Chapter 1 Gas Volume and Leakage Detection System

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“Gas Volume and Leakage Detection System”

Salcedo, Daphne
Acosta, Shiloh Nouvel G.
Delorino, Monique
Tombali, Frednny
Valencia, Sophia


Gas leakage detection is the way toward distinguishing conceivably dangerous gas spills
by sensors. These sensors generally utilize a perceptible caution to alarm individuals when a
perilous gas has been recognized. Introduction to poisonous gases can likewise happen in tasks,
for example, painting, fumigation, fuel filling, development, uncovering of sullied soils, landfill
activities and entering restricted spaces. It is a gadget that distinguishes the presence of gases in a
region, regularly as a feature of a security framework. This kind of gear is utilized to identify a
gas spill or different discharges and can interface with a control framework so a cycle can be
naturally closed down. A gas indicator can sound a caution to administrators in the region where
the break is happening, allowing them the chance to leave.


What is Liquid Petroluem? According to Hussain A. Attia*, Halah Y. Ali **(2016) that LPG is
the acronym for liquid petroleum gas. It is a mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbon gases such as
Propane and Butan with smaller amount of ethane, propylene, butanes, and pentane. Mercaptan
is a foul-smelling odorant added to LPG for odor detection as the LPG is an odorless gas. The
Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas burn to produce clean energy, however, there is a
serious threat about their leakage. The gases may lead to suffocation and may lead to explosion
(Mr. Sagar Shinde, Mr.S.B.Patil, Dr.A.J.Patil 2012). According to Mr. Sagar Shinde,
Mr.S.B.Patil, Dr.A.J.Patil (2012) that air polluted acts as a serious aspects as the soil, water
pollution can detected visually and by taste but polluted air cannot be detected as it can be
odorless, tasteless and colorless. This statement means that LPG and propane gas leaks are hard
to detect by only using your senses without the presence of Mercaptan. Inhalational exposure to
LPG can result in serious organ system dysfunction, irritation in the eyes and the respiratory tract
tissues, drowsiness, hallucination and feeling of euphoria, inhalation high concentration of LPG
inhibit central nervous system as it has narcotic effect ,unconsciousness , somnolence,
lightheadedness, cyanosis, cardiopulmonary arrest, and sudden death is the most feared
complications Nevertheless LPG has no toxicologically important effect but, by consuming the
atmospheric oxygen, carbon monoxide will produce which is toxic ( Hussain A. Attia*, Halah Y.
Ali** 2016). This literature review will explain what is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and what
are the risks and factors that may cause problems and accidents inside our homes or in the
environment around us.

KEYWORDS: LPG, Liquid Petroluem Gas , Merceptan , gas leaks,

The dangers of gas leak exposure to human health The use of LPG and propane gases are very
essential to our daily necessities but there are some risks and danger that might happened if it is
handled incorrectly, this may result to serious health implications or even cause death. The
common reason of death is hypoxia after inhalation of carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous
oxide resulting from inadequate ventilation and combustion of LPG , then leads to consuming
the atmospheric oxygen and producing these asphyxiant gases especially carbon monoxide that
decrease the capacity of hemoglobin for carrying oxygen and adhere to red blood cells producing
carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), this compound prevent carrying oxygen to the tissues leading to
suffocation, as they found in study presence of high concentration of COHb in blood of non-
smoking women they were using LPG for cooking (Hussain A. Attia*, Halah Y. Ali** 2016).
Roughly 5% of the LPG that is sold in Santiago leaks in its unburned form to the atmosphere
(Tai Yih Chen, Isobel J. Simpson, Donald R. Blake and F. Sherwood Rowland , 2001). At the
year 2015 in South Africa, a woman and a 5 years-old was taken to the ICU. On examination the
following was found: coma without focal neurology; shock requiring fluid resuscitation and
adrenaline; probable pneumonitis or aspiration pneumonia; acute rhabdomyolysis with severe

metabolic acidosis; and raised serum K+. A carboxyhaemoglobin test was unable to confirm or
exclude carbon monoxide poisoning (L W J Sampson, N van der Schyff, MPhil Emerg Med, C
Cupido, 2015). These are some reports of incidents that are connected to gas leakage exposure
and the harm of exposed gas leaks in the environment.

Gas leakage source detection and boundary monitoring of continuous artifacts gained
considerable research attention in both the academic and industry sectors due to losses and harm
incurred by toxic gas leakage in large-scale petrochemical plants. With the development and
accelerated adoption of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) over the last decades, source
localization and boundary estimation have become a focus for research work. With the rapid
growth of the petrochemical industry in the recent years, the interest in the identification and
location of gas leakage has risen due to loss of life, injury and damage to facilities caused by
toxic gas leakage.

Natural gas has no color or odor, making leaks extremely hard to detect. When inhaled, the
symptoms of exposure include headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, breathing problems and eye
and throat irritation. However, exposure to high levels of gas can lead to serious complications,
including loss of consciousness, lack of coordination and death by suffocation. It is therefore
imperative gas leaks are detected early to prevent serious health consequences among not only
workers in plants, but also nearby residents.

Gas leaks waste a valuable source of energy, and even a small gas leak can gradually buildup an
explosive concentration of gas. Aside from causing explosion hazards and fire, gas leaks can kill
vegetation and release harmful greenhouse gases (usually methane) to the atmosphere, further
contributing to the ongoing climate change problem.

Detecting gas leaks early will help prevent methane’s negative effects on both human health and
the environment. Immediate action must be taken when a new leak is discovered to prevent
further build-up of the harmful gases in the air.

If it detects a gas leak, the red LED will light up, the buzzer will activate, then the system will
send a notification message stating that there has been an LPG gas leak. If no LPG gas leak is
detected, the system will continue to detect the gas level through the LPG gas sensor until it
detects an LPG gas leak.

The expansion in the improvement of innovation and mankind, we neglected to take care
about the environmental factors in which we live in. Consequently, we contaminated the climate
and, in this manner, diminishing the nature of the spot we live. There is a developing interest for
the natural contamination observing and control frameworks. In the perspective on the ever-
expanding contamination sources with harmful synthetic substances, these frameworks ought to
have the offices to distinguish and measure the sources quickly.

LPG consists of a blend of propane and butane that is a particularly flammable chemical. It
is odorless gas by which ethanol is applied as a strong odor, so that leakage can be quickly
detected. Other international norms, such as EN589, amyl mercaptan and tetrahydrothiophene,
are in effect. Most often used as odors. LPG is one of the alternative fuels commonly used.
Occasionally liquefied petroleum gas is also recognized as LPG, LP gas, Auto gas, etc. This gas
is widely often used heating appliances, hot water, food, etc. Various other uses, too. LPG is now
used as an alternative fuel in cars due to a rise in fuel and diesel costs (Shrivastava, Prabhaker,
Kumar and Verma, 2013)

Gas leaks or spillage are usually the result of ineffective seals and fitted LPG gas tanks.
Gas spills can lead to unsafe measure, your house can be a dangerous place when there is a gas
leak or spillage. Gas leaks are capable for killing 20 individuals each year, at some point it is
pretty difficult to detect gas leakage because you can’t really see it and sometimes it is hard to
sense or smell it. Gas leaks are very dangerous because it is very flammable and explosive when
ignited. Data for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration found just one propane-
related death in 2018 among 13 incidents. That did represent a sharp decline from 2017, when
there were 5 propane explosion deaths from 22 incidents.

Gas leaks change the measure of oxygen accessible. As you take in less oxygen, you may
begin to create indications. In the event that you or others as far as you can tell abrupt and
unexplained symptoms, there could be a gas spill in your home. You may experience some kind
of symptoms like headache, dizziness, nausea, eye and throat irritation, fatigue and some
breathing problems when there is a gas leak (Ginta,2017). A few people have low sense of smell,
could conceivably react on low centralization of gas spillage. In such a case, gas spillage security
frameworks become a fundamental and help to shield from gas spillage mishaps. Various
research papers have been distributed on gas spillage security framework. Inserted framework
for Hazardous gas discovery and Alerting has been proposed in writing. Where the alert is
initiate promptly, if the gas fixation surpasses typical level.

Leaks on gas pipelines can indeed be accurately detected by a gas leak detector. This
seems to be especially critical when hairline cracks or outdated seals are required. Using such a
leak detector supplies you with unbiased information that lets you to calculate the position and
evaluate the leakage rate. These are widely used to track poisonous or explosive gasses and to
determine the concentration of gas. Gas meters are used in plants and industrial centers to track
gas emission as well as to detect smoke and carbon monoxide in houses. Gas sensors differ
greatly in scale, range, and detecting capacity.


Gas spillage prompts different mishaps coming about into both monetary misfortunes just as
human wounds. In human's day by day life, climate gives the main effect on their medical
problems. The danger of flames, blast, suffocation, all are based on their actual properties such
combustibility, poisonousness and so forth the quantity deaths because of the blast of gas
chambers has been expanding lately. This study aims to track all locations of the whole house or
building for potential gas leakage and to notify home owners if there is a potential gas leak. It
aims to notify home owners if there will be a gas leakage inside their homes, the invention is to
provide safety and maintenance to the household who uses liquid petroleum gas also known as
lpg gas.


Our research title, Gas Volume & Leakage Detection System wants to create an invention
wherein potential gas leakages will notify the home owners and the entire building/house. We
the researchers believe that this is an important and valuable research because gas leakages have
been a serious problem over time, and we want to reduce such casualties before it could risk any
more lives and injure more people. When installed and used correctly, natural gas is safe and
convenient. But gas leaks can occur. These leaks can lead to physical symptoms and, in some
cases, the gas can cause carbon monoxide poisoning in people and animals. It is highly
flammable, and gas leaks increase the risk of fire and explosion. This is why we the researchers
would want to conduct this study so as to prevent these from happening.


This research is conducted to explore on how we can make a more innovative product –– Gas
Volume and Leakage Detection System –– in a more innovative way. We’d also find new
resources to construct our own device. We will also practice safety protocols and keep on budget
at all times. It will provide both qualitative and quantitative data for the analysis. This research
would also concentrate on relevant issues such as gas leakage and its negative impacts. Other
topics that are not considered relevant to our research topic will not be addressed by this report.


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