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MÔN THI: VIẾT 2 Ban hành lần: 05
KỲ THI: Quá trình 30%
NĂM HỌC: 2023 -2024 Hiệu lực từ ngày: 07/01/2019
Ngày: …/…/… Nhóm: …...
Họ và tên SV:Nguyễn Phan Tấn Cường...................MSSV:023H0018............STT:.....................

CÁN BỘ CHÁM THI ĐIỂM BÀI THI (thang điểm 10) Giám thị 1 Giám thị 2
Ghi bằng số Ghi bằng chữ



Topic 1: Describe a birthday party you have ever attended.
Topic 2: Describe a wedding party you have ever attended.
Topic 3: Describe the market near your house
Topic 4: Describe the food you like best
Topic 5: Describe your school after class.
Topic 6: Describe a traditional game in your country.
Topic 7: Describe a kind of drink you like best
Topic 8: Describe the streets at rush hours
Topic 9: Describe a popular sport in your country
Topic 10: Describe a place that has significant influence for you

Bài làm
Topic 4: Describe the food you like best.
Among all the culinary delights that tantalize the senses, there is one dish that holds a special place in my
heart, that dish is Japanese sushi. Sushi is a culinary masterpiece that has become an art form. To describe
sushi is to embark on a sensory journey through sight, taste, texture, and tradition.

Whenever I step into a traditional Japanese restaurant, I always call a bunch of sushi platters to satisfy my
desire for Japanese cuisine. When it finally arrives, the sight alone is enough to make my mouth water. Each
piece is a miniature work of art.

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At the heart of sushi lies the rice – perfectly cooked grains infused with a delicate balance of vinegar, sugar,
and salt. It serves as the foundation upon which the rest of the dish is built, providing a subtle yet essential
backdrop to the flavors that follow.

Next comes the fish – an array of jewel-toned slices, each one a testament to the ocean's bounty. From
velvety salmon to buttery tuna, each piece is a symphony of flavors and textures, expertly selected and sliced
to highlight its natural beauty. And let us not forget the delicate shellfish – sweet shrimp, succulent scallops,
and briny sea urchin – each one a treasure waiting to be discovered.

I reach out with my chopsticks and select my first piece – a delicate roll of nori enveloping perfectly
seasoned rice and fresh, vibrant fish. As I take my first bite, a burst of flavors explodes on my palate – the
buttery richness of the fish, the subtle sweetness of the rice, and the tangy kick of wasabi and soy sauce. It's
a symphony of tastes and textures, each one complementing the next in perfect harmony.

As I finish my meal, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me, knowing that I have experienced
something truly special. Sushi is more than just food – it's an art form, a celebration of flavor and texture,
and a testament to the craftsmanship of those who create it. And for me, there is no greater pleasure than
indulging in its delicious delights..............................................................................................................................

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