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Parang High School

Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City

S.Y. 2023-2024

Exploring the Roots of Teenage Depression: A Comparative Study with Adult Depression


Caliva, Crisostomo

Submitted to:
Mrs. Rejoice Ann S. Cristobal
Language Teacher

In Completion of the English 10 Final Requirements

May 15, 2024

Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

Depression is a pervasive mental health condition affecting individuals
across various age groups. However, its manifestation and impact differ
significantly between teenagers and adults. Understanding the unique
factors contributing to depression in adolescents and contrasting them
with adult depression is crucial for effective prevention and intervention
1. Prevalence of Depression in Adolescents
o Adolescence is a critical developmental stage marked by
physical, emotional, and social changes. During this period,
teenagers face academic pressures, peer relationships, identity
formation, and hormonal fluctuations. These factors can
contribute to the onset of depressive symptoms. According to
the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), approximately
15% of teenagers experience a major depressive episode.
Identifying the root causes specific to this age group is essential
for targeted interventions.
2. Factors Influencing Adolescent Depression
o Several factors contribute to teenage depression, including:
 Biological Factors: Hormonal changes during puberty
may affect neurotransmitter levels, leading to mood
 Psychosocial Stressors: Academic stress, family conflicts,
bullying, and social isolation significantly impact
adolescent mental health.
 Social Media and Technology: The digital age exposes
teenagers to cyberbullying, unrealistic body standards,
and constant social comparison.
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

 Genetic Predisposition: Family history of depression

increases the risk for adolescents.
3. Contrasting Adult Depression
o While some factors overlap between adolescent and adult
depression, there are notable differences:
 Life Experience: Adults face work-related stress,
financial burdens, and relationship challenges. Their
coping mechanisms and resilience may differ from those
of teenagers.
 Duration and Persistence: Adult depression tends to be
chronic, whereas adolescent depression may be more
 Treatment Approaches: Therapeutic modalities and
medication regimens vary based on age.

The primary research questions addressed in this study include:
1. What are the primary causes of depression among teenagers?
2. How does the teenage brain respond to stressors that may lead
to depression?
3. What are the social and environmental factors contributing to
depression in teenagers?
4. How does depression manifest differently in teenagers
compared to adults?
5. What are the potential long-term effects of untreated teenage


Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

This research holds several important implications:

1. Clinical Practice and Interventions: By identifying age-specific risk
factors, clinicians can tailor interventions to address the unique
needs of teenagers and adults. Effective prevention and treatment
strategies can improve mental health outcomes.
2. Public Health and Education: Understanding the differences
between adolescent and adult depression informs public health
campaigns and educational programs. Targeted awareness efforts
can reduce stigma and promote early intervention.
3. Research Advancements: This study contributes to the existing
body of knowledge on depression by highlighting age-related
variations. Future researchers can build upon these findings to
explore novel avenues for prevention and treatment.


The data gathering tool used in this study is secondary data collection. This
means that this study is based upon existing articles, studies and academic

A. The Primary Causes of Depression Among Teenagers
- According to MayoClinic Staff (August 12, 2022), adolescent
depression is a significant mental health issue marked by
persistent feelings of sadness and disinterest in activities,
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

affecting cognitive, emotional, and behavioural aspects. While

depression can manifest at any stage of life, its symptoms may
vary between teenagers and adults. Factors such as peer pressure,
academic demands, and physical changes can exacerbate
emotional fluctuations in teens, potentially indicating depression.
It's emphasized that teen depression is not a sign of weakness or
something that can be resolved through sheer willpower, as it can
lead to severe consequences and necessitates long-term treatment.
For most teenagers, depression symptoms can alleviate with
treatments like medication and psychological counselling.

- In their publication dated July 27, 2021, Caitlyn Geng and Alex
Klein, PsyD, highlight various potential causes of depression and
anxiety in teenagers, including genetic predisposition, traumatic
experiences, environmental influences, brain variances, substance
misuse, puberty-related stress, and negative cognitive patterns.
Symptoms of depression and anxiety in teens may encompass
low energy, diminished interest in previously enjoyed activities,
disrupted sleep patterns, and feelings of hopelessness. The most
effective treatment approach typically involves a combination of
talk therapy and medication. Additionally, teenagers may
enhance their symptoms through non-medical means such as
exercise, breaking tasks into manageable portions, socializing,
maintaining a regular sleep routine, and seeking support when

B. The Way Teenage Brain Responds to Stressors That May Lead to

Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

- According to Shivek Narang (November 30, 2023), teenagers

exhibit unique responses to stress due to ongoing brain
development, with the amygdala's heightened emotional
reactivity contributing to increased vulnerability to issues like
anxiety and depression. Understanding stressors such as
academic pressure, social dynamics, family conflicts, and identity
exploration is crucial for creating a supportive environment for
- According to Alison Pearce Stevens (March 18, 2021), depression
in teenagers often manifests as persistent feelings of sadness, loss
of interest in activities, and a sense of emptiness, which can last
for more than two weeks. Stress appears to be a major trigger for
depression in adolescents, with many experiencing rumination
and negative thought patterns.
C. Teenagers Can Experience Depression Due to Various Social and
Environmental Factors
- According to Caitlyn Geng/Alex Klein, PsyD (July 27, 2021),
social and environmental factors significantly contribute to
depression in teenagers. These factors include difficulties such as
abuse, neglect, family divorce, bullying, poverty, learning
disabilities, and struggles with social integration. Additionally,
teenagers with a history of trauma, such as sexual abuse or
violence, are more susceptible to experiencing anxiety and
- According to Isabelle Brocas, Ph.D. (August 17, 2023), lower
socioeconomic status is closely associated with mental health
issues like depression, obesity, and diabetes among adolescents.
Family dynamics play a crucial role in shaping teenagers'
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

psychological well-being, with factors like familial involvement,

open communication, and a supportive atmosphere positively
impacting their mental health. Conversely, experiences such as
parental divorce and childhood abuse elevate the risk of
depression in later years. The presence of firearms in households
increases the risk of youth suicide, while religiosity appears to
have a protective effect against depressive symptoms.
Additionally, rural areas exhibit higher suicide rates due to
factors like social isolation, firearm prevalence, economic
challenges, and limited access to mental health services.
D. Teenagers May Experience Depression Differently Than Adults.
- According to Sharon Theimer (May 24, 2022), depression
manifests differently in teenagers compared to adults. While
adults may display classic signs of depressed mood, such as
sadness, children and adolescents might exhibit increased
irritability, crankiness, or isolative behaviour. It's crucial to
observe changes from their normal behaviour, including
withdrawal from friends, declining academic performance,
fatigue, sleep disturbances, and alterations in eating habits.
- According to Kate Bettino (March 12, 2021), depression extends
beyond mere sadness and encompasses a spectrum of mental
health disorders characterized by feelings of sadness, emptiness,
or irritability that can impair daily functioning. Teenage years are
marked by significant physiological and psychological changes,
with hormonal fluctuations directly influencing mood and the
emergence of profound questions about relationships and
identity. While emotional fluctuations are normal during
adolescence, if they persist for two weeks or longer and
significantly disrupt daily life, it may indicate depression.
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

E. The Potential Long-Term Effects of Untreated Teenage Depression

- According to Michael Dregni (June 8, 2021), untreated teenage
depression can lead to long-term consequences. Sarah Bergen,
PhD, emphasizes the importance of detecting and treating
depression in children and adolescents to prevent subsequent
psychiatric and medical problems. Early detection and treatment
generally result in better health outcomes.
- According to Sarah Simon (July 7, 2021), there is no singular
solution for treating and preventing early depression. However,
various interventions and policy changes can be implemented to
address this issue. Identifying children at highest risk through
methods like screening in primary care or schools can facilitate
timely intervention. Additionally, ensuring continued access to
mental health care throughout life transitions, such as moving,
entering college, or starting a new job, is crucial for ongoing
support and treatment.


A. Manifestation of Depression in Teenagers: Teenage depression often
presents differently from depression in adults. While adults may exhibit
classic symptoms of sadness, teenagers may display increased irritability,
moodiness, or isolative behaviour. Understanding these differences is
crucial for early detection and intervention.
B. Contributing Factors: Social and environmental factors play significant
roles in the development of teenage depression. Issues such as abuse,
neglect, family conflicts, bullying, poverty, and traumatic experiences can
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

contribute to depressive symptoms. Furthermore, hormonal changes,

identity exploration, and academic pressure during adolescence add to the
complexity of the issue.
C. Long-term Effects of Untreated Depression: The consequences of
untreated teenage depression can extend into adulthood, leading to other
psychiatric and medical problems. Early detection and intervention are
vital for preventing these long-term effects and improving health
D. Implications: These findings underscore the importance of proactive
measures to address teenage depression comprehensively. Healthcare
professionals, educators, and policymakers need to collaborate to
implement screening programs, provide access to mental health resources,
and create supportive environments for teenagers. Additionally,
educating parents and caregivers about the signs of teenage depression
and the importance of seeking timely treatment is essential.
E. Future Research Areas: Researchers could explore several avenues to
enhance our understanding and management of teenage depression. This
includes investigating the effectiveness of different intervention strategies,
such as school-based mental health programs or online resources tailored
to teenagers. Additionally, longitudinal studies tracking the long-term
outcomes of teenagers with depression into adulthood could provide
valuable insights into the trajectory of the disorder and factors influencing

Bettino, K. (March 12, 2021). Teenage depression. Psych Central.
Brocas, I. (August 17, 2023). Adolescent depression and suicidal behavior.
Psychology Today.
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

Geng, C., & Klein, A. (July 27, 2021). Teen anxiety and depression:
Understanding the signs. Medical News Today.
Narang, S. (November 30, 2023). Understanding stress: How it affects teens'
brains. Our Teen Brains.
Simon, S. (July 07, 2021). Childhood depression and its adult impact. Very
well Health.
Theimer, S. (May 24, 2022). Mayo Clinic expert explains differences between
adult and teen depression. Mayo Clinic.

Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024
Parang High School
Tandang Sora St. Parang, Marikina City
S.Y. 2023-2024

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