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“The Talbert Files” Overview

Book found by EAE | Information compiled by PAE, RAE, and SAE

| Overview organized by FAE

The Freddy Files is a guidebook that was released in August 2017 that acted as a
gameplay strategy guide and collection of speculative ideas for the franchise’s mythos.

It covered all the released material at the time (excluding the spin-off FNaF World),
specifically FNaF 1, 2, 3, 4, Sister Location, The Silver Eyes, and The Twisted Ones.

However, the released version was only one of many drafts Scott Cawthon wrote.

The Freddy Files was originally a straightforward lore guide for FNaF 1 to Sister
Location, with teasers for the sixth installment sprinkled throughout.

The book is framed as an investigation by Paranormal Investigator Christopher Ryans-

Talbert, an online blogger with an “alternate agenda” who misdirects the reader in many
instances in order to fulfill said agenda.
Instead of proposing theories and ideas based on objective analysis of events that
occur in the series, it was an attempt to create a comprehensive and detailed description of
the series up until that point.

Dated May 19th, 2017, this proof of concept copy appears to line up with a draft Scott
Cawthon mentioned in passing many years ago, specifically what is marked as Version 3 in the
image below.

However, those who know of this books’ existence simply refer to it as “The Talbert
When EAE first got his hands on this book, he emailed Scott Cawthon about it, asking
about how its contents should be treated and whether it should be publicly shown off.

Scott replied.

“I'm not sure how this managed to even get out, but I appreciate you letting me know first
instead of going around throwing things about.

“Needless to say; I can't really control what you do with the book. You're absolutely right
that this getting out would cause strife- however it's not my place to say you can't reveal
anything, what's out there is out there. (I do appreciate you being cautious though.) :)

“To answer your question, I didn't scrap the book because it revealed too much lore. There
have been many times over the years where I've planned on dumping everything into one
condensed plot; but it's always ended in unsatisfactory. In a state that the lore is in, how
exactly do I conclude something on that scale? Would it really count at a conclusion, and how
exactly can I wrap a plot up without any questions or sacrifices ?

“In that book in particular, you are seeing less of the story; but moreso ideas for a story I
had. Making another game to clear up loose ends was my priority at that point, and I explored
many scopes during that time period. (ultimately leading to most of them being scrapped,
however that's the sacrifice needed to be made.)

“I can't tell you exactly what changed, but a lot of that book was me jotting down ideas
while I wanted to expand the story, ultimately, it did in fact turn into a prequel story for
the next game- one that was too much of a buildup for its own good. There comes a point in
time when writing a story where you need to explore many possibilities within a canon- while
authors may reuse things, there can be plot details that no longer make it into the final
draft; things can also be different, but inspired off of ideas I had prior. A lot of the
characters in that book went through that exact process, eventually being used years later in
different stories.

“I had two options to make writing that book- cancel a game I didn't want to make or release
one with an unsatisfactory story; I decided the former. That resulted in many ideas for the
story (which you can see remnants of in that book) being thrown out, while some were refined.
I couldn't plan on making a game to tie up loose ends if I had already made a book doing such
- there would be no finale, and ultimately there would be characters I conceptualize and then
throw out with no question. It requires years of thought process ahead, so I had to sacrifice
that exploration of the story to be thrown out to non canonicity despite some characters
being refined for different plots years later.

“I do appreciate the concern and I hope this eases things, when FNaF 6 released things went
smoothly to where it wasn't that confusing as everyone seemed to grasp that conclusion of the
lore and what it told; one a lot smaller than what I had prior, but for the best. :)

“Please don't stress over this as it's not your story, as much strife as things can cause I
will leave it to you to decide. But just remember how the community is; it's hard to
understand what's canon and what were ideas jotted down at a point - whatever is released is
what's canon.

“Take a break if you need to, it's a start of a new year. Thanks once again. Goodnight :)”

(Additional email)

What should be made absolutely clear here is his final statement: WHATEVER IS RELEASED

Many of the things in this book were later repurposed for future FNaF stories and
projects, and while there is material that currently still lines up with releases material,
at the very most, confirmation within this book should be taken as dubiously canon.

Now, let’s begin.

- SIDE NOTE (provided by FAE)

JOURNAL ENTRY: "Daddy's Project" (Cassidy Tucker)

Daddy took me into work today, he showed me so many things. So many colorful characters, so
many great friends to meet! My favorite color is green, he made one just for me, her name is
Happy Frog.

[Image of Cassidy holding hands with Happy Frog]

It appears as if Emmett Tucker’s original role in the story was as a Fazbear
Entertainment engineer who created the Mediocre Melodies, possibly in an attempt to link back
to the strange masks in Happiest Day.

Emmett’s utilization in canon material is cosmically insignificant compared to what he

initially was going to be used for.

Instead of being the father of the Puppet, Emmett was made to be a side character in
the Fazbear Frights story “Find Player 2!”.
JOURNAL ENTRY: "Uncle Steve" (Cassidy Tucker)
Daddy spoke to two men today, I recognised one of them as Uncle Steven, he says they’re not
related. It is just like Uncle Hippo. However, Steven isn't as old and raggedy as Uncle Hippo

[Drawing of Old Man Mr Hippo in rocking chair]

Phone Guy, or Steven Callahan, appears to have originally been planned to have a fair
degree of importance in the story.

NOTE: From Emmett to Management of AR (Emmett Tucker)

Dear Will,

Please just give me a chance, I know my project isn't as high tech of what you dream. You are
sick in the head and I'm tired of you bossing me around. Just pay me and I'll take my money
and go far away from this place never to be seen again. My family is already in a low income
state and I've taken out enough funds from my savings to dedicate my life for this project
just to satisfy you. So I quit, take what else you want from me left.

William took that last part literally.

CHILD DRAWING: “My Happiest Day” (Cassidy Tucker)

A letter that has been written in child's writing, "My Happiest Day", with a bunch of
scattered children's drawings behind it. Letter is TBA.

Freddy and Bonnie are drawn in pitch black, with a little girl holding their hands in the
middle. Writing above it, "You are not one of them".

MISCELLANEOUS: The connection between Steve Callahan and

Michael Afton (META - SAE)
Talbert says the “unknown incident in 83” was Steve having an altercation with Michael.
Either Talbert is purposefully ignoring the existence of William’s second son, can’t
find any information on him, or a little bit of both.

DOCUMENTS: List of properties under Afton's name [TEMPORARY

⁃ 1st: 200 100 N New Harmony Utah, “3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1 story"
⁃ 2nd: 225 Center St Pine Valley, Utah (Under lease by Afton Robotics LLC), "4
bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 story"

This indicates that the observatories shown on the Breaker Room map in Sister Location
are or were initially meant to be one building owned by Afton Robotics.
BLOGPOST: Stop Asking Questions (Doctor Christopher Ryans-Talbert)
Please stop asking about the rumors of Afton’s second son, there are no records, I have no
interest in looking into this. I can discuss his divorce in 1983 however.

DOCUMENTS: Divorce Documents

⁃ Marianne v Emmett Tucker

The first and only reference to Mrs. Afton, showing that they divorced in 1983.


[Talbert] also scribbled out Fredbear’s and put [the location of Cassidy’s death] as Freddy’s
for some reason.

Here, Talbert is trying to erase the events of the Take Cake to the Children mini-game
from history. One may assume at first glance this is Talbert “correcting” the location of the
incident, but later in the book, you can see he is trying to propagate the idea that the
victim seen in that mini-game died June 26th, 1985. The debate seen here isn’t “is Take Cake
Freddy’s or Fredbear’s”, it’s “did the victim die at this point or at this point”.

This implies and even confirms that the Take Cake to the Children mini-game was always
meant to depict Fredbear’s Family Diner.
JOURNAL ENTRY: December 1983 (William Afton)

“For all my mortal life I have not been able to fully grasp exactly why I do not feel the
things that are deemed "normal". In fact. All I feel is rage, toward others who do not
deserve the life they have been given, not taking advantage of what lies beyond tangibility.
Despite the death of my very own son I feel no sorrow, no regret, no pain. I feel ridicule.
And the burning fury within me continues like a rolling thunder. But rage will not get me
anywhere, not unless I mend it into something else. If there is meaning to life- If there is
a purpose to all the hardships and sorrow, it will remain an elusive dream. For some, the
mystery of death and the afterlife is frightening and overwhelming. But I have learned to
embrace those unknowns. If anything deserves the name god, it is the very laws of nature
themselves- the only universal truth, the only higher powers we must all bow down to, before
our time runs out.
“Every place he walked and every tear he shed left its effect in reality. Truly, one cannot
die if there remains a piece; it is only a part of them that dies. I will replicate this; and
I will create something with the power to give the gift of life. I simply just need a
volunteer. Perhaps that Tucker girl. She shines too much of a bright smile, she is a
container for love that will soon burst. I will repurpose her.”

- W.A.

This is the first ever example of William Afton being given proper characterization
within the games, with it lining up fairly well with his character in the novel trilogy; a
man incapable of feeling love whose ego is wounded by said fact.

Despite the death of his son, he feels nothing. Not agony, not sadness, not even
anger, but rather ridicule.

If you were to take this journal, replace “that Tucker girl” with “Henry’s girl”, and
leave the rest unchanged, it would still fit perfectly with the story of the games.

This also implicates the Bite of 83 as the earliest event in the timeline.


Excerpt from "Autobiography of a Yogi". Below is text saying "Give Gifts, Give Life".

The Puppet is in a bubble with “ME” written beneath.
Oh yeah that's another thing that changed in final lore lol, Afton was gonna make the Puppet.
Now it's Henry.

NEWSPAPER CLIPPING: December 21st 1983 - "New Harmony

woman found disembodied in backyard"
[Emmet Tucker's Divorce Notes Attached]

[Missing Child Poster also Attached]

Have you seen her? Missing Child. Contact this number. 1-800-999-999 - Emmett Tucker

William tried to implicate Emmett for the murder of his ex-wife and his daughter.

MISCELLANEOUS: Continuity Error (META - EAE)

Here's a funny thing: there's a continuity error in this book. Cassidy was said to have died
on Halloween (basically the edited trilogy newspaper) but in December 1983 it says he's gonna
kill her.
This newspaper appears to have copied text from the Silver Eyes, explaining the
inconsistency. If it had been finalized, it would have most likely been fixed.


By the way, it wasn't archived, but from what I remember, the reason Cassidy was in Golden
Freddy was because Steve Callahan and Cassidy Tucker were so close, William put a piece of
Cassidy's soul in Callahan's Fredbear suit so they'd always be together.

NOTE: To Steven Callahan from William Afton (William Afton)

Steven, I know how it feels to lose someone. I'm sorry for the loss of your daughter. I know
I can't replace her, but I can show you something that'll be a gift. Do you remember that
Tucker boy?

This is the only mention of Callahan having a daughter within the book. Seemingly, her
presence is only to motivate Afton to experiment with Cassidy’s soul, resulting in the
creation of Golden Freddy.
BLOGPOST: (Doctor Christopher Ryans-Talbert)
I’ve said this already, but there is no second son of Afton.

I have no interest in researching ghosts being in the building before June 26th 1985.

- Talbert

MISCELLANEOUS: Circus Baby’s Pizza World

Circus Baby's Pizza World was born, featuring three state of the art robotic entertainers.

Circus Baby’s is said to have been open for a year before facing difficulties.

Primary Control Module: "Circus Baby's Pizza World is open Monday through Friday".



It appears as if Scott accidentally had sent the ghostwriter team an older script for
Sister Location, resulting in some inconsistencies with the released game.

Circus Baby’s was open for a full year originally, and you worked there while it was
still open.

Funtime Freddy also doesn’t appear to have originally been planned to be present at
the establishment.

NEWSPAPER CLIPPING: Local Pizzeria under investigation for

unidentified child
Employees have seen a little girl running around in the pizzeria in March 1985, people wonder
if she is a missing child from years ago.
This newspaper was created to justify how the cameras could’ve picked up 5 children
being lured to the backroom of Freddy’s.

PROFILE: Missing children, MCI June 26th 1985

⁃ Susie Mosteller
⁃ Gabriel Gardner
⁃ Fritz Smith Jr.
⁃ Jeremy Fitzgerald Jr.
⁃ My Beloved Daughter, Cassidy Talbert

[Accompanied by drawings of flowers]

The full names of Jeremy and Fritz reveal a family connection to their FNaF 2
counterparts. This is one of the few things that is most likely still the case in canon.


Fazbender42: I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "your beloved daughter". I’ve looked into
your personal database records and don’t see anything about adoption or ancestry.


For some odd reason, it appears as if Talbert is attempting to spread the idea that
Cassidy was HIS daughter and that she died June 26, 1985, and not December 21, 1983.

He doesn’t appear to be doing this in conjunction with Fazbear Entertainment either.

As a matter of fact, almost his entire character has been completely changed since
“Doctor Talbert” is a prominent character in the Fazbear Frights Stitchwraith
Stingers, with his role being that of a scientist who studies and utilizes remnant.

Oddly enough, while his original role was that of a villain and stooge for Fazbear
Entertainment, the Stitchwraith Stingers present him as thematically similar to Henry.

It seems as if the Stitchwraith Stingers’s other remnant-studying scientist, Phineas

Taggart, inherited some of the original Talbert’s quirks, notably that of collecting haunted
objects and (presumably) an aversion to other people.
PROFILE: MCI Suspects (as of 1985, June 26)
⁃ William Afton, Age 40
Most obvious and known suspect. Had an obsession with the Bonnie robot. Reportedly is a
diagnosed schizophrenic, because he has seen the Shadow Animatronics... possibly a
misdiagnosis. Lost a child to a gas leak, named "Abaigael".

⁃ Steve Callahan, "Phone Guy", Age 34, Deceased

Has a history with the company dated from 1983, has an interest in robotics. One of the first
testers for the springlock mechanisms. Worked closely with Afton, who is a potential suspect.
Inspiring entrepreneur, lost a lot of money in a gambling session, was potentially seeking
out insurance by killing children?

⁃ Michael Afton, Age 17, Convicted of Manslaughter, incident unknown

[Multiple sentences, scribbled out in red.]
[Attached sticky note]
Dismiss this, Mike Schmidt is innocent.

⁃ Emmett Tucker, Ex-Fazbear employee

Designed the costumes for the "Mediocre Melodies". Anger issues, lashed out at Afton when
they broke the news they would not use his line of animatronics.
William’s misdiagnosis of schizophrenia is seemingly confirmed by Cassidy creating
artwork of the Shadow Animatronics.

Elizabeth’s original name was Abaigael. It appears as if it’s being reused for the
movie, where Mike’s little sister is named Abby as opposed to Elizabeth.

Callahan’s gambling session may be a nod to show Scott Cawthon developed a variety of
mobile slot machine games in order to pull in small amounts of money for his family prior to
the release of the first FNaF.

Michael was convicted of manslaughter for the Bite of 83 at the age of 15, and
Talbert’s note casually confirms his identity as FNaF 1’s guard: Mike Schmidt.


The MCI safe room was planned to be sealed before the murders, and was only sealed as soon as
they happened. The bodies were never found because they were sealed inside.

MISCELLANEOUS: Leaked court documents from the MCI trial (META -

William's attorney mentioned how he was involved in funding several sources alongside Fazbear
Entertainment programs. It is claimed he was not present at the pizzeria during the murders,
but Phone Guy was. William was visiting a warehouse, because one of the projects he was
funding was construction for an experiment.
Emmett Tucker ultimately was charged for the murders, although he was released as
stated in the FNaF 1 newspaper.

“…the suspect has been charged…”


Fazbear Entertainment was receiving financial aid from an unknown source during this time
(FNaF 2).

[Note attached]
"Why are they keeping these spare robots in the back room?"

NEWSPAPER CLIPPING: New and Improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

put on lockdown under suspicion of murder
On the night of October 31st, five teens in St. George, Utah have gone missing. Police are
currently investigating if this has anything to do with the FFP murders. No bodies or
evidence were found near or around the pizzeria.
This implies the intended reading of the phone calls and mini-games as FNaF 2 being
that the murders happened the week before, as Jeremy’s workweek ends November 13th, 1987.

It implies that the mention of working a “summer job” is irrelevant and is merely just
strange wording. The calls are not prerecorded.

It was also a popular headcanon that the FNaF 2 murders was an instance of teenagers
breaking into Freddy’s and getting murdered by William acting as a security guard. This is
derived from the idea that The Silver Eyes novel borrowed this general structure.
Emmet Tucker was in the Toy animatronic's criminal database, under house arrest for trying to
kidnap his daughter, who he did not have custody over due to a divorce.


“They’ve spent a small fortune on these new animatronics, uh, facial recognition…”

NOTE: A sticky note goes over the Night 6 phone call... (Doctor Christopher
I'm convinced Steven has a fascination with life beyond death. On the sixth phone call on the
night of the guard's shift, it is mentioned Steven would have taken the job afterwards.

[Little blurb of red text] “How would Steven have known about the usage of the golden suit?”


Talbert tries to convince the reader that William Afton is not actually the murderer, pinning
it on [Steven Callahan] instead.
This is an instance of Talbert spreading misinformation based on popular theories
within the fandom that have since been debunked, specifically the theory that the Phone Guy
was the killer.


One of Talbert’s blog posts mentions in passing that Foxy committed the Bite of 87.


[Mike Schmidt] is having the [FNaF 2] dreams.

Whether or not this is a misdirect or fact is unknown.



[Circled and in red ink]

“Phone Guy”

In what is the latest in a string of disappearances at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, another guard
has vanished during his final shift.

The guard, identified as Steven Callahan, was last seen leaving the establishment around 10
PM on Saturday night. The establishment was reportedly closed at the time of Callahan’s
disappearance, making him the second night guard to disappear in the city of Hurricane this

Police are currently searching for any information on Callahan's whereabouts, but so far have
come up empty handed.


The FNaF 1 Golden Freddy poster actually happens canonically, dubbed the “Golden Freddy

The FNaF 1 Night 4 phone call ends with Golden Freddy’s roar. It looks like, strangely
due to Steven and Cassidy’s connection, Golden Freddy ended up being the one to kill him.

(The “loud screech” is Golden Freddy’s roar)


Oh yeah Talbert goes on an extended vacation to Aruba at one point in the book. Just find
that funny.


[Doctor Christopher Ryans-Talbert] was being paid from FE.

There is another paycheck from Fazbear Entertainment for 100,000 dollars, with an attached
letter... "Fazbear Entertainment, Regarding your last invoice,".


Talbert directly quotes "Putting the pieces back together" in reference to figuring out what
happened at Freddy's.

Talbert just says "They have a place for him" with no context or reason.
Talbert is apparently said to be part of the team that finds Springtrap.

“We’re gonna take a peak, and see what we can find.”


Fazbear Frights Horror House, created by Fazbear Entertainment to capitalize on the rumors.


Talbert describes the Happiest Day mini-games as actual physical arcades in the FNaF 3
location, influenced by what is essentially remnant, "Emotional Residue". He ignores them

NOTE: (From Fazbear Frights Horror House Management)

From management: "Please make it apparent that none of the arcades in the building are for
entertainment use, they are only for display."
⁃ Freddy Fazbear plush (Vintage, Auctioned off to Christopher T)
⁃ Bonnie Bunny plush (Vintage, Auctioned off to Christopher T)
⁃ Chica Chicken plush (Vintage, Auctioned off to Christopher T)
⁃ Foxy Fox plush (Vintage, Auctioned off to Christopher T)
⁃ Yellow Bear Plushie (Vintage, Auctioned off to Christopher T)
⁃ Marionette Mask (Vintage, Auctioned off to Christopher T)
⁃ Charred Bonnie Toy Figurine, (Vintage, Auctioned off to Christopher T)


“The few items that were salvaged will be sold at a public auction.”

MISCELLANEOUS: Paycheck to Talbert

[To Talbert.] Second paycheck, from an independent source for $100, with an attached
letter... "I know who you are. Contact this number. St. George, Utah, 934-012-33..."
The phone number listed makes a strange reappearance as Charlotte’s bracelet code.


Local residents have named it the Stitchwraith, as it has been seen mending multiple toys
into a collection of items, while also carrying what appears to be a stitched plush in its
right hand. People describe the ghastly figure as a dead man walking.

The St. George Stitchwraith receives its name from rumors that the ghastly figure was
stitching bodies together and putting them into trash bags overnight. There are also rumors
that it is stuffing human remains into multiple stitched plushies. The whereabouts of the
Stitchwraith are unknown, but the police continue to investigate.
REPORT: St. George, Utah - Rumors of a dead man walking
The man was walking through town, collecting things in alleyways wearing a black cloak. His
face was discolored and purple. His eyes were missing, with pinprick white dots.

It appears as if Michael Afton originally was planned to take the role of the
Stitchwraith as an urban legend while also possibly killing people.

In the Fazbear Frights “Stitchwraith Stingers”, the reader follows the perspective of
an endoskeleton haunted by the spirit of two boys named Jake and Andrew.

REPORT: St. George Cryptid Phenomenon
The voice from the sewer drain - The citizens from St. George, Utah were startled by strange
noises coming from the sewer drain. It was described as a groaning voice. Also described as
unsettling, eerie.

Reports of Phenomenon of children speaking to sewer drains - Parents note the eerie
similarities to IT. It is speculated to be the voice of a ghost, or wild animal.


St. George has recently been under fire for many urban legend phenomena.

What people claim to be children running across the streets at night, disappearing into
seemingly thin air.

Reported children disappearing into sewers. Security camera footage has not reported any
sightings of these children, however there have been too many accounts for it.

[A drawing is attached... It's a drawing of a singular stick figure, saying "My fun day" with
a cake on the table.]

For the following two reports interestingly lean into the angle of the FNaF 6 salvages
animatronics being urban legends within Utah before the events of the game.

Many of the visuals surrounding the salvaged animatronics evoke said vibe.

(A teaser for FNaF 6 in the released Freddy Files)

(Renders of the salvaged animatronics in the back alleyway from FNaF 6)

REPORT: Clown Scrapyard Cryptid

A group of local teens were exploring an abandoned junkyard when they discovered a strange
figure in a pile of trash. They described the figure as tall, and thick. It was described as
having a grotesque face, and lobster claw-like hand. It is rumored to be responsible for a
series of mutilations taking place around town.

This is Scrap Baby. It seems as if she was responsible for some random instances of
murder within the town.


A resident of St. George reported that their child mentioned a voice coming from their attic.
things got a bit more sinister when the boy's pet rabbit disappeared overnight. When the
parents walked in on the gruesome sight, they noticed a bear-shaped silhouette ascending into
the attic.
This is Molten Freddy. Interesting how he seemed to have killed a boy’s pet rabbit, it
seems as if it reminded them of someone…

MISCELLANEOUS: Emmett Tucker Search History (August 2023)

⁃ How to light lighter fluid efficiently
⁃ Missing Child Reports between 1980-1999 in Washington County, Utah
⁃ Where is Fredbear's Family Diner? New Harmony Utah

Further parallels between Emmett Tucker and Henry Emily, as Emmett originally played
the same role Henry would later fill in the released FNaF 6.

Fredbear’s Family Diner is also implied to be the setting for original FNaF 6,
reinforcing the idea that the setting of the released FNaF 6 is a repurposed Fredbear’s
Family Diner.


Did you guys figure out that Talbert was the original FNaF 6 protagonist and that, in fact,
this job listing was intended for him, and that it would certainly be an odd circumstance if
Michael were to perhaps find that job listing not intended for him?

I wonder if that is referenced in the final game.

This is referenced in the released FNaF 6.

With the canonical Doctor Talbert’s knowledge of remnant, it could be that Henry
intended to work with him during the released FNaF 6 before Michael took the position

FOR THE FUTURE: Dark Horse Comics

The last page of the released Freddy Files was a peek into the future for the series,
promising more games and books. Notably, a tease at Scrap Baby for FNaF 6 was present.

The Talbert Files’s last page ALSO was similar in structure to this. However, it
mentioned one thing that has never come to fruition: a Five Nights at Freddy’s Dark Horse
Comics series.

While this was ultimately ditched in favor of the (not very good) graphic novel
adaptation of the Silver Eyes, we do possibly have a remnant of this.

In 2020, Brian Churilla made a tweet showing off a “tryout for a Five Nights at
Freddy’s GN series”.
During FNaF 1-4, Scott was largely throwing ideas at the wall, but by Sister Location
and especially FNaF 6, he began actually planning things out.

Rarely does he completely get rid of ideas. Often, they’ll work their way back into
the franchise, even if they are radically different. Hell, the Fazbear Frights books seem to
largely only exist because he scrapped this book.

This really recontextualizes almost every comment he said around this time period,
ESPECIALLY in regards to FNaF 6.

When FNaF 6 was “canceled” and then released a few months later, many assumed his
original statement on the game’s development was a joke.

However, knowing what he was planning this entire time recontextualizes this to a
pretty insane degree.

FNaF World was something Scott described as a lesson in learning to respect his
fanbase. The Fazbear Frights books ultimately served as a lesson in learning how to reel in
concepts in order to make them feel like they can coexist within one universe.

The Talbert Files serves as one of the most important lessons Scott ever learned: PLAN
In an attempt to give fans what they wanted, a conclusion that answered every little
lingering unanswered question in the first four games, Scott made something too bloated for
its own good and hackneyed in all the wrong places.

He wanted to tell a story that he enjoyed putting together. Fans wanted a playable
visual encyclopedia.

Doesn’t that sound familiar?

At the end of the day, Scott decided to line the story up with the novels,
particularly by introducing Henry and Charlie to the prime canon in place of Emmett and

Cassidy was chosen to be the name of Golden Freddy’s child victim, Emmett Tucker was
reduced to a similar but significantly smaller role in a singular Fazbear Frights story, and
Michael’s identity as the St. George Stitchwraith was given to a new character.

It’s reassuring to know Scott doesn’t throw things away. No matter how insignificant
the idea can be, he always finds a way to work things back in.

With the movie coming soon, maybe we’ll see the return of Steven Callahan, or Jeremy
Fitzgerald Sr., and maybe some time after that, this will become public.

For now, all we can do is wait.


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