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What can you hear What can you see

Music starts to play when they words are all on the Starts with a black screen with word slowly appearing.
Then loads of people’s faces would appear in a close
When each person come on screen, they will stay a to an extreme close up .
word of their meaning of life.

You would hear me talk while about the meaning of Then I would come out and start talking to the camera
life and what I think it is. and going through what I think the meaning of life is
with being a mid- shot mainly then might go to a long

Then the audio would be me talking and the Then it would cut to shots where I think they would be
interviews with the music still playing. the meaning to my life.

Then it would cut to my first interview.

And then the second one after it.
And then the third one after that.

The audio would be of me talking and the voices of Then it would go to the interviews with the people I
the other people that I am interviewing and also the find on the streets and around the college while
music. showing the footage of the sky and the area.

You can hear the music and then when the video has Then it would be the ending of the video where I
finished the music would fade out and you would also would conclude the video and I would go through
hear me talking through till the end and when I say everything that was said and then give a few quotes
good bye. and tell everyone to life their life and live like its your


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