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Hello class,

My name is Trevor, I'm a California native living in Texas and I've served in
the Air Force for over 17 years. I'm married and I have two children, I enjoy
doing any and everything with my kids (park, exercise, beach, etc.), watching
movies, and exercising. I earned a Bachelor's in Organizational Leadership
and decided to pursue my MBA in hopes to make me a well-rounded
candidate for employment outside of the military, when that time comes. I'm
hoping this particular class can be beneficial, as I'm currently working for a
consulting business which is looking to grow and expand their clientele;
marketing is one of the efforts we have been aiming to improve. Additionally,
I think this will help me to understand business from a different perspective
and be more capable of leading/managing a team, in and out of the military.
I've learned that networking is an extremely important part of business at any
level, but often times, the way you are marketed is what will get your foot in
the door with a much larger audience. I'm hoping the learning that is to come
over the next several weeks proves beneficial to me in my personal and
professional life. Obviously, this is a component of my MBA program, but I'm
excited to learn some new things for the future as well.
I look forward to meeting you all over the next several weeks. Good luck!

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