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October 2023


Business Topic Analysis ……………………………………………………………………….3
Business Term…………………………………………………………………………………..4
Personal Impact ……………………………………………………………………………………..…4
Works Cited ……………………………………………………………………………………………5



I selected the article, "Every business is commenting on Israel's war – such is the
modern corporate landscape: Previously, business leaders only expounded on
economics matters; now they are commenting on social, environmental, and political
issues". It is a recently written article in The Globe and Mail by Paul Dunn, professor of
business ethics at the Goodman School of Business at Brock University. He summarizes
the significant corporation CEOs' responses to last week Hamas attacks in the Israel-
Palestinian conflict. Dunn also provides his point of view on the on-going trends in how
CEOs react to ethics and social issues. This is an uplifting article about how business
CEOs lead the company and voice out in the society.
The article Dunn provides examples of famous business leaders in North America
who commented on the recent brutal attacks by Hamas against Israel. For example, the
CEO of Hewlett-Packard called it “unjustified and inexcusable’. Another example of
Sundar Pichai, Alphabet’s CEO, was “deeply saddened by terrorist attacks,”. This
article mentions that business leaders were not actively commenting on issues other than
economic matters. However, now the trend has become usual for business leaders to
comment on social, environmental, and political issues, which the author believes have
a positive effect on our society. Business executives are aware that business has an
unbreakable connection to society and are part of it. There is a responsibility to
comment on social issues. Dunn further lists examples of other issues like Canadian
protests and LGBTQ. The business leaders gave the U.S. president other constructive
suggestions like environmental protection and infrastructure issues.
In conclusion, ethics is an essential aspect of business decision-making. The
corporate executives who are condemning Hamas's brutal attacks. “As corporate
citizens, they have an ethical obligation to use their high-profile status to speak out on
issues relevant to both the company’s mission and values as well as society’s norms and
standards,” said Dunn.

Business Topic Analysis

My topic is associated with Business Ethics. Ethics is a set of moral standards to

justify right or wrong. Good business ethics make the organization more trustworthy
and have better relationships with other business partners and customers, in Chapter 2.1
of our textbook. I learned that managers and business owners make business decisions
based on what they believe to be correct and wrong; this kind of action shapes the moral
standard of the organization.

According to Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR, economic responsibilities are the first

responsibilities an organization considers because a corporation must be profitable to
keep running as a business; its economic responsibilities are from the base of the
pyramid. From the article, we learned that was the focus before. In recent years, the
business climate has changed. We can see CEOs taking extra steps and covering the
Ethical level. When CEOs are leading by example, it is good for our society. Dunn
believes “CEO should comment on social, environmental and political issues provided
the executive is transparent, consistent and demonstrates leadership by addressing issues
that are relevant to the company’s mission and values.’. In a way, business ethics is not
only within an organization but also a core value that extends to an organization's
external when responding to society.

Business Term

The business term I found in this article is Business Ethics. Ethics is a set of
moral standards for justification of right or wrong.
The second business term is the Global and Political aspects of the External
Environment related to Chapter 1.2 under The Dynamic Business Environment. Where
there is war, it will affect the global and political in the business internal environment.
Another business term is Company Mission and Values, where it provides the
company’s purpose and how they commit to working. In this article, we find all these
three business terms work closely to each other.

Personal Impact

Many people were heartbroken and upset when they saw Hamas’s attack footage
on the news. As ordinary people, we feel powerless to help in this kind of situation.
When researching the business report, I found this recent article. It is uplifting to know
that business leaders voice what we have inside us. This is the right article to choose.
We learned that the business world is not a separate one, and it can be tightly connected
to our society. Business leaders have more power and influence worldwide, but it also
comes with ethical responsibility to our society. Business ethics is not limited to internal
to the organization but also an external response to society.
Additionally, this is my first time using the Canadian Newsstream and Canadian
Business and Current Affairs Database from the Seneca Library. It was fascinating that
such an amount of information and articles are all collected in these databases. I enjoyed
the article search at my fingertips and discovered the new resources for my education.


Dunn, P. (2023, Oct 12). Every business is commenting on Israel’s war – such is the
modern corporate landscape: Previously, business leaders only expounded on economic
matters; now they are commenting on social, environmental, and political issues. The
Globe and Mail.

OER Textbook. Introduction to Business Administration. Adapted for Seneca College,

BAM101, n.d.

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