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Listening Activity.

Story 1.
When I was younger, my mom and I never really saw ______ about the simple
stuff, my dress, my hairstyle, even the movies I watched. As I Grew older, I found
that my mom was too ____ on my choice of friends, what university I wanted to
study at, or what I wanted to do for my ____. When I was 18 I moved to a
different city to ____ my education. Moving away from home has totally changed
the way I think. My ____ on the world has broadened and also my opinion about
a lot of issues has changed. I've met people with different experiences, religions,
values, cultures, and ways of life. To my surprise, they respect each other's
opinions, I ____ home every semester but every time I do it, I find it really hard to
cope with my mom's principles. It is really frustrating.

Story 2
My sister, Diana, was getting ____ she had a lot of things to prepare for the
wedding day. Working as a clerk in a small company with the small take-home
pay, she couldn't afford to ____ a wedding gown. She was downhearted. I invited
Diana to pray together hoping that some ____ may happen. A week later there
was a video call from my grandmother. Granny was ____ years old. She told Diana
“When I heard that you were getting married, I was so happy. I went to my
cupboard and took my ___ gown out that I wore when I married your grandpa”
Dianna cried happily. on her wedding day she wore the dress proudly she walked
down the aisle gracefully on Granny's wedding gown

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