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Social Studies Summative Study Guide

Ancient Rome (625 B.C.E. - 476 C.E.)

Early Development

How was Rome founded?

Mythical answer: Romulus and Remus were raised by a she-wolf, Lupa, and grew
up to become powerful generals. It is said Romulus killed Remus
during a dispute and became the first king of Rome.
Real answer: The Latins were a group who inhabited the Palatine hill in Italy,
which would eventually become Rome. They were influenced by
the Etruscans and the Greeks to create their own cultural identity.
With time, they became a powerful civilization.

How did the Etruscans influence the Romans?

- Engineering techniques like the arch and the cuniculus.

- Dangerous sports like gladiator fighting and chariot racing.

How did the Greeks influence the Romans?

- Architecture techniques like the use of marble and concrete.

- Writing: alphabets and the carving in walls and columns for public view.
- Art: technique and style in pottery, painting, sculpture and monuments.
- Mythology: Greek gods and goddesses were taken with different names and

The Rise of the Republic

616 B.C.E. 509 B.C.E. 494 B.C.E 451 B.C.E 287 B.C.E.

1. Etruscan 2. Creation of 3. Conflict of 4. Tribunes of 5. Assemblies

kings had full the Roman the Orders the Plebians, of all

control of the Republic Council of the citizens

Roman Plebs and the

territories Twelve Tables

1. Etruscans ruled Rome (616 B.C.E - 509 B.C.E.)
a. Etruscan kings controlled Roman society, which was divided into two classes.
b. Patricians: the upper class made up of wealthy landowners.
c. Plebeians: the lower class, who comprised 95% of the population.

2. Patricians rebelled and created a Republic (509 B.C.E.)

a. Republic: a form of government in which leaders are elected to represent the
b. The power centered on the Senate to create laws and handle politics.
c. Two consuls were elected to command the army.
d. Only patricians could participate in law and politics.

3. The Plebeians rebelled in the Conflict of the Orders (494 B.C.E.)

a. Plebeians were unhappy with their lack of participation in politics while they
were forced to pay taxes and fight in the army.
b. They left the city and refused to go back until the patricians met their demands.

4. Plebeians gain political equality (451 B.C.E.)

a. Patricians had to give up some power as they allowed plebeians to participate
in politics.
b. Plebeians were able to elect officials, called the Tribunes of the Plebs.
c. Eventually, one consul had to be a plebeian.
d. Plebeians wanted laws to be written so patricians could not change them.

5. Political equality (287 B.C.E.)

a. Plebeians were finally able to pass laws for all Roman citizens.
b. Their numbers and participation in the Senate increased with time.
From Republic to Empire – The four periods of expansion

First period of expansion

-509 B.C.E. - 264 B.C.E.

-100 years of wars against the

Etruscans and other tribes.

-Constant invasions
and conflicts led to Rome having a huge
and powerful army.
-Rome took
over the entire Italian Peninsula.

Second period of expansion

-264 B.C.E. - 146 B.C.E

-The Punic Wars against Carthage, a

city-state in Northern Africa.

-First Punic war: a naval war.

-Second Punic war: General Hannibal

invaded Rome through the Alps.

-Third Punic war: Rome invaded

Carthage and burned it down

-Rome too k over Sicily, Spain, northern Africa, and parts of Macedonia and Greece.
Third period of expansion

- 145 B.C.E. - 44 B.C.E.

- Many conquests and wars that made

the Republic unstable.

- General Julius Caesar

defeated Pompey and entered Rome to
declare himself dictator.

- In 44 C.E.,
Julius Caesar was murdered in the
Senate, which caused a civil war.

Fourth period of expansion

- 44B.C.E. - 117 C.E.

Octavian, Caesar Augustus’
grandnephew, had to defeat his enemy
to rule Rome.

- When he succeeded,
Octavian became Emperor Caesar
Augustus and the Roman Empire was
- The
Roman Empire expanded from Britain to the Red Sea in the Middle East.
- There was a period of 200
years of peace, called the Pax Romana.
Daily life

Rich people Poor people

Law and Order -They could accuse someone -They could accuse someone of a
of a crime. crime.
-Were treated more leniently -Received harsher punishments.
by the law. -Lived in dangerous
Police patrolled their neighborhoods.
Religion -Had festivities to the gods, -Had festivities to the gods,
participated in ceremonies participated in ceremonies and
and gave tributes. gave tributes.
Family life -Men became paterfamilias -Men became paterfamilias once
once their fathers died. their fathers died.
-Men worked and provided. -Both men and women had to work.
-Women were housewives.
Food and drink -Could go to the Thermopolia -Could go to the Thermopolia to
to buy food. buy food.
-Had more elaborate foods. -Had simpler diets.
Housing -Houses made of marble and -Tall apartment buildings made of
stone with kitchens. wood with no kitchens in them.
Education -Children studied with tutors -Many kids worked instead of
–Boys could remain in school learning.
for a long time. -People often learned trades.
-Girls could learn to be dentists,
tutors or midwives.
Recreation -People went to the Circus -People went to the Circus
Maximus to watch chariot Maximus to watch chariot races
races and to the Colosseum and to the Colosseum to watch
to watch gladiator fighting. gladiator fighting.
Country life -90% of the Empire’s people -90% of the Empire’s people lived
lived there. there.
-Owned villas they went to -Often worked in villas owned by
during the summer. the wealthy.
-Could own small farms.

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