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Barbie Reyshe A.

Asotigue Analog and Digtal Sound

April 23, 2024

Library works:
1. Explain what are the elements of a room sound with good acoustic?
- A balanced balance of multiple essential components is necessary for good space
acoustics. The reverberation time, which indicates the length of time it takes for
sound to fade, needs to be balanced; it shouldn't be too long for muddiness or too
short for dryness. Reduction of reflections and echo is aided by effective absorption
materials including acoustic panels, drapes, rugs, and furniture. Furthermore,
dispersion is essential for dispersing sound waves uniformly around the room and
avoiding overly strong one-way reflections. Well-managed reflection adds vitality
and spaciousness without creating unwelcome echoes. Furthermore, isolation
makes sure that outside noise doesn't affect the room's sound quality and vice
versa. With careful manipulation of these components, a space can produce natural
sound that is clean and free of undesired noise. A room can have the ideal acoustic
environment for a variety of activities by carefully managing these elements to
produce clear, natural sound with few unwanted effects.

2. Different types of microphone and their uses.

Dynamic Microphone- A dynamic microphone is a type of microphone that uses a
diaphragm attached to a coil of wire suspended in a magnetic field to convert sound waves
into electrical signals. They`re robust, versatile, and great for live performances or recording
loud sound sources like drums and guitar amps.
Condenser Microphone- A condenser microphone is a type of microphone that uses a
capacitor to convert sound waves into electrical signals. Condenser mics, with their sensitive
diaphragm, are ideal for capturing vocal nuances and acoustic instruments, requiring
phantom power for high fidelity and detail in studio recording settings.
Ribbon Microphone- Ribbon microphones are a type of dynamic microphone that uses a
thin strip of metal (the ribbon) as the diaphragm. Ribbon mics, based on electromagnetic
induction, are renowned for their smooth, natural sound reproduction, particularly for
capturing warmth of instruments like brass, strings, and vocals, and their ability to handle
high SPLs.

3. Provide different brands of power amplifier that you know.

- Crown and Yamaha

4. Provide different brands of speaker system tha you know.

-JBL and Sony

5. Characterize each item 3 and item 4.

- both Crown and Yamaha amplifiers deliver high-quality performance, Crown
amplifiers excel in professional-grade applications with their robust construction and
transparent sound reproduction, while Yamaha amplifiers offer versatility and
innovative features for a wide range of audio environments and users.
- JBL speaker systems excel in professional-grade applications with their powerful and
dynamic sound performance, Sony speaker systems offer versatility, advanced features, and
sleek design for diverse audio needs in both home and portable settings.

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