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Lesson Plan in Math

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:

 Familiarize pupils with the less than and greater than, equal symbols.
 Identify numbers either greater than, less than or equal symbols.
 Compare greater than less than, equal symbols correctly.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Comparing Numbers
References: Empowering preschooler through mathematics ( page 70 -78)
Materials: Flashcards ,Video Internet
Value Infused:

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

 Preliminary Activities

Good morning pupils! Good morning teacher!

How are you today class? Is everything We’re good teacher. Thank you for
good? asking.

A. Prayer
Okay Class. Now let us pray... Yes, teacher.

Yes, teacher.
B. Motivation

Class, let’s have our ice breaker before we Yes, teacher

start our lesson. (MR. ALLIGATOR )

Isn’t nice class? Yes teacher.

Today, our topic is all about “

comparing numbers

Class, I have a question for you if I have 2

chicken here and 6 cats which is greater?


How about lesser number? A cat teacher

Oh very good!

a chicken teacher
Very good!

Students will give their answers.


We need to know comparing numbers

Okay! Look at the picture I have

Set A

Set B

How many balls are in set A? There are 8 balls teacher.

How many vases in set B? There are 8 vases teacher.

Okay! Since there are 8 members of

elements in every Set A Set B.
We can say that they are equal. We use the
symbol =.

Now look at the other sets. Compare the

numbers of their elements.

Set C

Set D

Okay! Class listen Yes, teacher.

How many umbrellas in set C? There are 3 umbrella in set C teacher.

Good! How about the spoon in set D? There are 6 spoons in set D teacher.

Which set has more elements set C or set Set D teacher

Set D has more elements because it has? 6 elements
While set C has 3. We say set D has more
elements than set C because 6 is greater
than 3.
So who wants to write it on the board? (Pupils will write on the board 3< 6)

We can say set C has less elements than set

D because 3 is less than 6.

So who wants to write it on the board? (Pupils will write on the board 3 > 6)

Okay class. Have you learned something?

How do you define greater than and less Pupils will give the answer
Very good!


Read the set of numbers Loud and Clear

1. 35>15
2. 14>12
3. 21>20
4. 21<12
5. 12<10 pupils will read it loud
6. 9<8
7. 18=18
8. 22=`22
9. 25=25
10. 100=100


Okay children!
 This symbol use > means greater
than. It is used when the first
number is greater than the second
 This symbols < means less than. it
is used when the first number is
lesser than the second number .
 This symbols = means equal. It is
used when both number are the
same in quantity or number.

I hope you learn a lot from our lesson

today. Yes, ma’am. We learned a lot

IV. Evaluation
Count the items in each set and compare them using >, < or = .
Write >,< OR = on the line to compare the numbers

6. 29 __92 9. 65__65

7. 45 __23 10. 39__92

8. 39__49

V. Assignment write it on your math notebook

Copy and write YES or NO.
1. Is 69 equal to 69?
2. Is 28 greater than 26?
3. Is 42 greater than 34?
4. Is 97 lesser than 99?
5. Is 68 lesser than 86?
6. Is 18 greater than 10?
7. Is 31 equal to 13?
8. Is 57 equal to 57?
9. Is 41 lesser than 41?
10. Is 8 greater than 5?

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