Moral Issue and Moral Decision 04.15.24

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Contemporary Issue

▪ A case problem, situation, or subject matter
of great interest and crucial significance ▪ Stem cells can be used:
that demands a moral decision. 1. to generate cells in the laboratory
▪ Involves the rightness or wrongness of an which can then be introduced to the
action. body to replace damaged, injured, or
▪ Moral decision → moral issue → dead cells in any tissue or organ.
intellectual deliberation → moral action 2. as sources of replacement cells that can
(MORAL REASONING) treat many diseases that affect the
▪ An argument justifying the reason/s offered brain and the spinal cord, such as
for or against a moral decision. stroke, spinal cord injury, Alzheimer's
disase and Parkinson's disease.
MORAL DECISION 3. to multiply rapidly and transform into
skin cells that can cover burned areas.
▪ The final judgment, verdict, conclusion or
4. to form new cells to replace damaged
action taken which is based on, drawn from,
or dead ones in any organ of the body
and substantiated by, the justifying reasons
like the kidney, liver, and lung.
or evidence given to a moral predicament
under deliberation. ISSUE 1: STEM CELL RESEARCH (Application of
Ethical Theories)
1. it involves moral reasoning, in which reasons
• In light of the value of life
are presented to support one's moral
principle, to use human embryos or
decision or position
fetuses, either inside or outside the
2. One's justifying reasons are believed to be mother's womb, as the object of
universally valid, or binding on everyone,
experimentation, constitute a crime
irrespective of creed, race or clime; and
against their dignity as human
3. It presents a moral dilemma - that is, the beings, having a right to the same
moral issue is problematic and perplexing. respect that is due to the child
ISSUE 1: STEM CELL RESEARCH already born and to every human
▪ Stem cells are cells that have the ability to ▪ UTILITARIAN ETHICS
divide and produce exact copies of • It is legitimate insofar as it is
themselves for an indefinite number of times conducted togenerate cells in the
and to transform to specialized cells. (from laboratory, which can be
the research conducted by Dr. Eduardo G. introduced to the body to replace
Gonzales of DLSU Medical Center. damaged, injured or dead cells. (It
▪ Fertilized ovum → stem cells benefits people suffering from
▪ Stem cells that arise during the first few Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease)
days of embryonic development are very
versatile cells that have unlimited capacity.
Contemporary Issue | ISSUE 1 – ISSUE 2
Contemporary Issue

▪ PRAGMATIST'S ETHICS linked and/or sexually-related diseases.
▪ If only for its pragmatic, beneficial and (i.e. HIV virus or AIDS)
useful medical ends, stem cell research is
ISSUE 2: CONTRACEPTION (Application of Ethical
legitimate and worth conducting.
▪ Stem cells → master cells that have the
potential to develop into organ → long- ▪ CHRISTIAN ETHICS
awaited phenomenal scientific • Contraception is morally wrong
breakthrough. • UTILITARIAN ETHICS
ISSUE 2: CONTRACEPTION • May justify contraception and
sterilization in terms of the great
▪ Defined as the voluntary prevention of happiness and benefits that they
conception by the positive use of artificial will ultimately bring forth to the
means, which hinder the sperm cell and the family as a whole.
egg cell from uniting during the sexual act. ▪ PRAGMATIST'S ETHICS
▪ Family planning, planned parenthood and • Considers the practically,
birth control usefulness, workability, and
▪ Prevention of conception rather than beneficiality that the practice can
prevention of birth provide for the couple who want to
▪ TWO METHODS TO PREVENT CONTRACEPTION: limit the number of children they
1. Natural Method can afford to support and educate,
2. Artificial Method without sacrificing the unitive
▪ Moral issue: rightness or wrongness of the element of marriage.
use of various methods by which conception ▪ SITUATION ETHICS
can be prevented in the conjugal union. • Views contraception within the
JUSTIFICATION FOR CONTRACEPTION context of a given situation.
• Contraception is either good or
1. Parenthood and birth are matters of bad depending upon the
moral responsibility & intelligent choice; circumstances.
2. A couple should be the ones to • Making babies = making love (even
determine their fertility and should be if we don't intend to make babies)
the ones to control their fecundity;
• Making love = without making
3. A couple should be able to decide how
babies is through the use of
many children they are able to bear contraception.
and support;
4. Contraceptive technology makes
husband and wife persons of will and
decision, and not merely inert and
powerless bodies subject to church
prescriptions or to the divine will.
5. Contraception checks the transmission
of recessive disorders, genetically-
Contemporary Issue | ISSUE 1 – ISSUE 2

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