Uis W The TUSANAMI - Class 8 Notes

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I. Vocabulary:

1.archipelago – a group of many islands and the surrounding sea

2. recede – move back from where it was

3. traumatised – greatly shocked and distressed

4. refuge – shelter or protection from danger

5. tremor – a slight shake

II. Give One Word:

1. A laugh or cry in a wild excited way, without any control over oneself – hysterical
2. Complete disorder or confusion – chaos

III. Frame a sentence:

1. recede –

IV.Read the extract and answer the following questions:

a. Almas Javed was ten years old. She was a student of Carmel Convent in Port Blair where
her father had a petrol pump. Her mother Rahila’s home was in Nancowry island. The
family had gone there to celebrate Christmas.
1.Who was Almas Javed?
Almas Javed was a ten-year-old student of Carmel Convent in Port Blair.
2. What was the profession of her father?
Javed’s father owned a petrol pump.
3. Where had Javed’s family gone and why?
Javed’s family had gone to Andaman and Nicobar to celebrate Christmas.
V. Answer the following questions:
1. Who was Sanjeev? What happened when he heard about the tsunami?
Ans: Sanjeev was a policeman who was serving in Katchall Island. Sanjeev managed to
save himself and his family from the tsunami. But as soon as he heard their cook’s wife
crying for help, he went back to rescue her and a wave swept them away.

2. What signs do Penny Smith and her daughter Tilly notice about the Tsunami?
Ans: Penny Smith noticed that the seawater was boiling and the beach was getting smaller
and smaller. No one knew what was happening. Tilly noticed something was unusual about
the seawater. She saw a rise in its water level and that it started foaming, bubbling, and
forming whirlpools.

3. What behaviour of animal shows that they already get to know about disaster?
Elephants screamed and ran for higher ground, dogs refused to go outdoors, flamingoes
abandoned their low-lying breeding areas and zoo animals rushed into their shelter.
These behaviours tell us about their secret power.
4. How was the Sri Lankan gentleman saved by his two dogs?

Answer: The story of the Sri Lankan gentleman shows that his dogs perhaps by their
sixth sense saved his life. The Sri Lankan gentleman living on the coast near Galle said
that his two dogs refused to go for their daily run on the beach. They were usually
excited to go on this outing. But on that day, they refused to go and most probably saved
his life.


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