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NIM 051198126
NAMA : Hamdi Zainur Rahman
MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris
Dear Miss Faricha Rizqi,

I am Hamdi Zainur Rahman, NIM : 051198126.

Permission to answer Tutorial Assignment.

Question 1 Part 1 :

The style of language used in the conversation is informal or casual.

Informal Greetings: Helen starts the conversation with "Hey, Jane!" which is a casual and informal
way to greet someone.

Informal Language and Contractions: Throughout the conversation, both Helen and Jane use informal
language and contractions such as "didn't," "you," "I'm," "I'd," "it's," "I'm," "you," "didn't," "I'm,"
"I'm," "I," and "I'm." This style of language is typical in informal settings among friends.

Use of Conversational Fillers: There are instances of conversational fillers like "Oh hey," "So, what’s
going on?" "Oh, yeah," "Well, I’m sure," "Oh, not much," and "Sure, no problem." These fillers are
common in informal conversations and serve to keep the conversation flowing smoothly.

Informal Supportive Phrases: Helen offers support to Jane by saying "Well, I’m sure you did great.
Good luck." and "I can understand that. I get nervous before interviews, too." These phrases are
supportive and friendly, fitting the informal nature of the conversation.

Overall, the informal style of language, casual greetings, use of contractions, conversational fillers,
and supportive phrases indicate that the conversation is informal in nature.

Question 1 Part 2 :

The topic of the conversation revolves around Jane's recent job interview. Helen initiates the
conversation by asking about the interview, and Jane confirms that it took place earlier that day. Jane
then shares her feelings about the interview, expressing nervousness and uncertainty about the
outcome. Helen provides support and encouragement, expressing confidence in Jane's abilities and
offering understanding for her nervousness. The conversation ends with Jane expressing gratitude for
Helen's support. Overall, the primary topic of discussion is Jane's job interview experience and the
emotions associated with it.

Question 2 :

In the central office building of Setia Budi, Jakarta, lies a captivating workspace that embodies
elegance and sophistication. As I step into the room, my gaze is immediately drawn to the painting

who has painted with beautiful. To the left, a striking painting adorns the wall, infusing the space with
artistic allure. Adjacent to it, a lush green plant adds a touch of freshness, complementing the serene
atmosphere. On the opposite side, a large window bathes the room in natural light, offering a
panoramic view of the bustling cityscape below. Positioned neatly on the right, a sleek bookshelf
showcases a collection of knowledge and inspiration, inviting exploration and creativity. At the heart
of the room sits a stylish desk adorned with a state-of-the-art all-in-one computer, promising seamless
efficiency and innovation. As I settle into the comfortable chair, a sense of excitement and
determination washes over me. The space exudes a sense of professionalism and refinement, igniting
my passion to excel and make a meaningful impact in my work. I am grateful for the opportunity to
work in such an extraordinary and inspiring environment, confident that it will fuel my productivity
and drive towards success.

Question 3

a. The sender of the memo is Jonathan Stewart, who is identified as the Manager.

b. The memo is for all employees.

c. The memo is about an invitation to attend a farewell ceremony in honor of Jesse Carrillo, the
Marketing Manager, who is leaving after 12 years of dedicated service

Question 4

Subject: Inquiry Regarding My City Got Talent Competition Forms

Dear Trans Entertainment,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in participating in the
upcoming My City Got Talent competition. However, despite my efforts, I couldn't locate the
information regarding where I can download the registration forms.

Could you please guide me on where I can find the necessary forms to apply for the competition?
Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Daftar Pustaka / Sumber Referensi



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