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a Con1plete the verb phrases \Vith a \VOrd or phrase fro111 the list.

applied for 1d'rla1d f:i:. do (x2) 'du: was made .\V;:J7 '1ne1d/ got promoted •gnt pr:i'n1:iot 1d,
resign ·n Lain retire ·n'taIJ was sacked \\';}7 -;a"!kt: set up /set ·\P' work ,'\v:.i:k!
1 Dan has to do a lot of overtin1e. He has 1:0 \Vork extra hours.
2 Matt last \Yeck. He \Vas given a 1nore i1n portant job.
3 Most nurses have to shifts. Son1et i1nes they \vork during the day and son1etimes at night.
4 A nlan in our department yesterday. The boss told hin1 to leave. (also be fired)
5 Colin redundant. He lost his job because the con1pany didn't need hirn any 1nore.
6 The n1inister is going to He has decided to leave his job. (J\rnE quit)
7 Lilian is going to next month. She's 65, and she's going to stop \vorking.
8 Angela has a business to sell clothes online. She had the idea and has started doing it.
9 Everyone in the office has to a training course. "fhey need to learn how to use the new softvvare .
l0 She a job. She replied to an advert and sent in her C\T.
b f41 42 J)) listen and check. Cover the first sentence and look at the second. Can you ren1en1ber the verb?


a M atch the adjectives and defin itions. a Make nouns fron1 the followi11g verbs by adding
-rnent, -ion, or -a tion, and 111aking any other necessary
part-time :pu:t 'ta1n1: self-employed /self 1n1'plJ1d/ changes.
temporary ."ten1pr;:irii unemployed /,\11 1n1'plJ1d/
well qualified i\vel 'k\\ nhfa1d/ 1 promote promotion 4 employ

2 aQQ!Y. 5 qualify
3 retire 6 refilgn
-- 0

b Make nouns for the people ' vho do the jobs by adding
-er, -or, -ian, or -ist, and n1aking any other necessary
for people
l I'n1 - - - - \vithout a job
1 science 4 pharmacy I
2 He's - - - - \vorking for hin1self 2 law 5 fa rm
3 She's \vith, e.g. a university degree 3 music 6 t ranslate
or vvith a lot of experience
for a job or vvork c 4 44l)) Listen and check a and b. Underline the
stressed syllable in the ne\v words .
4 It's a job. (opposite per1naneni) \vith only a
short contract, e.g. for six 1nonths d Cover the nouns and look at 1-6 in a and b. Say the
5 It's a job. (opposite full-time) only \vorking nouns. T hink of two more jobs for eacl1 ending.
a fe\·Vhours a day
b Con1plete the sentences \vith the correct prepositions. j) job or work?
I'm looking for work. I'm looking for a job.
1 I work in (fo1) a multinational con1pany. Work is an uncountable noun and has no plural.
2 I'in charge the Marketing Departn1ent. NOT I'm looking for a vtork.
Job is a countable noun.
3 I'm responsible custo111er loans. There are several jobs available in this company.
4 I'm school (university).
5 I'rn ___ n1y t hird year. <II( p.78
c (4 43 >)) Listen and check a and b.

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