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ANNEE SCOLAIRE : 2023-2024
BP : 10210 Epreuve de : ANGLAIS Classe : 1ere G
Tél : 22 27 58 28 Durée : 3 HEURES Coef : 2


Text : Functions of a commercial bank
Customers put their money into a bank for the purpose of keeping it safe, and also because banks
provide a convenient way of transferring money from one person to another through a cheque
system. Most commercial banks in West Africa operate three types of accounts.
A current account is used by a customer who wants the facility of making payments by cheque.
His money does not earn him any interest, and he will probably have to pay bank charges for
operating his account, but he can withdraw his money on demand at any time.

A deposit account will be used by a person who does not need the facility of using cheques, or
who has more money than he needs on current account. By putting it on to deposit account he
will earn interest on his money. The bank will not let him withdraw it whenever he wishes,

A savings account will be used by customers who want somewhere to place their money, which
can be withdraw whenever they wish, but which is not subject to the bank charges of a current
account. Therefore, they can withdrawn money but not allowed chequing facilities. They are used
with a Pass Book in which deposits and withdrawals are recorded, and they earn small interest
on their balance. This account is intended for the lower income earner.

A- Questions
1. What are the three kinds of accounts mentioned in text ?
2. Explain the differences between ‘’current account ‘’ and ‘deposit account’
3. ‘’Saving account is intended for very rich people’’ : True of false ?
4. As a student, which one do yo prefer : current account or saving account ? Give reasons.

B- VOCABULARY ( 3 marks)
1. Find on synonym of these words from the text (1 mark)
a/ Clients ; b/ goal ; c/ give ; d/ permitted
2. Form noun or verb from the folowing words 1 mark)
a/ Keeping ; b/ Safe ; c/ Withdrawals ; d/ demand
3. Match Column A words with those of Column B (1 mark)

Column A Column B
1- Clerk A- Lower income earner
2- Current Account B- Interest
3- Deposit Account C- Cheque
4- Saving Account D- Bank


A- Write the correct form of verbs in the brackets ( 1,5 marks)
1. As son as koffi ( to come) we will start the talks.
2. It’s high time you ( to learn ) harder.
3. They (to attend) this school since 2020.
B- Choose the most suitable word in the brackets to complete each sentence ( 2 marks)
4. ___________ is dangerous for our health. (smoke, smoked, smoking)
5. __________ big house ! ( what a, what , which)
6. If we learned harder, we _________. (will succeed, would succeed, would have succeeded)
7. Komi is __________ than his friend. (tall, more taller, taller.)

C- Turn into Active or passive voice (1,5 marks)

8. Baka opened a food shop.
9. The driver is arrested by the police.
10. Father was telling us good stories.

D- Add the corret Tag to each statement (1,5 marks)

11. The baby is crying, …………………….. ?
12. He doesn’t bring the new book, ………………….. ?
13. Come here at once, ……………………………… ?

E- Complete with the correct preposition chosen from the brackets (1,5 marks)
14. She is too much interested _________________ watching violent films. (on , in , into)
15. Cats are afraid _________________ dogs. (at, about, of)
16. Are you really good _______________ English ? (in, at, off)


You are an office equipment supplier and your company’s name is Lawoe and sons. Your address
is 125, Boulevard Houphouet Boigny, BP220, Lomé, Togo.
Customers often ask you for a cheap photocopier.
An advertisement in the ‘’New Pages’’ states that ‘’Magic Photocopiers’’ manufacture a low-
cost machine.
Write to the Managing Director of Magic Photopier Ltd, 82 corporation Street, London SW1,
England. (Not more than 150 words).


A- Turn into English (1 mark)

Les banques sont des institutions très utiles dans un pays. Ses comptes sont accessibles à qui veut
en ouvrir.

B- Turn into French (1 mark)

Bank, insurance, warehousing, transport are very useful aids to trade. Traders can’t to without

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