Study Id89958 Top 100 Companies Vietnam

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Top 100 companies in Vietnam*

Data table
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Although its income is in the lower-middle range, Vietnam has a rapidly growing economy for its region
2021, the total real GDP was US$449.09 billion, and is expected to increase by 6.85% per year until 202
Vietnam ranks in the lower half of the countries assessed in the Human Development Index. The numb
large companies in Vietnam is an indicator of its overall economic performance. Not only do these
organizations provide jobs for the local market, but they are also able to achieve success in global mar
thus generating greater value.


Region: Vietnam

Industry: All industries (ISIC)


Companies included in this data table are based on assumptions made by the Company Insights exper
The data table is not exhaustive.
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For further analysis, suggestions for improvement or if you miss a company, feel free to contact us!

Contact: Customer Relations

Date: November 14, 2023

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*Companies are ranked based on their largest sources of revenue

Sources: Market data by
Quandl and WVB;
Statista Company Insights

© Statista 2023
ly growing economy for its region. In
rease by 6.85% per year until 2024.
an Development Index. The number of
formance. Not only do these
to achieve success in global markets,

de by the Company Insights expert team.

eel free to contact us!

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Rank Company
Name IPO Status Exchange Listing ID Founding Year
1 Vietnam NationaPUBLIC XSTC PLX 1956
2 Tap Doan Hoa PhPUBLIC XSTC 2000
3 Dau Tu The Gioi PUBLIC XSTC MWG 2004
4 Binh Son Refinin PUBLIC XHNX BSR 2008
5 Masan Group CorPUBLIC XSTC MSN 2004
6 Vinhomes PUBLIC XHNX NHN 2008
7 Petrovietnam GasPUBLIC XSTC GAS 1990
8 Cong Ty Co Phan PUBLIC XSTC VNM 1976
9 Tong Cong Ty DauPUBLIC HSTC OIL 2008
10 Tap Doan Hoa SePUBLIC XSTC HSG 2001
11 Viet Nam Steel C PUBLIC HSTC TVN 1985
12 Power Generation PUBLIC HSTC PGV 2012
13 Fpt Corporation PUBLIC XSTC FPT 1988
14 Tap Doan Gelex PUBLIC XHNX GEX 1990
15 Thep Nam Kim PUBLIC XSTC NKG 2002
16 Hang Khong Viet PUBLIC XSTC HVN 1956
17 Hang Tieu Dung PUBLIC HSTC MCH 2003
18 Bia Ruou Nuoc GiPUBLIC XSTC SAB 1977
19 Cao Su Viet Nam PUBLIC XSTC GVR 1995
20 Dien Luc Dau KhiPUBLIC HSTC POW 2007
21 Ban Le Ky Thuat PUBLIC XSTC FRT 2012
22 Buu Chinh ViettelPUBLIC HSTC VTP 1997
23 Dau Tu Thuong MPUBLIC XSTC SMC 1988
24 The Gioi So PUBLIC XSTC DGW 1997
25 Vang Bac Da QuyPUBLIC XSTC PNJ 1988
26 Dau Tu Quoc Te VPUBLIC HSTC VGI 2007
27 Masan Nutri-SciePUBLIC HSTC MML 2011
28 Dien Luc Gelex PUBLIC XHNX GEE 2016
29 Dich Vu Tong HopPUBLIC XSTC PET 1996
30 Luong Thuc Mie PUBLIC HSTC VSF 1976
31 Det May Viet Na PUBLIC HSTC VGT 1995
32 Thanh Thanh Cong PUBLIC XSTC SBT 1995
33 An Phat HoldingsPUBLIC XSTC APH 2017
34 Ky Thuat Dau KhiPUBLIC XHNX PVS 1993
35 Thep Pomina PUBLIC XSTC POM 1999
36 Tap Doan Thuy S PUBLIC XHNX MPC 1992
37 Masan High-TechPUBLIC HSTC MSR 2010
38 Tong Cong Ty HanPUBLIC XHNX MVN 1995
39 Nhua An Phat XaPUBLIC XSTC AAA 2002
40 Dien Luc Tkv PUBLIC XHNX DTK 2009
41 Hang Khong VietjPUBLIC XSTC VJC 2007
42 Gang Thep Thai PUBLIC HSTC TIS 1959
43 Phan Bon Va HoaPUBLIC XSTC DPM 2003
44 Vien Thong Fpt PUBLIC XHNX FOX 1997
45 Y Duoc Pham Vi PUBLIC XSTC VMD 1984
46 Xuat Nhap Khau PUBLIC HSTC TLP 1991
47 Tap Doan Sao MaPUBLIC XSTC ASM 1988
48 Viglacera - Ctcp PUBLIC XSTC VGC 1974
49 Than Mien Bac - PUBLIC XHNX TMB 1974
50 Tap Doan DabacoPUBLIC XSTC DBC 1996
51 Kinh Do PUBLIC XSTC KDC 1993
52 Day Cap Dien Vi PUBLIC XSTC CAV 1975
53 Nong Nghiep BafPUBLIC XSTC BAF 2017
54 Cang Rau Qua PUBLIC XHNX VGP 1991
55 Tap Doan Loc TroPUBLIC HSTC LTG 1993
56 Phan Bon Dau KhPUBLIC XSTC DCM 2011
57 Cong Ty Co Phan PUBLIC XSTC PC1 1963
58 Hoa Chat Duc Gi PUBLIC XSTC DGC 1963
59 Tap Doan Pan PUBLIC HSTC PAN 1998
60 Xay Dung Cotec PUBLIC XSTC CTD 2004
61 Vinh Hoan PUBLIC XSTC VHC 1997
62 Nhiet Dien Hai P PUBLIC XHNX HND 2002
63 Khi Thap Ap Dau PUBLIC XSTC PGD 2002
64 Than Cao Son - T PUBLIC HSTC CST 1974
65 Phan Phoi Tong HPUBLIC XHNX PSD 2007
66 Nhiet Dien Quan PUBLIC HSTC QTP 2002
67 An Tien IndustriePUBLIC XSTC HII 2009
68 Thaiholdings PUBLIC HSTC THD 2011
69 Khoang San Tkv PUBLIC HSTC KSV 1995
70 Phan Bon Binh DiPUBLIC XSTC BFC 1973
72 Van Tai Dau Khi PUBLIC XSTC PVT 2002
73 Cong Trinh ViettePUBLIC XHNX CTR 1995
74 Duong Quang NgaPUBLIC HSTC QNS 1970
75 Quoc Te Son Ha PUBLIC XSTC SHI 1998
76 Vicostone PUBLIC XHNX VCS 2002
77 Xi Mang Vicem HaPUBLIC XSTC HT1 1964
78 Tin Nghia PUBLIC HSTC TID 1989
79 Phat Trien Cong PUBLIC XSTC BCM 1976
80 Ruou - Nuoc GiaiPUBLIC XSTC BHN 1890
81 Hoa Dau Petroli PUBLIC XHNX PLC 1994
82 Ong Thep Viet - PUBLIC XHNX VGS 2002
83 Phu Tai PUBLIC XSTC PTB 1900
84 Sci PUBLIC XHNX S99 1998
85 Transimex PUBLIC XSTC TMS 1983
87 Tap Doan Cong NPUBLIC XSTC CMG 1991
88 Nhua Dong Nai PUBLIC XHNX DNP 1993
89 Hung Thinh InconPUBLIC XSTC HTN 2007
90 Dien Luc Dau KhiPUBLIC XHNX NT2 2007
91 Can Thep Thai TrPUBLIC HSTC TTS 2008
92 Tong Cong Ty So PUBLIC HSTC SJG 1961
93 May Viet Tien PUBLIC HSTC VGG 1976
94 Vincom Retail PUBLIC XSTC VRE 2012
95 Thep Viet Y PUBLIC XSTC VIS 2003
96 Co Dien Lanh PUBLIC XSTC REE 1977
97 Xuat Nhap Khau PUBLIC XHNX VCG 1988
98 Dau Tu Dau Khi PUBLIC HSTC PSH 2012
99 Phat Trien Da QuPUBLIC XSTC IDI 2003
100 Bong Den Phich PUBLIC XSTC RAL 1961

*CAGR: depending on data coverage, the first and last value available are used to determine the Compound Annual Growth Ra
**Last available year
Industry Location Address
ISIC Headquarters Street City Postal Code Phone
4661 - Solid, Liq Vietnam 1 Kham Thien StrHa Noi 10 +84-2438512603
2431 - Iron & SteVietnam Pho Noi A Indust Hung Yen +84-2213942884
4652 - Electroni Vietnam No. 222 Yersin. Thu Dau Mot 82 +84-2838125960
1920 - Refined P Vietnam 208 Hung Vuong Quang Ngai 57 +84-2553825825
2825 - Food, BevVietnam No. 23 Le Duan. Ho Chi Minh +84-2862563862
68 - Real Estate Vietnam Symphony OfficeHa Noi 10 +84-2439749350
3520 - ManufactuVietnam Pv Gas Tower BuiHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2837816777
4630 - Food, BevVietnam No 10, Tan Trao SHo Chi Minh +84-2854155555
0610 - Crude PetVietnam Floor 14-17, Pet Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2839106990
2431 - Iron & SteVietnam No 9 Thong NhatBinh Duong 72 +84-2743790955
2431 - Iron & SteVietnam No. 91 Lang Ha SHa Noi 10 +84-2438561767
3510 - Power GenVietnam 60-66 Nguyen CoHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2836367449
4741 - ComputersVietnam No.10, Pham VanHa Noi 10 +84-2473007300
2790 - Other ElecVietnam 52 Le Dai Hanh S Ha Noi 10 +84-2439726245
2431 - Iron & SteVietnam Lot A1, Road D2. Binh Duong 82 +84-2743748848
51 - Air Transpor Vietnam 200 Nguyen Son SHa Noi 10 +84-2438272289
10 - Food Vietnam 12Th Floor, MplaHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2862555660
4722 - BeveragesVietnam No 187, Nguyen Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2838294083
2219 - Other RubVietnam 236 Nam Ky KhoiHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2839325234
4321 - Electrical Vietnam Floor 8, 9 Vpi Bu Ha Noi 10 +84-2422210288
474 - Informatio Vietnam 261-263 Khanh HHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2873023456
68 - Real Estate Vietnam No 1, Giang Van Ha Noi +84-2462660306
2591 - Forging, PVietnam 396 Ung Van Khi Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2838992299
474 - Informatio Vietnam No. 195-197 NguyHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2839290059
3211 - Jewelry & Vietnam 170E Phan Dang LHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2839951703
J - Information Vietnam Floor 39-40, Ke Ha Noi 70 +84-2462626868
661 - Finance-RelVietnam Floor 10, Central Ho Chi Minh +84-2862563862
2790 - Other ElecVietnam 52 Le Dai Hanh. Ha Noi +84-2473012344
09 - Mining Suppo Vietnam 6Th Floor, Petro Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2839117777
01 - Farming & HVietnam 333 Tran Hung DaHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2838370026
2826 - Textile, A Vietnam 25 Ba Trieu Stre Ha Noi 10 +84-2438257700
1072 - Sugar Vietnam Tan Hung Commun Tay Ninh 73 +84-2763757250
6619 - Other FinaVietnam Lo Cn11+Cn12, An Hai Duong +84-0243206119
09 - Mining Suppo Vietnam Floor 5, Petrovi Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2839102828
2431 - Iron & SteVietnam Rd. 27, Song ThanBinh Duong 72 +84-274371005
1020 - Seafood PVietnam Industrial Zone Ca Mau 97 +84-2903839391
M - Professional, Vietnam Room 802, Floor Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2862563862
5012 - Sea & CoasVietnam Ocean Park Bldg..Ha Noi 10 +84-2435770825
2220 - Plastic Pr Vietnam Lot Cn11 And Cn1Hai Duong 17 +84-2203755998
3510 - Power GenVietnam No 78, 2Nd FloorHa Noi 10 +84-2435161605
51 - Air Transpor Vietnam 302/3 Kim Ma. NHa Noi 10 +84-0247108666
2591 - Forging, PVietnam Cam Gia Ward Thai Nguyen 25 +84-2083832236
2012 - Fertilize Vietnam 7Th Floor Pvfcco Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2838256258
61 - TelecommuniVietnam 2Nd Floor, Fpt C Ha Noi 10 +84-2473002222
2100 - PharmaceuVietnam Floor 8, VimedimHa Noi 70 +84-2839254264
47 - Retail Trade Vietnam No. 63 Yersin. H Binh Duong 82 +84-2743829534
68 - Real Estate Vietnam No 326 Hung VuoLong Xuyen 88 +84-296 3840138
C - ManufacturinVietnam 16-17 Floor, Vig Ha Noi 10 +84-2435536660
0520 - Lignite MiVietnam 5 Phan Dinh GiotHa Noi 10 +84-248642793
01 - Farming & HVietnam 35 Ly Thai To St Bac Ninh 22 +84-2223820712
1071 - Bakery Pr Vietnam No 138-142 Hai BHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2838270838
3510 - Power GenVietnam 70-72 Nam Ky Kho Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2838299443
01 - Farming & HVietnam 9Th Floor, Vista Ho Chi Minh
10 - Food Vietnam 1 Nguyen Van QuHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2837731120
2021 - Pesticide Vietnam 23 Ha Hoang Ho Long Xuyen 88 +84-296 3841299
2012 - Fertilize Vietnam Lot D, Industrial Ca Mau +84-2903819000
F - Construction Vietnam No.18 Ly Van PhuHa Noi 10 +84-2438456329
2029 - Other CheVietnam 18 Alley 44. Duc Ha Noi 10 +84-2438271620
01 - Farming & HVietnam Lot A1-9, Vl 3 St Long An 70 +84-2838406868
F - Construction Vietnam No 236/6 Dien BiHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2835142255
47 - Retail Trade Vietnam National Road 30Cao Lanh 87 +84-2773891166
4321 - Electrical Vietnam Tam Hung Commun Hai Phong 18 +84-2253775161
2011 - Basic Chem Vietnam 7Th Floor, Pvgas Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2837840445
0520 - Lignite MiVietnam Group 1 - Cao SoCam Pha 20 +84-33862210
J - Information Vietnam Room 207, Petro Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2839115578
3510 - Power GenVietnam Group 33, Block Ha Long 20 +84-333657539
2399 - Other NonVietnam South Industrial Yen Bai 32 +84-293856555
F - Construction Vietnam 210 Tran Quang KHa Noi 10 +84-2439689898
089 - Other Mini Vietnam 193 Nguyen Huy Ha Noi 10 +84-2462876666
2012 - Fertilize Vietnam C12/21, Nationa Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2837561191
R - Leisure & RecVietnam Z06 Street 13. T Ho Chi Minh +84-0283866466
4930 - Pipeline T Vietnam 2Nd Floor, PvfccoHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2839111301
4100 - Building CVietnam No 1 Giang Van MHa Noi 10 +84-2462751783
0114 - Sugar CanVietnam 2 Nguyen Chi ThaQuang Ngai 57 +84-2553726110
2822 - Metal-ForVietnam No.2 Thanh Lam SHa Noi 10 +84-2462656566
2396 - Stone CuttVietnam Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Ha Noi 10 +84-2423477286
2394 - Cement, LVietnam 604 Vo Van Kiet. Ho Chi Minh 70 +84-2838368363
6810 - Owned or Vietnam
L No 96, Ha Huy G Dong Nai +84-2513882468
6810 - Owned or Vietnam
L No 8, Hung VuongBinh Duong 82 +84-2743822655
4722 - BeveragesVietnam 183 Hoang Hoa THa Noi 10 +84-2438453843
47 - Retail Trade Vietnam 18Th -19Th Floo Ha Noi 10 +84-2438513205
25 - Fabricated Vietnam Binh Xuyen Indu Vinh Phuc 11 +84-2113887863
4759 - Electrical Vietnam 278 Nguyen Thi DQui Nhon 59 +84-2563847668
4100 - Building CVietnam Floor 3Rd, TowerHa Noi 10 +84-2437684495
5012 - Sea & CoasVietnam 172 Hai Ba TrungHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2822202888
4100 - Building CVietnam Floor 3Rd, C ToweHa Noi 10 +84-2433868243
6209 - Other IT Vietnam Cmc Tower, 11 Du Ha Noi 10 +84-2437958668
2220 - Plastic Pr Vietnam Road 9, Bien HoaDong Nai 71 +84-2513836174
7110 - ArchitectuVietnam 53 Tran Quoc ThaHo Chi Minh +84-2873075888
4321 - Electrical Vietnam Hamlet 3, Phuoc Dong Nai 81 +84-2512225899
2599 - Other FabVietnam Group 21. Cam GThai Nguyen 25 +84-2083735690
F - Construction Vietnam House G10 - No. Ha Noi 10 +84-2438541164
14 - Wearing AppVietnam 7 Le Minh Xuan SHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2838640800
68 - Real Estate Vietnam 7 Bang Lang 1 RoHa Noi 10 +84-2439749999
2431 - Iron & SteVietnam Pho Noi A Indust Hung Yen 16 +84-2213942427
27 - Electrical E Vietnam 364 Cong Hoa StrHo Chi Minh 70 +84-2838100017
F - Construction Vietnam Vinaconex BuildinHa Noi 10 +84-2462849234
47 - Retail Trade Vietnam Phu Thanh HamleHau Giang +84-2926547979
03 - Fishing & AqVietnam National Road 80Dong Thap 87 +84-2773680383
2740 - Electric L Vietnam 87- 89 Ha Dinh S Ha Noi 10 +84-2438584310

rmine the Compound Annual Growth Rate

Revenue (in million USD)
Website Email End of fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 12/31 5338.26 7373.45 13448.80 12/31 3879.60 6526.43 6312.55 12/31 4672.90 5361.29 5898.43 12/31 2495.14 4407.35 7389.29 12/31 3324.22 3864.44 3368.67 12/31 3705.59 2758.66 12/31 2761.01 3444.26 4453.44 12/31 2571.07 2660.28 2656.19 12/31 2153.71 2521.80 4607.76 09/30 1185.21 2124.62 2197.95 12/31 1347.08 1769.05 166.59 12/31 1737.81 1646.32 2090.78 12/31 1284.18 1554.75 1945.86 12/31 772.69 1246.09 1418.79 12/31 497.64 1228.43 1020.08 12/31 1745.17 1217.01 12/31 1004.90 1211.00 1192.79 12/31 1203.73 1149.96 1546.58 12/31 909.06 1141.93 1124.19 12/31 1279.95 1070.92 1247.91 12/31 631.17 980.84 1333.77 12/31 935.36 956.31 12/31 677.39 929.39 1024.96 12/31 539.66 912.29 973.96 12/31 753.84 852.30 1497.83 12/31 816.33 839.00 1044.77 12/31 693.92 823.69 211.55 12/31 691.93 815.99 736.82 12/31 579.16 767.33 775.67 12/31 712.60 721.21 765.07 12/31 598.78 697.77 807.91 06/30 554.86 650.76 809.96 12/31 365.27 645.05 766.09 12/31 868.74 619.09 723.90 12/31 422.74 610.45 575.56 12/31 616.88 592.01 726.23
12/31 313.88 591.44 687.51 12/31 578.47 634.17 12/31 319.80 573.07 676.05 12/31 549.70 569.42 476.19 12/31 784.38 561.38 1774.85 12/31 560.61 517.28 12/31 334.15 557.51 823.59 12/31 493.62 553.16 651.26 12/31 781.03 536.83 312.75 12/31 459.34 518.95 1127.83 12/31 539.18 496.98 607.91 12/31 488.10 645.20 12/31 473.13 480.89 1098.24 12/31 431.43 471.47 511.01 12/31 358.33 457.69 554.24 12/31 455.43 456.92 501.12 12/31 553.00 454.97 313.19 12/31 397.72 449.96 571.50 12/31 323.12 445.80 516.89 12/31 325.51 430.35 704.09 12/31 287.51 428.55 369.53 12/31 268.48 416.42 638.64 12/31 358.57 403.26 603.75 12/31 626.73 395.82 642.74 12/31 302.95 394.79 584.99 12/31 467.81 393.58 464.75 12/31 324.03 392.25 498.49 12/31 379.42 459.34 12/31 354.64 374.78 381.78 12/31 370.82 373.70 460.59 12/31 175.76 360.39 471.57 12/31 359.40 181.84 12/31 265.32 348.43 541.67 12/31 233.26 337.61 379.42 259.34 333.52 344.90 12/31 325.29 400.02 12/31 273.76 324.70 414.28 12/31 279.38 319.84 364.99 12/31 230.75 308.47 352.72 12/31 243.64 308.28 250.27 12/31 342.79 308.02 394.30 12/31 319.30 307.66 425.99 12/31 280.03 304.77 287.68 12/31 320.83 303.06 371.33 12/31 241.44 299.48 380.29 12/31 287.13 291.42 375.08 12/31 241.13 283.07 304.48 12/31 69.25 281.30 79.02 12/31 147.16 278.24 161.30 12/31 66.50 274.52 99.84 03/31 223.05 274.28 338.84 12/31 141.58 271.97 340.14 12/31 195.97 268.75 241.61 12/31 261.84 268.14 388.54 12/31 264.54 241.92 12/31 258.28 264.41 240.01 12/31 306.56 261.98 374.26 12/31 358.56 256.87 325.48 12/31 174.86 253.83 12/31 242.79 253.32 414.38 12/31 238.99 250.67 373.74 12/31 263.13 250.21 325.20 12/31 274.09 249.36 350.64 12/31 211.91 248.93 305.49
CAGR* Employees**
0.58723746667 18942
0.27558363895 30000
0.12350490103 74008
0.72089311223 1516
0.00666357729 37112
-0.25554095299 9689
0.27002951228 2853
0.01641863363 9506
0.46268670152 6015
0.36179348078 7994
-0.64833611474 6079
0.09686460548 2698
0.23095689235 42408
0.35505341026 9870
0.43172456228 1395
-0.30264100346 18641
0.08948328498 5211
0.13350033458 8550
-0.01259543642 2071
0.45367492173 15481
0.02239779336 17323
0.2300820128 1202
0.34341578216 633
0.40958631052 7199
0.1312991694 5004
-0.44785669255 2560
0.0319285367 2279
0.15728205177 2937
0.03616203896 3313
0.16157658479 28418
0.20820346549 2635
0.44821450975 85
-0.08716059533 6935
0.16683280447 1209
0.0850175118 14599
0.4799862746 2269
0.09628848514 719
0.45395236715 2861
-0.06926238269 1948
0.50424151926 6016
-0.07729080823 3490
0.14863178147 9130
-0.36720243216 1087
0.56694837458 572
0.32186027453 7200
0.52355587262 610
0.08832731421 5941
0.24367627109 3961
0.04896271234 1070
-0.24743957246 1065
0.19872455602 24
0.26478627752 3206
0.47072650954 1266
0.13370059268 1527
0.54231147056 2305
0.29760226899 11812
0.01269210061 2263
-0.0032759244 850
0.2403253354 273
0.21063728849 3370
0.03755882262 279
0.11448872075 846
0.63799685051 454
0.42883604407 5008
0.27538109225 1240
0.15321914573 3885
0.2297334686 921
0.23016109431 12418
0.14299104121 3483
0.23635784264 2075
0.01351481509 957
0.07250497774 2456
0.15504855962 1349
0.01356721612 3686
0.07582723184 515
0.25502634233 769
0.14293798939 324
0.12370874947 6908
0.06821488123 28
0.04694120795 1295
0.2252972633 709
0.23252637832 5148
0.54998644326 4356
0.11035705506 668
0.21814748184 176
-0.08550691767 269
-0.03601721201 3550
0.10491523778 4498
-0.04724500556 2364
0.45161843761 712
0.30642353482 2122
0.2505323357 3423
0.11170634812 339
0.20066755063 2388
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