Mastering Listening Skills 2

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Answers Chapter 1 Amazing Animals @ Koko the Gorilla Pre-Listening Questions SETHE 1 Its primate. Some other primates are monkeys, chimpanzees, and humans. 2 Ihave heard her name, but I don't know why she is famous. know some animals can use sign language to ‘communicate with humans, 4 Yes, would, | would love to tak to my dog and! cat | want to know what they are thinking. Vocabulary + captivity 2 primate 3. tremendous 4 communicate 5 effort © hater ap Script Oreaoros M Teacher: Humans have long wanted to communicate with animals. Theyve been able todo this to some extent, Forinstance, dogs can understand inctnuctions cuch _a5"Sit"Come and "Roll over” Other tame animals can Understand a smal number of structions But animals ‘crit epeak to humans in arylanguages that people can understand, ‘Seme scientists Helleved they could teach primates such as gorilas and chimpanzees to communicate with humane though they aid this by using American Sign Language It's also called ASL. One of these gorilas was Koko. The effort to teach Koko to talk with humans has ben a-tremendous success. Koko was bom atthe San Francisco Zain 1971 ‘She has epont: her entire lif In captivity Koko loa ester lowland gorilaln1976, the Gora Foundation was established ts miseion was-to teach tw gorilas to communicate with humans by using AGL Two gorllas were Involved in the project: Kako andMichael Both learned ‘ASL, but Koko learned it much better than Micha Infact, Koko has learned more language than any ‘other nonhuman has. She's stl alve today athough she Is rather od fora gota, She knows more than 1,000 ‘signs, and she can understand more than 2,000 words Endlich Her handlers beleve horIQis betwaon seventy 100 andninety-tve, 100s average forhumans, Koto fsa unique animal Shehas hada few pets— some cats and abird—over the years, And she often dplays emotions similar to those of humans. Researchers hope tateach her morein the future. And ‘they hope tobe able to speak with other animal as wll Organizer en © Michael © 1,000 @ 2,000 95 Oabird ap Comprehension 16 2@ 30 40 5 Gorilla Foundation ® 7@ 8 ° we ap stoning Skills Practice: Main Idea 1 A@ 8 Script Crrcor02 M Teacher: Gorilae arent the only animals that have learned how to communicate with sign language, Chimpanzees have done, too infact, the chimp Washoe was the frst nonhuman ever to learn to use sign langage Washon ad fram 1985 to 2007. Sha spent. most of her fein captvity. While shelved with various researchers, she learned vo tak vo them by using sige language. She leaned around 350 words in American Sign Language. She alco deplayed behavior that waa very hhumanlke at-times. She enjoyed looking through catalogs. ‘She partly hel shoe catalog, Washoe ied to brush her teeth paint, and drink coffee as wel. She also ‘dal something that npressed researchers very much, ‘She taught another chimp how to use slgn language. She ‘taught the chip Louls his rot sign only afew days _aftor che met him. Researchers hope that they can get. chimps to teach one another how to use sign language “the future 10 20 3@ istening Questions: 1 Ablind man is using a seeing-eye dog to walk down the street. ‘They help blind people get around. | think monkeys can help people do some activities, | thnk service animals ae great, They can help many people with disabities have better Ines. Vocabulary 1 master 2 assist 3. breed 4 avoid 5 fortunate © bond ap Script Odreaorar IM Teacher: Many bind peoplehave problems going rom. place toplace When they go outaide they use canes ‘that they tapon the gaund in front of them This ets ‘them avai ruminginta people or object. Nevertheless forthese people fe canbe quite ficult Other bind people are more fortunate. They have seaing-eye dogs ‘that asst them. Blind people with sacing-eye dogs can function wel i society Seeing: eye dogs are trained to aid ind people. They canlead people down busy sidewalk and help them avoid hitting others, They can hep people cross street Many oF hem can even press buttons on elevators. Basically, seckg-eye dogs act as the eyes of bn people and thereto improve ther omer daly Ives. Mary breeds of dage can become secng-cye dogs. The frst seeing eye dogs were German shepherds. Glden retrievers and labrador retrievers are often scing-eye dogs, tao. The dogs must:be somewhat big and ncligent, They need to ben good heath as well Then, the dogs mmustattenda school There dog trainers teach them how toasalt their future masters Finally the dog and its owner are matched. They train together forup toa month That way, they can get used to each other. Seeing eye dogs and thelr owners frequently farm. close bonds, The dogs not only lea their onners around but aleohelp relive their owners feeings of stress and loneiness.n ation, guide dogs are bacomina mare accepted around the world So thel owners can take them into lts of business eatabishment including restaurants, Thus secing-eye dogs areatly improve the qualty of He of thee overs, Organizer @ trained © cross streets loneliness @ eyes @ intetigent © masters Comprehension 10 20 3 40 5 stess ® ® 76 8@ © 0@ ap Liskin ie Prac: Main Idea I A®@ B script Ormicane IM Student: For my report: fm golng to tak about service animale, Most people know about seeing-eye dogs, They _acelot Hind people and help them get around, But there are other types of service animate a well Two of the more common service animals are miniature horses and ‘monkeys. Miniature horses are much smaller than regular horses, They can Ive idcors with people, Some people with dlabilties use them as service animals, Minature horses can lead bina people and can even pull vhecichaia. People who arealergic to dog hai oftenuse themas Service ania, In addition, capuchin monkeys are used a5 service animals these days. These monkeys are very aoad with their hands. So they are excellent for quadriplegic. “Those are people who cari move their arms orlegs. These sevice monkayscan do avariety af acthities They can putCDs into CD players, tum the pages of books, and ‘even answer phones. Thanks to them, ther owners can have much betcer ves, 10 20 308 Answers | 101 Military Dolphins aD Pre-Listening Questions 41 Itlooks like the dolphin is obeying the soldler’s command, Maybe the solder is trainina it. 2. I'mnot sure. Maybe they can swim with divers and help them, 8 [know the military uses dogs. I don't know about any other aia 4 think t's okay. But hope that they treat the animats well Vocabulary + protect 2 resoarcher 3 mine 4 hull 5 detect 6 postive Script CV rc103-01 W Teacher: One night, a terrorist puts on some scuba ‘gear He ds urdorwator and owns toward anavy base. His objective oan alreaft carier He wants to attach a bombo the ship hull Then, willexplede and damage ‘the ship Suddenly a dolphin swims by the terrorist. Then, “a eecond dolphin appears, One dolphin etaye near the terrorist while the other suns away A moment later, several ravy dvers appear: They capture the terorit _and prevent the bomb from going off But the real heroes fare the dolphine They found the terrorist “Thismight sound Ike something from a scienco- ‘ction mowe, butt ent: Military dolphins are real The United States Navy has been training dlphins since the 1960s, At first, the US. Navy studled dolphins and ‘other sea animals to lear how they moved underwater They wanted tomake their ships and submarines move faster: Then the researchers realized that they coud ‘tain the dolphins todo various actMities. So the US. Navy captured come dalphine and began training them, The program has been succeseful. Dolphins are highly Incellgent. Theyre arrong the most intallgent- creatures on the planet alco Chink theyre amzing animals. love the way that they swim and interact with humans. “Anyway the dolphins leamed many sills, The US. Navy ‘trained them todetect enemy avers as wells mines, Mines are bombs that can destroylarge ships. The dolphins azo leamed to reteleve lost object's, tobring 102 Items to dvers, and to protect: ships and submarines, They helped the US. Navy the Vietnam War aswell as ‘the first and cecond Gul wars. tim postive dolphin wl be Lsefulin the future as wel Organizer @US.Nay © Captured © mines @ lost objects © submarines © Gut wars ap Comprehension © 2 2@ 2@ 5 @ 7 2@ © 0® Lisiening Sila Prat: Fact and Opinion 1 A @F 0 @0 8 seript Ora0002 IM Teacher: Sea ions are mammals that tne both on land ‘and isthe water One common species the Calforia sealion Ithas four flpers and shorthaie andi can weigh more than 500 kilagrams. The California sea lon 16a playfulanimal and often appears in animal shows at 2008 and aquariums, Personally love watching hem perform But:seallons can do other valuable actvtios, For exami, the US. Navy uses seallons to protactits ships rom enemy divers They ean portant part oF ‘the program called the Shallow Water Intruder Detection System. This is used to guard navy ships near shore. Sea lons are excellont swimmers. They are trained to swim behind an anemy diver That way, the diver wore thom, Then, they puta clamp on the avers armor eg ar svi nay. rope ls attached tothe camp. Solders thon pull on the rope and deag the diver out of the water In that way, sealions and humane work together to protect navy ships 10 20 3 @@ 60 eo Bloodhounds Pre-Listening Questions 1 Itlooks tk its sniffing the ground, It might be chasing something. | believe that they have very good noses. | know shi-tzus, poodles, boxers, retrievers, and huskies. There are many types of dogs. 4 They can be good trends with humans. They can also work withthe police, And some dogs work on farms, too. Vocabulary 4 eoont 2 evidence 8. relentless 4 convict 5 murderer © alley ees Seript Arws0801 W Teacher: Last right, a murderer escaped from the ital Many ofthe reldents ofthe ety were word They were afraid the police would catch him. beloved ‘the police woud be successhu though To reasons ‘that they used a bloodhound to find him. tonly took the bloodhound twohours to track down the mleehg prisoner He was hiding in an alley afew klometers anay fromthe Jal The police recaptured him and took him back to prison Timsure i weud have taken them longer they dde'bhave a Hoodhound onthe police force. Bloodhound are my favorite breed of og There very ponerful and can weigh up to fifty kllograms, They have excelent personaiti, and they make great pet tio. But the best part about: themis thar noses They have ncredbly sonstive noses. They often pick up strange cents and try tofolow them. So theyre avery carious breed. As a matter of fact tel curiosity can cause problems. Sometimes they smell something new and wander off insearch of the source ofthe scent. Bloadhounds frequently use their excell noses to help humans, Many poice forces use Heodhounds, loadhounds can pick up human scents that are 100. hours old Whon they start tracking a scont; they ae. relentless. They never aiveup Some boodhounds have tracked down hunians after travelirgmore than 160 klometers. Courts allarcund the world accept evidence bloouhounds have found In fact,one oodsound was 60 ‘effective that It helped conct more than G00 crtnina, Organizer @ 50 © sensitive © wander off @ police forces @ tracking © criminals a= Comprehension 1@ 26 3@ 40 5 scent ® 8@ ® a Listening kills Practice: Fact and Opinion IL A @o OF oF B Seript Orsoser MNowscastor: Authorities have|ust announced they stoppeda terrorist plot to destroy an airplane. This morning, pasceryger on aplane gong to London checked bag onto the fight: The suitaase had large bomb in It. According toa policeman, the bomb was bia enough ‘todestray the plane, Unfortunately human cecurity ‘guards edt detect the bomb, Fortunately, the alrport has anumber of bomb-detection dogs, One of the dags— named Friday-—was.on ity this morning. Friday siffad something strange the bag. Soke alerted his handlers. Members ofthe bor squad amwad. Then, thay took the bomb apart In addition police rested the man who tried ‘toputthe bomb onto the plane. ther airports around ‘the country are making sure their bomb-detecting gs are working hardin case there areother bombs We this one. It appears that Friday the dog has saved hundred of people's ves, Nell have more on this breaking news storyin usta fewminutes, 10 20 3 00 o@ eo Answers | 103

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