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Dear all,

Thank you very much for assisting the team at INTEREST 2024. We are grateful that you are joining us
in making a rememberable conference.

Below you will be able to find the tasks per room/ area:
- Registration Area
- Meeting Room
- Poster / Exhibition Area
- F&B

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to ask us. We are glad to help you
as you are helping us to make this meeting run as smooth as possible.

Thank you for all of your help in advance to make this meeting into a success!

We look forward to meeting you all!

All the best!


Onsite Team
Karin Siebelt – Overall Conference Manager
Magda Sevlidou – Overall Conference Manager
Christina Moustakaki - Overall Conference Manager
Jesper Niesen - Poster & Exhibition Area + Food & Beverage

Audio Visual Team

Diogo Teles
Joao Peixoto

Tuesday: 06:00 – 16:30
Wednesday: 07:00 – 17:45
Thursday: 07:00 – 17:30
Friday: 07:00 – 10:00
Lunch and breaks are included on the full conference days
Main responsible Magda

Delegates will come to the registration desk to collect their badge and conference materials.
▪ Ask the delegates for their name (surname), look for their badge, and hand out the
conference materials
▪ If a delegate has registered but you cannot find the badge then we will need to print a new
one, please ask Christina to assist if in doubt. Please first have a look at the participants list
before printing a new badge.
▪ Onsite registrations are possible, an onsite registration form will need to be filled in, badge
printed and finally, hand out conference materials. People have to pay in cash. You will be
able to see the rates on the onsite registration form
▪ After handing out the conference materials inform the delegates about the location of the
conference room.
▪ Every day the registered delegates will receive a lunch voucher. Please hand them out to the
delegates that attended the previous session only.
▪ Only the necessary items for registration should be on the desk. No food or personal items.
Keep the desk tidy at all times!
▪ Make sure you know where the restrooms are located.

Main responsible: Karin
In the meeting room, onsite hosts have their specific tasks:
▪ Roving mics during Discussion:
- During Q&A all onsite hosts in the meeting room are requested to survey the room
and manage the roving mics.
- Make sure you are clearly visible for the delegates
- Each mic has a number corresponding with the number on your designated card. At
the start of each Discussion, stand at your spot which was prior discussed with Karin.
As soon as someone raises his/her hand, go over to that person and do NOT give the
mic yet. Stand next to that person and hold your number in the air so the chair of the
session can see you. The chair will mention the number of the mic that may be used.
Then hand over the mic, and take it back as soon as the question has been posed.
Follow the example (or small instructions) of our team when in doubt.
- Confirm with the manager inside the room who the important people are and make
sure you keep an eye on them if they would like to ask a question
▪ Breaks: when a break starts, please lead the participants to the lunch rooms.
▪ Pro-actively help people to find a seat, especially after the start of the meeting.
▪ Room temperature: if it is too hot or too cold, inform Karin
▪ At the end of the morning and afternoon program, do not leave without checking whether
your help is needed for tidying up the room, collecting any materials, help technician, etc.
Main Responsible Jesper
There will be around 150 posters in the poster area. Additionally, there will be exhibitors.
• Assist the poster presenters to find their poster board to hang their posters – all posters
have a number that correspondents with the number on the board
• Assist poster presenters with hanging the posters
• Sometimes posters fall down – please check and put them back on the board again
• Always greet the exhibitors – if they have any additional requests, please ask Jesper
• Ask people to go back to the meeting room 10 minutes prior to the start of the next session


Main Responsible Jesper and Christina
▪ During breaks one onsite host should walk ahead of the group to the room where coffee or
lunch is being served. The other onsite hosts need to be present at the registration desk and
meeting room to assist with any questions and set up for the upcoming session.
▪ You will have a 30-minute break during Lunch. You can make use of the coffee and lunch
buffet. Please, make sure that the participants are served first. Please make sure to discuss
with the conference managers when you would be able to have lunch
▪ Do not eat at the registration desk, but make sure you have your break in turns.
▪ Finally, keep in mind to be at your spot at least 10 minutes before each session starts.

▪ Direct people to the meeting room
▪ Direct people to the group photo location (only on the first day)
▪ Direct people to the lunch rooms

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