Moral Issue 04.16.24

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Moral Issue

• Also known as selective abortion or
abortion on fetal indications
▪ Is the expulsion of a living fetus from the (recommended on a case-by-case
mother's womb before it is viable. basis, depending upon the gravity
▪ In medical parlance, it is defined as the of fetal indications or
termination of pregnancy, spontaneously or abnormalities)
by inducement, prior to viability. ▪ Indirect abortion
▪ Viability is about 28th week (calculated • Removal of the fetus as secondary
from the 1st day of last menstrual period) effect of a legitimate or licit
or toward the end of 7th month. action, which is the direct and
Types of abortion primary object of the intention.
• An instance of the double effect
1. Natural abortion principle
2. Therapeutic abortion
3. Eugenic or selective abortion' ISSUE 3: ABORTION (Ethical Issues)
4. Indirect abortion ▪ Ethicist point to the difficult question
▪ Natural abortion regarding the beginning of human life as
• Known as spontaneous or the moral issue of abortion
accidental 1. the theory of immediate hominization
• Expulsion of the fetus through ▪ Immediate ensoulment
natural or accidental causes. ▪ Contends that a new human being exists
• Unintentional and involuntary immediately upon conception, thus the
• oi.e. A pregnant woman who scrubs newly fertilized ovum is already a human
the floor with all her might or who being
willfully steps on a banana peel in 2. the theory of delayed animation
order to slip, with the intention of ▪ Ensoulment occurs at a later time from the
inducing abortion moment of conception→ no ensoulment→
▪ Therapeutic abortion not a human being
• Deliberately induced expulsion of a ▪ Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Views of Abortion
living fetus in order to save the ▪ Pro-life disapproves abortion
mother from the danger of death • Abortion is never permissible, or at
brought on by pregnancy. most, is permissible if and only if it
▪ Eugenic abortion is required to save the pregnant
• Recommended in cases where woman's life
certain defects are discovered in • Life begins from the moment of
the developing fetus. conception
• Eugenic because it is meant to get ▪ Pro-choice has approving view
rid of abnormal babies, and thus • Abortion is always permissible,
prevent from "contaminating" the whatever the state of fetal
human species. development may be.
Moral Issue

• Fetus has no ontological status; • Aborted fetus may be used as
neither an individual, human nor a subjects of human experimentation
person thus possesses no rights and for the greater benefits of
moral humankind.
ISSUE 3: ABORTION (In Medical Context)

▪ Advanced technology→ human values→

more difficult and complicated moral ▪ on vitro means fertilization :within a glass".
decisions ▪ Aka "laboratory fertilization"; "test-tube
▪ Amniocentesis - can detect malformation or fertilization
deformity of fetus in utero as early as the ▪ Laparoscopy → maturing ova are extracted
5th month or 16th week of pregnancy from female's ovary + husband's semen
▪ Fetoscope - used to visualize various parts
(petri dish) → fertilized ovum or embryo →
of the fetus detecting anatomical
implanted in the wife's uterus → embryo
abnormalities in the developing fetus
burrows itself in the endometrium → normal
▪ Abnormalities/deformities → woman is pregnancy to term
faced with moral issue of abortion
• HC professionals role is to informed ISSUE 4: IN VITRO FERTILIZATION (In the Medical
the parents about the degree of Context)
deformity, cost of multiple
▪ Done to overcome female sterility due to
operations to be incurred, and the
obstruction of the fallopian tube, which
consequences of whatever decision
prevents the ovum from passing through the
they may arrive at.
oviduct (tube) where it meets the sperm and
ISSUE 3: ABORTION (Application of Ethical then descends to the uterus for burrowing.
Theories) ▪ Transcervical Balloon Tuboplasty (TBT) is a
new technique to clear blocked fallopian
▪ CHRISTIAN ETHICS tube and is easier and cheaper than IVF.
• Abortion is intrinsically wrong ▪ Transcervical Balloon Tuboplasty (TBT)
▪ SITUATION ETHICS • Appears to be an effective
• Endorses selective abortion or alternative for infertile women who
abortion on fetal indications. want to be become pregnant
• Pregnancy caused by sexual without surgery
aggression. ▪ Other significant goals of IVF in the medical
• Gravity of chromosomal deformity field
▪ PRAGMATIST AND UTILITARIAN ETHICS 1. to observe and evaluate the process of
• Considers practicality, fertilization, in vitro, which is not possible in
beneficiality, and workability of the case of fertilization in utero;
aborting a terribly malformed fetus 2. to test the effectiveness of anti-fertility
especially in cases of pregnancy agents and to evaluate the fertilization of
caused by rape or incest the ova of Px with infertility problems;
Moral Issue

3. to assess the structural and biochemical • The good end justifies the means
normality of the conceptus in patients who
have had repeated spontaneous abortions;
4. to better understand the mechanisms
needed for genetic studies;
5. to advance understanding of normal and ▪ Consists of depositing a man's semen in the
abnormal cell growth and differentiation; vagina, cervical canal, or uterus, through
and the use of instruments (like syringe) to bring
6. to increase the knowledge that is used in about conception unattained by sexual
contraceptive technology and in alleviation intercourse.
of genetic disorders and other deformities. ▪ Process may either be:
• Intravaginal - placing the semen in
ISSUE 4: IN VITRO FERTILIZATION (Application of the vaginal vault
Ethical Theories) • Intracervical - in the cervical
• Demands the preservation of the • Intrauterine - inside the uterus
biological process of human Types of Artificial Insemination
• No medically scientific end, 1. Homologous insemination (called AlH) in
however noble it may be, can in which the semen is obtained from the
any way justify the manipulation of husband himself.
living human embryos, whether • Two Different Methods of AIH
viable or not, either inside or 1. Upon an Al specialist's instruction, a wife
outside the mother's womb. can artificially inseminate herself by using a
▪ PRAGMATIST AND UTILITARIAN ETHICS medical syringe containing the sperm
• Claim that the accumulation of previously extracted from her husband.
scientific knowledge that • Aka as "do it yourself" Al
biomedical specialists would be 2. homologous IVF and ET (embryo transfer) is
able to gain from in vitro a technique used to facilitate a human
fertilization will be beneficial, conception through in vitro fertilization of
useful, advantageous, and the generative cells (sperm and ovum) of a
profitable to the understanding of couple, and then the newly-conceived
human reproduction which would embryo is transferred into the wife's uterus
pave the way for the discovery of for gestation.
medical drugs for fetal disorders • Aka as embryo transfer
and children's diseases. ▪ Justifications for AIH
▪ SITUATION ETHICS 1. husband's impotence i.e. the husband is
• Endorses in vitro fertilization (as an incapable of penile erection, hence
Al procedure) to be the answer to ejaculation which is necessary for
childlessness. fertilization is not possible;


Moral Issue

2. anatomical defects of husband's urethra, 4. the wife's fallopian tubes are severely
affecting the conveying of semen; damaged by gonorrhea
3. deficient sperm count (oligospermia) i.e.
defect in the quality of the sperm
of Ethical Theories)
4. some types of spinal injury, and certain
physical/psychological problems that hinder ▪ CHRISTIAN ETHICS
normal intercourse; • Al is immoral, insofar as the Al child
5. some husbands who undergo vasectomy for is not a fruit of conjugal act as an
contraceptive purposes have their semen expression of personal love.
stored for eventual use in the future, if for • Fertilization is licit only when it is
some unforeseen reason they decide to have the result of conjugal act, which
a child; per se suitable for the generation
6. physiological obstructions in the genital of children to which marriage is
apparatus of the wife such as malposition of ordered by its very nature and by
the cervix and/or too small os (opening), in which couples have become one
virtue of which the sperm cannot reach the flesh.
ovum in the oviduct
• AID in particular separates
2. Heterologous insemination (AID) in which the procreation from marriage, a case
semen is acquired from a donor other than the of baby making without love
husband. making, which violates the
marriage covenant.
• Two Possible Methods for AID ▪ SITUATION ETHICS
1. heterologous Al, a technique used to obtain • Endorses Al as our right to
a human conception through the transfer overcome childlessness.
into the genital tracts of the wife of the • Marital fidelity is more than a legal
sperm previously extracted from a donor, requirement or a sexual monopoly.
other than the husband; It is rather a personal agreement
2. heterologous IVF and ET which is used to nourished by mutual love for each
obtain a human conception through IVF of other, which is fulfilled in ensuring
the generative cells (sperm and ovum) taken that a child born into this world by
from at least one donor other than two whatever means should be reared
spouses in marriage. in the family.
▪ Justifications for AID ▪ UTILITARIAN ETHICS
1. the husband is sterile (Azoospermia); • AlH and AID for childless couples
2. the husband is a carrier of hereditary may promote more good than
disease; harm, more happiness than
3. the wife's oocytes are defective, or she may unhappiness, more pleasure than
also be a carrier of certain genetically- pain, and more hope than despair.
linked disorders; and
• Being aware of one's infirmity and
do nothing to cure it, in spite of the
Moral Issue

availability of medico-
technological resources, appears to
be an omission for which one is held
morally responsible.
• Al is most practical, beneficial,
workable, and useful technique to
be undertaken by spouses who are
beset with the problems of
impotence, hereditary disorders,
defective genes, and anatomical
• The decision however, must be
optional, volitional, and mutual.
• Kant's concept of individual
rational being as an autonomous
person who has to decide by and
for his/her own welfare seems to be
in keeping with the personal
decision of a childless couple to
beget a child through Al.
• From the principle of autonomy, it
is clear that the decision to
undergo the process must be
voluntary and consensual.


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