DLP Final Revised - JLG

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Molina, John Carlo P.

Lesson Plan
Physical Education
At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:
a. Define Arnis
b. Identify the basic stances and strikes in Arnis
c. Demonstrate the basic stances and strikes in performing Arnis


a. Topic: Basic Stances and Strikes in Arnis
b. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, images, bamboo stick, chalk or marker
c. References: Google, Internet
d. Values Integration: cooperation, self-esteem, sportsmanship, appreciation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary
1. Greetings
Good morning, class! How’s your
day so far? Good morning, sir. We are fine.
2. Prayer
That’s good to hear class. Before
we begin the lesson this afternoon,
let us ask the guidance of almighty
God and let us enlighten our mind (Student volunteer to lead the prayer)
to completely understand the lesson
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be
this morning. May I request
Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be
someone from the class to lead the
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread; and forgive us our
3. Checking the attendance
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
Is there anyone who is absent
against us; and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
4. Classroom Management
I would like to request everyone to
arrange your chairs properly and
make sure there are no clatter None, sir
around you.
Students will arrange their chairs and pick
all the clatters.

B. Motivation
Before we start the lesson. I just want
Yes sir
to ask if you want to play a game?

Okay, I love your energy class. So,

class, are you familiar with the game
rearrange me or jumbled word?

Great, so I will divide the class into

three groups.
Yes sir
Group 1, 2, 3

So, to have our three group, lets do

counting, from one to three. And let’s
start from the back at right side to left
and until here in front. Okay, class start
to count.

Okay, to all number one please sit here

in right side column first row, for group
number two, please sit here left side
column first row, and for group three
will sit at the back row of group 1.
Please go to your respective group (Students start to count from one to three)
quietly to avoid disturbance to the other

Alright, so everybody’s in their

perspective group?

Okay, here’s the instruction for the

activity. Listen carefully. Each group
will receive a set of jumbled words. In (Students proceed to their groups)
a minute, you will try to arranged and
find the jumbled words. As I say go,
the group will start to arranged the
jumbled words. If done, the first group
to shout the word “mooo” will be the
winner. And the winner will receive a
prize. Do you understand the
instruction class?

(The words are Arnis, strikes, and


Okay class be ready. On your marks, Yes sir.

get set, go!
(The teacher will stop the rest group
who is still arranging.) Yes sir

Okay class, the Group 1 shouted the

magic word, lets hear from them what’s
the jumbled words. Group 1, what’s the

Very good!
Very good, group 1. Let’s give group 1
a round of applause. And for the rest of
the class, Thank you for your

How about group 2, what words did

you found?

Very good group 2, class lets give them

a round of applause also.

How about group 3?

Very good group 3, class lets give them

a round of applause also.

Everyone got the correct answer but (The students start and participate in
group 1 shouted the magic word first. arranging the words.)
So, group 1 will receive the prize. To
Group 1: “Moooo!!!”
the other group, better luck next time.

Did you have fun, class?

Great, what did you feel during the

activity class?

I am happy that everyone enjoys and

Group 1: Arnis, Strikes, and Stances, sir.
have fun in our activity today.

What do you think our topic for today


Very good!

(The class will clap)

Group 2 will say their answer.

(The class will clap)

Group 3 will say their answer.

(The class will clap)

Yes sir

Answer may vary

About the strikes and stances in Arnis, sir.

C. Lesson Proper
Before we proceed to our next lesson.
About the history of Arnis sir.
Let’s do a short and quick review, what
was our topic last time?

Very good!

Can someone in the class discuss

briefly about its history?
(Student will volunteer to discuss the brief
Arnis is a Filipino martial art that originated
from the country's indigenous fighting styles
and evolved during the Spanish colonization
Very good!
period. It was banned by the Spanish
authorities but eventually became a national
(The teacher utilizes PowerPoint
sport and cultural heritage of the Philippines
after gaining independence.

Arnis is a Filipino martial art that uses

sticks and other weapons. It originated
from the Philippines and evolved over
time. Learning Arnis can help improve
physical fitness, self-defense skills, and
appreciation for Filipino culture.

Okay class, we are done with the

history, lets proceed to our topic for
today which is?

Very good!

We have these skills in Arnis, we have

the Stances, Strikes, Blocks, Footwork,
grip. But we will be focusing on the
Stances and strikes.

(Students will answer)

What is Stance? The Basic Stances and Strikes in Arnis.

Very good!

Like a tree that has roots to make it

stand firm and steady even when under
attack by winds and storm, solid and
correct stances serve as the “root” for
martial artists that keeps him standing.
Having the correct stance not only
makes the martial artist stable and
balanced, it also develops form and
enables ease of maneuverability.

Class, can you read the 3 examples of


Very good!

So, (name) kindly read what is Stances is a “way of standing or being

attention stance. placed”. For martial artists, it is not only a
way of standing or being place, stances are a
way of remaining standing and maintaining
balance while moving or on a steady

Thank you!

The teacher will demonstrate first.

(Name)please demonstrate it to the


Very good!

Do you understand class?

Any question or clarification?

Okay, lets proceed to the next stance,

(Name)kindly read what is fighting

Thank you!

Teacher will demonstrate first.

(Name)please demonstrate it to the


Very good! Answers are:

Anyone who wants to demonstrate? Attention stance

Fighting stance
Very good!
Forward stance
Okay, lets proceed to the next stance,
(Name)kindly read what is forward Backward stance

Thank you!
Attention stance is commonly used in
The teacher will demonstrate first. preparation for courtesy or “bowing”.
Stand with your feet forming 45 degrees
May I ask a volunteer to demonstrate
angle. Heels should be close to each other;
the stance.
knees should be straight and body facing
forward. Shoulders are dropped to the side
Very good!
and both hands are at waist level.
Class, any reaction? Or question?
Okay let’s proceed to the basic strikes

Student volunteer and perform the stance.

in arnis.

Okay, if none, lets proceed to the last

stance which is?
Very good! Yes, sir.

(Name)What is backward stance?

None, sir.

Fighting stance- place your right foot in

front with your weapon on one hand.
Very good! Position the other foot at the back. Put a
distance between your feet and bend slightly.
Teacher will demonstrate first. Your toes should be facing forward.

May I ask volunteer to demonstrate it

to the class.

Very good!

So, class, we are done with the basic

stances in arnis. Do you have any Student will demonstrate.
question or clarification?

Okay, so before we proceed to the the

skill, can you identify again the basic

Very good! Student will volunteer and will demonstrate.

Class, can you give me an example of

basic strikes in arnis.

Student will read.

Forward stance- make a 5 steps distance
between your feet. Be sure your left back leg
is straight. The other leg must be at a 45
degrees angle. The front knee must be bent.
Your weight must be held at both feet.

Very good!

Student will volunteer and demonstrate.

Let’s begin with Left and Right Temple
None, sir.

Backward stance, sir.

Right temple strike- forehand strikes

to the right temple.
Left hand strike- backhand strike to Backward stance- make at least 4 steps
the left temple. between both feet. Both knees should be
bent slightly. The right foot must be held at
The teacher will demonstrate to the 90 degrees angle. Your weight must
class the two strikes. distribute 60% from the rear foot and 40% at
the front foot.
okay, (Name) please demonstrate the
strikes to the class.

Very good!

Class, do you follow the strikes?

Any question class or clarification?

Student will volunteer and demonstrate.
If none, now let’s proceed to the next
strikes, which are?

Very good!

Class, read the definition of left and

right shoulder strike.
None, sir.

Thank you. Answers:

Attention stance
The teacher will demonstrate it first.
Fighting stance
(name) please demonstrate it to the Forward stance
Backward stance
Very good!

Now let’s proceed to the next strike,

which is? Answers:

Very good! Right temple strike

Left hand strike
(Name) kindly read the definition of
the strike. Right shoulder strike

Okay, thank you! Left shoulder strike

Thrust to the stomach
Teacher will demonstrate the strike.
Right chest attack
(Name) please demonstrate it to the
Left chest attack
Left knee attack
Very good!
Right knee attack
Do you follow the strikes class? Right eye attack

Great, now let’s proceed to the next Left eye attack

strike. Crown strike

(Name) Kindly read the next strike.

Thank you!

The teacher will demonstrate first the


(Name) kindly demonstrate it to the

Very good!

Okay, let’s proceed to the next strikes.

(Name) kindly read the next strikes.
Thank you!

The teacher will demonstrate the


(Name) please demonstrate it to the


Very good!

Do you follow the discussion class?

Okay, let’s proceed to the next strike.

(Name) kindly read the last strike.

Student will perform the strikes.

Thank you!

The teacher will demonstrate the strike.

(Name) please demonstrate it to the Yes sir.


Very good! None, sir.

Do you follow class?

left and right torso strike
Okay, lets proceed to the last strike.
(Name)kindly read the last strike.

Thank you.

The teacher will demonstrate first.

(Name)please demonstrate the last class will read the definition.

strike to the class

Very good!
Right shoulder strike- forehand strike to
the right shoulder
Okay class, we’re done with the basic
strike of Arnis.

Can you name all of the Strikes again Left shoulder Strike- backhand strike to the
class. left shoulder
Student will demonstrate the strikes.

Very good!

Okay class we have learned the

different basic stances and striking
skills in Arnis
Thrust Strike.
Do you have any clarification or
question class before we proceed?

Okay, if none, let’s proceed to the

proper grip of Arnis stick.

Okay class, anyone in the class, how do

you think is the proper way of holding Thrust Strike- straight-on stab/thrust to the
the Arnis stick? stomach.

Very good!

Hold the stick one fist away from the

punyo (butt) of the stick. Close the grip
with the thumb

Remember class, The arnis stick should

be held about 1-2 inches from its butt Student will demonstrate the strike.
end. The extra length at the butt end
allows balance in gripping. It can also
be used in disarming. The correct grip
is the basis of control, power and
quickness in every blow that is

Teacher will demonstrate first Yes sir.

Do you understand class?

(Name)kindly demonstrate it to the


Very good!
Student will read the definition of the strikes.
Another demonstrator from the class?
Right Chest attack- overhand stab/thrust to
Very good! the right chest
Okay class, we’re done with our lesson Left Chest Attack- underhand stab/thrust to
for today. Do you have any question or the left chest

Okay, so there’s no question or

clarification see you next session.
Goodbye class.

Student will demonstrate the strikes.

Student will read the next examples of

Left knee attack – backhand strike to the
left knee

Right knee attack- forehand strike to the

right knee.

Student will demonstrate the strikes.

Yes, sir!

Student will read.

Right Eye attack- overhand stab/thrust to
the right eye.
Left Eye attack- underhand stab/thrust to
the left eye.

Student will demonstrate it to the class.

Yes, sir!

Student will read.

Crown strike- straight down to the top of
the head.

Student will demonstrate

Right temple strike
Left hand strike
Right shoulder strike
Left shoulder strike
Thrust to the stomach
Right chest attack
Left chest attack
Left knee attack
Right knee attack
Right eye attack
Left eye attack
Crown strike

None, sir.

Student will volunteer and give their

Yes sir.

Student will demonstrate.

Student will volunteer to demonstrate.

None, sir!

Goodbye sir!

D. Summary/Generalization

So, class, we’re done with our topic for

today, let’s have a short review.
What are the different types of

Attention stance
Fighting stance
What are the different types of Forward stance
Backward stance

Right temple strike

Left hand strike
Right shoulder strike
Left shoulder strike
Thrust to the stomach
Right chest attack
How do you properly hold an Arnis
stick? Left chest attack
Left knee attack
Right knee attack
Right eye attack
Left eye attack
Crown strike

Hold the stick one fist away from the punyo

(butt) of the stick. Close the grip with the

E. Application

I will divide the class into two, assign

your team leader for they will be the Students participate in the activity.
one to choose what skill you will going
to perform. I have here 2 folded papers,
each paper contains what group are
you. Groups will perform the basic
stances and striking skills. Remember
class that this is not a sparring session
so avoid hitting your classmate.

Group 2 will be the first to perform and

Group 1 will be the second to perform

Criteria Novice Competent Proficient Mastery

Stance Feet not aligned Feet aligned Feet aligned and Feet aligned, stable, and
and unstable but slightly stable fluid

Grip Grip is incorrect Grip is Grip is correct and Grip is correct, strong,
and weak correct but strong and adaptable

Strikes Strikes lack Strikes are Strikes are powerful Strikes are powerful,
power and powerful but and precise precise, and varied
precision lack

Footwork Footwork is Footwork is Footwork is fast, Footwork is fast, fluid,

slow and clumsy adequate but fluid, and coordinated, and
lacks speed coordinated with adaptable
and fluidity strikes and blocks

1. Did you enjoy the activity?
2. For you class, what value have you learn from understanding or knowing Arnis?
3. As a student, what is the importance of Arnis?

In a 1 whole sheet of paper, with minimum of 150 words and maximum of 300 words,
discuss what are the benefits and importance of Arnis for you. Output should be hand
written and pass it in our next meeting.

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