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Instructor: Genaro T, Ardina ;LPT

The technique called analysis of variance serves as the foundation
for a variety of statistical analysis models related to the design of
experiments. Its permits us to use the hypothesis that the means fo
several population do not differ. It is an extension of the tests for
differences between means. The F test for testing the difference
between two variances serves as the basis for testing the null
hypothesis that the several populations means are equal. The basic
rationale and the procedures of the analysis of the variance were
developed by the British statistician Sir Ronald A. Fisher. In
recognition of the this achievement, the F distribution was named
in hs honor..
It compares the variance ( variability in scores) between the
different groups with the variability within each of the groups. An F
ratio is calculated which represents the variance between the
groups, divided by the variance within the groups.
One-way between groups analysis of variance is used when
you have one independent variable with three or more levels and
one levels and one dependent continuous variables. The one-way
part of the title inducates that there is only one independent
variable, and “between groups” means that you have different
subject or cases in each of the groups.
Characteristics Function/s Measurement
Three or more gruops Differences among
the population Ratio


The secretariat of the K to 12 training was tasked to

prepare a terminal report which includes the result of the
evalaution of the trainers. The chairman wanted to compare the
evaluation test scores of trainess under three modalities of
instruction. Kindly use the table below
Instructional Modality

M 1 M 2 M 3

78 85 77
88 87 92
89 79 89
92 90 88
90 86 84
 1 . Statement of the Problem/s
Do the methodologies employed differ from each other in terms
of effectiveness?
Is there a significant difference in the mean scores among
the three modalities of instruction?

 2 . Statement of Hypotheses
Ho: There is no significant difference in the mean scores among
the modalities of instruction.

Ha: There is significant difference in the mean scores among the

three modalities of instruction
 3 . Choice of Statistic: One-way ANOVA or F test
F 

where: F  variance value

MSB = mean score between groups
MSW = mean score within groups
 4. Computation
Step 1. Create a table for the quantities of the F-ratio as reference for

Modality 1 Modality 2 Modality 3 Total

N 5 5 5 15
T 437 472 430 1,294
190,969 182,329 184,900 1,674,436
Step 2. Compute for the Sum of the Square

SS  782  882  89   92 2  90 2  852  87  79 2  90 2  86 2

2 2

 772  922  892  882  842

 111,958

Step 3. Solve for C

Step 4. Compute for the Sum of Square in Totality or SSB

Step 5. Compute for the Sum of Square Between Groups or SSB

Step 6. Solve for the Sum of Squares Within Groups or SSW
Step 7. Create a variance table computed values

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Df Squares F- Ratio Table Value
Between 9.73 2 4.865
Within 319.2 12 26.60 0.18 3.89
 5.Findings

CV(0.18) < TV (3.89)

 6. Dicision

Accept the null hypothesis (Ho)

Reject the alternative hypothesis (Ha)

 7. Analysis/Interpretation

There is no significant different in the mean scores

among the three modalities of teaching.

 8. Conlcusion

The three sampling groups do

not differ in their achievement is more
of less comprable.
 9. Implication

Student learn in whatever modality the teacher

may employ. There is no best strategy in teaching. It
depends on the kind of students the teacher is
Procedure for one-way between groups ANOVA

1. From the menu at the top of the screen click on:

Analyze, then click on Compare means, then One-way
2. Click on your dependent (continous) variable. Move
this into the box marked Dependent List by clicking on
the arrow button.
3. Click on your independent, categorial variable. Move
into the box labelled Factor.

4. Click on the options button and click on Descriptive, Homogeneity of variance

test, Brown-Forsythe, Welsh and Means Plot.

5. For Missing values make sure these is a dot in the option marked Excluse
cases analysis by analysis. If not, click on this option once. Click on continue.

6. Click on the button marked Post Hoc. Click Tukey.

7.Clickon Continue and then OK.

1. Freund J.E. & Simon G.A (1997) Modern Elementary Statistic (9th
Edution) Prentice Hall, Singapore.
2. Gracia G.A. (2003) Fudamental Concepts and Methods in Statistics (part
I & II) UST Publishing House, Manila Philipines.
3. Kazmier, Leronard J, (1964) Basic Statistics for Business and Economics,
New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
4. Klin,P (1986), A Handbook of Test Construction, New york: Methuen
5. Laplap Floriza N. (2003), Statistics Handboo, Cebu Normal University.
Cebu Cuty, Philipines.

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