Ambk Ix Bing SMT II 23 - 24

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1. Which of the following greetings is formal?

a. How are you getting out?
b. How are you doing?
c. How are you?
d. how have you been?
Addoel : Hi Mat sikan! what are doing here
Mat Sikan : Hi Addoel, I am waiting for my mother
Addoel : Where is your mother now?
Mat Sikan : She is coming here, so I must go now see you later
Addoel : see you again, take care yourself

2. Which one is the expression of leave taking

a. Take care yourself
b. I am waiting for my mother
c. where is your mother
d. I must go now see you later
The text is for number 3-4
Imron : good morning Mahlul. here is your new magazine
Mahlul : morning, Imron, 3 ....
Imron : Mahlul, 4 ... I forgot to bring your dictionary
Mahlul : 5... , Imron, you can bring it tomorrow
I have another one

3. The best answer for the blank numer 3 in the dialogue above is...
a. okay, thank you
b. no, thanks you
c. okay, thanks you
d. no, thanks

4. The best answer for the blank numer 4 and 5 in the dialogue above is...
a. sorry – thank you
b. I remember – yes
c. I am sorry – that’s okay
d. I remember – that’s no problem
The text is for number 5-9
Hello, my name is Mohammad Althaf Rashdan and almost all
my classmates call me Rashdan. they never call me Althaf or
Mohamad I am twelve years old. I am a student of MTs Al
Ibrohimy Galis. I live in Galis with my parents. I like swimming.

5. What is he doing?
a. greeting himself
b. greet someone
c. introducing himself
d. introduce someone

6. The adjective possessive Pronoun and objective Pronoun in the text is...
a. I - my
b. my - I
c. my - me
d. me – my

7. What kind of tense used in the text?

a. Present Continuous Tense
b. Present Perfect Tense
c. Present Tense
d. Past Tense

8. When was he born and what his call name?

a. He was born in 2009 and his call name is Althaf
b. He was born in 2010 and his call name is Rashdan
c. He was born in 2012 and his call name is Althaf
a. He was born in 2011 and his call name is Rashdan

9. What his hobby?

a. cycling
b. studying
c. swimming
d. speaking
1. A: What is your name? 2. B: My name is Azam
3. A: good morning 4. A: I am Abdulloh 5. A: where
are you from? 6. B: I am from Galis, Bangkalan.
7. B: good morning 8. A: how are you today? 9. B: I am
fine too, and you? 10. B: I am very well thank you.

10. Arrange the jumble sentences into good dialogue!

a. 3-7-8-10-6-5-4-2-1-9
b. 3-7-8-10-9-1-2-4-5-6
c. 3-7-1-2-4-5-6-8-9-10
d. 3-7-1-2-4-5-6-8-10-9

11. Ria : It’s break time …. A cup of tea?

Yudi : Yes, thanks you.
a. Would you like to drink c. Would you like to eat
b. Would you like to wear d. Would you like to bring
12. Waiter : Good morning, Madam. Can I help you
Customer : ……. ?
Waiter : We have fried fish, soto and gado – gado.
a. What do you have for breakfast c. Do you have some kind of drink
b. How do you prepare the food d. What things can we have for desert


13. We usually find this notice in the...

a. Garden
b. Hospital
c. Market
d. Field
14. What does the notice mean?
a. we find no smoke in the area
b. We are not allowed to smoke in the area
c. We advise to smoke in the area
d. We should say no smoking in the area
Do not Feed
The Animals

15. What is the coution about?

a. Touching the animals
b. Giving food to the animal
c. Hurting the animals
d. Taking picture with the animals
16. Where do you usually find that kind of coution?
a. in the zoo
b. in the veterinarian
c. in the pet shop
d. in the farm
17. The negative form of the sentence “ The girl bought the banana” is:
a. The girl doesn’t bought the banana
b. The girl doesn’t buy the banana
c. The girl didn’t bought the banana
d. The girl didn’t buy the banana

18. My husband doesn’t have

a. Some
b. Any
c. much
d. The

19. “ They came to my village this morning”. What kind of the tense is used in the sentence?
a. present tense
b. Future tense
c. past tense
d. present continuous tense
20. “ Bats ( live ) in trees. Please change it into present continues tense.
a. Bats living in trees
b. Bats will be living in trees
c. Bats are living in trees
d. Bats have lived in trees
21. “Rasydan is a cute child” please change it into past tense.
a. Rasydan was a cute child
b. Rasydan Were a cute child
c. Rasydan are cute child
d. Rasydan is cute child
22. “ Azam and Rasydan were almost twins”. what tense is used ?
a. Present tense
b. Present continues tense
c. Past tense
d. Present future
23. “we will take some thick books from this big library ”. Please find the noun phrase of the sentence .
a. Take some thick books, this library
b. thick books, this big library
c. some thick books, this big library
d. some thick book from this big library

24. “take some thick book , please!” . What kind of the sentence it is?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Introgative
d. Imperative

Text for no. 25 - 29.

Last Sunday Mat Cengkar my grandpa’s birthday. My uncle and my aunt (25) …. to my house. They (26)
…. some cakes and flowers for my grandpa. We sat together in our living room. My Dad (27) …. a beautiful
prayer Then, we sang “Happy Birthday” and my grandpa blew out the candle. He cut the cake and (28) ….
everybody in that room. Then He opened his present and he was very happy with a nice batik shirt from my
sister and I. Finally, my grandma (29) …. us some stories about my grandpa’s life.

25. . a. comes b. comed c. come d. came

26. . a. brings b. bringed c. brought d. bring
27 . a. says b. sayed c. say d. said
28. a. gives b. gived c. given d. gave
29. a. tells b. told c. tell d. telled

Text for no. 30 – 34.

One day, a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile in the river, so he asked the crocodile to help
him. The crocodile told the monkey to jump onto its back. Then, the crocodile swam down to the river.
Now, the crocodile was very hungry. When the crocodile was in the middle of the river, it stopped and said
to the monkey,”Monkey, my father is very sick. He must eat the heart of a monkey, then he will be strong
The monkey thought for a while. Then, he told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
“What for?” asked the crocodile.
“Because I didn’t bring my heart with me,” said the monkey, “I left it under the tree near some coconuts.”
So the crocodile turn around and swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they reached the river bank,
the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back and climbed up to the top of tree.
“Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile.
“You are foolish,” the monkey said to the crocodile, “Now, I am free and you have nothing.”

30. Why did the monkey ask crocodile for help? Because . . . . .
a. he liked the crocodile c. the monkey was a weak animal
b. he wanted to cross the river d. the crocodile told him to jump onto its back
31. How did the monkey trick the crocodile?
a. By telling the crocodile that he left his heart
b. By asking the crocodile to give him ride
c. By saying that crocodile was foolish
d. by saying that his father was sick
32. From the story above, we can learn that . . .
a. we have to be cunning with friends
b. the strongest will always be the winner
c. we have to be calm in solving any problems
d. trusting someone else is the best thing we should do
33. “. . . to swim back to the river bank.” The underlined words mean . . . .
a. the land along the side of a river c. the site where many plants grow
b. a place where we deposit our money d. the side of a woods near a river

34. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. The crocodile was a clever and cunning animal
b. The monkey was finally eaten by crocodile
c. The crocodile wanted to give the monkey’s heart to his father
d. The crocodile swam back to the river bank because he believed in what the monkey said

35. .Waiter : Good afternoon, Miss…..

Miss. Aura : Yes, please. I have reserved one table for me and my friend.
a. How are you? c. Is there anything I can do?
b. May, you help me? d. Do you want to order?
36. . Dika : Have you heard that we will be going to Dunia Fantasi next holiday?
Tina : Really? How wonderful!
The first italicised phrases is an expression of . . . . . .
a. pleasure c. giving interesting news
b. sadness d. asking for information
37. Could I ask you some questions?
a. Yes, you could b. Yes, I’m c. Yes, you can d. No, you couldn’t

38. Complete the Pronoun below

Mat Sikan and … friend went to visit … Aunt Buk Sottot in Bandung but … didn’t meet …
Because … was not at … house
a. His – her – he – him – he – her c. His – his – he – her – she – her
b. His – her – she – her – she – her d. His – his – her – his – she – her

Text for no. 39 – 42.

15 Sudirman Street
June 6th, 2023

Dear Sari Onyeng,

Next holiday, Iam going to visit my grand parents in Yogyakarta. It will be my first visit, so is it possible
for you to fetch me to my grandparents’ house? It is at Jl. Senopati 20 in Yogyakarta.
Sari Onyeng, I have heard a lot about Parangtritis Beach, but I don’t know how to get there. Could you
later take me there, please? I really want to go there.
Please reply soon.

Siti Rum Jarum

39. Where does Siti Rum Jarum live?
a. Madiun b. Magelang c. Yogyakarta d. Parangtritis
40. Why did Siti Rum Jarum send the letter to Sari Onyeng? Because . . .
a. She missed Sari Onyeng c. She tell Sari Onyeng about her holiday’s plan
b. She wanted to meet Sari Onyeng d. She wanted to visit her granparents in Yogyakarta
41. “ . . . . is it possible for you to fetch . . .”. The word “you” refers to . . . .
a. Sari Onyeng b. Siti Rum Jarum c. Readers d. Grandparents
42. “. . . to fetch me . . .”. The underlined word means . . . .
a. join b. pick up c. drop in d. accompany

Text for no. 43 – 44.

The best and Sterile Eye Drops
Relieves itchy and irritation
Keep in dry place

43. The text is about . . .

a. effective itchy and caugh syrup c. how irritation and itchy in eyes happens
b. eye drops to relieves irritation and itchy d. a warning not to rub eyes when it’s irritation and itchy
44. The word “original” can be best replace by . . .
a. man – made b. artificial c. pure d. genuine

45. The best Arrangement of the jumbled sentences below are...

1. First peel the mango and clean it
2. After that turn on the juice and wait about 15 seconds
3. Then, put the water, ice and sugar
4. Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and ready to drink
5. Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the juicer
a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4
b. 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4
c. 1 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 4
d. 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4
46. The social function of procedure text is...
a. to tell some one how to make a cake
b. to tell some one steps how to make a cake
c. to tell some one how to do some steps
d. to tell some one how to do or make something
47. The generic structure of procedure text is...
a. Goal - material - step - equipment
b. Goal - equipment - material - step
c. Goal - material - equipment - procedure
d. Goal - equipment – procedure – material
48. The right formula of Present Perfect Tense of Verbal and Nominal Sentence is…
a. (S + Have / has + been +V3 + O) - (S + Have / has + been + NV)
b. (S + Have / has +V3 + O) - (S + Have / has + been + NV)
c. (S + Have / has + been +V3 + O) - (S + Have / has + been + Nominal)
d. (S + Have / has +V2 + O) - (S + Have / has + been + Nominal)
49. . The right formula of Present Future Tense of Verbal and Nominal Sentence is…
a. (S + shall / will +V1 +O) - (S + shall / will + be +NV)
b. (S + shall / will +V1 +O) - (S + shall / will + be + O)
c. (S + shall / will + be +V1 +O) - (S + shall / will + be +NV)
d. (S + shall / will +V2 +O) - (S + shall / will + be + O)

50. The generic structure of Narrative text is …

a. Orientation, reorientation, complication, resolution
b. Orientation, complication, reorientation, resolution
c. Orientation, complication, resolution, reorientation
d. Orientation, resolution, complication, reorientation


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