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Knowledge Management System

Outlined Activities-
Followed by Instructions to use the matrix.

As part of our commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning and development, we are
embarking on a skillset mapping exercise designed to unlock the full potential of our team
members. This initiative is rooted in a series of carefully curated activities, each drawing on
principles from positive psychology, participatory engagement methods, visual and creative
learning techniques, and goal-setting theories. Together, these activities form a comprehensive
approach to understanding and leveraging the diverse strengths within our team.
Kicking off with the Strengths Collage, we invite each team member to identify and visually
represent their unique strengths. This creative process not only allows for a deep personal
reflection but also fosters a collective appreciation for the varied talents within our team. By
assembling these collages, we draw on positive psychology's emphasis on the power of focusing
on strengths to boost engagement and productivity. The visual nature of this activity taps into
dual coding theory, enhancing comprehension and retention through both verbal and visual
Following this, our Learning Journey Maps activity provides a platform for individuals to
chart their professional growth and development paths. This exercise embodies the principles of
participatory action research, engaging team members in a reflective process that highlights their
learning milestones and future aspirations. By mapping out their journeys, participants engage
with their experiences in a visual and tangible manner, fostering a deeper understanding of their
personal and professional evolution.
The Future Role Vision Boards then take this reflective process a step further, encouraging
team members to envision their future roles and career trajectories. This activity leverages visual
and creative techniques to facilitate goal setting and career planning, aligning with constructivist
learning theories that view learning as an active, constructive process. Through the creation of
vision boards, team members articulate their aspirations and envisage their potential, aligning
their personal goals with the broader organizational vision.
Concluding our exercise with the Action Plan Post-Its, we translate the insights and
aspirations uncovered through the previous activities into actionable steps. This process is guided
by the goal-setting theory, which highlights the importance of specific, challenging goals in
enhancing motivation and performance. By identifying actionable steps and committing to them
on post-its, team members set forth on a clear path towards personal and professional
development, supported by the collective strength and vision of the entire team.
This narrative seamlessly integrates the individual activities of our skillset mapping exercise into
a cohesive whole. Each step builds upon the last, creating a comprehensive framework that not
only aligns with academic research and proven frameworks but also caters to the unique
strengths and aspirations of our team members. Through this engaging and participatory process,
we aim to foster a culture of growth, collaboration, and continuous learning within our
This matrix will serve as a tool to visualize strengths, learning journeys, future aspirations, and
actionable steps, enabling a structured approach to personal and organizational development.

Instructions for use of the matrix:

1. Department Identification:
• Start by identifying the specific department or team the matrix is being used for.
This helps in tailoring the matrix to the unique skill requirements and staff
composition of that department.
2. Staff and Skills Inventory:
• Enter the total number of staff members in the designated row. This provides a
snapshot of the human resources available.
• List all relevant skills or competences required or possessed within the
department in the row allocated for the total number of skills/competences.
3. Skill Level Assignment:
• For each skill listed, assign a skill level to each team member based on a
predefined scale (e.g., 0 for Awareness, 1 for Novice, 2 for Professional). This
could involve self-assessment, peer review, or manager evaluation.
• Utilize the color codes to visually represent these skill levels in the matrix,
enhancing readability and quick assessment of competences across the team.
4. Gap Analysis:
• Analyze the matrix to identify skill gaps within the team, noting where there are
insufficient levels of proficiency in critical areas.
• Use this analysis to prioritize training and development efforts, focusing on areas
with the most significant gaps.
5. Development Planning:
• Based on the gap analysis, develop individualized or team-wide training plans
aimed at elevating skill levels in identified areas.
• Schedule regular review sessions to update the matrix based on progress and any
changes in skill requirements.
6. Review and Update:
• The skillset matrix should be a living document, reviewed and updated regularly
to reflect changes in staff competencies, departmental needs, and organizational
• Encourage continuous feedback and reassessment to keep the matrix accurate and
Additional Tips:
• Engagement: Engage team members in the process of filling out and updating the matrix
to ensure accuracy and buy-in for personal development plans.
• Confidentiality: Handle skill level assessments sensitively, ensuring that the process is
constructive and supportive, rather than punitive.
• Integration: Consider integrating the skillset matrix with other HR and development
tools, such as performance management systems, to create a cohesive approach to talent
This matrix can serve as a powerful tool for visualizing team competencies, planning
development activities, and strategically managing talent within departments.
Implementing the Matrix
• Digital Tools: Consider using a digital platform (e.g., Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, or
a project management tool) to create and maintain the matrix. This allows for easy
sharing, updating, and collaboration among team members and managers.
• Visualization: For team-wide insights, consider creating visual representations (e.g.,
charts, graphs) based on the matrix data. This can help in identifying overall strengths,
common learning interests, and collective aspirations, facilitating strategic planning and
team building.
• Confidentiality and Sensitivity: Ensure that personal development information is
handled with confidentiality and sensitivity. Share and discuss personal data only with the
consent of the concerned team member.
This functional matrix is a dynamic framework for fostering growth, alignment, and engagement
within our team. By systematically capturing and acting on the insights from our skillset
mapping exercise, we can create a supportive environment that encourages continuous learning
and development.

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