Why Choose ESL - Chps 1-2

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Chapter 1

Why do Foreigners Study English as a Second Language in the Philippines?

Proponents: Rajik C. Rasul, Yan Gao
Program: 4th Year, Research Development AB-English


The Philippines is Asia’s most popular destination for foreigners to learn English. There

are native English-speaking countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland and the

UK. However, the Philippines has a very outstanding track record.

The Philippines is quickly becoming the education center of Asia. The country’s low

prices, open culture, and quality schools are attracting record numbers of foreign

students. Koreans are leading the way with the Chinese, Japanese, Indonesians, and

many others following suit.

The Philippines is in a unique position to benefit from the global demand for English

education. American colonialism brought the English language in the country in the

early twentieth century. Although it is not the native language of most Filipinos,

English is an official language here. Today, the Philippines markets itself as the world’s

third-largest English speaking country.

The study is titled “Why do foreigners study English in the Philippines?” Despite the

Philippines being a relatively small player in the global English language education

industry, it has emerged as a popular destination for foreigners seeking to improve

their English language skills. While previous studies have identified various factors that
contribute to the attractiveness of the Philippines as a study destination, there is still

limited research on why foreigners choose to study English in the country.

Furthermore, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis on the effectiveness and quality

of English language education in the Philippines and how it compares to other popular

study destinations for English language learners.

Conceptual Framework

This study investigates why foreign student study the English language in the

Philippines. In particular, the nationalities of the major foreign students will be

identified as well as the reasons behind their coming to the Philippines will be


Figure 1 shows the factors, variables, and measurements that were identified and

(1) (2) (3)

Foreign students who - Surveys, data, and - Government to
study English in the information from promote the country
Philippines are: Korean, credible sources as a top global
Chinese, Japanese, destination for
Indonesian, Thai, Libyan, - Survey respondents studying English
Brazilian, Russian, others will be identified by
age, nationality, - The Department of
and gender Tourism should take
the lead in
- Based on the 9th promoting the
edition of country since it leads
EDUCATION FIRST’s to increasing travel
(EF) English and tourism from
Proficiency Index many countries
(EPI), the
Philippines is
ranked 2 with an
EPI of 60.14(High
Proficiency) and
92% of Filipinos
speak English

- The Philippines is
the largest English-
speaking nation in

- Costs of studying
English in the
Philippines are low
compared to other

Box 1 shows the major nationalities of the foreigners who study English in the

Box 2 indicates the sources and data of the study

Box 3 contains recommendations on what government can do to improve and take

advantage of the opportunities presented by the inflow of foreign students in to the

Statement of the Problem

The study titled is “Why do foreigners study English in the Philippines?” Despite the

Philippines being a relatively small player in the global English language education

industry, it has emerged as a popular destination for foreigners seeking to improve

their English language skills. While previous studies have identified various factors that

contribute to the attractiveness of the Philippines as a study destination, there is still

limited research on why foreigners choose to study English in the country.

Furthermore, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis on the effectiveness and quality

of English language education in the Philippines and how it compares to other popular

study destinations for English language learners.

To be able to help us learn why foreigners are coming to the Philippines to study

English, we will undertake a sample survey of foreigners. Specifically, the survey will

answer the following questions:

1. What are the characteristics of the respondents in terms of :

1.1. sex

1.2. age

1.3. nationality

2. What are the reasons why they are studying in the Philippines?


Up until now it is still a mystery on why there is a lack of research for this topic,

Maybe because some researchers weren’t interested in this topic, that’s why we

have limited research to begin with.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit prospective foreign students as well as government agencies, as

shown below:

Foreign students

The study's findings can help foreign students make informed decisions about studying

English in the Philippines. The study can provide information about the benefits of

studying in the Philippines, such as the affordability of education and opportunities for

cultural immersion. The study can also help foreign students better understand what
to expect from their English language education experience in the Philippines, such as

the quality of education providers and the availability of resources and support.

Government Agencies

The study's findings can help concerned government agencies in the Philippines

develop effective teaching strategies that meet the needs of their foreign students.

Additionally, the study can provide a benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of

English language education programs in the Philippines and help educators identify

areas for improvement.

Furthermore, the study's findings can help education providers understand the factors

that attract foreign students to the Philippines to study English, as well as the strengths

and weaknesses of English language education in the country. This information can

help education providers develop effective strategies to improve their programs and

make them more competitive in the global English language education market. The

study can help education providers better understand the needs and preferences of

foreign students studying English in the Philippines, which can help them tailor their

programs to meet the needs of their students and provide a better learning


Scope and Delimitation

This paper, entitled “Why do Foreigners Study in the Philippines?”, seeks to find out

the answers to the questions based on surveys and data from credible sources

including the government. This paper relies on the accuracy and relevance of the
surveys and data utilized.

1. The study is limited to foreign students who choose to study English in the


2. The study will use a specific research methodology, such as surveys or

interviews, to collect data. The study will not use other research methods, such

as case studies or experiments.

3. The study will be limited to the English language education industry in the


The study will be limited to the perceptions and experiences of foreign students

studying English in the Philippines, such as, education providers, policymakers, or local

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the different literature and studies that have been published and

conducted before the writing of this research study. This part enumerates different

authorities and their concept that discusses the variables presented in this study.


2.1. English is the lingua franca

2.2. English Proficiency Advantage

2.3. Financial Advantage

2.4. Government Policy & Promotion: Educational Tourism

English is the lingua franca

English is seen as the language of business, finance, and technology. Having a good

command of the language can open up more opportunities for employment,

education, and trade with English-speaking countries (Esquivel, 2019). Many non-

English-speaking countries recognize this and have made English language proficiency

a priority in their education systems to improve their economic competitiveness.

English is the language of instruction in many universities and academic programs

around the world. For students who want to study abroad or pursue advanced

degrees, proficiency in English is a requirement.

In our increasingly interconnected world, English has become the dominant language
of communication. From social media to scientific research to diplomacy, English is the

most commonly used language across border and cultures (Esquivel, 2019). As a

result, proficiency in English is seen as a valuable skill for anyone seeking to participate

in global conversations and collaborations.

Countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia have significant

cultural influence around the world through their music, movies, and other forms of

popular media. Learning English can help people from non-English speaking countries

better understand and engage with this cultural output.

English Proficiency Advantage

Since the colonization of the Americans, Filipinos use English as their second language

and along with other local languages. The use of English as the primary medium of

education in the Philippines started in 1901 together with the arrival of some 540

Thomasites (US Soldiers-Teachers sent by USA). English has understandably developed

to be the main language of education (Esquivel, O. 2019).

Today, the Philippines is one of the largest English-speaking nations in the world and

highly ranked in the English Proficiency Index in Asia (Brion, et al, 2022). English is one

of the official languages of the Philippines. It is the medium of instruction in education,

in business, science, technology, government, and international communication. With

two-thirds of the population fluent in English, the Philippines is one of the major ESL

destinations (Santos, et. al, 2022).

Filipinos have a very neutral accent when speaking English, so learning English as an

ESL learner much easier. In fact, the Philippines is home to many call centers and

business process outsourcing (BPO) companies that cater to English-speaking clients

around the world (Gallimore, 2022).

These factors are among the reasons why it easier for foreigners to access ESL

education in the Philippines and why many ESL schools and language centers have

been established.

Here are testimonies of two foreign language students:

1. In four months of English proficiency courses, Chinese nurse Flora Wang has

progressed from near-zero comprehension to carrying a conversation with

ease. "Actually really getting better. When I came here, I can't speak and

understand anything. But during the four months, I improved a lot," said the

25-year old Beijing native who plans to move to the U.S. to study health care.

2. Park Yoon Jae, a university student from Seoul, wants to land a job back home

in a multi-national company, where English is a primary requirement.

"Especially these days, (in) Korea, we have to speak English very well. Because

almost all company want very high level English skills," Park said.

A cause of concern, however, is that despite the fact that the majority of the

Philippine population has at least some degree of fluency in the English language, a

gradual deterioration can be observed based on the EF English Proficiency Index (an
annual ranking by their level of English) over the past years. From 14th place in 2018

to 20th in 2019, the Philippines’ ranking dropped to 27th in 2020. Though in 2021, the

Philippines climbed up to rank 18, it is still far from its 13th ranking way back in 2016.

In February 2018, an article published by the GMA News and PhilStar Global

mentioned that the English proficiency level of college graduates from the Philippines

is lower than the target English than high school students in Thailand and the

competency requirement for taxi drivers in Dubai (Santos, Anne, et.al, 2022).

The declining English Proficiency Index (EPI) of the Philippines may tell us that there is

a decline in quality of English language education. Over time, this could be a concern

for foreign students because they may not receive the quality of education they

expect. Further, this may impact on the country’s reputation as an education

destination. If the quality of English language education is perceived to be low, this

will affect potential foreign students from choosing the Philippines as their


Overall, the declining EPI of the Philippines compared to the increasing number of

foreign students studying in the country raises several implications. It is important for

the government and educational institutions to address these and take steps to

improve the quality of English education. This will help to ensure that the Philippines

remain a competitive destination for education tourism and that they receive the

quality education they expect.

Financial Advantage
There are native English-speaking countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland

and the UK where one can assume that foreigners would want to go. However, studies

and statistics have shown they choose the Philippines as an alternative because it is

closer to their home countries and because the whole experience, from education to

extra-curriculars, is value-for-money (Reuters 2012).

Compared to many other countries, the cost of living in the Philippines for

international students is affordable. Manila, compared to the likes of London, New

York or Boston, is extremely affordable. The average cost of living for one person in

Manila is about 28,200PHP ($580) per month, excluding rent (Educations.com,

2021). There are, however, many options and realty companies are joining in the

Education tourism bandwagon.

South Koreans and Japanese have established schools in the Philippines as they were

some of the first to recognize that the Philippines is a place of study which is low cost

and has a high standard of learning. They have opened language schools in the

Philippines to cater to their own nationals. They also offer low tuition fees for private

lessons to attract students from a variety of countries, including Russian and China.

“French student Laura Samzun will soon be taking a test to enter a public college in the

United Kingdom, and is under pressure to perfect her English. She chose to take

classes in the Philippines due to lower costs. "I really wanted to see Asia, to travel. So I

can travel and study (at) the same time. It's a good thing," the 22-year-old Toulouse

native said.”
Due to this financial advantage, the Philippines is dubbed the “world’s low-cost English

language teacher”.

Government Policy & Promotion: Educational Tourism

The Philippine government has several policies and programs that aim to promote

education tourism in the country. These programs focus on promoting the country as

a destination for quality education, improving the English language proficiency of

Filipino students and teachers, and offering various scholarship and visa options for

foreign students.

The Education Tourism Program of the Department of Tourism (DOT) aims to promote

the country as an educational tourism destination. This includes partnership with

universities and colleges to promote academic exchange programs, cultural immersion

activities, and language courses.

The DOT developed the National Education Tourism Strategic Action Plan (NeTSAP) to

direct the growth of education tourism activities and cover development strategies for

academic and institutional excellence and to ensure that students have a safe,

effective and enjoyable learning experience (Brion, et.al, 2022).

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has the Expanded Student’s Visa (ESV) that allows

foreign students to stay in the country for up to two years while studying in the

Philippines. This visa can be extended up to three years for those who wish to pursue

further studies.
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) offer scholarships for foreign students

who wish to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies. These scholarships cover

tuition and other school fees, living allowance, book allowance, and transportation


The Department of Education (DepED) has an English language proficiency program

that aims to improve the English language skills of Filipino students and teachers. This

program also includes training for teachers to become proficient in teaching English as

a second language.

The Philippines has numerous language centers and institutes that offer English to

foreign students. These centers are often located in major cities like Manila, Cebu,

Davao, Baguio, and Clark.

The DOT also promotes cultural tourism in the Philippines by displaying the country’s

rich history, traditions and heritage. This includes visits to historical landmarks,

museums and cultural festivals.

Theoretical framework

This study investigates why foreign student study the English as a foreign language in

the Philippines. In particular, the nationalities of the major foreign students will be

identified as well as the reasons behind their coming to the Philippines will be

established. The researchers believe that the Push and Pull Theory provide the best

framework for this problem. The theory helps to explain the reasons why people

migrate or move from one place to another (Corbett 2015).

Push factors refer to the negative factors that drive people to move away from their

home country. Previous studies have shown that a foreigner may come to the

Philippines to learn English because their home country may not offer quality language

education, or because they feel that they are not making progress in their language

learning efforts. Other push factors include a lack of job opportunities or personal

safety concerns in their home country.

On the other hand, pull factors are the positive factors that attract people to a

particular location. In the case of foreigners learning English, the pull factors include

the country’s reputation for offering high quality English language education, the

affordable cost of living, or the rich cultural experiences that come with learning a

language in a foreign country.

Overall, the push and pull theory provides a useful framework for understanding the

motivations behind why foreigners come to the Philippines to learn English. By

identifying and addressing both the push and pull factors, language educators and

policymakers can work to create a more conducive environment for language learning
and make the experience more positive for said learners.
Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the methodology of the research study in particular with the
design, sampling and population, instrumentation, locale and the statistical procedures
in the analysis of the data collected.

Research Design

The researchers will use a qualitative research design. Qualitative research is an

approach to research that seeks to understand human behavior and experiences from
the perspective of those being studied. This research approach is often used to explore
complex phenomena that cannot be easily quantified or measured, such as
motivations, beliefs, and attitudes. According to Williams (2020), "qualitative research
is about finding out not only what people think, but why they think it. It is about
discovering the richness and complexity of human experience, and trying to make
sense of it in a way that respects the diversity and individuality of each participant. It is
not about finding the right answer, but about exploring the many possible answers
that exist. Through this exploration, we can gain insights and understanding that can
be transformative, both for individuals and for society as a whole."

In the context of the research topic "Why foreigners study English in the Philippines?",
a qualitative research approach would be highly relevant because it allows the
researcher to explore the motivations of foreigners in-depth and gain a deeper
understanding of their perspectives. This is to gain insight into the complexities of the
motivations that drive foreigners to study English in the Philippines, including their
cultural backgrounds, personal experiences, and educational goals. Qualitative
research can provide a comprehensive understanding of the motivations behind the
decision of foreigners to study English in the Philippines, and the findings can be used
to inform policies and strategies for promoting the Philippines as an English language
study destination for foreigners.

Moreover, the researcher will use the exploratory research methodology for the
research question, "Why foreigners to study English in the Philippines?” This is
because there is limited existing research on this topic. The exploratory research can
generate initial insights and hypotheses that can guide further research. (Williams

To conduct an exploratory research on this topic, researchers will use surveys and
interviews with foreigners who are studying English in the Philippines. These methods
can help researchers understand the motivations, experiences, and perceptions of this
population and can provide insights into why they choose to study English in the
Philippines. After conducting exploratory research, researchers could use the insights
gained to develop more focused research questions and hypotheses, and to design
studies that can test these hypotheses in a more structured way.

According to Neil J. Salkind, "exploratory research is best suited to research questions

that are largely open-ended and involve an element of discovery. Such research is
typically characterized by qualitative data collection methods that rely on observation,
interviews, and document analysis to generate initial hypotheses about phenomena of

Research Respondents

The researchers will ask the participation of foreigners currently enrolled in

language institutions in the Metro Manila area.

Population and Sampling Scheme

Research Environment (Discuss the environment with respect to the objective of the

The research environment of the study is San Felipe Neri Catholic School. (insert the
recognition or added reputation of the school)

(Answer the question: what makes the abovementioned locale the best place for your

Evaluative Statement



Dependent Variable

Activities in Reading

Sample Interview Questions

These questions are designed to be open-ended and exploratory, allowing the
interviewer to gain deeper insights into the motivations, experiences, and perceptions
of foreigners who are studying English in the Philippines.

1. Can you tell me about yourself and why you came to the Philippines to study

2. What made you choose the Philippines as a place to study English?

3. Why do you want to learn English, and how will studying in the Philippines help
you achieve your goals?

4. What made you choose the Philippines as a place to study English?

5. Why do you want to learn English, and how will studying in the Philippines help
you achieve your goals?

6. How has your experience of studying English in the Philippines been so far? What
have been the biggest challenges and successes?

7. Are there any parts of studying English in the Philippines that you find especially
interesting or valuable?

8. How important is the cost of studying English in the Philippines compared to other
factors, like the quality of education or the cultural experience?

9. Are there any other reasons why you decided to study English in the Philippines
that we haven't talked about yet?

10. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about studying English in
the Philippines?

11. How did you first hear about the opportunity to study English in the Philippines?

12. What was your initial impression of the Philippines before you came to study
English here? Has that impression changed since you arrived?

13. Have you studied English in other countries before coming to the Philippines? How
does your experience here compare to those other countries?

14. What factors did you consider when choosing a language school or program to
study English in the Philippines?

15. How do you think studying English in the Philippines will benefit you in the future?

16. Are there any cultural differences between the Philippines and your home country
that have surprised you or that you find challenging to navigate?

17. How do you typically spend your free time outside of studying English?
18. Do you feel like you've had the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local
culture while studying English in the Philippines? If so, how has that experience been?

19. Are there any improvements you would suggest to the language school or
program you are currently studying in?

20. Finally, would you recommend studying English in the Philippines to someone
else? Why or why not?

Sample Questionnaire: Participant Profile

1. How old are you?

a. under 18

b. 18-24

c. 25-34

d. 35-44

e. 45 or older

2. Are you male, female, or prefer not to say?

3. What's the highest level of education you've completed?

a. finished high school or less

b. some college or vocational training

c. bachelor's degree

d. master's degree

e. doctoral degree

4. What country are you from?

5. What do you do for work or study?

6. Have you ever studied English before? If so, where and for how long?

a. Yes

b. No

7. How good are you at speaking English?

a. beginner
b. intermediate

c. advanced

8. How long do you plan to study English in the Philippines?

a. less than 1 month

b. 1-3 months

c. 4-6 months

d. 7-12 months

e. more than 1 year

9. Have you traveled to other countries before?

a. Yes, If so, which ones?

b. No

10. Why did you choose to study English in the Philippines?

a. cheap cost

b. high-quality education

c. cultural experience

d. close to your home country

e. other (please specify): __________

11. How did you find out about the opportunity to study English in the Philippines?

a. internet search

b. social media

c. friend or family member referred you

d. educational fair or event e. other (please specify): __________

12. What were the important factors in choosing a language school or program to
study English in the Philippines?

a. location

b. price

c. curriculum

d. teacher qualifications e. reviews or recommendations from other students

f. other (please specify): __________

13. Did anything about the Philippine culture or lifestyle attract you to study here?

a. Yes

b. No

14. What do you hope to achieve by studying English in the Philippines?

a. better job prospects

b. further education

c. travel and explore new culture

d. personal growth

e. other (please specify): __________

15. Is there anything else that influenced your decision to study English in the
Philippines that we haven't talked about yet?

a. Yes

b. No


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