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ANNEE SCOLAIRE : 2023-2024
BP : 10210 Epreuve de : ANGLAIS Classe : 1er F2
Tél : 22 27 58 28 Durée : 3 HEURES Coef : 2

SECTION ONE : Comprehension ( 7 marks)

Reads the text carefully and answer the questions below.
Text : Machines and Work
Defined in the simplest term a machine is a device that uses force to accomplish
something. More technically, it is a device that transmits and changes force or motion into work.
This definition implies that a machine must have moving parts.
A machine can be very simple, like a block and tackle to raise a heavy weight or very complex,
like a railroad locomotive or the mechancial systems used for industrial processes.
A machine receives input from an energy source and transforms into out put in the form of
mechanical or electrical energy. Machines whose input is a natural source of energy are called
prime movers.
Natural sources of energy include wind, water, steam and petroleum. Windmills and
waterwheels are prime movers. So are the great turbine driven by water or steam that turn the
generators that produce electricity ; and so are internal combustion engines that use petroleum
products as fuel.
Electric motors are not prime movers, since an alternating current of electricity, which
supplies most electrical energy does not exist in nature. Force is an effort that results in motion
or physical charge.
The water which strikes the blades of a turbine is exerting force and the distance through which
it was exerted.
From ‘’the Language of Mechanical Engineering in English’’pg16

A. Questions ( 4 marks)
1- What is a simple definition of a machine ?
2- Why aren’t electric motors, prime movers ?
3- Answer by true or false.
The prime movers are machines that use a natural source of energy.
4- Choose the correct word from the list to complete the sentence :
The water that strikes the ______ of a turbine is exerting force,
a) Blades b) files c) screws d) Wires
B. VOCABULARY ( 3 marks)
1) Find in the text the antonyms of the word ( 2 marks)
a- Light b- simple c- external d – artificial
2) Form the verbs from the given nouns (1 mark)
a- Definition b-generator


A/ Rewrite each sentence with the correct form of verbs in brackets ( 2 marks)
1. Children had finished the work before their father ( to come ) back.
2. As soon as Kodjo (to receive) the money, we will open the workshop.
3. If Anani comes, he ( to tell) you about the project.
4. If I ( to be ) you, I would go with him.
B/ Choose the correct words from the brackets to complete the sentences ( 2 marks)
5. Before ________ to school, I usually take my breakfast. (coming, come, came)
6. We would have repaired the device if we _______ our boss instructions. (follow, had
followed, followed)
7. I don’t like __________ bad films. (watching, watched, watches)
8. Two years __________, I was in Junior Secondary School. (after, since, ago)
C/ Complete sentence (b) using ‘’Unless’’ ( 1 mark)
9-a- If you are not ready, you can send us a message.
b/ Unless………………………………………………………….
10-a-If our students work harder, they will succeed.
b/ Unless…………………………………………………………….

D/ Choose the correct adjective to fill in the gap ( 1 mark)

11. Kodjo is as __________ as his friend. ( fast, faster, fastest)
12. Our workshop is ________________ than yours. ( big, bigger, more bigger)

E/ Fill in the gap with the correct preposition ( 1 mark)

13. Anan is good ___________ Electronics ( at , in , on )
14. Where are you ___________ ? (for, from, after)

F/ Use ‘’What a ‘’ or ‘’ so ‘’ to complete each exclamative sentence ( 1 mark)

15._______________________ wonderful place !
16. The exercise is ______________ difficult !


You are Koffi ASRAFO and your address is BP 6534, Lomé, TOGO. You read an
annoncement in the local press ‘’The Independent’’ that Metallux Co.Ltd needs a
electrical and electronician enginee.
Write a letter to the Managing Director of that company at P.O. Box 992, Kumassi,
Ghana, to apply for the post of your choice.
Talk briefly about your background, your education and your work experience.


1- Translate into French (1 mark)

a/ we have been friends since our childhood.
b/ Do not leave the tools on top of a bench.

2- Translate into English ( 1 mark)

Mon Père est un architecte, il dessine les plans des maisons.

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