Background of The Study

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Explicitly Available: A Qualitative Exploration of Pornography Exposure Influencing

Teenage Pregnant High School Students in Iriga


Background of the Study

Teenage pre-marital pregnancy has become a worrying trend in most countries (Singh &
Darroch, 2000; Ekstrand et al., 2005; Chandra et al., 2008). In the United States, the percentage
of out-of-wedlock birth among teenagers less than 20 years ago was 23% (National Vital
Statistics Report, 2009). In Malaysia, 4500 out of 18000 (i.e. about 25%) teenagers were
reported to be pregnant outside of a marriage (The Star, 2013). The occurrence of teenage pre-
marital pregnancy can potentially lead to many social issues such as an increased risk of
morbidity. For example, previous studies have consistently reported that teenage pregnancy has
an increased risk for pre-term delivery (Gilbert et al., 2004; Fraser et al., 1995; Gortzak-Uzan,
2001; Igwegbe & Udigwe, 2001; Jolly, 2000). There are many factors that could contribute to
teenage pre-marital pregnancy. One of it is frequent exposure to sexually explicit materials or
pornography. In this modern world, the Internet is ubiquitous in an adolescent’s life (UCLA,
2003), and hence, it has a significant impact on adolescent development (Finkelhor et al., 2000).
Although young people may reap many benefits from using the Internet (Fox et al., 2000;
Lenhart et al., 2001), previous studies have shown that laissez-faire nature of Internet use among
young people pushes them to start exploring pornographic websites (Lenhart et al., 2000; Stahl &
Fritz, 2002). Teenagers often have a positive attitude towards casual sex, and a result, sexual
activity becomes a normal part of their social development (Berg, 1998). One of the major
causes is frequent exposure to pornographic materials. Sexually explicit materials which may
contain pornography, is freely available to the public because of its widespread distribution by
the mass media and is easily accessible (especially via the internet). The exposure towards
sexually explicit material may influence an individual’s attitude. This is supported by the social
learning theory which suggests that an individual learns attitudes by observing and imitating the
behaviors of others (McDonald & Kielsmeier, 1972). (Zimbardo & Leippe, 1991), said that an
observed behavior does not have to be reinforced to be learned, and the model “can be presented
on screen such as via television, video, or internet, in a novel, or by other vicarious means”
(Martin & Briggs, 1986). Therefore, it has also been shown that teenagers’ frequent exposure to
pornography may influence the development of their sexual attitudes and behaviors (Zillmann,
2000; Haggstrom-Nordin, 2005; Rogala, & Tyden, 2003). Numerous studies have pointed to the
relationship between biological factors and increased feeling towards sex. One of the biological
factors is puberty, regarded as an endocrinological event leading to sexual maturation (Peper &
Dahl, 2013). This surge in hormones plays a major role within a larger set of biological changes
in the process of achieving reproductive maturity, which includes rapid physical growth, sexually
dimorphic alterations, metabolic changes and a wide array of social, behavioral and emotional
changes. Developing reproductive capabilities does not only involve changes in the body, but
also in neural systems where the brain is a major target for sex steroid hormones (McCarthy &
Arnold, 2011). Hence, this demonstrates that pubertal hormones contribute to brain behavior

The complex problem of teenage pregnancy presents serious obstacles to the growth and
wellbeing of teenagers everywhere. The spread of readily available pornography has been a
worrying factor in recent years, as it may have an impact on youths' sexual behavior and
reproductive health consequences. In the current digital era, pornography has become more and
more commonplace in all of its forms. It is easily accessed through the internet, smartphones,
and other electronic devices. There are concerns over its influence on teenage sexual attitudes,
behaviors, and ultimately the frequency of teenage pregnancy due to its uncontrolled access and
extensive availability Researchers, legislators, educators, and parents are all becoming more
concerned about the impact of pornography on adolescent pregnancy. Although there is a
complicated link between exposure to pornographic material and teenage pregnancy,
Background information on the study's issue of how exposure to pornography affects teenage
pregnancy. Concerns over pornographic content's possible impact on teenage attitudes and
behaviors have been raised in light of its increased accessibility through digital platforms in
today's society. The link between teenage pregnancy rates and exposure to pornography is one of
these worries. Adolescence is a crucial developmental stage characterized by curiosity,
exploration, and susceptibility to outside influences. Adolescents' views of sexuality, intimacy,
and responsible sexual behavior may be distorted by exposure to explicit sexual content, which is
frequently glamorized and lacks the negative repercussions associated with real-life sexual

This research focuses on understanding potential correlations and influences between

exposure to explicit content and the occurrence of teenage pregnancies. Researchers may
investigate various exposure to pornography may influence attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
related to sexual activity among teenagers, exploring the impact of pornographic content on the
formation and dynamics of romantic relationships among teenagers, including communication,
consent, and decision-making regarding sexual activities, assessing whether exposure to explicit
material contributes to gaps in sexual education and knowledge, potentially influencing safer sex
practices and contraceptive use, investigating potential psychological effects, such as
desensitization or unrealistic expectations, that may result from frequent exposure to explicit
content and how these factors may contribute to risky sexual behavior, considering the role of
societal attitudes, cultural norms, and peer influences in shaping how teenagers interpret and
respond to pornographic content in relation to their sexual behaviors.

This research provides valuable insights Understanding the causes and consequences of
teenage pregnancy helps in developing effective healthcare strategies and public health
initiatives aimed at promoting reproductive health, preventing unintended pregnancy. Teenage
pregnancy can have significant psychological and emotional implications for both the young
parents and their families. Exploring these aspects helps in understanding the needs of pregnant
adolescents, addressing stigma, and providing appropriate counseling and support services. This
study will be sought to determine the turn taking strategies that will help teenage pregnancy case
including the process of how turns occured, what strategies are observed, and what initiates it in
a discourse.

James Brian A. Borromeo
Andrei John P. Ciudad
Allysa Mae M. Senaon

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