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Subject: Issues on Social Context

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: To identify the issues on social context, actively participate in the

classroom discussion, and appreciate the importance of giving solutions on
issues on social context

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) History - Understanding historical events and their impact on society can help
students identify ongoing social issues.

2) Science - Exploring environmental and health-related concerns can lead to

discussions on social responsibility and community welfare.

3) Literature - Analyzing literary works that tackle societal problems can deepen
students' understanding of social issues.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Scenario cards]

Engaging Activity 1: Role-playing scenarios related to social issues

Engaging Activity 2: Brainstorming session on potential solutions to presented

social problems

Engaging Activity 3: Interactive quiz on current social issues

Activity 1: Social Advocacy Campaign

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials - Poster boards, markers, research materials

Significance - Encourages students to create awareness on a chosen social issue

Instructions -

1) Research and select a social issue to focus on.

2) Design a poster advocating for awareness and action on the chosen issue.

3) Present and explain the advocacy campaign to the class.


- Creativity - 15 pts.

- Clarity of Message - 10 pts.

- Presentation Skills - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What social issue did your group choose and why?

2) How did you ensure your message was clear in your advocacy campaign?

3) What impact do you hope your campaign will have on the community?

Activity 2: Roundtable Discussion on Social Issues

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Discussion guide, seating arrangement for roundtable

Significance - Encourages active participation and dialogue on various social


Instructions -

1) Sit in a roundtable formation with assigned discussion topics.

2) Each student presents their views on the given topic.

3) Engage in respectful dialogue and active listening with peers.


- Participation - 15 pts.

- Contribution to Discussion - 10 pts.

- Respect for Others' Opinions - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What social issue did you find most compelling during the discussion and why?

2) How did you contribute to the overall dialogue in the roundtable?

3) Reflect on a moment when you had to consider an opposing viewpoint during the

Inclusive Activity 3: Real-Life Scenario Analysis

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials - None

Significance - Allows students to apply critical thinking to real-world situations

Instructions -

1) Present a scenario related to a social issue.

2) Analyze the scenario individually or in small groups.

3) Discuss possible solutions or actions that could be taken.


- Critical Thinking - 15 pts.

- Solution Creativity - 10 pts.

- Collaboration (if in groups) - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did the scenario analysis help you understand the complexities of social

2) What innovative solutions did you propose for the scenario presented?

3) How did collaborating with peers enhance your analysis of the real-life scenario?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated creativity and advocacy skills through their


Activity 2 - Students actively engaged in dialogue and showcased respectful


Activity 3 - Students applied critical thinking to real-life scenarios and proposed

practical solutions.


Students will deepen their understanding of social issues by actively participating in

discussions, analyzing real-world scenarios, and advocating for change. This
engagement fosters critical thinking and empathy towards societal challenges.
Supporting Material 1 - "Social Issues: Understanding the Impact on
Communities" - This article delves into the various social issues affecting
communities and provides insights on addressing them.

Supporting Material 2 - "Youth Activism and Social Change" - A research paper

highlighting the role of youth in driving social change and the importance of active
participation in societal issues.


[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Students will create a proposal outlining solutions to a specific social issue
in their community.

Task 2 - Students will conduct a survey to gather data on the awareness levels of
different social problems among their peers.


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics, assessment sheets]

Question 1 - Identify and explain one social issue prevalent in your community.
(Direct Instruction)

Question 2 - How can active participation in discussions lead to a better

understanding of social issues? (Think-Pair-Share)

Question 3 - Provide an example of a successful social advocacy campaign and its

impact on society. (Case Studies)

Question 1 - Why is it important for individuals to take responsibility for addressing

social issues in their communities? (Higher Order Thinking)

Answer 1 - Individuals play a crucial role in creating positive change and fostering a
better society through active involvement in social issues.

Question 2 - How can different perspectives on a social issue contribute to finding

innovative solutions? (Critical Thinking)

Answer 2 - Diverse viewpoints encourage comprehensive problem-solving

approaches and lead to more effective solutions for complex issues.

Question 3 - Discuss the ethical considerations that should be taken into account
when proposing solutions to social problems. (Critical Thinking)

Answer 3 - Ethical considerations ensure that proposed solutions are just, inclusive,
and respectful of all stakeholders involved.


1) Research and write a reflection on how your understanding of social issues has
evolved throughout the lesson.

2) Create a social media campaign advocating for awareness of a specific social

issue, including visuals and a call to action.

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