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Jln. Poros Makassar-Palopo Km.246 Kode Pos 90993
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :
Kelas/Semester : VIII/Ganjil Waktu :

1. Rania says, “That’s right.”

What does it mean?
A. She asks for help C. She agrees a fact
B. She gives help D. She disagrees a fact
2. Ferry: Would you like to come to my sister’s wedding party next Sunday Mr.
Mr. Johnny : That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think I can. Have a nice party.
The underlined expression is used for ........
A. Inviting people C. Introducing people
B. Asking for information D. Asking people to do things
3. Wafda: Everything is expensive today. Only a cup of coffee, we must pay fifty
thousand rupiahs.
Agitha: Yeah, you’re right. I …….. with you.
A. Buy B. Come C. Disagree D. Agree
4. Rearrange the jumbled sentences below into a good paragraph!
1. After that we mopped the floor using a mopping cloth
2. Everything looked nice
3. In the morning, I swept the whole room in the house
4. Last Sunday, I didn’t go to school
5. I finished with the cleaning almost at 12 o’clock
6. So I stayed at home and I did the cleaning at my house
The best arrangement of the sentence above is.....
A. 3–6–1–4–5–2 C. 2–4–6–3–1–5
B. 4–6–3–1–5–2 D. 5–3–6–4–1–2
5. Harsya: What do you think about the new student in our class?
Wizar : .............She is friendly and smart.
A. I see that C. Don’t say that
B. I want to say D. I think

6. What kind of attention is this .....

A. Giving attention C. Asking for attention
B. Giving prohibition D. Giving suggestion

7. There are asking for attention expression expect .....

A. Attention please C. Hello
B. I suggest you D. are you ready to study

Wati : you look cute with your new hair cute.

Iwan : thank you for saying so .....

8.What does it mean .....

A. She compliments iwan C. she want s to have a new hair cut
B. She doen’t like iwan D. She congratulate Iwan

Edo : I think all of animals in the zoo should be looked up in cages.

Women : I don’t think so .....

9.What does it mean ?

A. She think that all animals should have cage C. She think is very good
B. she agree with Edos opinion D. she disagree with Edos’ opinin

10.Mr. Budi .....Are we all ready to learn English?

Student yes ma’am
A. Do you understand C. I think so
B. what do you think D. attrntion please

11. We ..... come here before nine oc’lock.

A. Can C. Can’t
B. Will not D. Shoud

12. She ..... Come to my party.becouse she is sick.

A. Can C. Can’t
B. Will not D. Should

13. Tiara ..... Make a delicious cake .because she will celebrate her birthday party.
A. Will not C. Can’t
B. Will D. Is
14. I ..... make a cake by myself.but I ..... try it.
A. can’t - will C. will - can’t
B. can - will D. will not- can’t
15. My mom .....cook me a delicious food before .I come here.
A. will C. can
B. will not D. can’t

16. Udin will you help me to bring this book to the library
A. I’m sorry I can’t C. I will do my home work
B. I’m busy D. Sure

17. We will use more English now. You ..... greet me and your friends in English
A. can C. should
B. have D. will

18. I will go out, but it is very cloudy now. You ..... bring jacket
A. must C. cant
B. will D. should

19. We .....wear a uniform everyday.

A. must C. will
B. can D. should

20. We be late to school

A. must C. will
B. must not D. should

21. We ..... Keep our classroom clean and tidy

A. will C. must
B. must not D. should

This txt is for Question 22!

Dear Lina
Please come to my 15th birthday a party. It will be held
Place : Merpati
Date : 24th of November
Time : 19.00 pm
Please come on time! Without you the party is not

22. Who will celebrate birthday party?

A. Lina C. Lina’s mother
B. Budi D. Anita
This txt is for Question 23-24!

Dear Mrs. Rany

Congratulation on the opening of your boutiquel
I wish you luck and success!
Mr. Roby

23. Why does Mr. Robby congratulate Mrs. Tany?

A. She has a new job
B. She has a new businnes
C. She has a new residence
D. She has a branch of her business

24. Mrs. Rany’s business deals with …..

A. fashion C. groceries
B. furniture D. medicines

Dear unty Hani

Congratulation for the new baby!
I cannot wait to play football with him
Your nephew

25. Who hae a new baby …..

A. Aunty Hani C. The writer
B. Anto D. Dunty Hani

Answer the questions below!

1. Write expressions of
a. Asking for attention
b. To check if we are understood
c. To show apreciation
2. Write some expression to invite someone
3. Write some expression to accepting and refusing invitation
4. Write some expression to ask permission, giving permission and refusing
5. Changes into negative and introgative sentence
a. I will study
b. We will eat banana
c. I can play guitard
d. Rina can sing a song

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