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We believe the Earth is about 4-6 billion years old.

At precent we are forced to look to other bodies in the

solar system for hints as to what the early history of the Earth was like. Studies of our moon, mercury,
mars and large satelites of Jupiter and Saturn have provided ample evidence as well. The lunar record
indicates that the rate of impacts decreased to its present low level about 4 billion years ago. On Earth,
subsequent erosion and crustal motions have obliterated the creates that must have formed during this

Scientist estimate the Earth’s age by measuring the rations of varios of radioactive elements in rocks. The
oldest Earth’s rocks tested thus far are about 3 1/3 billion years old. But no one knows whether these are
oldest years old. Scientist believe that this is the true age of th e solar system and probably the true age of
the Earth.

1. In line 8, the word “obliterated” means

(A) created
(B) destroyed
(C) changed
(D) eroded

2. According to this passage, how do scientists estimate the age of the Earth?
(A) By measuring the ratios of radioactive elements in rocks
(B) By examining fossils
(C) By studying sunspots
(D) By examining volcanic activity

3. Scientists estimate the age of the Earth as …

(A) 3 1/3 billion years old.
(B) 4 billion years old.
(C) 4.6 billion years old.
(D) 6 billion years old.

4. Which of the following processes led to the obliteration of the craters formed by the bombardment of
the Earth by the celestial bodies?
(A) Volcanic activity
(B) Solar radiation
(C) Gravity
(D) Crustal motions

5. According to the passage, why are scientists forced to look at other bodies in the solar system to
determine the early history of the Earth?
(A) Human alteration of the Earth
(B) Erosion and crustal motions
(C) Solar flares
(D) Deforestation

1. The midninight sun is a phenomenon in which the sun visible remains in the sky for twenty-four
hours or longer.
Answer: B
Keyword : the sun
Pembahasan : visible remains -> remains visible. Kata the sun dalam anak kalimat di atas
memerlukan predicate bukan noun phrase (visible remains) Yang tepat seharusnya remains
2. _______ the demands of aerospace, medicine, and agriculture, engineers, are creating exotic new
metallic substance.
a. Meet
b. They are meeting
c. Being meeting
d. To meet

Answer: D

Keyword : the demands of aerospace

Pembahasan : Pola infinitive phrase: to infinitive + object of to infinitive. Kalimat tersebut

menyatakan tujuan atau maksud. Maka dibutuhkan to infinitive phrase. Sehingga pilihan phrase
yang tepat untuk mengisi rumpang tersebut adalah to meet.
3. Mary Garden, _____ the early 1900’s was considered one of the best singing actresses of her
a. a soprano was popular
b. in a popular soprano
c. was a popular soprano
d. a popular soprano in
Answer: D
Keyword : Mary Garden
Pembahasan : Kalimat pada soal membutuhkan Appositive Phrase. Mary Garden dan appositive
phrase (a popular soprano) memiliki makna yang sama. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah a
popular soprano in.
4. On Ellesmere island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist of a nearly hundred large stumps
on an exposed coal bed.
Answer: B
Keyword : hundred large stumps
Pembahasan : a nearly -> nearly Kata “a nearly” tidak memerlukan indefinite article/determiner
“a”, karena kata benda stumps adalah plural.

5. ____ James A. Bland, “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” was adopted is the state song of Virginia
in 1940.
a. Was written
b. His writing was
c. He wrote the
d. Written by

Answer: D

Kalimat di atas membutuhkan Adjective Phrase untuk menerangkan kata benda “Carry Me Back
to Old Virginny”. Frasa ajektif yang paling tepat adalah Written by. Mengapa disebut frasa ajektif,
karena past participle (v3) yang tidak ditemani bentuk be atau have adalah sebuah ajektif.

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