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Physical activity and
Prepared By : Glaiza Belle M. Mabanta
Learning Objectives

01 02 03 04
Learn about healthy Develop a positive
Recognize the significance Recognize the
nutrition, such as meal attitude toward physical
of nutrition in sustaining significance of
planning, food preparation activity, seeing it as a
physical health, including emphasizing physical
practices, and reading pleasurable and
understanding key health as the basis for
product labels, so you can necessary part of total overall well-being and
nutrients, portion sizes,
make educated dietary well-being rather than a quality of life.
and balanced meals.
decisions. duty.
BMI is commonly used because it is very easy to
measure and it also correlates strongly with the
percentage of body fats. Excess levels of body fat
contribute to a number of health concerns
including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes
and some cancers. Typically, body fat levels are
higher as BMI increases. A BMI between 18.5 to 24.9
kg/m2 is considered normal, with a healthy body
weight. This is because BMI within this range is
associated with the lowest risk of developing a
chronic disease or dying. People classified as
overweight have an increased risk of disease and
death, and those who are obese have the highest
risk of developing a number of diseases.
People have different patterns of body fat
distribution, and these patterns correspond to
different risk levels for disease. The location of
body fat accumulation influences a person’s
health risk. The risk is lower for those who have
fat distributed more around the hips and thighs
(called gynoid obesity and commonly referred to
as a pear-shaped physique) than for those who
carry fat on the trunk or abdominal area (called
android obesity, commonly called an apple-
shaped physique). Because of the concern with
abdominal obesity, waist circumference alone can
help identify whether you are at risk
Refers to bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles. It requires
energy expenditure and produces progressive health benefits. Physical
activity typically requires only low to moderate intensity effort. Examples
of physical activity include walking to and from work, taking the stairs
instead of elevators and escalators, and gardening, doing household
chores, dancing and washing the car by hand.

A type of physical activity that requires planned, structured, and
repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more
components of physical fitness. Examples of exercise are walking,
running, cycling, aerobics, swimming, and strength training. Exercise
is an activity that requires a vigorous and intense effort.
In your 1 whole sheet of paper write 5 sentences
essay on Why is it important to know your body
mass index and waist circumference status?

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