Teaching Comprehension of Double-Meaning Jokes To Young Children

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Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 2021, 54, 1095–1110 NUMBER 3 (SUMMER)

Teaching comprehension of double-meaning jokes

to young children
Marianne L. Jackson , Rocio M. Nuñez and Dana Maraach
California State University, Fresno

Chelsea J. Wilhite
California State University, Fresno and University of Nevada, Reno

Jp D. Moschella
California State University, Fresno

Various forms of humor are an important aspect of social interactions, even at an early age.
Humor comprehension is a repertoire that is said to emerge between the ages of 7 and 11 years,
and this is primarily attributed to a child’s level of cognitive development. The behavioral litera-
ture has suggested that various forms of complex verbal behavior, including the use and compre-
hension of humor, are learned operants that can be taught using systematic teaching procedures.
The current study used multiple exemplar training and a three-step error correction procedure
to teach comprehension of double-meaning jokes to 4 children (2 females and 2 males) aged
between 5 and 6.5 years old. All participants demonstrated humor comprehension and apprecia-
tion, across multiple exemplars, following training, and maintained this at follow-up. Implica-
tions for use with clinical populations are discussed.
Key words: humor comprehension, multiple exemplar training, visual prompts

Nonliteral language, the use of words in an overall mental health and physical well-being
abstract rather than literal sense, is a form of (Bennett et al., 2003; Epstein & Joker, 2007;
complex verbal behavior known to play an Martineau, 1972; McGhee, 2010; Yoshikawa
important role in social interactions. Common et al., 2018).
types include metaphors, analogies, sarcasm, Despite the many documented benefits of
and humor. Responding to nonliteral language humor and laughter, it is a widely overlooked
is essential from a young age (Lazar topic in psychology. Much of the work has
et al., 1989; Levey & Polirstok, 2011, p. 46), been conceptual or has focused on the benefits
and difficulties in this area can result in issues associated with various measures of humor
such as bullying and deficits in social and emo- (Epstein & Joker, 2007). A small body of
tional development (Emerich et al., 2003). research has examined the development of chil-
Research has shown that forms such as humor dren’s humor and viewed it as a two-stage pro-
can contribute significantly to an individual’s cess (Aykan & Nalçaci, 2018; McGhee, 1971,
1979, 2002). The first stage, humor compre-
We would like to thank Jonathon Tarbox and Laura
Grow for their helpful comments and guidance at various hension, is described as an understanding of
stages in this project. We would also like to thank Jamie the context of the joke and identification and
Perez for creating all of the illustrations and Shayne resolution of the incongruity (the part that
Gazmin for his assistance in conducting the study.
Address correspondence to: Marianne L. Jackson, doesn’t initially make sense). The second stage,
California State University, Fresno, Department of humor appreciation, is the overt or covert
Psychology, 2576 E San Ramon Ave, M/S ST II, Fresno, humor response (e.g., laugh, smile, or positive
CA 93740. Email: majackson@csufresno.edu, https://
orcid.org/0000-0002-1066-413X feeling) as a result of the resolution of the
doi: 10.1002/jaba.838 incongruity.
© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society
for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (SEAB).
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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1096 Marianne L. Jackson et al.

McGhee (1971) examined humor compre- in the joke set-up “What do you call a bear
hension and appreciation in children aged 5, 7, with no teeth,” Epstein and Joker’s (2007)
and 9. He asked participants to state the account suggests that this serves as a type of
humorous aspects of a statement, resolve the motivating operation that strengthens certain
incongruency, and rate the degree of funniness covert verbal or perceptual responses
on a Likert-type scale. The results suggested (e.g., imagining a grizzly bear without teeth or
that comprehension of such riddles and jokes the words toothless or gums). Michael
increased with age, but appreciation may be et al. (2011) suggests that it contains thematic
specific to a particular age range. variables related to the critical response, which
McGhee (2002) later proposed six increasingly is the element of the joke that will come to be
complex stages of humor development, with affected by multiple sources of control for the
the final stage including these types of riddles listener, and this will have a practical effect on
and jokes. Although useful, this description did the listener’s response. Stewart et al.’s (2001)
not identify the specific skills involved or account adds that the set-up of a joke initially
directly address ways to remedy deficits in forms a complete and coherent relational net-
humor comprehension. Given the social impor- work that would evoke particular responses on
tance of humor, this seems a worthwhile target the part of the listener (again, relating to the
for behavior-analytic intervention. features of a bear with no teeth).
Skinner (1957) laid the groundwork for a The other common feature of these behavior
conceptual analysis of humor by focusing on analytic accounts is that the set-up seems insuf-
the variables that influenced the behavior of the ficient to evoke any particular or meaningful
speaker as the joke teller, and that led to a response on the part of the listener, but that
humor response on the part of the listener. He supplemental stimulation is required. The
also noted that these humor responses, punchline provides that stimulation. In our
although often seen as subjective in nature, example, “What do you call a bear with no
could also be measured objectively (p. 285). teeth,” the punchline “A gummy bear” would
Skinner (1957, p. 285) pointed out that a provide supplementary stimulation that,
verbal response may be funny for several rea- according to Epstein and Joker (2007), would
sons, including that it describes an amusing further strengthen the two meanings of the
event or that it is awkward, unexpected, or term “gummy” as having no teeth and as a type
weak in terms of the sources of control. Much of candy. For Michael et al. (2011), “gummy”
of the subsequent work focused on various would be the critical response as it is the source
accounts of the weak sources of control and the of multiple control, and it is thematically
unexpected outcome, drawing on the role of related to having no teeth (from the set-up of
convergent or divergent multiple control (vari- the joke). The competing, often covert,
ables coming together to produce a particular responses of the listener to the various sources
response or a given variable affecting multiple of control result in a humorous effect. From
responses), supplementary sources of stimula- the perspective of Stewart et al. (2001), the
tion, thematic variables, and audience control additional stimulation provided by the
(Epstein & Joker, 2007; Michael et al., 2011; punchline causes the complete, meaningful,
Stewart et al., 2001). and coherent relational network of the set-up
All of these accounts have, with differing ter- to collapse initially into incoherence. New rela-
minology, described the initial set-up of a joke tions and networks that presumably include all
provided by a speaker as serving some type of new forms of multiple control are formed in an
evocative function for the listener. For example, unexpected and humorous way. Finally, the
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Teaching Humor Comprehension 1097

extent of the humor response, or how funny a the study of humor. There have, however, been
joke is to the listener, depends primarily on the a small number of studies demonstrating suc-
speaker and listener’s shared history with all rel- cessful behavioral interventions for other forms
evant forms of control (Skinner, 1957, p. 240). of nonliteral language. The interventions were
Michael et al. add that the degree of humor composed of multiple exemplar training, lead-
depends on the contextual fit of the additional ing questions, and visual aids to teach children
source of stimulation. If the secondary source with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to
of control is introduced only in an attempt at understand metaphors (Persicke et al., 2012),
humor, it is unlikely to be funny, but if the to detect and respond to sarcasm (Persicke
secondary source of control is strong in the et al., 2013), and to identify deceptive state-
context and does not exert control over the lis- ments (Ranick et al., 2013). These studies sug-
tener’s response until the punchline, it is likely gest that a similar intervention may be used to
to be regarded as funnier. Epstein and Joker teach children to understand simple forms of
elaborate further on the temporal aspect of the humor, given the common role of multiple and
supplementary stimulation provided by the thematic control in the conceptual analyses of
speaker in the punchline and suggest that mul- these repertoires. Given the social importance
tiple sources affecting the listener too early dur- and widespread health benefits of humor, such
ing the set-up or too long after the punchline a procedure may be useful for teaching humor
do not evoke a humor response. That is, if the comprehension to individuals who have diffi-
multiple meanings or sources of strength in the culty understanding this form of nonliteral lan-
critical response are too obvious to the listener guage, such as those with ASD (Emerich
before the punchline is delivered, it fails to be et al., 2003; Samson & Hegenloh, 2010). To
funny. Similarly, if the multiple meanings or take a systematic approach, it may be beneficial
sources of strength are not evoked sufficiently by to evaluate the effectiveness of such an inter-
the punchline and need further explanation or vention to improve both humor comprehen-
the latency to their effect is too long, it fails to be sion and appreciation in neurotypical children
funny. In addition, Dymond and Ferguson (2007) before evaluating this with children on the
demonstrated the transfer of humorous functions autism spectrum.
across equivalence classes, suggesting that stimuli The purpose of the current study was to
can acquire derived functions that may set the assess the effectiveness of an intervention to
occasion for a humor response in the presence of teach comprehension of double-meaning jokes
relevant stimuli. to neurotypical children who did not yet dem-
Overall, these behavior analytic accounts onstrate this skill. We also assessed humor
seem to agree that a joke’s set-up can serve as appreciation throughout the study to evaluate
a motivating operation, discriminative stimu- the effect of comprehension on the perceived
lus, and contextual cue to evoke the relevant funniness of the joke.
listener responses to the multiple control and
thematic relations established by the supple-
mentary stimulation of the punchline. Given a
shared history between the speaker and lis- Participants and Setting
tener and appropriate timing, the listener is Four neurotypical children participated in
likely to laugh at the joke, often reinforcing this study. Specific information on each partici-
the behavior of the speaker telling the joke. pant’s age, setting, and relation to the peer con-
Despite these conceptual accounts, behavior federate is provided in Table 1. All participants
analysis has made little empirical progress in were between 5 and 7 years old. This age range
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1098 Marianne L. Jackson et al.

Table 1

Participant Demographics

Participant Gender Age Setting Confederate

Phil Male 5 years, 1 month Home Sibling
Mitch Male 5 years, 3 months Preschool Novel
Gloria Female 6 years, 5 months Home Sibling
Hailey Female 5 years, 4 months Preschool Novel

was selected because prior research suggests that 30 min, with breaks available as needed, and
this represents the pre-riddle stage of humor participants required between 15 and 22 ses-
development (McGhee, 2002), meaning they sions to complete all phases of the study.
would not yet fully understand double-meaning
humor. By parent report, participants had no
language, communication, or social delays or Materials
disorders and had no history of disruptive Experimenters compiled 76 double-meaning
behavior that would interfere with experimental exemplars (jokes) and 76 nonexemplars (literal
sessions. Parents of all participants completed statements) from online sources (Kid Jokes, n.
informed consent, and participants agreed to an d.; Ward, 2018). Nonexemplars were included
assent statement that was read aloud to them to examine differential responding
before the start of the study. (i.e., participants did not just learn to laugh
In addition, three neurotypical children and report that everything was funny). Draw-
between the ages of 7 and 11 years old partici- ings were created to depict the double meaning
pated in the study as peer confederates. Two of of each joke, and these were used as the visual
the participants, Gloria and Phil, were familiar aid in the last of a three-step prompting proce-
with their confederates, whereas two of the par- dure. A content knowledge assessment was con-
ticipants, Mitch and Hailey, were not. Peer ducted before the start of baseline sessions to
confederates spoke in full sentences composed ensure that participants were familiar with both
of five or more words and were able to follow meanings of the target in each joke. Through-
directions provided by the experimenters out the study, each participant was only
throughout sessions. Parents of peer confeder- exposed to jokes for which they demonstrated
ates provided informed consent, and peer con- the necessary content knowledge. Table 2 pro-
federates stated that they understood and vides examples of double-meaning jokes, the
agreed to an assent statement that the experi- corresponding content knowledge questions,
menter read to them before beginning the the three levels of prompts, and nonexemplars.
study. For all participants and peer confeder- Each participant was exposed to a mean of
ates, participation was voluntary, and they 51.2 jokes (range 48-57) throughout the study.
could withdraw from the study at any time. All jokes were novel in baseline and were not
Assessments and experimental sessions repeated within this phase, although these jokes
occurred in the home setting for two partici- could be used again during intervention and
pants and a preschool classroom for the other follow-up if needed. During intervention and
two participants. In each environment, experi- follow-up, jokes were only repeated if experi-
menters minimized distractions as much as pos- menters had used all the jokes allocated for
sible. Session duration was between 20 to these phases. No joke was used more than three
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Teaching Humor Comprehension 1099

Table 2

Sample Exemplars, Content Knowledge Questions, Prompts, and a Nonexemplar

Exemplars and Content Knowledge

Nonexemplars Questions Leading Question Specific Question Visual Aid
Q: Why was 6 What number comes after 7 What are two What number comes
afraid of 7? and before 9? meanings of the after 7 and before 9?
A: Because 7 ate 9 What does it mean to say that word ate/eight*? What does it mean to
I ate chips? say “yesterday I ate”

Q: What do you What kind of candy is a What are two What might you say
call a bear with gummy? different meanings about something with
no teeth? What is the pink part of your of gummy? no teeth?
A: A gummy bear! mouth that your teeth What’s a type of candy
grow out of? bear you eat?

Q: What sound N/A N/A N/A N/A

does a dog
A: Woof woof
didn’t say both as they are homonyms.

times with a mean use of 2.1 times throughout responses that only identify one meaning of the
the study. Twenty-five novel jokes were double meaning word. Lastly, a score of 1 was
retained for each participant’s postprobe ses- given for responses that repeated the joke, did
sions to ensure sufficient novelty, and these not identify any targets of the incoherency or
were randomly selected by the experimenter. double meaning, or for no relevant response.
Nonexemplars were arranged in the same For nonexemplars, a score of 4 was given
manner. for responses that identified the nonexemplars
as not funny and provided a correct explana-
Dependent Variables and Interobserver tion that included both points in the literal
Agreement statement and stated it made sense. A score of
The primary dependent variable in this study 3 was given for responses that identified non-
was humor comprehension, and humor appre- exemplars as not funny but did not provide a
ciation was measured as a secondary dependent correct explanation or provided an explanation
variable. Humor comprehension was measured that only referenced one point of the literal
using a four-point system, similar to the one statement. A score of 2 was given for responses
used by McGhee (1971). For exemplars, a that identified nonexemplars as funny and
score of 4 was given for responses that identi- offered no further explanation that referenced
fied the word that composed the double mean- the targets in the literal statement. Lastly, a
ing, stated the two meanings, and explicitly score of 1 was given for responses that identi-
related them. A score of 3 was given for fied the nonexemplars as funny and attempted
responses that identified the word that com- an explanation of why it was funny that
posed the double meaning and stated the two included the points of the literal statement.
meanings but did not explicitly state how the Humor appreciation was assessed by the par-
words were related. A score of 2 was given for ticipants’ latency to smile or laugh and by the
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1100 Marianne L. Jackson et al.

Figure 1
Rating Scale with Emojis Representing Differing Levels of Humor Appreciation

Note. These were scored from 0 (not funny) to 3 (very funny).

score they indicated on a Likert-type emoji agreements if they were within 0.3 s of each
scale. A smile was defined as an upward curva- other. Across participants, mean IOA was
ture of the edges of the lips, with or without 99.4% (range: 98.7%-100%) for the compre-
the display of teeth, and without vocal sound. hension measure, 95.4% (range: 91.8%-
A laugh was defined similarly but with a repeti- 98.3%) for latency to smile or laugh, and
tive vocal sound. A timer was started at the end 100% for the funniness rating scale.
of the delivery of the exemplar or nonexemplar
and stopped when the participants displayed a
smile or laughed or after 10 s had elapsed. A Independent Variable and Integrity
Likert-type emoji scale was used to measure Measures
participant reports of the extent to which they The independent variable in this study was
found a statement to be funny (Figure 1). Each multiple exemplar training with a three-step
emoji was accompanied by a textual description prompting hierarchy composed of a leading
of not funny, a little funny, funny, or very funny question, a specific question, and a visual aid
and assigned a number for data collection pur- (see Table 2 for examples). This intervention
poses (ranging from 0 for not funny to 3 for very was selected as it had been successful in teach-
funny). Nonexemplars were included to ensure ing other forms of nonliteral language
that participants were differentially responding to (e.g., Persicke et al., 2012). Experimenters
jokes and nonjokes and not learning to laugh at delivered verbal praise immediately following
any statements presented by the researcher. In the correct identification of the double meaning
typical humor responses, a short latency to smile within a joke and initiated the prompting hier-
or laugh often correlates with jokes rated as archy following an incorrect response. This
funny, and a longer latency or no smile or laugh began with a leading question and progressed
often correlates with ratings of not funny or less as needed until a correct response was evoked.
funny (Cunningham & Derks, 2005; Mireault If none of the prompts were successful, a full
et al., 2015). model of the correct response was provided,
Interobserver agreement (IOA) data were and participants were asked to imitate the
collected for 46% of trials, across all partici- response. No differential consequences were
pants and phases. Agreement was calculated by provided for appreciation measures (latency to
comparing the data of the primary data collec- smile/laugh or funniness ratings).
tor with that of a second data collector on a
trial-by-trial basis and dividing the number of Experimenter Training and Procedural
total agreements by the number of agreements Integrity
plus disagreements, multiplied by 100. For All experimenters and data collectors were
latency measures, responses were marked as trained using a behavioral skills training
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Teaching Humor Comprehension 1101

package (BST; Miltenberger, 2012, of multiple exemplar training on humor com-

pp. 217-234) until they reached 90% accuracy prehension. The intervention was implemented
across two consecutive sessions. Experimenters after three to seven baseline sessions and subse-
were provided with a checklist of implementation quent phases implemented based on perfor-
steps to reference when needed during sessions mance on humor comprehension. Posttraining
and a written list of exemplars and nonexemplars phases assessed generalization to novel exem-
for each session. The same checklist was used for plars and nonexemplars in the absence of
data collection on procedural integrity, with programmed reinforcement, and follow-up pro-
26 items that included the ordering and presenta- bes evaluated the extent to which this
tion of exemplars and nonexemplars, use of maintained over time. For both humor appreci-
timers, rating scales, and scoring rubrics, delivery ation measures (latency and rating), data were
of programmed reinforcers, and implementation also examined for the degree of differentiation
of the three-step prompting hierarchy. The mean in responding to exemplars and nonexemplars
procedural integrity across participants and phases across all baseline, posttraining, and follow-up
was 98.9% (range 90-100%). One noticeable probes.
failure of procedural integrity occurred for Phil
during his first posttraining probes when the
experimenter delivered four nonexemplars instead Procedures
of five, making his possible score out of 16 and All assessments and intervention sessions
not 20. began with 10 min of a preferred activity with
the experimenter or peer. No instructions were
Peer Confederate Training given, and the experimenter or peer interacted
Peer confederates were trained to deliver freely throughout this time. Participants were
exemplars and nonexemplars using BST, and informed that the activity was over, assisted in
their training focused on accurately repeating clearing away any materials, and directed to sit
the joke or literal statement provided, pausing at the table with the experimenter or peer con-
briefly before the punchline or answer to the federate. Peers provided the exemplars and
question, and using a varied intonation in nonexemplars during all baseline, postprobe,
delivering the punchline of exemplars or a lack and follow-up sessions. The experimenters
of varied intonation for nonexemplars. Training implemented all procedures in the intervention
continued until peers delivered exemplars and sessions.
nonexemplars at 90% accuracy across two prac-
tice sessions. In addition, peers practiced each Assessments
joke and literal statement with the experi- At the beginning of the study, all partici-
menter prior to each session and were provided pants were asked about their favorite toys, char-
with feedback and another opportunity to acters, movies, etc. Their answers were used to
rehearse if needed. During initial training and identify tangible items that would be preferred
presession rehearsals, correct aspects of delivery and may function as reinforcers for appropriate
were praised, and feedback was provided as session behaviors. These included small toys,
needed for missing or incorrect components. stickers, and books that were placed in the prize
box and delivered at the end of each session,
regardless of the accuracy of participants’
Experimental Design responses.
A nonconcurrent multiple-baseline-design Participants completed a content knowledge
across participants was used to assess the effects assessment prior to any baseline sessions. This
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1102 Marianne L. Jackson et al.

assessment was designed by the experimenters same type occurring consecutively. After the
to assess participants’ knowledge of the various experimenter or peer confederate had delivered
meanings of the homonym in each double- the punchline or literal statement, the experi-
meaning joke (see Table 2 for examples). Ques- menter started a timer to measure latency to
tions were semirandomly ordered to ensure that smile or laugh. After the participant smiled or
content questions for the same joke did not laughed, or 10 s had elapsed, the experimenter
appear together. Throughout the study, partici- presented the emoji scale (Figure 1) and asked
pants were only exposed to exemplars for which the participant to rate how funny it was. The
they had demonstrated the necessary content experimenter then asked the participant why it
knowledge (i.e., they could respond to all rele- was funny or not funny (based on their previ-
vant meanings of the homonym in the exem- ous response), waited 5 s for the participant to
plar). The assessment was conducted initiate a response, and scored this on the
individually and included approximately respective scale for comprehension. Across five
165 questions, with two to three questions per exemplars and five nonexemplars, this allowed
joke. Participants had 5 s to respond to each for a total comprehension score of 20 for each
question, and all responses were followed by session. A mastery criterion for humor compre-
brief, nonspecific praise (e.g., “thanks,” “ok,” hension was set at 15 out of 20 over three con-
“you’re sitting so well”), regardless of accuracy. secutive sessions for exemplars and nonexemplars.
Sessions did not last longer than 30 min and For exemplars, a score of 15 or greater indicated
breaks were interspersed as needed. that participants had identified the double mean-
ing within the joke on most trials and may also
General Session Procedures have explicitly related the two. Scores of 14 or
All participants and peers sat at a table, and below indicated that, on some trials, participants
the experimenter said, “You are going to hear failed to identify the two meanings or relate
things that are funny because they are jokes, them. For nonexemplars, a score of 15 or above
and things that are not funny because they are indicated that, on most trials, participants could
not jokes.” This was followed by instructions identify that the literal statements were not jokes
on what a joke was and what it was not and and could explain why.
interspersed with questions about what was said
to ensure that children were attending to the Joke Telling Probes
instruction and could repeat it. These were as Although joke telling was not directly taught
follows: in the intervention, it was assessed to see if the
comprehension intervention produced any
A joke usually has one word that can mean
changes in joke-telling. During the first session
two different things. How many things
of baseline and posttraining phases, the peer
can one word mean? When one word
means two different things, that sometimes confederates asked the participant, “Can you
makes a joke funny. What makes a joke tell me a funny joke?” Participants were given
funny? Something is not a joke when what 10 s to initiate a response and had three oppor-
you say only means one thing, and it tunities throughout the session. All responses
makes sense. When is something not were recorded verbatim. Data were also col-
a joke? lected on the peer’s latency to smile or laugh
and the peer’s rating of funniness on the emoji
Prior to all sessions, the experimenter scale. Peers could respond freely, and the exper-
quasirandomly ordered five exemplars and five imenter provided no feedback during these
nonexemplars, with no more than two of the probes.
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Teaching Humor Comprehension 1103

Baseline/Posttraining Probe Sessions the visual depiction to explain the double-

All subsequent baseline and posttraining meaning and why it was funny.
probe sessions began with the description of During comprehension measures for non-
exemplars and nonexemplars, and the peer then exemplars, correct responses identifying that
delivered five novel exemplars and five novel the statement was not a joke were followed by
nonexemplars in a semirandomized order, using praise. Incorrect responses that attempted to
the written reminders as needed. Appreciation identify a humorous double-meaning were
and comprehension measures were taken after followed by corrective feedback, informing par-
each presentation, and then the next trial ticipants that the statements were not jokes,
began. The experimenter did not provide feed- and the next trial began. At the end of each ses-
back during any of the baseline or posttraining sion, participants were praised for completing
probe sessions. All exemplars and nonexemplars the session and provided with the opportunity
used during baseline and posttraining probe to pick an item from the prize box.
sessions were novel to the participant, and no Once participants met the mastery criterion
repetitions were used. of 15 out of 20 across a minimum of three
consecutive sessions for exemplars and non-
Intervention (Multiple Exemplar Training) exemplars, they moved on to posttraining pro-
Sessions were conducted similarly to the bes. These were conducted as described and
probe sessions described above, with the excep- only included novel jokes to assess generaliza-
tion that specific praise followed correct tion across exemplars in the absence of
responses, and a three-step prompt hierarchy programmed reinforcement (praise).
followed incorrect responses. Following the
delivery of an exemplar, appreciation measures Follow-up Sessions
were collected. The experimenter then asked Follow-up sessions were conducted 2 weeks
the comprehension question, “tell me why it’s after the last posttraining probe session to assess
funny” or “tell me why it’s not funny” if they the maintenance of any intervention effects.
had indicated that it was not. A correct They were conducted similarly to baseline and
response that stated both meanings of the hom- posttraining sessions with the exception that
onym in the joke and explicitly related them both novel and previously used exemplars and
was followed by verbal praise, and the trial nonexemplars were included, and participants
ended. Responses that did not identify both were not asked to tell jokes. If participants
meanings or did not explicitly relate the two failed to maintain a score of 15 out of 20 during
meanings were followed by one of three the maintenance session, intervention sessions
increasing prompt levels, and the exemplar was were reimplemented until they met the mastery
re-presented at each level to allow the partici- criterion again, and then a second postprobe or
pant to respond independently. If they did not maintenance check was conducted.
respond independently, the next level of the
prompt hierarchy was presented. Prompting on
any given trial began with a leading question,
followed by a specific question, and then a Comprehension Measures
visual prompt (examples can be seen in Figure 2 shows the humor comprehension
Table 2). If the participant still did not respond scores for all participants across baseline, post-
correctly after the visual prompt, the experi- training, and follow-up phases. All participants
menter provided the correct answer and used showed relatively low and stable scores during
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1104 Marianne L. Jackson et al.

baseline, scoring less than 10 points across five Figure 2

exemplars (four points available for each), Comprehension Measures Across Baseline, Posttraining, and
meaning that none of the participants was con- Follow-up Sessions
sistently able to identify the double meaning or Baseline training Follow-up
explicitly relate the two meanings across exem- 20

plars. Participants either stated one meaning of

the double meaning word but did not identify
the second meaning or source of humor (scor-
ing 2 for that exemplar) or gave some other 14/16
response that referenced or repeated the joke 5
but was irrelevant to the source of humor (scor- Exemplars Phil
ing 1 for that exemplar). Two participants, Phil 0
and Gloria, scored relatively high on the non- Follow-up II
exemplars in baseline, with scores ranging from
14 to 18 out of 20, indicating that they were 15
able to identify many of the nonexemplars as
not funny. The other two participants, Mitch 10
and Hailey, scored lower in baseline for non-
Comprehension Scores

exemplars, with scores ranging from 5 to 5

13, suggesting that they were only able to iden- Mitch
tify a few nonexemplars as not funny. 0
Following multiple exemplar training with 20
experimenters, all participants met the mastery
criterion of 15 or greater out of 20 points 15
across at least three consecutive sessions on
novel exemplars and nonexemplars. The num- 10
ber of intervention sessions required for each
participant to meet mastery is shown in 5

Table 3. Overall, this required a mean of 9.75 Gloria

sessions (range, 6 to 13), and all participants
continued to meet this criterion during post- 20 II
training probes with novel exemplars and non-
exemplars, showing generalization to new 15
stimuli and to peers. When assessed for mainte-
nance 2 weeks later, two of the participants, 10

Phil and Gloria, continued to demonstrate

mastery, whereas the other two participants,
Mitch and Hailey, required a second interven- 0
tion phase with four and seven sessions, respec- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
tively. It should be noted that Mitch and Sessions
Hailey were exposed to an extended number of Note. Follow-up probes contained some repetition of exem-
sessions during the second intervention phase plars (closed) and nonexemplars (open) and are denoted by
to increase the likelihood of maintenance but squares. The dashed line indicates the mastery level.
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Teaching Humor Comprehension 1105

Table 3 dependent variable), they also showed differen-

Number of Multiple Exemplar Training (MET) Sessions to tiated responding to exemplars and non-
Meet and Maintain Mastery exemplars on both appreciation measures.
More specifically, all participants demonstrated
Participant MET MET II shorter latencies to laugh or smile for exemplars
Phil 9 N/A than nonexemplars and higher ratings of funni-
Mitch 11 4 ness for exemplars than nonexemplars; how-
Gloria 13 N/A
Hailey 6 7 ever, there were some notable variations across
phases and participants, and these tended to
vary with the level of comprehension, particu-
met the initial mastery criterion with three and larly for sessions in which participants’
five sessions, respectively. Mitch completed a responding dropped below the mastery crite-
final posttraining probe and maintenance check rion (session 7 for Mitch and session 10 for
one month later and demonstrated mastery. Hailey).
Hailey completed three posttraining probe ses-
sions without a maintenance session as she
moved out of state and was not available for Joke-Telling Probes
follow-up sessions. She met the mastery crite- During initial baseline probes and post-
rion on all posttraining probe sessions. training probes, peer confederates asked partici-
pants to tell them a joke. They were given
three opportunities to do so, and these were
Appreciation Measures scored using the peer’s rating of funniness and
Figure 3 shows the humor appreciation data latency to smile or laugh to allow for some
for latency to smile or laugh and the ratings of degree of age-appropriate humor (i.e., what the
funniness. Differentiation between the data for adult experimenter finds funny may be differ-
exemplars and nonexemplars, with shorter ent from what the similarly aged peer finds
latencies and higher ratings for exemplars than funny). Joke-telling was not directly taught at
nonexemplars, would indicate that participants any time during the intervention. Two partici-
found exemplars funnier than nonexemplars. In pants showed improvements in joke-telling,
baseline, all participants showed either over- one appeared to worsen, and one stayed the
lapping and undifferentiated latencies across same. More specifically, Gloria increased from
exemplars and nonexemplars or increasing one to three jokes rated as funny and Hailey
latencies for exemplars. Gloria did show differ- from no jokes to one joke rated as funny by
entiated responding with shorter latencies to peers. Phil told three jokes rated as funny in
smile or laugh for exemplars than nonexemplars baseline sessions and one joke that was not
but with an increasing trend on both. Phil, rated as funny in the posttraining session.
Mitch, and Hailey all had overlapping baselines Mitch did not attempt to tell any jokes in base-
on this measure. Correspondingly, all partici- line or posttraining sessions. Anecdotal reports
pants showed overlapping ratings of funniness from parents and participants suggest that some
across exemplars and nonexemplars, except for successful jokes were memorized and recalled
Gloria, who showed some differentiation with accurately, although the degree of comprehen-
exemplars rated as slightly funnier than non- sion was not directly assessed. Overall, it seems
exemplars, but with a decreasing trend. that the intervention to teach humor compre-
Once participants had met the mastery crite- hension did not result in a consistent improve-
rion for comprehension (the primary ment in joke-telling skills.
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1106 Marianne L. Jackson et al.

Figure 3
Appreciation Measures Across Baseline, Posttraining, and Follow-up Sessions
Post- Post-
Baseline Follow-up
10 training 3 Baseline training Follow-up
7 2
2 Phil
1 Phil

Follow-up II Follow-up II
10 3
8 Nonexemplars
7 2
4 1
Mean Latency (s)

0 Mitch
1 Mitch

10 3
8 Exemplars
7 2
4 1
2 Gloria
Gloria 0
1 Exemplars Nonexemplars

Post-training Post-training II
10 II 3
7 2
4 1
2 Hailey
1 Hailey 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sessions Sessions
Note. Follow-up probes contained some repetition of exemplars (closed) and nonexemplars (open) and are denoted by
squares. Ratings of funniness (right) were scored from 0 (not funny) to 3 (very funny).
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Teaching Humor Comprehension 1107

Social Validity Although humor comprehension was the

Parents of 3 out of 4 of the participants main focus of the intervention, measures of
completed a social validity survey at the start humor appreciation were also important. More
and end of the study. Hailey’s parent was specifically, this addressed the concern that
unavailable to complete the social validity sur- explicit teaching of humor comprehension may
vey at the end. At the beginning and end of detract from the humorous effect itself (i.e., it
the study, all parents agreed or strongly agreed is a common experience that a joke that
that humor was a common and important part requires a detailed explanation, although under-
of children’s interactions and that it could facil- stood, is not very funny). Although all partici-
itate social relationships. At the end of the pants showed greater differentiation in
study, they also agreed or strongly agreed that appreciation measures after meeting the mas-
their child enjoyed being a part of the study, tery criterion for humor comprehension, there
that they saw changes in their child’s under- were variations across participants that are wor-
standing and appreciation of humor, that these thy of further discussion.
procedures should be used to teach other forms During intervention and follow-up sessions,
of humor and nonliteral language, and that Phil often rated repeated exemplars as less
they were happy their child participated in the funny and showed longer latencies to laugh or
study. smile. During these trials he even told the
Participants also completed a social validity experimenter, “I’ve already heard that one.”
survey that was read aloud to them before and Mitch generally demonstrated longer latencies
after the study (again, Hailey was unavailable to smile and laugh than other participants. This
for the survey at the end of the study). At the often occurred because he responded to com-
start of the study, three participants reported prehension questions immediately after the
that jokes were an important part of being with punchline of the joke, even though these ques-
friends and that they understood jokes. At the tions were not asked until the 10-s interval had
end of the study, participants said that they elapsed, and then he smiled or laughed. Both
enjoyed being part of the study and that they Mitch and Hailey demonstrated longer laten-
understood the jokes better by the end of the cies to smile or laugh during the first follow-up
study. session when they both dropped below the
mastery criterion for humor comprehension.
Hailey also provided lower ratings of funniness
Discussion for exemplars during this session. This is inter-
All participants demonstrated humor com- esting and seems to be consistent with the pre-
prehension for double-meaning jokes, following mise that humor comprehension is an
the intervention, and generally showed humor important component of humor appreciation.
appreciation measures in line with their com- Overall, Gloria showed clear and consistent
prehension. While all participants demon- patterns of differential responding in her appre-
strated mastery with novel exemplars in the ciation measures following the intervention.
posttraining probe sessions, two of the partici- These idiosyncratic aspects of humor appre-
pants (Mitch and Hailey) dropped below the ciation suggest that several variables may
mastery criterion in follow-up and required an impact these measures. Appreciation may have
additional intervention phase. Three of the four been amenable to social contingencies, and
participants then demonstrated continued com- future research could investigate alternative
prehension and appreciation (the fourth partici- measures of humor appreciation that differ
pant was unavailable for follow-up). across humor types and contexts. Another issue
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1108 Marianne L. Jackson et al.

that seemed to affect appreciation was the repe- participants throughout the study and beyond.
tition of jokes during intervention and follow- This may have enhanced the effectiveness of
up sessions. This was done in an as-needed the intervention and maintenance of the
manner, and future studies may want to more effects.
systematically evaluate the effects of repeated There are several limitations to this study
presentations of exemplars. that warrant further discussion. The design of
There was also some variation in responses this study was a nonconcurrent multiple-baseline
to joke-telling probes across participants. design, and the intervention was staggered
Although joke-telling was not directly taught across participants based on the number of
during the study, three of the participants did baseline points and stability, not the perfor-
attempt to tell jokes in baseline and postraining mance of the previous participant. Future stud-
sessions and many of them were successful ies may further strengthen the demonstration
(i.e., their peer rated the jokes as funny). Anec- of experimental control by considering these
dotal reports suggest that they had memorized issues.
and practiced these jokes prior to the sessions. It may also be necessary to refine some aspects
Although most people asked to tell a joke of the methodology. For example, the criterion
would retell a joke they had been told by some- for mastery was two consecutive sessions with a
one else previously, humor comprehension minimum score of 15 out of 20, meaning it was
measures taken in baseline and errors made in possible to meet this without identifying the dou-
delivery suggest that either the participants did ble meaning of some exemplars (e.g., scoring
not understand why the jokes they told were 4, 4, 4, 1, 2 in which the double meaning is not
funny or that they understood these specific identified for the last two exemplars). Although a
exemplars but could not apply this to novel review of the data suggests this was not a substan-
exemplars. Future studies could ask participants tial problem for participants, future studies may
why the jokes they told were funny, and this wish to use a criterion that requires a score of
may provide greater insight into the degree of 3 or more on all exemplars and nonexemplars. In
comprehension of jokes told by participants addition, the rule statement given to participants
during baseline and posttraining sessions. It described a joke as funny when one word has
may also be helpful to investigate ways to pro- two meanings, and stated that something is not a
mote the emergence of joke-telling from humor joke when it only means one thing, and it makes
comprehension or vice versa, perhaps by using sense. This is a simplified description of a joke
more exemplars of joke-telling throughout the and specifically applies to the type of jokes used
study or by teaching both in an interspersed in this study. Furthermore, the intervention
format, similar to multiple exemplar instruction teaches participants to make sense of the joke, so
(LaFrance & Tarbox, 2019). this may need to be refined in future studies.
It is also worth noting that the study was A further limitation of this study is that no
conducted in a preschool setting for Mitch and measure was taken of humor comprehension or
Hailey, who both required a second interven- joke-telling in a more relaxed and typical social
tion phase, and in the home setting for Phil environment. The inclusion of playtime at the
and Gloria, who showed generalization and start of each session and peers in the baseline,
maintenance after the first intervention phase. posttraining, and follow-up sessions, were
Moreover, Phil and Gloria’s confederate peer intended to reduce possible reactivity. How-
was their older sibling. Anecdotal reports sug- ever, the situation itself was still quite con-
gest that parents and siblings of the home- trived. In future studies, it may be useful to
based participants shared more jokes with the include other age-appropriate, fun activities
19383703, 2021, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jaba.838 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [26/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Teaching Humor Comprehension 1109

that promote laughter and silliness with peers prompt, this could lead to a type of prompt
and maybe even include caregivers or other dependence (i.e., the image may be more rein-
familiar adults in place of the experimenter. In forcing than the correct independent response).
addition, there were no measures of humor It may be useful to look for alternative ways to
comprehension over more extended periods, teach children to understand the humorous
nor were there measures of participant prefer- nature of the double meaning contained within
ence for the exemplars or the peers who deliv- the joke. One option may be to teach children
ered them. These measures may be important to visualize a humorous combination of the
to the broader implications of such an interven- two meanings in a manner similar to Kisamore
tion. Future research may be further informed et al. (2011). Kisamore et al. taught preschool
by a descriptive study that provides some nor- children to use visual imagining to solve catego-
mative data on the occurrence of double- rization problems, and results suggest that this
meaning jokes among relevant age-groups. strategy may be most effective when used in
This study was conducted with children who combination with rule statements about when
were younger than the age at which comprehen- to use it. A strategy of visual imagining may
sion of double-meaning jokes should emerge, not only eliminate the need to create drawings
according to the existing literature. This interven- for each exemplar but may also reduce the pos-
tion may be useful for teaching humor compre- sibility of prompt dependence while moving
hension to individuals who have consistent closer to a real-life experience of what happens
difficulty with humor comprehension, specifically when we understand double-meaning jokes.
with double-meaning jokes. For example, research Finally, a similar protocol may be helpful to
has suggested that some individuals with ASD teach children to understand other types of
may exhibit lower levels of humor comprehension jokes (e.g., knock-knock jokes or riddles). It
than their neurotypical peers (e.g., Emerich may allow for a behavior analytic account of
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et al., 2002). Implementation of the intervention everyday life and social interactions, this could
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