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Replica of
This website is a modern solution that seamlessly connects passengers with transportation
services, offering a convenient and efficient way to arrange travel from one location to another.
With a user-friendly interface, these platforms allow individuals to effortlessly input their pickup,
via (multiple stop points), and drop-off points, select preferred vehicle options, and fixed fares.
By prioritizing safety, reliability, and user experience, ride booking websites have transformed the
way people access transportation services, providing a secure and transparent platform for a
diverse range of travel needs. Whether commuting to work, exploring a new city, or simply getting
from point A to B, these platforms have become an integral part of modern urban mobility.

Ride booking services currently grapple with challenges that impact user satisfaction and trust.
Issues such as unclear pricing structures and unexpected surges during peak times contribute to
dissatisfaction. Reliability concerns, especially in estimating arrival times and accurate driver
assignments, persist. Accessibility, particularly for users with diverse needs, requires
improvement. Furthermore, ensuring robust security measures for user data and transactions is
paramount. Addressing these challenges is essential to enhance the overall user experience and
instill confidence in the effectiveness of ride booking platforms.

The objectives for this website encompass creating a reliable and user-friendly platform that
ensures a seamless booking experience. This includes optimizing performance, enhancing data
security through robust authentication measures, and complying with legal regulations in the
transportation industry. The goal is to provide pricing and efficient matching of users with
available drivers, fostering trust and satisfaction among users. Continuous improvement,
scalability, and adherence to industry standards guide the development to meet the evolving
needs of both passengers and drivers.

The deliverables of a website typically include a range of features and components designed to
provide a comprehensive and user-friendly experience. Here are some key deliverables:

• Booking System
o Enable users to input their pickup and drop-off locations.
o Offer options for specifying the number of passengers, via, date and time.
• Pricing and Fixed Estimation
o Implement a transparent pricing system based on factors like distance, time, and
additional services.
• Notifications and Alerts
o Send timely notifications regarding ride confirmations, and estimated arrival
times. (it will send via SMS and will be charge from customer)
• Payment Gateway Integration
o Integrate secure payment options, such as PayPal and Stripe.
• User Profiles
o After the confirmation of booking, the system will allow users to create and
manage their profiles with personal information, preferred payment methods, and
ride history.
• Review and Rating System
o Implement a system for users to provide feedback. It will include the following
▪ Time at which vehicle has arrived.
▪ Cleanliness of vehicle
▪ Driver professionalism
▪ Overall ride experience
• Customer Support
o After the ride is completed, customer support will be provided to customers
through customer support channel about their booking related quires.
• Security Measures
o Implement robust security to validate user data (email and number), including
encryption and secure transmission.

The homepage of a website is a search engine for taxis, minivans, and coaches. Customer can
enter their desired pickup, drop-off locations, via, passengers, date, and time, and the homepage
will display a list of quotes from different companies. Customer can then filter the results by price,
company rating, and customer reviews. A map will be displayed to customer to view its booking
path highlighting on the map

A customer can compare its ride rate with other rates by using the rate comparison website. The
website will search its database for all the taxi, minibus and coach hire companies who can cover
the customer's journey. The website will then display all the quotes to the customer along with
previous customer feedback. The customer can then book the vehicle and transport company
that best suits their needs.

When a customer selects a quote, they book the vehicle and transport company that best suits
their needs. They will be taken to a payment page where they can enter their payment
information. The payment will be made through PayPal or stripe. Once the payment is processed,
the customer will receive an email with their booking details. The email states that

Thank you for choosing [Company/Service Name] for your transportation needs! We have
received your ride booking request and appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

Booking Details:

• Booking Reference Number

• Pickup Date and Time
• Pickup Location
• Drop off locations

Please note that your booking is currently being processed, and we are working diligently to
confirm the details. You can expect to receive a confirmation email shortly, providing you with all
the necessary information for your upcoming ride.

If you have any immediate questions or concerns, feel free to contact our customer support at
[Customer Support Link].

We appreciate your trust in and look forward to serving you. Safe travel!

Once the booking is confirmed by the company, then the customer will again be notified that
about the booking confirmation. An email will be sent to the customer.

Dear [Customer's Name],

We are thrilled to confirm that your ride with [Company/Service Name] has been successfully
booked! Your trust in our service is greatly appreciated, and we are excited to be a part of your

Booking Details:

Booking Reference Number

Pickup Date and Time

Pickup Location


Your comfort and safety are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing you with a
reliable and enjoyable transportation experience.

Your designated driver, [Driver's Name], will be at the specified pickup location on time, ready to
assist you with your travel needs. You can identify your ride by looking for [description of the
vehicle, such as color and model] with the license plate number [License Plate Number].

Should you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to contact our customer support
at [Customer Support Link].

You can login to this link [Login Link] to view the details and history of your bookings.

Thank you for choosing [Company/Service Name]. We look forward to serving you, and we wish
you a pleasant and safe journey!

After completing a ride, users are encouraged to provide feedback on their experience. An email
will be sent to the customer to notify them that their ride has been complete. This email will
contain a link to provide a feed and voucher subscription to avail discounts on next booking.

This feedback is valuable for the participating transportation companies. Website will use this
feedback to improve its algorithms, refine its search results, and maintain high-quality service
standards. Transportation companies use the feedback to understand customer satisfaction,
identify areas for improvement, and recognize driver excellence.
Replica of
We understand that a seamless journey is crucial for our valued customers, and our support
platform is designed to ensure just that. Whether you're seeking quick answers, need assistance
with a specific issue, or want to explore the depths of our knowledge base, you're in the right
place. Our support site is your go-to resource for navigating the detailed aspects of our services,
from searching for solutions and creating support tickets to tracking their status. Discover the
convenience of resolving queries at your fingertips or connect with our dedicated support team
via phone for a more personalized experience. At Taxicode, we're committed to enhancing your
travel experience, and our support portal is your gateway to hassle-free assistance.

The primary objective of our Support Panel website is to establish a user-centric and efficient
platform dedicated to addressing the diverse needs of our customers. Our goal is to provide a
seamless and accessible experience for users seeking assistance with our services. Through this
support portal, we aim to empower customers with the tools and information they need to
navigate and troubleshoot any intricacies associated with our offerings. The website will serve as
a comprehensive resource, allowing users to explore self-help options, submit support tickets,
track their status, and access a robust knowledge base. With a focus on clarity, responsiveness,
and user-friendly design, our Support Panel aims to enhance customer satisfaction by delivering
prompt and effective solutions to queries and concerns.

Here's a list of potential deliverables for customer support panel website.

User Interface (UI)

• Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface that facilitates easy navigation.

• Design a responsive layout to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices.

Knowledge Base

• Develop a comprehensive knowledge base containing articles, FAQs, and guides to assist
users in finding answers independently.

Ticketing System

• Implement a robust ticketing system that allows users to submit support requests.
• Provide users with the ability to track the status and progress of their support tickets.
Search Functionality

• Incorporate a powerful search feature to enable users to quickly find relevant information
within the knowledge base.

Communication Channels

• Integrate communication channels such as live chat or messaging to offer real-time

• Include contact information for reaching support via email or phone.

When a customer will the customer support website, he/she will directly land to the home page.
It is a comprehensive knowledge base that serves as a wealth of information for users seeking
answers to their queries. Organized into user-friendly categories, the knowledge base facilitates
easy browsing, while a robust search functionality enables users to quickly find relevant articles
and FAQs based on keywords. The search functionality is prominently displayed on the
homepage, allowing users to enter keywords and find information within the knowledge base
with efficiency.

To streamline user interactions and provide personalized assistance, the website features a
ticketing system. Users can effortlessly log support tickets by accessing the "Submit a Ticket"
section. The ticket submission form includes fields for essential details such as the user's name,
contact information, and a thorough description of the issue. Upon submission, users receive an
automated confirmation email containing a unique ticket reference number for easy tracking.
Real-time chat will be available so that customers can respond to the details asked. There will be
status updates of the ticket as it goes to resolving process.
Replica of Taxicode Admin Portal
An admin portal for our ride booking website, designed to empower companies with seamless
control and oversight of their transportation services. This centralized hub offers a dashboard,
providing at-a-glance insights into vital metrics such as car and driver information, completed and
canceled rides, pending approvals, and the overall ride count. Company administrators can delve
into detailed booking logs, efficiently manage drivers and vehicles through dedicated options, and
access financial statements for a transparent view of their business performance.
Furthermore, our admin portal empowers companies to proactively address ride-related
concerns and ratings, allowing for continuous improvement in service quality. The flexibility to
temporarily pause pick-up availability ensures operational control, while the addition of
promotions, vouchers, and pricing management tools offers strategic marketing and revenue-
enhancing opportunities. Stay informed with a dedicated notification center for all booking-
related updates and manage company settings effortlessly, including payment information and
other crucial details. Embrace efficiency and elevate your ride booking business with our robust
and user-friendly admin portal.

The primary objective of the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is to provide a centralized
platform for company administrators to efficiently oversee and manage key aspects of their
transportation services. This web-based portal facilitates a comprehensive dashboard, offering
insights into critical information such as cars, drivers, completed and canceled rides, pending
approvals, and the overall ride count. Administrators can access detailed booking logs, seamlessly
add new drivers and cars, review financial statements, and address ride-related issues and ratings.
The portal also empowers administrators with features to pause pick-up availability, introduce
promotions and vouchers, set pricing, and conveniently manage notifications. With a dedicated
settings option, administrators can easily review and update company information and payment
settings, contributing to a streamlined and effective management experience.

The Ride Booking Admin Portal website offers a comprehensive set of deliverables aimed at
empowering company administrators to efficiently manage and optimize their ride booking
operations. The key deliverables include:

• Dashboard Overview
• Booking Log
• Driver and Car Management
• Financial Statements
• Issue and Rating Review
• Availability Control
• Promotions and Vouchers
• Pricing Management
• Notification Center
• Settings Management
• Booking Bin

Registration Process for Ride Booking Admin Portal
Registration is required only for the main company.
Accessing the Registration Page

• To initiate the registration process, the company administrator navigates to the

designated registration page of the Ride Booking Admin Portal. This page is typically
accessible through a secure web address.
Providing Company Details

• On the registration page, the administrator is prompted to enter essential company

details. This includes information such as the company name, official contact details, and
any specific identifiers required for account verification.
Authentication and Security Measures:

• The registration process incorporates robust authentication measures to ensure the

security of the company's data. This may involve email verification, password creation
with specific requirements, and other security protocols to safeguard the integrity of the
registration process.
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

• Before proceeding, the company administrator is presented with the terms and conditions
of using the Ride Booking Admin Portal. They must review and accept these terms to
continue with the registration.
Verification and Approval

• Upon submission of the registration form, the system initiates a verification process. This
may involve automated checks or manual verification by the portal's administrators to
confirm the legitimacy of the registering company.
Confirmation and Account Activation

• Once the verification process is successfully completed, the company administrator

receives a confirmation notification. This notification includes details on the successful
registration and provides instructions to activate the newly created account.
Access to Dashboard

• With the account activated and configured, the company administrator gains access to
the Ride Booking Admin Portal's dashboard. The dashboard serves as the central hub,
providing an overview of key metrics and options to navigate through various
Sub companies will be registered from the main company. There will be a section to register a
partner/ sub-company inside the main company portal. The following information will be
gathered from our partner.

• Basic information details such as their company name, business address, contact
information, and primary point of contact.
• Legal and regulatory information which includes submitting relevant business licenses,
certifications, or other regulatory documentation.
• Banking Information for financial transactions and partnership-related payments,
partners may need to provide banking details for proper remittance.
• Once all the required information is gathered and verified, an email will be sent to
partners to access the partner portal.

Ride Booking Admin Portal Dashboard Overview

After registration, the company will have access to the whole portal. The main component of
portal is a dashboard. The Ride Booking Admin Portal's dashboard serves as the focal point for
company administrators, offering a dynamic and comprehensive overview of key performance
indicators and essential metrics related to the ride booking operations. The dashboard is designed
to provide actionable insights and facilitate informed decision-making. Here are the key
components typically found on the dashboard.
Total Rides

• A prominent display of the total number of rides completed, offering a quick snapshot of
the overall ride booking activity.
Cars and Drivers Overview

• Real-time statistics on the total number of cars and drivers within the company's fleet,
providing a quick assessment of available resources.
Completed Rides

• Graphical representation or numerical display of completed rides, allowing administrators

to track usage patterns and peak periods.
Canceled Rides
• Visualization of canceled rides, aiding in identifying trends or issues that may need
attention, such as frequent cancellations.
Pending Approvals

• A section highlights pending approval, enabling administrators to efficiently manage and

expedite the approval process.
Financial Summary

• An overview of financial performance, including revenue generated, costs, and other

financial metrics, providing insights into the economic health of the ride booking service.
Rating and Issue Overview

• A summary of ride ratings and reported issues, allowing administrators to address

customer feedback and ensure quality service.
Notice Period

• A short period of time after which the company start accepts the rides.
Availability Status

• An indicator that is employed to either halt the visibility of specific quotes or to display
Promotions and Vouchers Performance

• Metrics related to the performance of ongoing promotions and vouchers, helping assess
the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
Notification Center

• A dedicated section displaying real-time notifications related to new bookings, updates,

and other relevant information, ensuring administrators stay informed.
Settings Shortcut

• Quick access to settings, allowing administrators to efficiently review and update company
information, payment settings, and other configuration options.

Booking Section Overview in Ride Booking Admin Portal Website

The Booking Section within the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is a pivotal module designed
to streamline and manage the lifecycle of ride bookings initiated by customers. This section
employs a structured approach with distinct subsections, offering administrators detailed insights
and controls. Below is an in-depth exploration of each subsection.
View All

• The "View All" subsection provides a holistic view of the entire spectrum of ride bookings.
Administrators can access a comprehensive list that encompasses bookings in various
states, facilitating a centralized overview of the entire booking history.
Awaiting Confirmation

• In this subsection, administrators can focus specifically on bookings that are pending
approval. Customers have initiated these bookings, and the company is tasked with
reviewing and confirming or rejecting each request. This section streamlines the approval
process, ensuring timely responses to customer requests.

• The "Confirmed" subsection displays bookings that have successfully passed the approval
stage. Once approved, these bookings are officially confirmed and ready for execution.
This section aids administrators in tracking and managing the currently confirmed ride
Paid Complete

• This subsection is dedicated to bookings where the payment process has been successfully
completed. It includes rides that have been carried out, and the associated payment
transactions have been finalized. Administrators can review payment details and ensure
accurate financial reconciliation.
Ready Complete

• The "Ready Complete" subsection is focused on bookings where the ride is either in
progress or has been successfully completed. Administrators can monitor ongoing
services, track the real-time status of rides, and address any immediate issues as needed.

• The "Cancelled" subsection provides insights into bookings that have been canceled,
either by the customer or the company. Administrators can review the reasons for
cancellations, analyze trends, and implement strategies to minimize cancellations and
enhance overall service quality.
Booking Management
For each booking, the company has the option to:

• Approve: On approving the booking, the company will assign the driver and add basic
details of the driver. Two emails will be generated once to notify the customer that your
booking has been confirmed and one to notify the partner/sub-company.
• Cancel: Cancel the booking, providing a reason for the cancellation and notifying both the
customer and the driver (if assigned).
• Main company will not save any booking it will send in booking bin.
• A booking bin is a place where bidding will be made on booking.
• If any booking gets late, or cancel after being in the company queue, a late payment
penalty fee will be charged.
• If a customer requires ASAP booking, then company can apply ASAP charges or change
the price for ASAP booking services.
• A booking can only be modified by the company user.
Booking Details

• Clicking on a booking reveals detailed information, including:

• Customer information: Name, contact details, and any special requests.
• Pickup and drop-off locations: Addresses and landmarks for easy identification.
• Vehicle type, no. of passengers, luggage, via time and date
• Ride type and fixed fare: Selected ride type (car, SUV, etc.) and estimated fare based on
distance and pricing factors.
• Driver information (if assigned): Driver name, contact details, and vehicle information.
• Booking status and timestamps: Status of the booking and timestamps for key events
(booking initiation, confirmation, driver assignment, payment completion).
Booking History

• The booking section provides access to a comprehensive booking history, allowing the
company to review past bookings, analyze trends, and identify areas for improvement.

Booking Bin
Whenever a main company receives a booking, or a sub-company is unable to process the
booking or cancel it that booking will go to the booking bin. This booking bin page is available to
all the registered companies. On this page, you can either claim or make offers for bookings that
pique your interest. It's essential to note that the claim price represents the total amount the
partner will receive for the booking, encompassing the cost of the return journey if applicable.
The main company's agent or bidder possesses the authority to modify the bidding price for a
booking. Whenever a company places a bid on a booking, the main company is promptly notified.
If a bidding company matches the specified bidding price, the agent will initiate contact with that
company. Subsequently, the agent will finalize the booking in accordance with mutually agreed-
upon terms and proceed to assign the booking to the selected company for execution. This
process ensures effective communication and collaboration between the main company and
bidding entities in securing and confirming bookings.
Driver and Car Management in Ride Booking Admin Portal Website
The Driver and Car Management module within the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is a
comprehensive toolset designed to facilitate efficient oversight, organization, and optimization of
the company's fleet of drivers and vehicles. Here's a detailed breakdown of the key features:
Driver Management
Addition and Onboarding

• Administrators can add new drivers to the system. This includes capturing essential driver
details, such as personal information and license verification.
Profile Editing

• The system allows for the ongoing management of driver profiles. Company can update
information, track driver performance, and manage any changes to driver status or
Driver Assignments

• The module enables administrators to assign drivers to specific booking.

Car Management
Fleet Overview

• Administrators can view and manage the complete fleet of cars associated with the ride
booking service. This includes details such as make, model, registration information, and
Addition and Configuration

• The system allows administrators to add new cars to the fleet. This involves inputting
essential details, such as vehicle specifications, insurance information, and any necessary
compliance documentation.
Status Updates

• Administrators can update the status of each car, indicating whether it is available for
bookings, in use, or undergoing maintenance. This ensures accurate information for
customers and efficient resource allocation.

Financial Statement in Ride Booking Admin Portal Website

The Ride Booking Admin Portal website's Financial Statements section serves for analyzing and
monitoring the company's financial performance. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for
generating, reviewing, and interpreting financial reports, enabling the company to gain insights
into its revenue, expenses, profitability, and overall financial health.
Every week, a comprehensive invoice will be forwarded to the company, encompassing all
financial details accrued throughout the week. In the event of any late bookings, late fees will
also be incorporated into the total amount of the invoice, ensuring a transparent representation
of financial transactions. Stripe payments will be used for generating reports.

Issue and Rating Review Overview

The Issue and Rating Review section of the Ride Booking Admin Portal website serves as a
centralized platform for managing and resolving customer feedback, ride issues, and driver
ratings. It provides a comprehensive interface for identifying recurring problems, addressing
customer concerns, and improving the overall ride-booking experience.
Customers will have access to a dedicated support portal for addressing concerns and inquiries
related to their journeys. A 48-hour window is provided for customers to provide feedback or
raise issues through the ticketing system. Upon submission, an automated email notification is
sent to the company. Subsequently, the company assigns a dedicated agent or customer support
person to the ticket, who takes charge of resolving the matter in accordance with the customer's
Key features includes

• Customer Feedback Management

o Feedback Collection
▪ Gather feedback from customers through various channels, including post-
ride surveys, email reviews, and social media comments.
o Feedback Response
▪ Respond to customer feedback promptly and professionally, addressing
their concerns and providing solutions.
• Ride Issue Resolution
o Issue Tracking
▪ Track and categorize ride issues reported by customers, such as
cancellations, delays, driver behavior, and service quality.
o Issue Investigation
▪ Investigate reported ride issues by gathering information from drivers and
o Issue Resolution
▪ Resolve ride issues promptly and fairly, taking appropriate action to
address customer concerns and prevent similar incidents.
Availability Control Overview
The Availability Control segment within the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is designed to
oversee the accessibility of quotes for customers. When set to OFF, no quotes will be presented
to customers, and the company will not receive any bookings during this timeframe. Conversely,
when set to ON, quotes will be visible to customers and they can making booking to quotes. The
company retains the flexibility to switch the Availability Control OFF during specific periods as
Promotions and Vouchers in Ride Booking Admin Portal Website
The Promotions and Vouchers module within the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is a strategic
feature designed to facilitate marketing campaigns, enhance customer engagement, and drive
user loyalty using promotions and vouchers. This module provides administrators with a range of
tools to create, manage, and analyze the effectiveness of promotional campaigns. Here's a
detailed breakdown of the key features:
Promotion Creation
Companies can create various types of promotions, such as discounts, percentage-offs, or flat-
rate reductions. Each promotion can have unique criteria, including usage limits and validity
Voucher Generation
The feature enables companies to create vouchers with unique codes, which customers can utilize
to redeem discounts or access special offers. Following the completion of a ride, customers
receive an automated voucher via email. This voucher can be applied by customers in their
subsequent rides to enjoy discounted services.

Notification Center in Ride Booking Admin Portal Website

The Notification Center within the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is a centralized
communication hub designed to keep administrators informed about critical events, updates, and
important activities within the ride booking ecosystem. This module ensures that administrators
can efficiently manage and respond to various notifications in real-time. Here's a detailed
breakdown of the key features:
New Booking Alerts
The module delivers instant alerts when a new ride booking is initiated by a customer. This feature
allows administrators to quickly respond to incoming bookings, review details, and take necessary
actions, such as approving or assigning drivers.
Booking bin notifications
When a new booking is added to the Booking Bin, notifications are sent to all registered
companies. This notification prompts companies to participate in the bidding process, allowing
them the opportunity to bid on the booking and, if successful, secure the chance to provide ride
booking services.

Settings Management in Ride Booking Admin Portal Website

The Settings Management module within the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is a
comprehensive toolset designed to empower administrators with the ability to configure and
customize various aspects of the platform to align with the company's policies, preferences, and
operational requirements. This module ensures flexibility, adaptability, and control over the
administrative settings. Here's a detailed breakdown of the key features:
Company Information
Administrators can manage and update essential company information, contact details, operating
hours, short details, logo, and other relevant identifiers. This feature ensures that accurate and
current company information is reflected across the ride booking platform.
Payment Settings
The module includes controls for managing payment settings, such as payment gateway
integration, currency preferences, and transaction fee configurations. This enables administrators
to adapt the payment system to meet financial and regulatory requirements.
When a sub-company intends to update its banking information, it is required to supply necessary
details, including the bank name, bank code, account number, and bank statement. Once
submitted, an email notification is sent to the main company, triggering a verification process to
validate the provided information. Upon successful verification, the payout functionality for the
sub-company's bank will be activated.

Pricing Management in Ride Booking Admin Portal Website

The Pricing Management module within the Ride Booking Admin Portal website is a robust system
designed to empower administrators with the flexibility to configure and manage pricing
structures for ride services. This module ensures that pricing is fixed, reflective of various factors,
and can be adapted to meet specific business needs.
The total price of a quote will include the following parameters.

• There will be a fixed price set by sub-company let say 15$

• 25% main company uplift
• Total quote price = fixed price by sub-company + 25% by main company.
• After the booking gets completed, main company will 25% straight away. The sub-
company fare will be equal to Sub company fare – 10 %
• All the calculations of quote price will be hidden from customers. Only total price of
quotes is displayed to them.
Here's a detailed breakdown of the key features:
Mileage Rates
This feature enables the input of mileage rates. The mileage rates, known as Per Mile Price, are
applicable to the overall distance from your office to the pickup point and to the drop-off point,
unless a Free Pickup Postcode Area has been specified. When adjusting the mileage ranges and
rates, the Price Per Mile Calculator provides insights into how your pricing aligns with typical
distances, considering any additional charges for larger vehicle sizes. This functionality allows you
to assess the competitiveness of your pricing structure.

From To 1-4 1-4 5-6 7 8 9

passengers estast passengers passengers passengers passengers
0 1 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.00 20.00 22.50
1.01 10 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00

Postcode Area Prices

Postcode Area Pricing empowers you to establish set prices for journeys between two or more
postcode areas, irrespective of your operational base or mileage rates. If you aim to provide
competitive and fixed rates for customers traveling to, from, or between commonly visited base
postcode areas, simply input the initial section of individual or grouped postcodes.

• From one postcode to another (eg. NW5 to SE11)

• From one postcode to many postcodes (eg. NW5 to SE10, SE11)
• From many postcodes to many postcodes (eg. NW5, NW6 to SE10, SE11)
Coverage Area Rates
The module enables the company to establish different pricing tiers or rates for distinct coverage
areas. This ensures that pricing can be adjusted to align with varying market conditions or service
demands in different geographical regions.
Airport Discounts
Special pricing configurations can be applied for rides to or from airports. Administrators can set
discounts, surcharges, or unique pricing structures for airport transfers, optimizing
competitiveness and service differentiation.
Special Dates and Events
Flexibility in pricing extends to accommodating changes for special dates, events, holidays,
festivals, and high-demand periods. Companies can customize their quote prices by applying peak
factors, not only during specific occasions but also within defined time intervals.
Meet and Greet Charges
For services that include meet-and-greet assistance, administrators can configure additional
charges. This allows for transparent pricing for value-added services and ensures accurate fare
calculation for customers opting for meet and greet assistance.

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