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Title: Review The Movie “Kingsman: The Secret Service





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1.0 SYNOPSIS...............................................................................................................................1


2.1 PERSONALITY DETERMINANTS...................................................................................3

2.2 EMOTION............................................................................................................................4

2.3 MOTIVATION......................................................................................................................6

2.4 LEADERSHIP.....................................................................................................................7

2.5 STRESS...............................................................................................................................8

2.6 TEAMWORK.......................................................................................................................9

3.0 CONCLUSION / REFLECTION..........................................................................................11

4.0 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................12


During a mission in the Middle East in 1997, probationary secret agent Lee Unwin

sacrifices himself to protect his superior, Harry Hart. Hart, blaming himself, returns to

London to give Lee's widow, Michelle, and her young son Gary "Eggsy" a medal

engraved with an emergency assistance number. 17 years later in Argentina,

Professor James Arnold (Mark Hamill) is being held captive by a group of thugs.

There is a knock heard at the door. One thug answers it and finds Lancelot at the

front. He shoots the thug and proceeds to fight and kill the rest of the thugs before

helping himself.

Back in London, Harry goes to a tailor shop that is a front for the Kingsman

headquarters. He meets with Merlin and their superior Arthur (Michael Caine). They

mourn Lancelot's death and learn that those involved in his death also had ties to

incidents in Uganda and Chechnya. Eggsy is detained at the police station. He

refuses to give up his friend's names and is facing 18 months in prison. He takes out

the medal he wears around his neck and calls the number on the back. Eggsy

remembers the phrase "Oxford's not brogues", and moments later, he is bailed out

by Harry. The two go to the pub where Dean's goons approach Eggsy for more

trouble. Harry calmly tells them to leave, but the main goon is rude to him and tells

HIM to leave. Harry walks over to the front door and locks it, stating, "Manners

maketh man".

Roxy gets high enough to the satellite, but one balloon already bursts as she

is at a very high altitude. She manages to launch the missile before the other balloon

bursts, sending her plummeting back to the ground, though she gets her chute out

and lands safely. Eggsy finds the Scandinavian PM and tranquilizes him before

hacking into his laptop. Charlie then shows up and holds Eggsy with a knife to his

throat. Eggsy runs back to the plane while evading and shooting through Valentine's

gunmen. Meanwhile, the missile hits Valentine's satellite and delays the signal from

going live. The signal goes live all around the world. People beat each other up in

London, Rio de Janeiro, and New York.

The initial credits begin, until it cuts to Michelle and Dean in the pub. Eggsy

enters, dressed in a fine suit. He tells Michelle that his new job has given him

benefits, including a new home for him, Michelle, and his sister to live in, away from

Dean. Dean goes to bully Eggsy again with his goons. Eggsy goes to lock the front

door and say what Harry once said - "Manners maketh man." He grabs a glass with

the umbrella hook and throws it at Dean's face. He then faces the other goons and,

with a grin, repeats another statement from Harry - "Are we going to stand around, or

are we going to fight?"



Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and

interacts with others. Personality is studied with emphasis on the person’s

potentials for self-direction and freedom of choice. There’s a few personality

determinants that we can related with the movie.

Heredity: Factors that were determined when personality was first conceived

such as parents ability and talent and body features. In my own opinion,

Eggsy can be an agent because he got talent by his late father. His late father

was an agent and he used to work with Harry and he even saved Harry’s life


Environment: The culture in which we are raised; our early conditioning; the

norms among our family, friends and social groups; and other influences that

we experience. Something that can related with the environment of Eggsy. He

was commit crime. The crime that he did was he steals a car, totals it and

gets picked up by the local authorities. But he did it because had pressured

by unstable of family situation in which his mom has a boyfriend who is violent

and abusive to him and his mom. He is a school dropout, he has no job and

little idea what he wants to do with his life.

Situation: Different demands of different situations call forth different aspects

of one’s personality. Eggsy was being professional when he must make it

through the highly competitive and often perilous series of tests that each

prospective new Kingsman agent must pass, while also dealing with the

emotional struggle of being a social outcast in an environment where

everyone else is well-educated, well-connected and well-mannered.

Social: Begins from the initial contact between the mother and the infant,

other members of the family, and social groups like peers, school friends and

members of the work group. In this film, Eggsy is under pressure from his

relationship with her mother and the friends at Kingsman who always bully



People tend to mix the word of emotion with affect and moods. Moods and

emotions are under the category of affect. Felt emotions are the kind of

emotions which we truly feel. There’s a lot of emotion or dimension of emotion

in this movie.

Variety Emotion: There are many types of emotions, researchers have

classified it into two categories positive emotions and negative emotions.

 Sad: In this movie, Eggsy was sadly because he is a teen who has

had a rough life. He never really knew his father, and his mom has a

boyfriend who is violent and abusive to him and his mom. He is a

school dropout, he has no job and little idea what he wants to do with

his life even he’s smart and potential person. Eggsy was also

saddened when he witnessed an incident in the church that had

caused Harry to die while running part of the mission.

 Angry/Protest: Eggsy also angry when he was home and he’s look

effect of abusive on his mother face. And with feeling confident he try

to facing his mother’s boyfriend. Eggsy show his protest when at the

beginning movie, it was on pub and some boys like want to fight with

Eggsy and his friend. So, make a protest by steal the boys’ car.

Intensity Emotion: Different people will also portray different levels of

emotions which is depends on situations.

 Unlike: For example in this movie, we can see it when Eggsy feel

unlike his friend attitude in Kingsman but he still try to being good and

make Harry proud of him.

 Mad/Dissatisfied: Another situation, at the beginning of the story, his

mother's boyfriend tells her, as if to bully him, he shows a rather angry

and dissatisfied face but he tries to behave well and not fight back. In

my opinion, he did that because he still show his respect to his


 Sad but professional: Even Eggsy feeling sad because Harry’s death,

but for me, he’s being professional person which is he still try the best

to complete the mission in which he must to stop Valentime’s project.


1. Be There For Your Competitors, It doesn't matter if you don't get

chosen. Just be there for the one vying for your position even though

they can't jump into a challenge whilst everyone else is. Even if you

don't have a parachute and it seems your legs will break on impact.

Because in the end, you just might get selected. For example, if you

were not selected today to be a group leader. You can't just give up

and you have to prove to others that you are capable and capable of

taking on the role of group leader.

2. Don't Allow Anyone Into Your Head, Think for yourself! Don't allow

someone's global eradication plans be planted in yours! Cant you

think for yourself? Must you always go with whats popular? One day

your head is just going to shatter into grey pieces of unnecessary

matter. You have been warned. To be mean to yourself and not to

have our thoughts controlled by others. Our own mind determines who

we are. If we do not think of ourselves everything is empty and at the

end is a frustration beyond our control.

3. Get help from people who are wiser than you, the king would have

been right had Eggsy not had help. Eggsy knew he would be stumped

so he’d set up a communication link with another Kingsman helper.

This helper fed Eggsy the information as he needed it. Great leaders

know they don’t know everything. This is why great leaders surround

themselves with people who are wiser and more experienced than

they are. They seek counsel for tough decisions. They ask for help

when they are stumped. And they’re always willing to learn more.

Don’t be afraid to get help from others.


1. Adapt to your situation, The Kingsmen have a lot of fun tools at their

disposal. After Eggsy blew up the henchmen, he had to avoid the

police. Leadership requires you to enter into situations you may not

know everything about. Yet you can learn to adapt to the situations

you face. For example in a group of different situations that we are

going through. So we have to adapt ourselves to different situations

because if we fail to control ourselves, our emotions and so on in our

group situations will be lost. Group leaders also play an important role

where group leaders need to give group members the courage to be

brave and agile in various situations.

2. Your past training will play into future roles, Harry Hart (Colin Firth)

was a Kingsman with the codename Galahad. We see him shot in the

head by Samuel L. Jackson’s character Valentine in the first

Kingsman movie. You’ve had multiple experiences that may seem

disconnected from your current leadership position. You would be

surprised how often those past experiences can help you lead better.

Examine each of your past experiences and learnings. How could you

apply those to your current leadership.

3. Great leaders will have to improvise , Harry was given a mission: Take

over the ski lift controller. When he arrived, there was a man at the

controls. His first attempt to neutralize the threat was to tranquilize the

ski lift operator with a dart. He missed. Because of missing, Harry had

to improvise. He had to find a way to incapacitate the operator. That’s

when he noticed the fire extinguisher.


1. In the bar scene: Eggsy become stress when harry judge him and say if

his father is alive he would be disappoint in him with the choice he made

in his live. Eggy involve with drug and he never have a job on top of he

stop doing his hobby in gymnastic and he also quit the marine because of

her mother well mental banging on about losing Eggsy like she lose her

husband. But harry doesn’t know that have Eggys gone through after his

farther death. From this we can conclude Eggys grow up in broken family

with a problematic step dad. As he grow he blame other because of his

unsuccessful life. That why never judge other people because we don’t

know what they have being gone through.

2. In valentine base: When Eggys just done helping merlin get access to

Valetine system he was caught by his former teammate Charlies. He

inform valentine that he caught a spy and valentine recognized Eggsy

because he once put a bug in harry body when he served him wine at

valentine house. So when he realized Eggys was there he immediately

start his countdown to activate the sim card all around the world. When

the countdown was finished nothing happen because Roxy manage to

destroy one of the satellite. This make him stress when he know of his

satellite is down because thing doesn’t go as your plan. In this scene we

can conclude that thing doesn’t always like you plan when that happen

don’t lose your cool trying to figure out why. This is because it's always

easier connecting the dots in the future and near impossible connecting

those dots in the present.


1. Never abandoned your teammate: This is one of training section where

everyone must jump off plane practicing sky diving. After they jump they

all seem cheerful until merlin say ‘what happen if one of your group

doesn’t have a parachute’ at that moment everyone was panic because

they though they doesn’t have parachute so they pull the parachute to

make sure they have one but except for Roxy and Eggsy. Both of them

work together side by side and they manage to landed on the spot where

they supposed to landed. When they landed merlin pull the parachute that

Eggsy have behind his back. He say only to know how the team would

react will they help or abandoned them. From this we can conclude that

teamwork is important When we get to the field, the same thing applies.

What one missionary is doing is not more valuable or important than

another. We are all working together.

2. Work together as a team: Eggys, Merlin and Roxy they plan to stop

valentines from launching his plan. Merlin plan was to make Eggys

infiltrate Valentines base by disguised as Mr Kanye so that Eggys can

help merlin hack into Valentines system so that he can put a stop to

valentines plan. Roxy fly into the space using hot air balloon so that she

can destroy the satellites and she manages to destroy even it almost cost

her life because that balloon explode. They though by destroy the satellite

it would stop the plan but only slow it down because valentines manage to

borrow his friend satellite and merlin can’t hack it anymore because the

system use a biometric so Eggsy and Merlin work together to make sure

that valentines doesn’t use the biometric and they success by killing

valentines itself. From this we can conclude that why it is important to

work as a team so that you manage your job done easily and effectively.


We can learn from Kingsman that peoples, individuals, and groups act and react in

an organization. One way for an organization to become more innovative is to

capitalize on its own to innovate and become stronger than they were before. All

organizations experience the direct relationship between job satisfaction, and

performance of each worker. Because Kingsman is a spy organization so they need

the most outstanding performance from their spy. It is significant important to develop

an optimal interpersonal chemistry in the organization.

Another thing that we can learn from this movie is about Harry’s perception

toward Eggsy. He know that Eggsy have potential to be an agent in Kingsman and to

replace the position of a fallen colleague, Harry enlisted Eggsy to be his protégé.

Harry trained Eggsy by sharing his past mistakes and experiences, advices on roles

to play and bad behaviours to avoid, and the various Kingsman principles one should

have. Throughout the rigorous training, Harry was able to prove Eggsy’s loyalty to the

organization, hasten his learning experience, observe his strengths and weaknesses,

and overall improve both theirselves as individuals of society.

I believe Harry’s mentorship was ideal. He wasn’t too easy on his protégé nor

was he too harsh. Although there are some instances during the training that some

may deem to be unnecessary, he took precautionary measures to ensure Eggsy’s

safety. Overseeing his rigorous training, Harry successfully made Eggsy an ideal

Kingsman. We would follow Harry’s style of mentoring and confident with our own


This movie is also by developing organizational culture. Bullying is repeated

aggressive behavior that can be physical or relational. Every single person has their

own culture. It depends on the whether they want to follow it or not. In this movie,

Eggsy team members like to bully him especially when they are assigned to new











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