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I started studying the chakras when I did

my first yoga teacher training in 2012
when I picked up a copy of Eastern Body,
Western Mind by Anodea Judith. It took me
about a year to read the 400+ pages, , and
it didn’t really stick because there was no
practical method to apply and know that
the chakra had been objectively healed.

My mission is to make spiritual work very

easy to understand, practical to apply, and
offer results you can feel working right
away. Practical to apply means there will
NEVER be a lecture from me that gives
information and says “do with it what you
will”. Everything I teach says “do exactly
this and you will feel a result right away.”
. I am always looking for new levels of
mission to accomplish, and I will never stop
trying to qualify for the job I’ve been given.
It is a great honor, and makes every tear I
shed in my life so worth it.

As my career as a yoga teacher progressed, and the knowledge of the chakras fermented
into understanding, I longed to teach a workshop on it to show people “this really isn’t that
complicated.”. It’s the Eastern approach to psychology, but what always stopped me is I never
felt like teaching “just” the chakras had enough thrust to put my name on.

Then, one day in 2016 I sat on my floor and experienced a personal trauma repair for the first
time, something I had never experienced or heard of before. I was astonished. The fact that
the key to my healing had existed this whole time, for centuries, right in the Rg Veda blew
my mind. I could feel the shift immediately, and in the days following the repair I felt like I was
coming off of mushrooms. No longer tripping, a tiny bit sensitive when I remembered where
I had recently been, but for the most part extremely relaxed and relieved to see “normal” life
again. This is what it feels like to not be unconsciously triggered at all times.

Up until that point I had been relying on mainly psychedelics for my epiphanies. If I couldn’t
figure something out I’d take some LSD or eat some mushrooms and the portals of the
Unknown would spread themselves wide to me, and I would drink deeply. An experience
with the obscure Peruvian DMT known as huilca brought me to my knees and let me
understand birth, death, and beyond. Unfortunately, ayahuasca and peyote have never had
any effect on me, and it took several years for LSD to have an effect on me.
The problem with psychedelics was that there was no guarantee that I would find the
epiphany I was looking for, which was usually some variation of where am I blocked, and why?
This same question was also what drove me to spend most of my money on psychics and
healers on the assumption that they could heal me better than I could. The relief I felt from my
quantum experiences on drugs and in sessions would wear off as well, and at the time I didn’t
understand that fifth dimensional epiphanies can’t be fully assimilated into a three dimensional
plane. You need a clear understanding of the fourth dimension, which is spacetime, to fully
absorb the visions and understand WHY things are that way instead of being awestruck. When
you bring the fifth to the third you are unable to articulate or relay the meaning to others. It is
a subjective understanding, or what is called in magic a UPG. Unverified Personal Gnosis. The
abundance of undigested third eye talk, without the full understanding of the heart is what
makes the New Age community seem as artificial as it does on its worst days.

I was forced into the technology of Wheels, kicking and screaming. Historically I do not go
willingly on my spiritual path. I did not understand this then but my layers of trauma made it
impossible to surrender completely, because you cannot surrender to a God that did you dirty.
It’s only once you resolve these stories, and forgive God (Sahasrara chakra) that you’re able to
see that there was a Divine plan in order all along.

I knew I had issues in my Svadhisthana chakra because all the

symptoms were there. I could get what I needed but not more,
I couldn’t stabilize, I had rampant codependency, I couldn’t feel
my pussy, “good enough” was like a daily struggle for me, I had
all the numbing addictions but my forced sobriety meant that
the only thing I could numb with was binge eating and weed, so
I did that. The many faces of shame was all that met me in the
mirror at that time.

I met my husband during that time and I expected that once I

met my soul mate their dick would light up, work its way into
my glass slipper pussy, and I would be able to experience the
Tantric pleasure I had heard so much about.

That was not the case, and no fault of his. He’s gorgeous, a Scorpio stallion, and well hung.
It was me. I couldn’t receive pleasure.

He was headed to Sun Dance, the Lakota ceremony, continuing his journey on the Red
Road just a week after we met, and I planned to heal my trauma during this time with

What ended up happening was that the first night he was away a sweat lodge was held at
his property to pray for the Sun Dancers. An Apache elder was pouring, as he had returned
from a different Sun Dance that ended earlier. There were only three people present.
Myself, him, and a man we’ll call Farmer Peppy who was responsible for the fire.

When we went round and said what we wanted to release and call in, I said that I wanted
healing from decades of sexual abuse beginning in my childhood. I prayed hard.
When the ceremony was completed, the elder, who knew my husband well, asked me to stay
as he had a healing ceremony he wanted me to experience. He told me to lay against the
lodge and close my eyes. I trusted, like an idiot. He started pushing my dress up. I told him to
stop, that I didn’t feel comfortable, but he ignored me, muttering some gibberish about how I
needed this. He pushed again and I opened my eyes to see his pants around his ankles. I was
frozen. I wanted to hit him, kick him, bite and scream, but I knew that if it was this 70 year old’s
word against mine, the new girl, it wouldn’t go far, especially if I had physically assaulted him.
He was the peyote supplier to the lodge, a medicine everyone consumed in excess. I told him
he had to let me go, and fortunately he did not protest, yet something made me agree to help
him carry his bags back to the truck, like a donkey.

I promptly reported it to the firekeeper, who I would find out some years later told everyone
I was lying. Sacred whore life. Those incarnated to teach sacred sexuality will usually endure
much of this abuse and be told they deserved it simply for being beautiful. I agreed to keep it
quiet and not involve the police, as their compound had more than a little illegal activity, and I
am a lifelong punk. I don’t call the cops. I didn’t want my new boyfriend to return to find I had
ordered a raid on his home and guru.

The next week was agonizing. My man was far away in South Dakota, no phone, food or water
on his path. I was not expecting to hurt so much from something that had happened so many
times before. So I did everything I could. I took acid, nothing changed. I took mushrooms with
Syrian Rue. Nothing changed. I took peyote. Nothing changed. And then I started to worry.

If everything I knew that healed me wasn’t working, and I couldn’t afford to see any more
psychics or healers, what would I do?

Is it true that a healer can’t heal themselves?

On my hands and knees I prayed for God to heal me, to heal this feeling. I was taken to the
first time I had ever felt this feeling of shame, as a child, after being molested by my brother
who I had fully trusted and wanted to impress.

It was one of the most painful experiences of my life, but I refused to get up until the surgery
was completed. When it was over I lay in the fetal position, sobs racking my body. But
the sobbing gave way to laughter, and to tears of joy as I witnessed the undeniable inner
sensation of a lifted weight. It worked.

The next day in my kitchen I was shown a vision of how trauma and the chakras work together.
I was told I would deliver two workshops in my lifetime that would change the course of
history. One on childhood trauma and the chakras, which you are being initiated into at this
moment. And one on Tantra and timespace, which is my workshop Erotic Wealth. You can
achieve that level after this work is completed.

When my husband returned he was excommunicated from his home, told that it was his fault
I had been assaulted, because according to the leaders, he had committed rape in previous
lives. All my friends there in Pleasant Valley, Austin turned on me. We had $500 to our names,
no plan, and I found out I was pregnant.
And on those terms, Wheels:Reinvented was born.

I have bared my soul to you here in this introduction, and it is only the beginning. In this work
we will be sharing extremely intimate, personal stories that you have not even remembered
and admitted to yourself, let alone others. We will be committing to vulnerability and trust, but
no matter how vulnerable or trusting you are or are not, I would like for you to close your eyes
and give yourself an alias right here, right now.

Anonymity is one of life’s great freedoms, and the freedom to speak your truth without fearing
backlash will be your visa to the levels of greatness you have feared achieving for so long.

Wheels: Reinvented is here to extricate the truth of the Self from the story of the self, and bring
your past and present into integrity. Not isolating and removing the pain, but integrating it.
Alchemizing it. Turning it into gold.

It has always been formatted as a teacher training, because it is not only the key to healing
all suffering, but because that key is enormously valuable as well. Coaches and healers
need an objective system of healing so that they aren’t projecting their unresolved trauma
all over everyone so that they can attempt to heal others of what they have not yet healed in

I welcome you. Please relax, empty your mind of judgments and “I know” and allow me to
serve you fully. This book contains the seven locks, but all initation into second level teachings
happens orally, so you have to hear my voice. At the end of this I’ll demonstrate exactly how
we remove traumas with case studies, plus answer your questions in a FREE 90 minute
masterclass. Your invite is in your email, and we’ll send plenty of reminders and a replay if you
can’t attend.

The intention of this book is to show you what trauma in each of the chakras looks like so
that you’re able to recognize the block in yourself and others. At the end this book you’ll be
invited to attend a Masterclass on removing core traumas.

The journey of the chakras begins in the Muladhara, which is your root. This is represented
in the body by the legs, symbolizing your foundation. This chakra is related to survival, and
it begins in the womb, although most people experience root chakra trauma during birth,
especially if it was induced or cesarean. It’s blocked by fear, which is something a small child
has a lot of considering that they are born into a strange and unknown world, and cannot
get anything for themselves or do anything for themselves. Everything they need for survival
must be granted from someone else, all they can do is cry.

Survival is the ability to get your needs met, but just barely. The truth of existence is that your
needs are always met, but to have your wants met you have to claim it. You’ll always have
something to eat, but it might be food from a dumpster or shelter. You’ll always have a place
to sleep at night, but it might be under a bridge. The fear of not getting your needs met,
however, can become a theme for your life so broad that the person finds it impossible to do
anything or think of anything around that fear.

In the West, the block of the root chakra is not only fear, but guilt, as a result of centuries of
exoteric conditioning. It’s when you give your fear legs, pun intended, and tell yourself that
the reason you will probably not ever get your needs met is because God is mad at you.

God is not mad at you. God doesn’t get mad.

Money and improved life situations don’t heal a corrupted Muladhara, and the adage
“more money, more problems” is evidence of that. If someone manages to create wealth in
great measure on top of this block, it’s the same thing as building a house on an unstable
foundation. It won’t last. And as long as they have it they won’t be able to enjoy it. On the
inside they are convinced, since birth usually, that they are not safe and stable. On the
outside they are safe and stable but since there is a conflict, they live in chronic fear that
everything they built will be taken away from them. It’s either fear for fear’s sake, or guilt that
because of something they did one time, they’ll never be safe and stable again.

Guilt poisons everything. A bite of chocolate can be ecstatic, but when guilt creeps in and
calls you a fatass that no one will ever love, the entire experience is ruined. The taste of
chocolate makes you hate yourself, and even the memory of it is poisoned by the lens you
unconsciously chose to put on.
You have to keep doing this work, once a year is ideal. These traumas we’re talking about
are CORE traumas, meaning, every suffering you have in life is connected to one of these
seven in some way. The more familiar you become with the root of the issue, the quicker it
is to dissolve it. When you never get the root, you never really heal, you just kind of move on
into a new pain.

Before I did this workshop the most recent time, I was struggling with guilt about what my
role as a teacher was putting my family through. I also had a lot of guilt about the person I
had been in the past. I had unintentionally gotten addicted to black magic. It had become a
high of it’s own to have people fear me, but the addiction to the false sense of control and
power was harder to break than I ever expected.

After I did this module I was able to realize that I was not responsible for my family’s
suffering. I was telling the truth of my life, and everyone else was covering up theirs, which I
understand because I used to be the same way. But telling the truth of what happened is not
what was hurting my family. The truth of what happened was what hurt my family. I was just
the only person admitting to being hurt by it instead of lying about my past and saying “I’m
Truth sets you free, and lies keep you afraid and in chains. The fear I was feeling about my
family’s reaction to me was keeping me imprisoned, but it was all based on a lie. The lie was
“Telling my truth is hurting them” and the truth is “Not telling the truth is hurting them.”

Seems like a lovely realization, but the truth is that I was teetotalling for a year, refusing to
teach this workshop, and literally unable to speak about anything personal before I removed
this block. As the sole breadwinner at that time (we have a family business now) my income
came to a complete halt, which threatened the safety and security of my family. It felt like my
basic human needs, and the basic human needs of my children were not going to be met.
All of this because I was enslaved by guilt to the degree that I couldn’t do what I was put on
Earth to do.

Wheels: Reinvented goes through each chakra one by one, completely identifies the block,
and then objectively removes it. Each week you get a chapter to read at your own pace (or
allow me to read it to you), absorbing it on your own pace. You’ll get a complete education
on the nature of each block, as well as understanding how these root issues, like guilt and
fear, create other major discomforts in our lives. You’ll be able to recognize the face of guilt
and fear as the driving force behind 1/7 of your life’s problems. You’ll learn a specific trauma
repair for it, and hear a deeply personal story of mine. Then, our weekly call is all about YOU.
I demonstrate the method we just learned for as many clients as can fit into our 90 minute
call. We do this for each chakra.

Come with an alias, because you will be saying things you didn’t know you knew. Many
people believe that their trauma is an incident they remember, and its 99% of the time
something they blocked out.

Symptoms of a blocked Muladhara:

Inability to stabilize, chronic chaos, you get things and they get taken away, get a job lose
a job, fear of things being taken away, paranoia around CPS, IRS etc, recession, partners
cheating, world ending, government taking over, great reset, hypochondria
Svadhisthana is blocked by believing who you are is bad. It’s not fear, like you did something
bad or the world is bad. It’s internalized. Something bad happens to you and you say “I must
be bad”.
Also this isn’t just related to sexual abuse. This conviction runs so deep and makes you
believe you can never, ever, ever trust what feels good.
If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, incest, or sexual trauma of any kind, the complete
method for healing it is here, free of charge.

Here’s an example of how we inherit shame:

Let’s say you were swinging on a swing set LIVING IN THE FLOW and you fell and ate shit
and had to go get traumatic stitches. Your family tells you, “YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE
CAREFUL” - but how could you have been more careful when you were in your pleasure? Your
pleasure was proportionate to the risk, and it was natural for you to follow it. You were not
supposed to be thinking about how it’s all going to go wrong for you in your pleasure because
no one can receive pleasure on those terms. So you fall off a swing and get it in your head
that what feels right, good, and fun for you is very very wrong. You decide that everyone can
clearly see how wrong you are except you,so you better not trust yourself ever again and only
trust other people because you’re stupid and talentless and they’re not. The accident happens
because of many external conditions, but you internalize it and you blame yourself, blame who
you ARE, for the whole thing. You also shame and blame yourself for the pain you caused to
your family, because a blocked Svadhisthana makes you feel responsible for everyone else’s
feelings as well.
Svadhisthana is extremely susceptible to codependency. Codependency is not needing others.
It’s needing others to need you. The pleasure of love, someone loving you simply because they
want to, is not something that is on your radar at all. The only way you can comprehend being
loved is if someone needs you, because if they need you, they won’t leave you. You create
situations for yourselves, and oftentimes problems for others, so that you can fix them and feel
needed. No amount of feeling needed ever makes you feel wanted. The cycle is vicious. Many
of us were unconsciously trained in the art of codependent sacrifice by our mothers. If you
would like to learn more about codependency, my workshop Cracking Codependency is included
in the free version of my app, Safehouse Global.
Shame is an absolute result of any kind of sexual abuse. No matter how obvious it is that
fucked up people do fucked up things, there is always an experience of internalizing it and
blaming yourself.
I blamed and shamed myself for years for something my older brother did to me. I did that for
so long I convinced myself I was lying because I couldn’t prove it with a rape kit 30 years later.
I ended up with an additional block of shame about being a “liar” that was “causing family
drama” and “ruining my brother’s life”
One of the main questions I get in Wheels is: “what if I don’t remember my trauma? I don’t
remember anything from my childhood.”
You don’t need to worry about remembering. Every word spoken, everything your body
experiences in life is recorded. If you were breathing, even in utero, you remember. You tell
yourself you don’t and you believe you, and that’s all okay. We work with repressed memories
here on Wheels, and use some pretty high grade, shamanic breathwork to release DMT
into your system and allow you to remember what you’ve been stuffing down your hidey
holes for the last few decades. Additionally I ONLY teach methods for self initiates. Nothing
I teach will ever require you to approach someone else, get permission from someone else,
have their blessing or cooperation. Self-initiation is blaming no one else for your lack of
progress. I make sure you have all the tools you need to do this. Our tools are trauma work,
several variations of it, breathwork, and also some optional dancing if you care to join. Nothing
loosens shame up like some DANCING. At the end of the work we do an objective awakening
where we AWAKEN the sleeping serpents at the base of your spine, work them up the central
channel, and shoot them out through the crown of the head.

So shame is a hardcore curse, and all hardcore curses come with

the salt in the wound of not being able to talk about it because
you’re too ashamed. It’s like Sophie in Howl’s Moving Castle.
She’s convinced she’s an ugly, unlovable old lady but she can’t tell anyone as part of the curse
the Witch of the Waste put on her. If she did speak and say “Sorry, I’m unlovable because
there’s something horribly wrong with me. I’m cursed”, they’d say “what are you talking about
there is NOTHING wrong with you?” .
Sometimes when she’s asleep (or is she awake?) she’s not in the illusion of her ugliness, and
in moments when she feels very safe and loved she feels only a little bit ugly. But that’s the
other thing about shame. Even when it’s time to feel safe and loved you still feel a little bit
ugly. You can never really let go as long as you have shame. Never really receive. That tiny
little piece of “ugly” or “broken” is what makes it impossible to rest on your period, impossible
to cum unless you’re pounding your clit into infinity, impossible to receive without blood sweat
and tears. That piece literally is not true about you, and you would know that if you could just
talk about it, but the first rule of shame is “You don’t talk about shame”
She also can never see that at times she is a mirror image of who she looks up to and loves
most, Howl. She’s convinced she’s talentless, as well as ugly. Welcome to your shame story.
And yeah, you don’t talk about it so it just keeps getting worse.

When you talk about shame you realize there was never anything to be
ashamed of. Like Sophie, you were cursed with it. Just because you were
cursed with it (like everyone else), doesn’t mean you can’t overcome it. These
“curses” are just the blocks we get to make the game of life compelling. It gets
easier and easier once you understand the rules of the game. You just can’t
expect to win a game you don’t know the rules to.

Truth is the freedom you gain when you clear my shame by TALKING about it, mastering the
Svadhisthana, and that truth heals others.
Clearing the Svadhisthana last round gave me the opportunity to see clearly how I had never
done anything wrong in the first place, that I was the victim of something. In addition to that I
was able to stop blaming myself and instead be proud of myself for the courage I’ve had, and
the lengths I went to to protect my family and their identities, but that was only the beginning.
Shame is the biggest block to wealth, because wealth resides out of the world of need and
into the world of want. The world of pleasure. It’s a nuanced block to move, and you really
have to get the root out, but when you do, you are FLOODED with pleasure. We raised our
income, moved across the country, doubled our square footage, doubled our acreage WITH
a waterfall, became a family business, broke through in our workshop about sacred sexuality
and wealth, gained 45k new followers, and I started getting feedback daily that there was
something different in my voice. I had become a new person, unfettered by the past.
And now, I love that I can give people a private and anonymous space in my personal app to
share their story of “this happened” and get ALL the healing without having to go public or
even talk to your family about it if you don’t want to. You can still heal and keep your privacy.
Confrontation is overrated, and sometimes impossible. People who insist you have to confront
your abusers have obviously never considered what to do if your abuser is dead. There’s a
method for healing THAT so why not just use it on people who are still alive?
Something equally idiotic is the adage “healers can’t heal themselves”. So what, healers are
just meant to suffer? Do you hear Sadhguru talking about his therapist? Anyone can heal
with an objective method. Wheels: Reinvented is an objective method. If anyone goes to a
certain location in the subtle body, and asks a certain question, it will certainly open. Whether
someone else is asking you, or you are asking yourself makes no difference. You would only
need to have a bit of self discipline to make sure you don’t get a snack in the middle of your
psychological surgery. If you don’t have this, you can just show up for the case study calls with
an alias, and I will stitch you up no problem. The first seven enrollees always get a scheduled
case study, for everyone else it’s first come first serve. Even if you don’t want to participate,
you will be blown away at how much you learn about coaching, therapy, and trauma from
watching others be coached. The amount of ground we cover in these sessions is amazing,
and I personally really enjoy it because demonstrating how this same technology works over
and over again is really affirming for me, but also gives me the opportunity to do what I love
most, healing on contact.

Here’s a couple reviews just from the last round:

I’m overjoyed that l’ve learned about the lower chakras because I loved to
skip them for years. I could go on and on about this for much longer than I
want to but I’ll just end with the excitement of knowing all of life leads me to
exactly where I’m meant to be.

Thanks everyone for this wonderful space to be seen and learn together.
Thank you ONAMI for walking in your truth. I stumbled upon you a few years
ago and have felt understood in a way that I haven’t before. Your honesty is
what I return to over and over. When I’m honest in my life all the rest moves
out of the way. And I have the strength to walk proudly because I’m not
hiding my truth any longer.


What a divine opening for me. So much continued to come up through the
rest of our call and afterwards. So much juicy work in these sessions, I’m
ready and excited to keep jumping on!

So we’re good now, but before I cleared this I basically just sat in a shame bucket isolating
myself internally from the people who loved me, feeling terrible about myself and doing a
bunch of work with no results. One step forward, one step back.
I also need to say an extra special thank you to my workshop Fuckless as well because when
it came to speaking up, I just don’t think I could have done it without that workshop and group.
When you sign up for Safehouse you get access to all my current and prior workshops,
including Fuckless. And an extra big thank you to YOU, here for being someone I could talk to
about it. Your presence here heals the world. So many people are healing because I felt safe
talking to you.
And you’re gonna feel safe talking to me!! We are about to show you that there was never,
ever anything to be ashamed about. You are GOOD. You’ve always been good. You just got
the shame curse and you are going to be so fine on the other side of it.
One more little issue with Svadhisthana: When this is blocked you feel way way way too
satisfied with the level you’re at and you stop growing. If you can get to this before the erotic
dies completely, it won’t start to fester until you reach a state of dissatisfaction with every
aspect of your life at the same time and start fantasizing about capsizing your family, leaving
your partner, quitting your job only to find the exact same issues with the next partner, next
job, next family. And much sooner as well. My workshop Erotic Wealth works you well in this
area, and it’s also available when you choose the subscription option.

How to know if you’re blocked in the Svadhisthana:

Inability to pursue pleasure, the entire concept of “good enough” inability to receive
pleasure, body dysmorphia, numbing addictions like alcohol, binging, opiates, inability
to recognize or leave income/life plateaus, “ I never get anything I want”, scarcity,
hoarding, shame, negative or shameful kinks, codependency, attracting needy partners,
attracting people who need healing, “everything I love leaves me”, “I should have been
born a boy/girl/ in a different time”, “it works for everyone but me”, feeling like an
outsider, “not enough”, “too much”
This chakra is the one of the main UNCONSCIOUS blocks that no one really talks about. It’s
block is anxiety and “I can’t” and I used to have this SO bad. The more successful I got, the
worse it got because the more you have, the more you have to lose.
I just could not believe that I actually had the wattage to see my dreams through to reality. I
was pretty cut off from Universal help and even though I had a lot of dreams I just didn’t feel
like I could execute on them. I didn’t KNOW that I was capable and that the presence of these
dreams indicate capability. Instead I would downward spiral into all the ways it was going to
go wrong, all the things I wasn’t doing enough of, and I would start to get anxiety’s favorite
coping mechanism. CONTROL. The illusion of control.
A big axis for control for me this last year was securing a large ad budget and spending
literally six months learning how to do Instagram ads to perfection, only to learn that the
technology was out of date and my Instagram would be deleted for either breastfeeding or
talking about propaganda. I’m still not sure. If I had cleared my Manipura I would have been
able to see clearly that the story of “I need ads to grow my business” was a story, and that
historically my growth has been primarily word of mouth. But I was trying to manage anxiety
with control, which made it so much worse.
Who you are when things are out of your control is who you are and where you need to
work. When things are out of my control I stop inputting (passive mode) or meditating (neutral)
and just turbocharge into active mode, doing thousands of things that do not push the needle
forward and ultimately need to be undone or abandoned.
Unfortunately, anxiety at its root is a forgetting problem. You can have all the tools in the
world, but you’ll forget to use them. So I literally FORGOT my tools for years because I had
decided to quit at the Svadhisthana when repressed memories of abuse surfaced, so I forgot
how to solve problems from literally June 2021 to June 2022 and it sucked.
On the other side is peace. Being at peace with the timing of life, being at ease with the flow
of life. This is surrender, the surrendering of control. It doesn’t mean I’ve gone belly up in life
and am letting life happen to me. I’m showing up every day, doing my part. Surrender can be
accurately defined with this affirmation

I wait in quiet certainty that I will do what is given me to do.

I will ask to be shown every day, and do what I’m shown.”
Something really interesting about how I was blocked here was that I realized that the same
feeling of control is exactly the body state I would be in while getting head, which is kind
of the classic “receiving” act. This is also a nice way to illustrate the importance of working
every chakra in succession and not focusing on the one you think is blocked, because
anyone would tell you that the inability to receive pleasure would be in the sex center, which
is true to a degree, but in this case the issue of the Manipura chakra was descending into the
Svadhisthana and it was making my life very unpleasurable.
Like I told you before, surrendering is not just laying flat on your back. You surrender to the
experience, but engage with it. You are helping the process along, not trying to create the
flow and steer the ship.
This is a particularly important chakra for those struggling to conceive, because it is right in
your solar plexus, your womb. You can’t get pregnant and expand into the lack of control you
will have all throughout the journey of motherhood if you have a tight ass, locked up Manipura
chakra. You do not control birth. But taking a pill called BIRTH CONTROL convinces you that
you do, and that illusion of “I’m not doing a good enough job controlling what I can’t control”
makes you literally SO crazy and that creates a pattern you enter motherhood with.
If you’re like this with money as well, you need to understand that you’re trying to get into
an expanded state by contracting. You’re trying to expand your wealth and tap into the
expansive flow of abundance by contracting down to a pin hole. THIS DOES NOT WORK. This
SO does not work. You can only get into an expanded state by relaxing. You can’t relax in a
blocked Manipura, not even if you’re getting head.
The two limitations that most people have when it comes to doing inner work is time and
money. Something really important to me is to provide accessibility to everyone, and provide
services with unparalleled results. For the first time, we’ve included this program in our brand
new subscription service, which means that instead of having to pay anywhere from $899 -
$2000 (the price range it’s been over the last five years) to enroll and get to work, you can
get it as a part of our streaming service For just $200 a month, and it includes all my other
workshops as well.
The pace of this workshop is one lesson per week, and it is time released because if you
try to do them all too closely together, you won’t be able to differentiate one from the other.
We need to allow some space for the block to present itself a few times on the way out, like
a detox, as the work is integrated. The time commitment is at your own pace. You have a
week to read each chapter, which is easily done in one sitting. Then the case study call is
something you can attend live if you would like to work with me directly and use an alias,
and there’s a replay available if you can’t attend. Subscribers can quit any time, and access
is available for as long as they have an active subscription. pay in full customers get lifetime
access to the work, which can be completed in ten weeks if you stay on schedule. There are
ten sessions in all. An intro call, the seven chakras, an objective awakening, and a call about
how specifically to monetize what you learned here.

How to know if you’re blocked in the Manipura:

No chill, control freak, planning perfectly and losing your shit when things don’t go to
plan , OCD, anorexia, workout addiction, orthorexia, anxiety, feeling like things aren’t
going fast enough, addiction to uppers of all kinds including coffee, insecurity,
Anahata: Point
of No Return
Anahata is like an iceberg. The little tip of you that you can see knows it cares way too much
about what other people think, needs attention and approval, is insecure, but what’s hidden at
the bottom is loads and loads and loads of unresolved grief. They call unresolved grief in the
Muggle world “depression” and they say it’s an imbalance in your brain, when actually it’s an
imbalance in your life.

This grief is old. It’s grief going all the way back to trying to impress the parent
who’s attention you wanted more and it wasn’t working so you just tried
harder and harder to make Dad or Mom approve of you.

Whether they always approved of you and showed it, or never did, slaving for approval is a
LOSING game. You are literally losing at the “game of life” because you’re trying to win in THEIR
GAME for THEIR LIFE with THEIR rules and it has nothing to do with you. You are stuck in their
approval trap and it’s because the trap is made of your own grief and you don’t know that.
You can’t ever be REAL when you’re being fake to keep others comfortable. I had to really work
on this one this year because I was paralyzed in front of my inner TV, binge watching my family
be potentially mad at me and trying to avoid it.
When you aren’t real, people do not listen to you. They hear you. Listening is only activated on
the sound current of TRUTH. It’s not activated by talking. You cannot do anything useful in this
world if you aren’t connected to your TRUTH.
I learned in the book Good to Great that all companies who have made the leap from good to
great were in touch with their truth. The CEO’s of Winston-Salem cigarettes GENUINELY believe
that cigarettes are saving the world, and it’s from this connection with their own personal truth
that they behave.
Everyone has their own version of the truth. The truth how you see it can be radically different
than the truth how they see it. Here in Wheels:Reinvented, we view trauma from a third
perspective which allows us to see why things were the way they were. And again, we never
have to go hear their side of the story. Self initiation, baby.
The versions of truth are also a reason why I enjoy magic and math so much because it’s an
objective bottom line, and you run no risk of performing someone else’s super complicated
ritual that’s rooted in their personal truth. Enneagram magic is just objective math. You do this,
you get that. If it works on paper, it works irl. You can get access to the Enneagram workshop
in your subscription to Safehouse.
I was having a really hard time coming forward with my story because I was so afraid that my
family would say I was lying. However, “me lying” is totally true for them! We have different
definitions of “abuse”. If I’ve realized my upbringing in a chaotic family in a doomsday sex cult
was abusive, then that’s my truth. If they feel like their upbringing in a doomsday sex cult was
not abusive, then that’s their truth and they’ll stick to it.
The annoying thing about having a truth based in unresolved trauma is that it’s a lot easier to
perpetuate the abuse cycle than it is to face it and admit you have some issues. For example,
the elder who assaulted me and many other women was Apache, and abused heavily as
a child. It’s extremely difficult for anyone to accept how not okay they were as a result of
trauma, but it’s extra difficult for men because of the deep emasculating response to a feeling
of helplessness. It’s easier for him to perpetuate the cycle and say “this isn’t so bad” than
it is to say “that was so bad, and I am NOT okay.”. It was easy for me to forgive him when I
understood that. I know what it’s like.
It’s a yin/yang. The abuser has a little dot of the victim in them, and the victim has the little dot
of the abuser in them.
It only became possible for me to move beyond that when I recognized the role my own
trauma played in it. Because my own trauma was unhealed I didn’t think it was okay to say
“NO! Get the fuck off of me!” I didn’t think it was okay to get violent with an old man. My
unhealed trauma of “Respect your elders” and the fear that my new boyfriend (now husband)
would leave me if I pissed him off by beating the “elder’s” ass.
The “Me Too” movement hit after that and I just couldn’t handle it. All these women speaking
up about ONE incident when my entire lifetime had been composed of incidents like this,
it made me so angry. Anger is unresolved grief as well, and if you haven’t personally
experienced the truth of this - it’s coming baby.
I was also extremely incapacitated by the awareness of the existence of child trafficking and
a feeling of powerlessness to stop it. When we feel like we can’t move or act because of
something “out there” it’s pointing at something “in here” that is preventing us from moving or
acting. We usually don’t want to acknowledge this, or it’s repressed and we can’t or won’t go
there. I did not want to accept the degree to which I was trafficked, and I felt stopped.

When we heal ourselves, we see that there is something we can do to contribute

to the healing of the world in the areas that most break your heart. Before we
heal we feel like even if there was something an individual could do, it would
never be enough, so we don’t even try.

Now, I know that I provide accessible tools to the masses for recovering from extreme trauma.
While I may not be able to prevent it for everyone in the world, I can prevent it for my family. I
can also help victims find a way to reclaim their life, so that the incident does not spread into
a theme for life like it did with me for decades.

It’s so, so, so, so crucial to clear your unresolved grief and your unresolved trauma because
the block of your heart chakra is believing that your life is supposed to be painful and sad
because it’s always been that way. It’s also the nature of grief to avoid, avoid, avoid. It’s like
you’re scared it’s made out of quicksand and if you even touch it, even acknowledge the
presence of it you’ll get stuck and never get out.
YOU HAVE TO FACE IT. But I WILL DO IT WITH YOU. We face it for that week in teacher
training and then you’re cleared. Once you’re cleared you will absolutely know what it feels
like blocked, so when the block inevitably arises again you will know exactly what to do.

I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished in the grief field in my short career, through this
work and my book Painkillers (get a free sheet here!) .

Anger is unresolved grief, so anger issues would exist here in the heart as well.

Since doing work in the heart, it’s easy for me to speak and write because I’m not rearranging
information from the third eye. I’m sharing my story, I’m speaking from my heart. Nothing I say
here is someone else’s. It’s weathered, lived in, applied. That’s why it hits different.

What annoys you about the self help industry is having someone blab information at you
about the nonlinear nature of time, or the “fact” that we are Gods. But when someone speaks
from their HEART, everyone listens. People never remember what you tell them anyways, they
only remember how you made them feel. Opening the heart wide is the ability to share your
story. To really MOVE people. To inspire, not motivate, like real leaders do.

I would like to invite you and whatever you deem unsolvable in your life to see a live
demonstration of the work! The invite to this masterclass on the Seven Keys to Removing
Core Traumas is in your email, and you’ll get sent a replay as well.

Here’s a review from last time we did this workshop! Breathwork and dancing with every
chakra! Neither are mandatory, but they sure add to the experience.

I finally did the breathwork tonight and HOLY HIGH! That was so powerful and potent, the
best natural high! Also explains everything about why the choking game was popular back
when I was a kid... very similar feeling. Feel pumped and ready for this next one

How to know if you’re blocked in the Anahata:

Slave to the opinions of others, keeping your mouth shut, doing things for attention,
depression, anger, fear of what others will think, inability to make moves without
thinking of what other people will say and think, rehearsing arguments in the mirror,
“life hurts”, “love hurts”, inability to let things go, inability to forgive and feel a weight
lifted the second you do it, fear of sharing your story, sharing other people’s story,
having a rehearsed personality, being “on” all the time even when you’re tired, not
believing people when they say “ I love you” or “you’re talented”, hating yourself,
thinking you’re ugly, dumb, stupid etc, cringing at the word “love”, blowing up on people
to the degree you think you’re bipolar.
Vissuda is the most common block for women in business, and by far the sneakiest.
The block of Vissuda is jealousy, which is a lie that has festered into a defense of supremacy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. A what?

A lie. That festers into a defense of supremacy.

Don’t worry, we’ll unpack this.

Jealousy is like having a beautiful voice and horrible breath. When you have horrible breath, no
one wants to tell you that your breath stinks. Even if they did, they wouldn’t tell you what it was
that was causing your stinky breath. They wouldn’t say “your breath smells like a bad tooth”.
When you’re jealous, you don’t know you’re jealous. A lot of people think that a blocked
Vissuda chakra is the inability to speak, but it’s only the inability to speak truthfully. You can run
your mouth plenty with a blocked Vissuda, and here’s what it looks like when you do.
It begins with a lie, a deep rooted lie you never check that says “If she has it, I won’t”. Now,
this is not true at all. If she has it, and you want it, it’s a sign that you can get it. But your trauma
convinced you that if anyone else has anything you want, it’s a sign that you’ll never have it.
That’s the lie.
A lie can’t be digested, it lodges itself in the body creating all manner of psychological
heartburn, which shows up as an inability to stop thinking about this person, or let them go.
You run surveillance on them every time you feel like abusing yourself. You sigh and eyeroll at
their page, checking to see if they’ve had a public mental breakdown yet. You get yourself all
caught up, making sure the narrative you’ve assigned them still holds weight. You don’t know
why you do these things, all you know is, you can’t stop. Let’s say the narrative you have about
this person is “they’re always selling something, all they care about is money.”. You take this
judgment with you as you leave their page, and it starts to fester inside of you.
As you stew on the actions of other people, the words come and come. Before you know it, you
could write a whole post, blog, or newsletter about how you’re really happy that you’re NOT
one of those people who only cares about money. You explain how you’d rather be piss poor
with a little integrity than one of these money hungry coaches, preying on people’s insecurities.
This is called broadcasting your insecurities, which stinks to everyone, but no one wants to tell
you about it.
Even if they did, and said something like “sounds like you’re jealous”, you’d immediately begin
defending your supremacy MORE.
“ME? Jealous of THAT? No. I would never want to have a house that big. That is just too much
house, you’re obviously trying to compensate for something. I like my tiny house, I would
never want to be one of these people that just sell-sell-sells all the time. I am NOT jealous.”
You shut it down so effectively that help cannot reach you.
The worst part is that there will always be just enough people there saying “THIS!” and “YES I
feel the exact same way” that make you feel like you’re doing the right thing.
Actually, the real worst part is that what you’re judging them for is exactly what you need to
be doing. It’s really simple.
She has it, you want it.
What is she doing that you’re resistant to?
Why are you resistant to it?
How do you know you don’t need to do more of exactly this to get what you want?
Even if you don’t name names, and you’re just “calling out the call out industry” or whatever,
you can’t build a career based on what you dislike about other people.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. It doesn’t matter what anyone
else is charging. It doesn’t matter who has done it or hasn’t done it.

Your creative expression is unique, but you’ll never find it with a clogged Vissuda.

Vissuda means purification, and it’s all about keeping your sound current clean and free of
jealousy and judgement.

I had this so bad recently with a teacher whose 3k mastermind I joined and was completely
underwhelmed by. I put SO much effort into my projects, or at least I thought I did. Reading
back on the first draft of this book which was written around that time, I can’t believe I actually
released that, written like it was.

Anyways, I thought her content was voluminous and crappy, and that she had ripped me off.
I was certain that “crime doesn’t pay” and watched her obsessively to see if she would fail.
She was doing a lot of things I had done and tossed out of my business. When she didn’t fail, I
started to really question myself and my practice. Was I supposed to do this subscription thing
again? Should I be doing things differently, better, or more?

This whole world of “should” and “supposed to” is bullshit. There are no rules for doing
what you want to do, because it’s never been done before. There are plenty of people who
can mentor you, plenty of people who can inspire you, but comparing what you’re doing
to anyone else is just going to waste your time. And judging what anyone else is doing will
totally and utterly stop you because

You’re only ever insecure that other people are judging you when you are judging others.
This is a real problem. I had to stop working with a 1:1 client one time, the only time it ever
happened, because she just could not get her judgment under control, and as a result she
couldn’t move forward. She ended up trying to coach me, the judgments had grown to
become judgments of me, and at that point, learning was no longer possible. It was a real
lesson for me, as I had been that client to many coaches in the past. I would find the one
thing I didn’t like about what they were doing, and use it as an excuse to take down the whole
experience or try to turn the tables. Then I would run surveillance on them for years, hoping
God would punish them for falling short in the agreements they never made with me. I’m
sure it was as blatantly obvious to my coaches what my problem was as it was to me when
I was the coach, but they couldn’t tell me “You’re jealous.” because I wouldn’t have heard it
anyways. It was an incredibly humbling experience. You really cannot repay a teacher in ten
thousand lifetimes. I have a big cringe thinking about what a shitty client I was to so many
coaches, the whole time believing that I just had bad taste in coaches.
In the book Psychocybernetics, Dr. Maxwell points out that there really is no such thing as a
superiority complex, it’s only ever an inferiority complex. You feel inferior, grossly inferior, but
to soothe the throbbing, you pretend like you’re better than the person you secretly feel has
you beat.
If you want to know more about this block in particular, My workshop Jelly is included in the
free version of my app, Safehouse Global. If I remember correctly, it’s a bit long. Nowadays
I can convey three times as much in half as much time, like we’ll do for the Vissuda chakra
this round. If time is more valuable to you than money, you’ll be deeply satisfied with the
teachings I provide at the Safehouse subscription. My speed and accuracy is unmatched! If
money is more valuable to you than time, you’ll be deeply satisfied with the easy, $33 Bruja
Report subscription. It’s a lot more listening, but the information is all there if you have the
time to sift through it. Our finances are a limitation that provide us a great amount of style.
At the end of the month, I’ll be showing you the seven keys to these seven locks! I hope you’ll
attend. The invitation is in your email, and I’ll send you a replay as well

How to know if your Vissuda is blocked:

A judging problem, gossip and scandal addiction, seeing your industry as extremely
competitive, needing to be THE BEST, THE FAVORITE, never giving five star reviews,
only being able to see your win alongside someone else’s loss, internet surveillance,
feeling stuck in business, comparison addiction, fear of being judged, Notice when you
talk if you’re talking about yourself or others. Notice how many times when you’re talking
about others if you’re talking about what’s right with them or what’s wrong with them.
So Ajna means “command”. You say “AN-ya”. This chakra is the command center and that
means when you tell Earth to make moves for you, she does. And fast. It’s also known as Raja
chakra, King of Chakras. The temptation is always to open the third eye first. I did it, and it
was fucking awful. I ended up at the door of the psych ward. But more about that in the actual
workshop. Let’s tell you a quick story.

Shiva, God of the third eye, was married to Parvati. Parvati means “of the
mountains”. The mountains are the spine, and the spine is the rest of the
chakras. The chakras that touch the spine. Shiva would come around a
lot with all his third eye mind work, and try to barge into the pleasures of
Parvati, the chakras, while she was bathing. You can’t open the chakras by
thinking about it, with information from the third eye.. You have to open each
lock with their correct key. You can’t will them open.

So Parvati created Ganesha, God of the Root chakra, out of the dirt on her
body to protect her while she was bathing. The chakras need protection from
people trying to force them to open prematurely. Little Ganesha did protect
her, and so valiantly that when Shiva came to barge in on her for some
pleasure, Ganesha’s bravery led to Shiva cutting off his own son’s head.

Parvati was furious and she would NOT forgive Shiva, because the chakras
need protection from someone trying to outsmart inner child work. You
mustn’t open your third eye first because it needs to be grounded in the
Earth plane. With Ganesha. If you don’t do this, all the epiphanies you have
in the outer realms are useless to everyone but you. These are your UPG’s ,
your unverified personal gnosis. It’s not GROUNDED in any kind of reality,
including your own. It makes you sick, eventually. You must work your way
up. So Shiva gave Ganesha the head of an elephant, because elephants are
very wise and very slow. Ganesha is always depicted as a child because the
preparatory work you must do to climb the mountain and gradually open
your third eye is the work of the inner child. Before you ever attempt to raise
kundalini, you must ask Ganesha for permission first.
When your Ajna is open, your will is honored by the cosmos. All realities are possible. When
your Ajna is open, you have will. Will is the basis of all magic. Before you can use your fears
(passive black magic), and surrender (active red magic), you have to have a will.
Will is an absolute conviction that what you want will come into existence, combined with the
acceptance that it will not be handed to you. Will is saying “YES” to hard. It’s not the attitude
of “I hope nothing bad happens!”, it’s the attitude of “Whatever the fuck happens I will handle
it. I am going FORWARD in life and no fear will stop me”
The reason why will is seated so high in the chakras is that until you clear the lower ones, you
don’t really have will. You can be motivated by fear (root chakra) of not having something, or
losing something. You can be motivated by shame, wanting to “show them all”. You can even
be motivated by anxiety and the desire to control your life, but none of that is will because
it’s all coming from external pressure. Will comes from an internal state, and is something that
can be conjured based on something you want to achieve, not just something you need to
achieve. It’s significant.
You need a nice clear channel of will to have it honored. That clear channel is the freedom
from outdated stories you wrote about yourself when you were young, also known as trauma.
When this channel is clear you see a vision and you don’t feel crazy for not knowing the exact
HOW. You act and move from a place of knowing, eyes locked on your vision, and it happens,
with no apparent effort on your part, because you’re channeling what needs to be done.
It’s being done through you. It’s the UNIVERSE BENDING TO YOUR WILL. It’s power from a
different place. It’s still effort, that’s for sure, and it doesn’t happen overnight, but when you
have will time is irrelevant. In other words, when you have will, you just don’t CARE how long
it takes because you know it’s going to happen.

When it’s blocked you basically have ideas, feel bad about them, and then
feel worse every time you think of the outdated, step by step action plan of
how to get there. It’s the manic side of manic depression, which they now call
bipolar. All negative realities are possible and you can only focus on those out
of habit.

So if you open your third eye before knowing the truth of yourself (clearing the lower chakras)
you become schizophrenic. Schizophrenia means “split mind”, your mind is appropriately
split between personality, thinking, memory and perception. This is called being
enlightened. But if you woke yourself up on the internet or on psychedelics and you didn’t
clear your lower chakras, you can’t differentiate what’s true for someone else, what’s true for
you, and what’s objectively true. You instantly adopt other people’s beliefs because you have
a open mind, in a not so great way.
This can quickly spiral out of control, and if you start seeking out treatment for schizophrenia
or you start getting treated for schizophrenia, it never, ever works because you can’t unsee
what you’ve seen. You can’t unify those pieces back together. What you can do is clear the
lower chakras and be able to handle your visions. Be able to handle that your personality is
not you, your thinking is not you, your memory is not you, and your perception is not you. That
YOU are an awareness, a force, and a presence that only other enlightened beings REALLY
understand. But when your chakras aren’t cleared you simply can’t handle it. It’s like plugging
a washing machine into a power bar. Even if you could get it in the socket, it fries the whole
Schizophrenia is what happens when you awaken to the true, singular nature of existence.
Oneness. No good/bad , no right/wrong. No duality. That means that you will inevitably piss
off whatever God or institution handed you THEIR rulebook and told you to obey it.
There is no right or wrong and no one gets punished. You realize this gradually when you
work your way up the chakras, clearing each block objectively. But when you’re trying
to comprehend this rapidly, or if you open your chakras out of order and too fast, you get
straight up schizophrenia.
I have seen people go through the Western system on this. The pharmaceutical system.
The electroshock (yes they still do this) system. The therapy system. Stop speaking to these
MUGGLES! they do not understand what is happening to you! They will literally ruin you. They
will literally TAKE YOU DOWN.

Schizophrenia is not that weird or uncommon. It’s very easily relieved when you know what to
do. Very easy to stop hanging off the ledge and LIVE but not so easy to do when you’re living
in fear of God.

I’ve watched two people I love dearly get stuck in institutions, on antipsychotics, becoming
medicated to the point where 18 hours a day are spent sleeping. I’ve seen them go in and out
of hospitals, bolstered by their mothers’ codependency. I’ve seen them go on and off meds,
into electroshock therapy, and more hospitals. It has broken my heart wide open, and my
heart breaks every day which is why I do what I do. My grief is compassion. It breaks my heart
and my heart stays open to every person in the world who has ever experienced this. I cannot
help these people I’ve watched, all I can do is trust that when they are sufficiently frustrated
with their conditions, they will break loose. If not this lifetime, it will be the next.

When chicks break out of an egg, it’s not because of some beautiful miracle of life, it’s
because miracles are chaotic as fuck. The warm little egg, like your warm little comfort zone,
starts suffocating them. The chick knows nothing of the outside world, it’s been in a shell its
whole life calling it “the world”. Something inside of them says “Hammer the only hard thing
you have against the only thing you know. “ so it takes its beak, its will, and smashes it against
all of its existence until a tiny hole into the unknown appears.


Are you being suffocated in the endlessly looping cycles of pain you are calling life? You will
never know what’s outside of your comfort zone, just like the chick. It’s the great unknown.
And you won’t have nine million options for getting yourself out. You’ll have one, one beak,
and it will be scary. But it’s either taking your will and persisting, taking a risk, or staying in
your tiny little egg you call life and DYING. The only thing worse than dying with your music
still in you is dying while the song is still playing. Plenty of eggs never hatch.
You are here to LIVE and you’re not. You’re repeating a cycle that hurts you and never ends,
and you can be free. It’s just that this is a spiritual technology for a spiritual existence. You
will never find this healing in conventional places. They will only make you worse, physically,
mentally, emotionally worse.
5% of people who go on antidepressants will come off them. That means there’s a 95%
chance you can pull through if you don’t go on medication, if you don’t seek hospital
treatment when this happens to you. When the split happens, it means you’ve awakened,
now the only thing you’ll need to do is open the release valve in the Sahasrara, spread your
wings, and FLY.
All possible realities of you exist, which is fine when people are calling you their guru and
shit, but when someone tells you something of yourself you don’t like, maybe even using the
magic word to detonate the Ajna: “crazy” - you will literally go crazy.
I’m talking about going Britney (who still “can’t” leave her house), Amanda Bynes, Demi
Lovato. These ladies have STILL not healed their hearts and roots so they can’t trust in their
ability to execute on the visions they have for their lives

Wheels: Reinvented will take you to this awakening safely and fast, and train you to heal
others the same way. You could try to find this technology on accident but it took me years
to develop the bandwidth to handle the message, and then years to integrate what I had
downloaded. This workshop has taken five years of testing to get it to the level it’s now at.
Our call where I show you the seven keys for unlocking each of these locks

Do you have that kind of time?

Do you have years to wait for your life to start? If not, come to the masterclass. Invite is in your
Here’s a review from our last round in the Ajna:

When I met the unknown in my teens I wanted to stay there forever and have been
on a journey of playing a game of ping pong between my “human experience” and
my”spiritual experience” for years. The question “am I crazy” or the narrative that
people will think l’m crazy had been a bowling ball I just pick up over and over. I
could go on and on about this for much longer than I want to but I’ll just end with the
excitement of knowing all of life leads me to exactly where I’m meant to be.
Thank you @ONAMI

How you know if your Ajna is blocked:

You don’t actually think “I’m crazy”, you have the question “what if I’m crazy?” and that’s
what’s doing the damage.
You use the word manic (say magic instead), feel guilt over your creative process, don’t
understand your creative process, feel internally tortured with your ideas, feel like your
ideas are bad, feel like everyone thinks your crazy, seeing the unseen and not SEEING
That’s what’s happening, knowing the unknown and not KNOWING that’s what’s
happening. Writers block or any other creative block, paranoia, negative fantasies, can’t
get grounded
So the final chakra is not a chakra, it’s an opening, and this is kind of the most important part.
It’s a valve at the top of your head, that once opened allows your energy to leave the body
and be recharged on each exhale, before coming back in. It allows you to be constantly
refreshed by Source. It allows you to finally claim your God power by surrendering fully to
existence. It’s the step above manifesting your will. It’s allowing the Universe to twirl you, to
get something better than you could have ever imagined. To feel the sacred flow in all things
and float in it, effortlessly. It allows you to get things that are better than anything you could
have cooked up in the Ajna.
In sex magic, the strongest magic of all, and what my husband and I teach couples and
singles in our workshop Erotic Wealth, the Sahasrara is what you’re ejaculating out of. I’ll
explain this deeper in our masterclass but basically, we have the ojas, the strengthened
semen, and it contains the symbol, or the essence of what you are desiring to manifest.
The same way semen (men and women both have it) creates a child, when you infuse your
intention into the semen it creates the vision. Semen is creative juice so you can use it for
human creation, or world creation. Now, you have the hole at your base which is the pussy
itself or the dick hole itself, but when we are doing sex magic we want to energetically
shoot it up the spine and out of the crown of the head. You need a clear channel to do this,
because if you had a block in the Svadhisthana the energy would hit that, and create more
of the block. But if the Sahasrara isn’t open and everything else is, you wouldn’t be able to
transform anything, just change something, because the energy would all be contained in
your current iteration only.
If you have a cavity and you get it filled at the dentist, that’s change. But if you were to reverse
the cavity and fill it, defying what modern dentistry says is possible, that’s a transformation.
If you ejaculate from the Sahasrara, you are creating a new world, a new life for yourself
which deepens your trust in God and makes more surrender possible. If you ejaculate up a
clear channel and hit the Sahasrara, it’s still all mechanical. “I got a new job and it made me
more money . 1+1 =2” and the miracle has a man-made texture.
My video, How to Make a Quantum Leap - that’s calling Sahasrara powers in, full blast. You
have to DEFY the old laws and COMMAND new ones to come to your aid.
It’s the ability to surrender, which is Tantra. It’s bigger than will. Bigger than Ajna. Because
Ajna is YOUR greatest strength, but Sahasrara is THE greatest strength.
In a world of all possible realities, your Ajna, your command center can make any one of
those your real life existence, and you can manifest a whole lot of situations as a coping
mechanism for unhealed trauma.
Let me give you an exact example:
Me praying for a boyfriend that would never leave me so that I wouldn’t feel as alone as
I did after being raped for the first time. Creating codependent worlds where I attracted,
sought out, and kept boyfriends with hardcore addicitions that prevented them from living
independently of a caretaker.
I would get exactly what I wanted, but what I wanted was in response to unhealed trauma,
and it would start to go really really wrong.
Even when things weren’t as severe, I manifested my last home in response to unhealed
trauma and fear of the world ending, thanks to 13 formative years in a religious extremist
doomsday cult. All of your trauma happened before age 7. So my entire worldview was
through a lens of a cult I had left at 13, but hadn’t left the lens behind because I didn’t know I
was using it or how to take it off.
I got exactly what I wanted, surrounded by #preppers to boot, and it was a beautiful home
that I love to this day. What I didn’t love about it was the unhealed mindset that came right on
in there with me. The scarcity mindset of the world ending, and the us vs. them that comes
along with it. I would “worry” (aka judge) the people who were not also in the “right” place
like I was, while considering burying a shipping container (aka a Faraday) in my backyard in
case of an EMP. Everything about the house I manifested was beautiful, but every part of the
location was in response to unhealed trauma. It worked for a while, but when I woke up and
realized that doomsday was the only part of Christianity I practiced, everything about the
errors in my “perfect” world came crashing down like the Tower in the Tarot.
The Sahasrara is what you need when you start manifesting exactly what you want and hate
it. It’s what makes you go “hmm” when you get the opposite of what you thought you wanted,
like The Hanged Man, and love it.
Einstein said that the only question that matters is whether you believe in a friendly universe
or a hostile one, and this is really the key in the Sahasrara. The thing is, you are unconsciously
CONVINCED that the Universe does not have your back, and that if you were to let go and
TRUST that you would be horribly disappointed.
You’re not stupid for thinking this way, you have plenty of traumatic evidence to back it up.
You’ve been hurt plenty of times in your life but all of that is an OLD story which is no longer
relevant to your life.

Letting it go involves forgiving God for putting you through the ringer, instead
of hoping God will forgive you for being yourself.
This opening is sealed shut in most of humanity, meaning they never have access to higher
realms, higher power, and higher strength. They are furiously trying to be more, do more,
have more and none of it is working because what their soul is craving is IT’S TRUTH.
Look at this painting by Michelangelo, I’m about to activate it forever for you.

God is reaching out to Adam with every muscle, every fiber of It’s being. God reaches and
reaches and reaches and Adam is there, totally un-activated, not even trying. His hand is limp.
All he would have to do is extend his finger. All he would have to do is lift a finger. This is
literally Adam not lifting a finger. And this represents you, in the Sahasrara chakra right now.
You could access ALL of God. You could touch God in any moment and get ALL of that power,
ALL of that force, and it wouldn’t even be hard. It’s something you’re born with, something
you’re capable of. You would only have to lift a finger.
So how do we lift a finger? We become AWARE that there is a miracle taking place, in every
moment, in every situation. Your magic is to see the miracle. YOUR PURPOSE is to see the
miracle. Your DESTINY is to see the miracle.
Right now, we are in a miracle, you and me. Somehow I have found my way into your life.
I crawled and barfed and limped and survived four suicide attempts and a doomsday cult
and my boyfriend dying and like nine million moments of almost giving up in business to be
here with you sharing my story of healing, and its HITTING! Everything we’ve shared in this
30 page book has hit because I’m speaking to something that objectively exists inside of
you. I am telling you what the locks are made of in the doors you’ve been rattling, trying to
enter your whole life. I am showing you the key and what your resistance to using it is made
of. Right here, in this moment, healing is here, available to you, and all you have to do is say
YES to it. All you have to do is say YES to it. Even if you don’t have the money, you DECIDE
YES, I’m doing this. Either just for yourself and your healing which is definitely enough, or as
a teacher for ALL OF HUMANITY. The call to teach is Universal, but few respond. When you
decide, the whole Universe rearranges, the money arrives, and the miracle is made.
How do you decide? Tell three people. Or tell your social media. An
idea when shared becomes 100x times stronger, and the Universe
sees that this isn’t something you’re just talking about and starts
to turn in your favor. A line of credit arrives, a business idea, a
payment plan, or cash gift. I’ve seen no shortage of miracles arrive
to support someone’s DECISION to change their patterns and
transform their lives.
We open and close the cart pretty fast for this workshop, so come to our Masterclass
prepared to make moves! You’ve seen the seven locks here, now it’s time to see the seven
keys! You can commit right now, all you have to do is show up committed to your own
transformation. YOU CAN DO THIS. You can SO do this. We also offer a two week trial at my
school for free!

How you know your Sahasrara is blocked:

You’re stuck, like for real stuck. You JUST DON’T BELIEVE God has your back no matter
how hard you try, you can’t hear the word “God” without cringing. This is the home of
past lives, and in this module I will teach you how to do past life regressions in yourself
and others.
That’s a wrap for our tour of the core traumas everyone gets. I can’t wait to see you at our
masterclass where I show you the seven keys for removing them, and demonstrate the
work live. Thank you for letting me guide you on this trip.

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