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NAME : Valeria Wilfrida Raymanus

NIM : 235314144

Hello, I want to share my experience of becoming the student council
president. I attended SMAK Suria Atambua starting in 2020. During my first
semester, I wasn't selected to be a student council member. It was only in my
second semester, during the morning assembly, that I was called to the front along
with some other new students. It turned out that I, along with a few of my friends,
were chosen to join the student council. As time went on, I was called again to the
auditorium, where I was entrusted with the opportunity to run as a candidate for
president of the student council alongside a senior student. However, at that time, I
didn't get the chance to become the president; my senior and I became the treasurer
and assistant treasurer of the student council. Nonetheless, I was very grateful to be
part of the core student council team and to be given the responsibility of
managing a significant amount of money for a high school student. It was a unique
experience being the treasurer, as I always had to be available and ready to
purchase necessary items for the student council with the president. I also had to
prepare financial reports with a sense of fear, fearing calculation errors. However,
with God's grace, I was able to fulfill my duties as the assistant treasurer well,
being honest and maintaining the trust of the people.
After that, when I was in the second semester of my second year, I was
chosen again by the student council advisor to run as a candidate for the student
council president, alongside a junior student as the vice president. The nervousness
and fear of not being chosen again made me lack confidence in myself, but God
gave me the responsibility, and I was selected as the president of the student
council for one term. Once selected, I believed that I could perform my duties well
because I knew that when entrusted with responsibility, I had to fulfill it to the best
of my ability. While carrying out my duties, I encountered many challenges,
ranging from organizing my members to arrive on time, fairly distributing student
council duties, handling morning and afternoon announcements, managing
numerous school events, and experiencing the ups and downs of being the student
council president. In managing various activities, I always stuck to my principle of
working with dedication, as my parents had taught me to approach my tasks
wholeheartedly so that the results would align with my efforts. This is an
experience I truly cherish because it provided me with many lessons, and I was
expected to be a role model for the council members and students. That's all from
me, and thank you.

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