Investigative Task Y11 3u

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F rr ook like when we zoom in to the micro level? Onamicro level, the function will always look like a straight line. This, is independent of what point we pick on the graph and the initial curvature that we see from the graph before zooming in on it. Picture 2 is a much more zoomed in version of picture 1, which can be Setermined using the scale Yes, however the amount we need to zoom before attaining a straight line differs between each point on a graph, depending on the initial curvature of the graph. The more rounded the curve looks, the more zooming that is required before the curve looks like a straight line. However, the straighter the macro viewed graph is, the less zooming which is needed to achieve a straight line. ‘Gompare the zooming required for point P and D to attain a straight line. P requires ‘much less, according to the scale, as it already appears much straighter from the normal view. After conducting my own independent investigations, | observed that linear graphs will look straight irrespective of whether we zoom into it or not, this makes sense as linear graphs have a constant gradient. Through personal investigation, | also determined that the view of the ‘giant’ and the ‘ant’ differs most when a given point of the graph has the most curvature. This correlates to the idea that more zooming is required to attain a straight line from the curve. Also, the absolute value graph is a special case at x = 0, because it could be considered on either the negative or positive side of the graph. Also the gradient of a hyperbola cannot be found on the x-value of its asymptote, because itis undefined at that region. Gradient of origin is undefined, the graph remains the same even when zoomed in When zoomed in on a line created by two close points on a graph, we can see that this line is a secant to the Line looks tke a tangent when graph, as it intersects the graph at least ee ee tere teed fect two times. However, as we zoom out, the gap between the line and the curve ol ate which makes the line look secantial disappears, hence the line appears tangential to the curve. Hence from a zoomed in ‘giant's’ view, we are able to see the ‘ant's’ view of the graph. | The giant is also able to predict the ant’s view simply by looking at a graph and envisioning what it would look like on a micro level. The gradient of a point of the curve is the gradient of the tangent to the curve at that particular point. Hence, by taking a tangent to the graph at the point on the graph, and then measuring its slope, we are able to a determine the gradient of the graph at the point to which the line is tangential to When taught in year 7, the tangent was defined as a line which intersects a circle at exactly one given point. However, after the ‘ previous activities, | would change the definition to: a line which intersects a curved surface at precisely one point. This would generalise the term Calculus: The Big Ideas 1. From the ant's view, it essentially looks like the ant is walking on a straight line. This essentially means that from a local or zoomed perspective, a graph looks like a straight line 2. The tangent at a point on the curve gives the gradient function Graph, Ge 2001) The concept which is explored by the gradient function is the rate at which the slope or gradient of a graph changes as | the value of a given x value changes. Hence, we can use the gradient function to see how the gradient of the graph varies when we change the x values. _| ‘As we change the x value, we | also see different values for the gradient of the curve. Gradiont function ofthe graph. 1, Note that when the normal graph has negative gradient, the ‘gradient function becomes negative. ‘Question #2.2: What do you believe you have discovered about the gradient functions for. polynomials The gradient function of a linear graph is a constant value, that of a parabola is a linear graph, while that of a quartic is a cubic. Hence, we can conclude that the gradient function of a given graph looks like a graph of one degree lower than the highest degree of the original graph. Also, constant variables don't affect the gradient function, e.g. the gradient function of x’ is the same as x? +1 Gradient Gradient Graph: functionis Graph; function is ox cubic ca linear “yy / Gradient function is Graph constant x+#2 To find a close approximation of a tangent to a point on a graph, input progressively smaller differences between the two x-values of the points used. The smaller the difference gets, theoretically, the more accurate the gradient of the line between these two points would be to the gradient at the point. \G@r fs \ ¥ \ h=1 h=0.1 h=0.01 The tangent changes radically from h=1 to h=0.1, and there is still a small visible change from h=0.1 to h=0.01 S The gradient of the graph at a given point is defined as the gradient of the tangent to the graph at that point. To create a tangent, or line, we must have at least two points to formulate a line, as a single point on a plane can have infinitely many lines passing through it. However, a tangent is a line which intersects the curve of the graph at exactly one point, which cannot be defined as a definite line; this is the challenge of finding the gradient at a single point. Lesson 3: C Flee f : eee nee how to make it more accurate The approximate gradient function is a graph which can be used to determine the gradient « any given point on the original graph from which it is based. It can be achieved by taking the difference between two y-values or two very close x-values on a graph; hence the name. differentiation. However, by inspecting the function closely, we see that it is essentially the gradient function, rise/run. f(x+h) = y,, f(x) = y,, xth = x, and x = x,. When we put this together, it gives y, - y/x, ~ x, = [f(x+h) - f(x)J/x+h-x = [f(xth) - fogy/h To make the function more accurate, we have to minimize the difference between the first and second point, as this will approach the true value of the tangent of the graph at the first point. This is essentially minimizing h, which we can do theoretically by ‘limiting it to 0" Therefore as h — 0, the approximate gradient function will yield something closer to the actual gradient of the tangent line to that point; hence giving the gradient at that point. However, we cannot simply just make h = 0, because that would essentially mean the second and first point have the same x-value and hence are identical points. Creating a tangent with only a single point instead of two is mathematically implausible. Graph x?,h= 0.5 Graph x2, h= 0.1 Graph x¢, h = 0.01 Using the approximate gradient function, the gradient of x” is 2x, which is reflected as h approaches 0, as shown. Question #3.2: Whatis the rule to find the gradient function fora polynomial? = Given function is f(x) = x°, f(x+h) = (x+h)" - Letxth=v - Therefore f(x+h) - f(x) = f(v) - f(x) = v'- x°, hence the approximate gradient function of such a polynomial is: [v" - x"Wv-x = Using the difference of two powers, v"= x" = (V-x)(v"! + vx + Vx? + VX" + vx? + x""), where there are n terms in the second bracket can be derived - Therefore, [f(v) - fO)JWv-x = [(v-xXv"t + v2x + va. + VEX + vx"? + x” )vex from the approximate gradient function. - This equals, (v™' + v'%x + v"%x?... + v’x"* + vx"? + x”), where there are n terms, as we limit v — x, it equals, (x! + x°2x + 92... + 2x" + xx" + x), - Which also equals, (x1 + x"! + x1... +x" +x"! + x™) for n terms. - This equals nax™', for polynomial ax” Therefore to find the approximate gradient function of a polynomial x", use nx”, This is proved by supplementing polynomials and then cross checking with the approximate gradient function in geogebra. The rule that | derived was also consistent with the results which | obtained for the rest of the approximate gradient function. For example, when applying the approximate gradient function to x°+x?-2x+1, we attain that the gradient function of the graph is 3x’+2x-2. This can be seen by subbing values, which also remains consistent with the graph. Gradient matches the equation, given the x value

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