C1 Introduction

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Faculty of Information Technology

Chapter 1. Introduction
(Digital Image Processing)
PGS.TS. Hoàng Văn Dũng
Email: dunghv@hcmute.edu.vn
1 Introduction to image processing

2 Concepts

3 Image processing stages

4 Components of image processing

5 Introduction to OpenCV
6 Exercises

ISLab- Intelligent Systems Laboratory 2

• Digital image processing (DIP) is a method to perform some operations on
an image, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful
information from image.
• It is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and output may
be image or characteristics/ features associated with that image.
• Image processing is among rapidly growing technologies.
• It forms core research area within engineering and computer science
disciplines too.

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• Image processing basically includes the following three steps:
– Importing the image via image acquisition tools;
– Analyzing and manipulating the image;
– Output in which result can be altered image or report that is based on image

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• There are two types of methods:
– Analogue image processing
– Digital image processing
• Digital image processing techniques help in manipulation of the digital
images by using computers.
• The three general phases that all types of data have to undergo while using
digital technique are
• Preprocessing
• Enhancement image
• Display, information extraction.

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Application of DIP
• Image sharpening and restoration
• Automatic inspection, e.g. manufacturing applications
• Assisting humans, e.g., species identification system
• Controlling processes, e.g., industrial robot
• Detecting events, e.g., surveillance or people counting
• Interaction, e.g., as input to a device for CHI
• Modeling objects, e.g., medical image analysis
• Navigation, e.g., autonomous vehicle, mobile robot
• Organizing information, e.g., indexing databases of images.
• ………….

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History of DIP
Early 1920s: One of the first applications of digital imaging was in the news-
paper industry
– The Bartlane cable picture transmission service
– Images were transferred by submarine cable between London and New York
– Pictures were coded for cable transfer and reconstructed at the receiving end on
a telegraph printer

Early digital image

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History of DIP
Mid to late 1920s: Improvements to the
Bartlane system resulted in higher quality
– New reproduction processes based on
photographic techniques
Improved digital image
– Increased number of tones in reproduced

Early 15 tone digital

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History of DIP
1960s: Improvements in computing technology and the onset of the space
race led to a surge of work in digital image processing
– 1964: Computers used to
improve the quality of
images of the moon taken
by the Ranger 7 probe
– Such techniques were used
in other space missions
including the Apollo landings

A picture of the moon taken

by the Ranger 7 probe
minutes before landing

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History of DIP
1970s: Digital image processing
begins to be used in medical
– 1979: Sir Godfrey N. Hounsfield &
Prof. Allan M. Cormack share the
Nobel Prize in medicine for the
invention of tomography, the
technology behind Computerised
Axial Tomography (CAT) scans

Typical head slice CAT image

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History of DIP
1980s - Today: The use of digital image processing techniques has exploded
and they are now used for all kinds of tasks in all kinds of areas
– Image enhancement/restoration
– Artistic effects
– Medical visualisation
– Industrial inspection
– Law enforcement
– Human computer interfaces

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1 Introduction to image processing

2 Concepts

3 Image processing stages

4 Components of image processing

5 Introduction to OpenCV
6 Exercises

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Digital Images
• An image is a two-dimensional function f(x,y), where x and y are the spatial
(plane) coordinates, and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates (x,y) is
called the intensity of the image at that level.
• If x,y and the amplitude values of f are finite and discrete quantities, we call the
image a digital image. A digital image is composed of a finite number of
elements called pixels, each of which has a particular location and value.

1 pixel

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Digital Images
f(1,1) = 103 Pixel intensity value

Pixel location Consider the following

image (2724x2336
pixels) to be 2D function
rows or a matrix with rows
and columns

f(645:650,1323:1328) =
83 82 82 82 82 82 In 8-bit representation
82 82 82 81 81 81 Pixel intensity values
82 82 81 81 80 80 change between 0 (Black)
82 82 81 80 80 79
80 79 78 77 77 77 and 255 (White)
80 79 78 78 77 77

f(2724,2336) = 88

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Digital Images
Remember digitization implies that a digital image is an approximation
of a real scene

One pixel

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Digital Images
• Sources of Digital Images
– The principal source for the images is the electromagnetic
(EM) energy spectrum.

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Digital Images
• Gamma rays

Gamma-Ray imaging
A starburst galaxy
Gamma-Ray about 12 million
Imaging light-years away
Telescope Gamma-Ray Imaging
in nuclear medicine
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Digital Images
• X- ray images Figure ad
Examples of b
X-ray imaging ce

(a) Chest X-ray.

(b) Aortic
(c) Head CT.
(d) Circuit boards.
(e) Cygnus Loop

X-ray images from the space

The Chandra X-Ray Observatory

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Digital Images
• Ultraviolet images

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Digital Images
• Visible light images R


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Digital Images
• Infrared images

infrared ("thermal") image Snake around the arm

Messier 51 in ultraviolet (GALEX), visible (DSS), and near

infrared (2MASS). Courtesy of James Fanson.

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Digital Images
Microwave images

Synthetic Aperture Radar


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Digital Images
• Radio wave images

MRI image slices from the brain

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Digital Images
Digital Images based on the EM Spectrum

An example showing Imaging in all of the bands

Visible light

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Digital Images
• Ultrasound imaging

Ultrasonic spectrum

Ultrasonic baby image Ultrasound image

during pragnancy acquisition device
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Digital Images
The continuum from image processing to computer vision
can be broken up into low- mid- and high-level processes

Low Level Process Mid Level Process High Level Process

Input: Image Input: Image Input: Attributes
Output: Image Output: Attributes Output: Understanding

Examples: Noise Examples: Object Examples: Scene

removal, image recognition, understanding,
sharpening segmentation autonomous navigation

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Summary: Digital Images
▪ We have looked at:
▪ What is a digital image?
▪ What is digital image processing?
▪ State of the art examples of digital image processing
▪ Image acquisition

▪ Next time we will start to see the key stages in digital image processing and talk
about interpolation

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1 Introduction to image processing

2 Concepts

3 Image processing stages

4 Components of image processing

5 Introduction to OpenCV
6 Exercises

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing

Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Image Object
Acquisition Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain
Colour Image Image
Processing Compression

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Image Aquisition
Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Object Recognition
Single Sensor

Representation &
Problem Domain Line

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Image Enhancement

Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Object Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Image Restoration

Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Image Object
Acquisition Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Morphological Processing

Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Image Object
Acquisition Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Segmentation

Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Image Object
Acquisition Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Object Recognition
Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Acquisition Object
Problem Domain
Representation &

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Representation & Description

Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Image Object
Acquisition Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Image Compression
Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Image Object
Acquisition Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain
Colour Image Image
Processing Compression

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Key Stages in Digital Image Processing
• Colour Image Processing

Image Morphological
Restoration Processing


Object Recognition

Representation &
Problem Domain
Colour Image Image
Processing Compression

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1 Introduction to image processing

2 Concepts

3 Image processing stages

4 Components of image processing

5 Introduction to OpenCV
6 Exercises

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Components of IP systems
• Components of a
image processing

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Components of IP systems
• Acquire digital images:
– (1) Physical sensor responds to the energy radiated by the object we wish to image;
– (2) Digitizer is a device for converting the output of the sensing device into digital form.
• Specialized image processing hardware:
– Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), that performs arithmetic and logical operations in
parallel on entire images
• The computer: is a general computer and can range from a PC to a

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Components of IP systems
• Software: consists of specialized modules that perform specific tasks.
• Mass storage is a must in image processing applications.
• Image displays in use today are mainly color, flat screen monitors.
• Hardcopy devices for recording images include laser printers, film
cameras, digital units …..
• Networking, cloud communication are almost default functions in computer
system in use today.

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1 Introduction to image processing

2 Concepts

3 Image processing stages

4 Components of image processing

5 Introduction to OpenCV
6 Exercises

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Introduction to OpenCV
• What Open Source Computer Vision
Library: http://opencv.org) is an open-source library that
includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithm

• Documents:
– https://docs.opencv.org
• https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d9/df8/tutorial_root.html
• https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d6/d00/tutorial_py_root.html
– https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/opencv-python-tutorial/

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Introduction to OpenCV
• OpenCV has a modular structure.
• The package includes several shared or static libraries.
• The following modules:
– Core functionality (core)
– Image Processing (imgproc)
– Video Analysis (video)
– Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction (calib3d).
– 2D Features Framework (features2d)
– Object Detection (objdetect)
– High-level GUI (highgui)
– Video I/O (videoio).

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Introduction to OpenCV
• Core functionality: Defines basic data structures, including the dense multi-
dimensional array Mat and basic functions used by all other modules.
• Image Processing: includes linear and non-linear image filtering, geometrical
image transformations (resize, affine and perspective warping, generic table-
based remapping), color space conversion, histograms, and so on.
• 2D Features Framework: Salient feature detectors, descriptors, and descriptor
• Object Detection: Detection of objects and instances of the predefined classes.
E.g. faces, eyes, mugs, people, cars,…..

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Introduction to OpenCV
• Video Analysis: Includes motion estimation, background subtraction, and object
tracking algorithms.
• Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction: Includes multiple-view geometry
algorithms, single- stereo camera calibration, object pose estimation, stereo
correspondence algorithms, and elements of 3D reconstruction.
• High-level GUI: Supports an easy-to-use interface to simple UI capabilities.
• Video I/O: Supports an easy-to-use interface to video capturing and video
• Some other modules FLANN and Google test wrappers, Python bindings, and

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Implement OpenCV

➢ OpenCV in Python

➢ OpenCV in C++

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OpenCV in Python
• Install Python
– Using Anaconda https://www.anaconda.com

• Install openCV
pip install opencv-python

• Install other (option)

pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib

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OpenCV in Python
• Using Spyder IDE

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• Implement GUI to show image folders

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• Take some landscape images and portrait images; store to *.jpg, .png files;
compare sizes of files.
• Install and configure to use OpenCV Python/C++

• Self learning OpenCV API https://docs.opencv.org

• Coding Python/C++ program read two image files and show on two
windows and same window.

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1. Collecting at least 10 images, then save to 3 following format PNG, BMP,
2. Programming using OpenCV in Python/C++
• Read image set and show each image on each window.
• Separate RGB image to 3 layers and show each layer on each window.
• Convert RGB image to grey and show it.
• Rotate an image in 50 times: In each step, rotated 15 degrees and zoom out
to 90% of its size and then show it on the same window.
• Read an image, then crop image with ¼ its size from image center and then
show it.

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Bài tập
For Vi only:
Câu 1. Thu thập tối thiểu 10 ảnh màu ngoại cảnh và ảnh chụp đồ vật. Mỗi ảnh lưu
theo 3 loại sau PNG, BMP, JPG.
Câu 2. Viết chương trình Python/C++:
• Đọc các file ảnh ở câu 1.
• Hiển thị ảnh màu;
• Hiển thị ảnh theo từng lớp R, G, B riêng lẻ.
• Chuyển ảnh màu thành ảnh grey và hiển thị chúng.
• Thực hiện lặp 50 lần xoay- mỗi lần 15 độ. Mỗi lần xoay giảm kích thước xuống
90% rồi hiển thị và dừng chờ 1 giây (hiện thị trên cùng cửa sổ, xóa trạng thái cũ, hiển
thị trạng thái mới).
• Trích ra ¼ ảnh với tâm vùng lấy là tâm của ảnh, sau đó hiển thị.

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Thanks for your attention!

Lập trình Xử lý ảnh với OpenCV & C++

OpenCV in C++
➢ Install VS Code (Visual Studio Code)
1. Install VS Code C/C++ extensions (ms-vscode.cpptools)

1. Open VS Code.
2. Click the Extensions view icon on the Sidebar (Ctrl+Shift+X).
3. Search of C++. After searching, you should find the extensions shown below:

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VS Code with OpenCV C++
2. Install C/C++ Compiler and Debugger
– In this part I choose Mingw-w64. Notice you should choose the following
setting when installing:

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VS Code with OpenCV C++
3. Download pre-built OpenCV package
• OpenCV-MinGW-Build: https://github.com/huihut/OpenCV-MinGW-


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VS Code with OpenCV C++
4. Add the Compiler Path and Pre-built OpenCV Packages to Path Variable
• For editing the Path variable, you can go Control
Panel > System > Advanced system settings. Then switch to "Advanced"
tab in System Properties window and click "Environment Variables"
button. At last, edit the Path variable
• E.g. C:\opencv\OpenCV-MinGW-Build-OpenCV-4.1.1-x64

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VS Code with OpenCV C++
5. Configure the .vscode files of your project.
• First, create a new project called opencvexample. Then copy and paste
the task.json, launch.json, and c_cpp_properties.json I created from this repo.
• task.json
This file tells VS Code to invoke the compiler to create an executable file based on the source
code. I have made some alterations of command and args:
• The command will invode the compiler. Here, I change the path to the MinGW compiler I
• The args will be passed to the compile command as compiler flags. You can see the program
will link with OpenCV libraries.
• As a thumb up rules, only include the libraries you are going to use, though I include all the
libraries of OpenCV.

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VS Code with OpenCV C++
• Example:
"command": "C:\\mingw-w64\\x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0\\mingw64\\bin\\g++.exe",...
"args": [

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VS Code with OpenCV C++
• launch.json
• The launch.json file will launch the GDB debugger
when you start to debug the program, and I change
some lines shown below:
"program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\mingw-w64\\x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",

• The program is the executable of this program.

• The miDebuggerPath find the executable of debugger,
and I alter to the GDB debugger I would like to use.

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VS Code with OpenCV C++
• c_cpp_properties.json
• The c_cpp_properties.json lets you have more control over the C/C++

• The includePath search the path that will include the libraries you want, and I
add the path of OpenCV.
• The compilerPath finds the path of compiler, so I set to the compiler I am going
to use.

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VS Code with OpenCV C++
6. Create Code, Compile It, and Run It
Create a file named main.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
std::cout << "aa" << std::endl;
std::string img = "lenna.jpg";
Mat srcImage = imread(img);
if (!srcImage.data) {
return 1;
imshow("srcImage", srcImage);
return 0;

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Introduction to OpenCV
API Concepts
• cv Namespace

#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
using namespace cv;
Mat H = findHomography(points1, points2, RANSAC, 5 );

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Introduction to OpenCV
• Automatic Memory Management
– OpenCV handles all the memory automatically.
– std::vector, cv::Mat, and other data structures used by the functions and
methods have destructors that deallocate the underlying memory buffers when
• Means that the destructors do not always deallocate the buffers as in case of Mat.
• They take into account possible data sharing.
• A destructor decrements the reference counter associated with the matrix data buffer.

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Introduction to OpenCV
• Automatic memory management

// create a big 8Mb matrix

Mat A(1000, 1000, CV_64F);
// create another header for the same matrix; this is an instant operation, regardless of the matrix size.
Mat B = A;
// create another header for the 3-rd row of A; no data is copied either
Mat C = B.row(3);
// now create a separate copy of the matrix
Mat D = B.clone();
// copy the 5-th row of B to C, that is, copy the 5-th row of A to the 3-rd row of A.
// now let A and D share the data; after that the modified version of A is still referenced by B and C.
A = D;
// now make B an empty matrix (which references no memory buffers), but the modified version of A will still be
referenced by C, despite that C is just a single row of the original A
// finally, make a full copy of C. As a result, the big modified matrix will be deallocated, since it is not referenced by
C = C.clone();

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Introduction to OpenCV
• Automatic allocation of the output data
– if a function has one or more input arrays (cv::Mat) and some output arrays,
the output arrays are automatically allocated or reallocated.
– The size and type of the output arrays are determined from the size and type of
input arrays.

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Introduction to OpenCV
• Automatic allocation of the output data
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
using namespace cv;
int main(int, char**)
VideoCapture cap(0);
if(!cap.isOpened()) return -1;
Mat frame, edges;
namedWindow("edges", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cap >> frame;
cvtColor(frame, edges, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
GaussianBlur(edges, edges, Size(7,7), 1.5, 1.5);
Canny(edges, edges, 0, 30, 3);
imshow("edges", edges);
if(waitKey(30) >= 0) break;
return 0;
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Introduction to OpenCV
• InputArray and OutputArray
– Many OpenCV functions process dense 2-dimensional or multi-dimensional
numerical arrays. Usually, such functions take cppMat as parameters, but in
some cases it's more convenient to use std::vector<> (for a point set, for
example) or cv::Matx<> (for 3x3 homography matrix and such).

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Introduction to OpenCV
• Fixed Pixel Types, Limited use of templates
– Templates is a great feature of C++ that enables implementation of very
powerful, efficient and yet safe data structures and algorithms.
– However, the extensive use of templates may dramatically increase compilation
time and code size; difficult to separate an interface and implementation when
templates are used exclusively.
– OpenCV implementation use of templates is limited

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Introduction to OpenCV
• There is a limited fixed set of primitive data types the library can operate on. Array elements
should have one of the following types:
– 8-bit unsigned integer (uchar)
– 8-bit signed integer (schar)
– 16-bit unsigned integer (ushort)
– 16-bit signed integer (short)
– 32-bit signed integer (int)
– 32-bit floating-point number (float)
– 64-bit floating-point number (double)
– a tuple of several elements where all elements have the same type as one of the above.
– Multi-channel arrays, whose elements are such tuples
– The single-channel arrays, whose elements are scalar values.
Max possible number of channels is defined CV_CN_MAX (=512).

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Introduction to OpenCV

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Introduction to OpenCV

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Introduction to OpenCV

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Introduction to OpenCV

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