride out 8 you settle down on a small asteroid and farm the local
but that is ridiculous. Security +3 (E) the rest of your life as a b list celebrity. fungus. It’s a hard life but rewarding in its own way.
9 Medical bay: The med bot wont stop running 400 6 after drinking too much cheap booze you walk yourself 9 you use your salvager experience to land a movie part.
in circles. Athletics +2 (E) out an airlock. Years later you are an in-demand movie star.
10 Engineering : What's a 1 meter wide hole in the 350 7 you take a job surveying a new planet and are eaten by the 10 you buy a blob farm on the fronter and live out an easy life
hull between friends? Mechanics +1 (H) larges species of frog ever found. The species is named free of rector meltdowns and crazy security robots.
Back to the Station: After all, hexes have been successfully after you.
Roll 10000 cr + Retirement
cleared roll to collect salvage. If a ship has a reactor, bridge, 8 while working as a courier you find a new wormhole and
chart a new sector of space becoming one of the centuries 1 when the enemy came you bought a ship and took it to
and engineering section then it is considered a ship and
greatest explorers war. After many adventures, you come home to a hero's
receives x3 salvage
9 you are eaten by space rats
Equipment :A character can have up to 2 items and 3 2 after squandering your retirement you spend your last few
10 you sign up for a long colony voiage but when you wake credits on a lottery ticket and hit it big.
consumables (c) at any time up all the other passengers are gone. You live out your life
in the giant space ship alone. 3 you use your retirement to buy companies and sell the
Health or energy point 750crX new level pieces off to the highest bidder
Ability point 750crX new level 4 you invest in a new ship and get a letter of marques. You
Lock pick: +1 to security 450cr are now in the big time yo ho.
Ray gun: +1Fight 500cr 5 You witness the ultimate crime and testify in court. You
Grenade: (c)1 use reroll missed fight check 400cr spend the rest of your life pretending to be somebody else.
Multi-tool: +1 mechanic 600cr 6 you buy a small world and proclaim yourself royalty. The
Armor: +1 fight 1250cr locals don’t seem to care and your family rules well for
Jet belt: +1 athletics +700cr many centuries.
Med pack: (c)550cr regain 1 health 7 during a paradise space cruise planet side excursion, a
Stimulant patch: (c) 400cr regain 1 health drunken party goer knocks you off the tallest cliff in the
Plasma torch: 700cr +1 mechanic known universe.
Light Exo suit: 2400cr +1 athletics +1 fight 8 while salvaging you wrote a few songs. After retiring you
Repair drone: 2000cr +2 mechanic recorded them and they became big hits propelling you to
XC13 plasma cannon: 2100cr +2 fight rockstar status overnight.
© TEU games 2022 written by Patrick McNary
9 while on a safari to Hedil 6 you get too close to the
An Kody Johnson art by Stefan Ljumov wildlife and get eaten by a space tiger.
10 you buy an entire planet and live alone never seeing
another person again. Just the way you like it.

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